Celebrities can be extremely smashing, but most of them are meteors, and their brilliance comes quickly and dissipates quickly, which is commonly known as the stalemate.

True great people can illuminate the age, with a melodious voice, even if they die, they will be remembered by the world, and their influence can span the age and run through the millennium.

Five years after Chen Feng "Death", in 2128, another group of people came to Hanzhou from all over the world and gathered in the former site of the Xingfeng Research Institute, which was abandoned due to relocation, and started to work together. Rebuild Xingfeng Research Institute.

These people are not small characters, most of them are talented people who have made achievements in various fields.

The purpose of their coming here is to rebuild the Xingfeng Research Institute.

At that time, these people only wanted to inherit Chen Feng’s will, learn from his courage to explore the never-stopping spirit, and at the same time learn that he seemed like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies, but in fact it was fearless and selfless. Great character.

Since then, the first, and possibly the last, pure public welfare research institute that uses love to generate electricity was born.

Here has become the Holy Land in the hearts of mad scientists.

One after another, pioneering achievements full of creativity were born in Xingfeng Research Institute, and became a ladder to promote the advancement of technology and productivity.

Since the research came out, these results have almost completely inherited Chen Feng’s fine tradition of free and open nine major technologies, and they are free for all mankind to use.

As for the operating cost of the Institute, it basically comes from donations from people and governments around the world.

As time goes on, some people in the Star Front Research Institute are aging and dying, some have to leave for various reasons, but more and more people with great ideals continue to come. Here, inherit the will of the martyrs.

The original motivation that supported these people was that they believed what Chen Feng Master said.

The traveler has been overwhelmed, and the crisis has hung above the human head like the sword of Damocles.

We must let go of our selfishness and do something.

It coincides with the world, but not everyone understands this group of people, even most people in the world think Chen Feng is alarmist.

This is too absurd, the universe is so big, we just launch two small flying vehicles at random, how could it be so unlucky for a powerful and malicious alien civilization to pick it up?

With this luck, can you win the 10 billion lottery ticket?

But among the eight billion human beings, if even one in a thousand believes in Chen Feng, there should be eight million people, which is enough.

No one would have imagined that this unprofitable research institute could last for a full thousand years, and will play a pulling strongly against in the next few major events concerning the survival of races. The key role of a crazy tide.

In the next three hundred years, everything Chen Feng left behind will affect human progress in every aspect.

His eyes return to another important tone that can penetrate history. Although Ouhe Group was "heavyly hit" by Chen Feng in 2035, the results are gratifying.

Ou Guohua, who lost its backing, was not knocked down by this heavy blow. Instead, he knew his shame and was brave, and once again burst into the second spring. Under his helm, the original Xingfeng Research Institute was perfectly merged into Europe. Wo Research Institute.

Since then, Ouhe Group’s R&D capabilities advanced by leaps and bounds, combined with the production line and global sales system obtained from Xingfeng Technology Group, Ouhe Group has renewed its historical brilliance. Even more dazzling.

In order to further expand the global market and consolidate the stability of the company, Ou Guohua made appropriate concessions and then attracted global capital, pulling many potentially hostile forces onto its own warship. After more than 30 years Two years after Chen Feng’s first launch of the Jinyiwei aircraft, Ouhe Group became a trillion-dollar giant.

There is another factor playing an important role.

Originally, Ou Guohua will not live beyond 2060.

In the past many timelines, Ou Guohua suffered from lung cancer several times between the ages of 70 and 80, or was severely aging by other diseases, and then had to abdicate to the virtuous and force Ou Junlang This prodigal gadget is on top.

This time, Ou Guohua also suffered from lung cancer, but the specific lung cancer targeted drug that Chen Feng invested in 2031 was successfully developed in 2037, and human lung cancer was overcome.

Ou Guohua immediately became one of the first privileged drug users after his illness, and was quickly cured with almost no repercussions.

So Ou Guohua could live until 2068, and he was still full of spirit and fighting spirit until he died at the age of 98.

He even... the white-haired person gave away the half-white-haired person.

Fatty Ou lost weight for a short period of time under Chen Feng’s high-intensity pressing, but then he couldn’t control his mouth and neglected to exercise. Fatty Ou became fat again and even became more textured, so that He left earlier than his old man, at the age of 71.

If you die fatty, there is no chance of doing harm to Ouhe Group.

The famous music singer who owns three popular platinum albums and the founder of postmodern folk songs-Fatty. When he passed away, more than a million fans prayed for him online, and no one scolded him as a waste It drags down the Ouhe Group and hinders the historical process.

Fatty Ou walked very peacefully, even with a calm smile.

Chen Feng until now's implementation of the main line strategy was a big win!

Ouhe Group continued to produce a variety of new technologies. It lasted until 2312, when it was completely broken into pieces due to changes in business strategies and disappeared in history, leaving a strong and colorful one in the history books. Pen.

The revolutionary technology brought by Ouhe Group this time is more than the sum of several timelines in the past, leaving dozens of times more social contributions than in the past.

The Xinxingfeng Research Institute, which was developed at the same time as Ouhe Group, has shown amazing explosive power.

This group of mad scientists gathered together burst out with terrifying academic enthusiasm, and they completely digested the "Madman's Conjecture Collection" as quickly as possible.

Then this group of madmen between lunatics and geniuses got together and collided with all kinds of sparks of inspiration, all kinds of fantastic ideas emerged endlessly, and turned into civilized technology turbocharged engines. .

In 2203, a hundred years later, on the centennial day of Jinyiwei 5’s lift-off, mankind once again launched the larger and more advanced Star Front 1 and went straight to the orbit of the Nether King Star. In addition, began to orbit the sun along the orbit. Although the Star Front 1 was designed as a large spaceship capable of manning people, it was still not manned, and contained a lot of animals and plants.

The purpose of this exploration is to further deepen the understanding of the deep space of the outer solar system, to serve as an outpost to collect information for the large colonization plan to actually go to other star systems, and to become a transit point for the next step. .

The plan is infinitely good, but...

In 2257, the ecological system on Xingfeng-1 was instantly wiped out by accidental gamma rays. The equipment was almost completely damaged and the inventory The spare replacement materials and supplies were almost completely wiped out, all the intelligent robots were down, the aircraft stopped operating, and became a pile of junk in space.

Humankind has regained the fear of the vast and unpredictable deep space of the universe, and realized more deeply that the plasma stream in the solar wind turned out to be Earth's other protector besides the atmosphere.

Human beings no longer arrogantly think that they can easily set foot in another star system, and begin to dormant, obediently and honestly first explore the resources inside the solar system, prepare to have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly.

In the same year, the first fire star base was completed, 130 years earlier than the year 2387 in the previous timeline.

In the past two hundred years, in 2480 AD, mankind has built a well-developed space transportation network, with footprints covering Mercury, Venus, Earth, fire star, as well as Io 1234 and Saturn Titan moons.

A total of eight large-scale bases have been built on fire star, with a total population of more than 70 million. The total population on the rest of the planets and moons ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

In the same year, Frankie, a genius scientist who had finally accomplished his studies in the Xingfeng Research Institute, started his performance.

Because of an "accident" in his private laboratory on Callisto, a large number of metals on Callisto have undergone chain changes, and the eddy currents of electrons in the metal structure are no longer lawful. It is completely random, but exhibits a certain pattern, which causes the entire satellite to begin to tremble with unstoppable subtle vibrations, and releases a specific frequency band that never stops.

His band is exactly "Morning Wind".

Frankie pretended to be innocent this time, only to show that it was a wonderful accident, but later in his memoirs, people saw him leave such a sentence.

"Morning Breeze is a great work created by Chen Feng Master who sacrificed half of his life and the happiness of Zhong Lei Master, and then runs through Ryan Academician's half life in his spare time. Paying such a huge price , Just to create a meaningless 90-minute weird audio? Impossible! Master Chen Feng must have his intentions, and I am the implementer of his will. I just want all mankind in the solar system to hear this song , It’s useless to cover your ears."

In short, although people were speechless about his behavior, they didn’t really do anything.

Anyway, Morrowind, which is almost cosmic background radiation, has no sound and will not cause disturbance to the people. It is too difficult to repair Callisto. The people living on it have no adverse reactions, so everyone just let it go. NS.

In fact, humanity’s technological level is already very high at this time. If someone had done this before, it would have been done long ago.

But it seems that Frankie is also a key figure, and he must wait until he is almost academically successful before he, a famous Chen Feng fan in history, will do this.

One year later, in 2481, after 224 years of dormancy, it exhausted the accumulation of mankind for 50 years and consumed massive resources to build the world’s unprecedented huge spacecraft, Xingfeng II, which broke away from Jupiter’s orbit and rushed to it. Towards Proxima Centauri 4.2 light years away.

The cone-shaped Star Front 2 is 3,752 meters long, 733 meters in diameter, and weighs 85 million tons.

86,927 people lived on Xingfeng II, and more than 33 million frozen genetic eggs were stored. This is the first expedition colonial advance team of mankind. .

As many as nine thousand three hundred high-energy particle engines can make it reach one-seventh the speed of light within three years, and keep it moving forward at this speed under the occlusion of the repulsive magnetic field shield.

The energy stored by Xingfeng 2 is enough for spaceship to travel at high speed in the universe for three thousand years.

If nothing happens, Xingfeng-2 will arrive at Proxima b in 40 years, and then make preliminary changes to the planet to establish the first colony outside the solar system.

Humanity once again launched a charge into the deep space of the universe with unprecedented courage and courage.

After the past years, I will not look back in this life.

At this time, people don’t know that the end is coming, but after completing the prerequisites, they still take this step resolutely, even if the road ahead is long, everything is unknown,

The infinite desire for exploration and knowledge engraved in the depths of human genes made these 86,000 volunteers seem to hear a voice in the universe calling themselves.

This is the instinct for the advancement of human civilization, rooted in the heart, and never dissipates.

These more than 86,000 volunteers are just like the first primordial in the Ancient Times who picked up a wooden stick to fight against the beast.

Just like the first primordial human who defeated the fear in his heart and rushed to the edge of the forest braving the raging fire to retrieve the sticks still vomiting flames.

After Chen Feng's continuous efforts, mankind finally took the 1st step out of the solar system 2500 years ago, but it was also the last step.

At the beginning of 2500, a medium-sized unmanned spaceship heading in another direction disappeared out of thin air at a position two light-years away from the solar system.

The solar barrier came again without warning.

In the next year, seven more aircraft and probes experienced the same situation.

The leaders of various countries are aware of this matter.

Humanity is locked up by an unknown civilization.

Chen Feng Master's worries and all sorts of puzzling behaviors were quickly answered.

The story behind the film "Compound-Eye Invader" that Chen Feng Master finally shot that caused his reputation to decline is true.

This is the warning he left to mankind five hundred years ago.

Although we did not listen, we still worked hard, but unfortunately we did not succeed.

The global political system began to evolve quickly and quietly, and the world government quickly sprouted.

All the processes seem familiar, but mankind has another hope.

Xingfeng 2 has already left the gravitational range of the sun, has traveled halfway, and is about to enter the gravitational range of Proxima Centauri.

If all goes well, even if the civilization here is destroyed, the seeds of Proxima Centauri can still take root and continue to hope.

But the bad news came quickly and suddenly.

In 2502, Xingfeng-2 had just entered the gravitational range of Proxima Centauri, and suddenly hit a piece of fist sized superheavy material without any photoelectromagnetic effect. The repulsive magnetic field shield had no effect, and the spaceship was instantly destroyed. Through it.

The terrifying energy leakage and radiation fluctuations instantly tore Xingfeng II to pieces.

Tens of thousands of space agencies around the world have witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

All the advance team sacrificed.

Hope is gone.

There is a dead silence in the space agency, absolute silence.

Scientists cry with their heads in their arms, and scold the universe for ruthlessness.

At that time, the leaders of various countries in the world were equally heartbroken, and they deeply realized that it is too difficult to navigate across star systems and that there are too many unknowns in the universe.

Even if the luck is overwhelmed for half of the flight, I haven’t encountered a gamma-ray sweep, but the small and fragile human beings are too helpless in the universe. Even a small accident will cause it to be unbearable. Hit hard.

This time I ran into something, and next time it might be an accidental radiation of unknown origin that immediately disappeared from the spaceship energy.

The challenge of getting out of the solar system is far more difficult than every confrontation between humans and nature.

The dark space of the universe seems peaceful, but there are endless murderous intentions hidden.

We lost after all.

The locked up humans re-enter the situation where Final Struggle is necessary.

The direction of the next thing is almost exactly the same as last time, but it seems to be different.

In the cold winter of 2519, S bacteria descended quietly as scheduled and began to spread secretly.

In the previous month, its development was the same as the last time. It evolves extremely fast, and its latent and infectiousness are unprecedented.

However, in the spring of 2520, Lai Wenming, a young scholar in the Star Front Research Institute, discovered the pathogen in advance.

He picked up the police whistle and blew the loud siren, the sirens rang across the sky.

At the beginning of 2520, Lai Wenming broke into the United Nations Conference Hall and presented a complete pathology report to the leaders of various countries who are holding final consultations to finalize the final framework of the world government.

Chen Feng’s important information hidden in The Madman’s Conjectures was activated on time on January 1, 2520, and appeared in front of the Xingfeng Research Institute and many scholars around the world who were reading this historical book.

Xingfeng Research Institute put up the report.

Although the leaders of various countries will be suspicious, but this time everyone would rather believe that they are untrustworthy, and they have begun to raise their guards.

Then medical workers and volunteer scholars from all over the world took action, frantically searching for the traces of S bacteria, and finally found it by Lai Wenming, who worked tirelessly around the world.

Lai Wenming quickly completed the analysis of the protein structure left by Chen Feng, and deduced the complete pathological process and the evolutionary trend of S bacteria, which were included in his report.

In the Conference Hall, the leadership stopped the consultations. After reading the report, all mankind was mobilized in an instant.

The war has started.

Earth global self-isolation.

The entire solar system is self-isolating.

Xingfeng Research Institute took the lead in producing the first-generation vaccine based on the protein structure left by Chen Feng.

Countless factories have been mobilized.

The atomic fine-tuning instrument, which has just been successfully developed, is fully fired.

Within five years, the first-generation vaccines have been fully popularized.

This is the first-generation vaccine derived from the protein structure written by Chen Feng five hundred years ago. Although it cannot completely prevent S bacteria with multiple mutations from entering the human body, it greatly improves the number of patients. The self-healing rate reduces the onset of symptoms and mortality, and at the same time makes the symptoms of the incubation period more obvious and less concealed.

At the same time, Lai Wenming constantly tried various methods in the P7 laboratory to frantically promote the active evolution of S bacteria. In 2528, he obtained the S bacteria ultimate toxin king strain and developed the second Generation of the ultimate vaccine, and passed clinical verification.

In 2529, after humans lost about 800 million people, the threat of S bacteria was completely eliminated.

At this time, S bacteria that have evolved purely in the external environment have only developed into the third generation, which is a long way from the ultimate poison king.

Although S bacteria has been impossible to drive it away since its arrival, and is destined to live forever, its threat to humans has disappeared.

After nine years of arduous struggle, the cause of human unity was put on hold for the time being and suffered a lot of damage. The development of technology and productivity has almost stagnated, but after all, it has been carried over, and the price paid is more than that. The timeline is also much smaller.

Chen Feng succeeded in making the invader's S bacteria "free".

But new problems have arisen.

The budding world government finally died out and failed to take shape.

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