It didn't take long for Song Siyu, the master of today, to return.

The girl is not tall, with cool short hair, her face looks a bit childish and she has a very clean feeling.

She also wears very simple round-frame glasses, and her dressing style is also very simple. She is not like Miss Song Family, a prominent family in Hanzhou, but like a young student from an ordinary family.

When Chen Feng first saw Daoist, he only felt that the other party looked more like Ou Qinglan than in the photo.

He wants to beat Fatty Ou again.

It's really a delicate flower on the rich cow dung.

"Master, this is Song Siyu. She also admires you very much."

Fatty Ou is holding Song Siyu's hand, happily introduced.

Chen Feng forbears jealousy, pretending to be deep nodded, "It's not bad, congratulations."

"Thank you Master!"

fatty not yet Song Siyu responded loudly in a crisp voice.

Fatty Ou is not polite, Song Siyu really admires Chen Feng, whether it is academic or artistic, Chen Feng can be called her double idol.

She is particularly interested in the concept of quantum programming proposed by Chen Feng. After seeing Chen Feng, she can’t walk. Master on the left and ask all sorts of questions on the teacher chirp chirp twitter twitter on the right, incarnation Became a hundred thousand why.

This girl looks quiet, but in fact she is also an active temperament, quite easy and familiar.

Chen Feng hasn't said anything yet, she has already learned how to assign Master's name to the Fatty Snake Club.

Before, Chen Feng wondered how these two people with such a big difference in their images got mixed together.

Now he understands, it's really not because people don't enter the house all the way, it's fate.

If it weren't for Fatty Ou who couldn't stand it and dragged people away, Song Siyu could stay here and chase Chen Feng and ask all night.

When she was separated, Song Siyu was still struggling to ask if she could go back to China and work directly at the Xingfeng Research Institute after she finished her PhD.

Chen Feng turned the matter off to Ryan, saying that he did not care about specific affairs in the institute.

After a long time, Fatty Ou walked back awkwardly while wiping his sweat, "Master sorry, my wife, she is so familiar with her, she has no manners, she reads too much. ”

Chen Feng said ill-humoredly: “It sounds like you’re unfamiliar. Do you read a lot?”

Fatty remembered to post Master The process seems to be birds of a feather with my wife.

"It's okay, I'm busy with you, today you are the protagonist, don't care about me."

I am all my own, but there is not so much red tape. Everyone sits and chats together, chats, sends some red envelopes, and gives some small gifts.

Chen Feng took Meng Xiaozhou and Ryan around, chatting with everyone about the past few days to stabilize the military.

Then he chatted casually with Chen Li, He Jiaqi and the others to maintain relationships.

As a result, he couldn't hold back the power of Mai Hui, a dead girl. When he came back to his senses, he realized that he had promised He Jiaqi to go out another song.

Master Chen felt overwhelmed, but he realized that Zheng Rou's comment on Mai Hui at the beginning, "It's very hot, the special meeting is coming."

Next to Chen Li and the others admire He Jiaqi's good destiny. There is an agent who is so good at communicating with Chen Feng. Others seem to be hard to compare heavenly ascension, but Mai Hui does it so smoothly.

Chen Li began to wonder whether he should also bring an assistant with Mai Hui style of common origins to a pin against an awl?

Qin Lu is thinking, whether she wants to change her style and take a more neutral route. Maybe there is hope for the monkey's plan.

Otherwise, the Boss is now seeing more and more Immortal Qi, and there is no hope if he doesn't work hard.

Then there is the banquet. The chefs in charge of the banquet come from the star-rated hotels of Ouhe Group.

Fatty Ou jumped up and down at the lively banquet, ecstatic, and drank a lot.

When the banquet was over, everyone was chatting again, and from time to time they went up to sing and dance. There are many Maiba who reproduce the original sound, which can be called the ultimate KTV in the world.

Chen Feng encouraged him to sing a song with Zhong Lei, Lu Wei and Qin Lu.

Although Chen Feng's voice is very average, his intonation is not black now. Under the leadership of professional singers, his level is still a little bit interesting.

He even sang two "new songs" which he promised to He Jiaqi and Chen Li respectively.

The creation of this scene exploded the atmosphere to the extreme, just like the demeanor of the king of the singer, almost passively debuted.

When the noise was almost the same, the time unconsciously went to past nine o'clock in the night.

Ou Junlang called everyone together and invited everyone to toast and celebrate.

Actually, Fatty drank a lot at noon, but it was all occasional wine. He was so happy tonight. He drank it when he met everyone. Now he is a little bit on his head, and he speaks with big tongues.

"Um, hiccup...Master and brother sisters, thank you. I am happy today, I am so happy! But I have something to say, others think I am rich. What an enviable life. But in fact, everyone knows me, Ou Junlang is actually a simple thief."

"I have nothing to ask for in my life. One is to sing, but to marry Song Siyu. I have been looking forward to it since I was five years old. Now I have achieved both of my dreams. Here I want to thank one person most, this person is my Master! Chen Feng Chen Master! I respect the Master first! Master, do it! You must have done this glass of wine!"

Fatty Ou really drank too much and dared to force Chen Feng's wine.

Chen Feng didn't blame him, he smiled and was bored.

With his current physique, no amount of alcohol is difficult.

After thanking Chen Feng, the fatty turned around and thanked Song Siyu again. I don’t know who ignited the fire and wanted the two of them to drink a cup of wine.

Fatty should be down.

But some people say that Song Siyu's hand is juice, not wine, so I don't count.

Chen Feng gave a chuckle in his heart, and was about to stop it, but the fatty, who was already so drunk that his tongue was knotted, refused to agree.

He cheered up and waved his hand very manly, "That's not good! My wife can't drink now!"

When he said this, fatty's hand was very gentle Placed on Song Siyu's lower abdomen, his face was filled with rays of light.

Song Siyu lowered his head shyly, looking at the big hand in the waist, quietly put down his left hand and gently put it on the back of Fatty Ou's hand.

She looked sideways at the fatty.

The two looked at each other, and their eyes were too sweet.

The lights are sprinkled on these two people, like a waterfall of light, and the romantic atmosphere is both unconventional and moving.

Meng Xiaozhou took the lead in arching the fire, "Kiss!"

Chen Li and the others followed in unison, and even Lu Wei entered the atmosphere and waved his hands straight. , Also shouted.

Everyone was laughing and envious.

Only two people were silent in the audience.

One is Chen Feng who stands quietly watching this scene, and the other is Zhong Lei who keeps his eyes on Chen Feng from beginning to end.

Chen Feng didn't want this. He also wanted to get into the atmosphere, but he couldn't.

His thinking is very divergent, such a picture reminds some things and many things.

He was jealous when everyone was immersed in joy.

He remembered his daughter who was struggling in the timeline again and again but couldn't be born.

Grandfather cared about this very much before leaving, but it fell through.

Even if grandfather switches topics quickly, Chen Feng still sees the loss in his eyes.

As for this life, Chen Feng knows very clearly that his genetic level is too high, and he and Zhong Lei are theoretically impossible to be born descendants.

Zhong Lei, born in the 21st century, does not have the gene arousal of the 31st century.

Even Tang Tianxin has almost reached the limit of 35%, and the future top commander whose brain structure is different from ordinary people has only one out of ten thousand shots.

Tang Tianxin will always be selected for tens of billions of large-scale matching in several timelines in the future.

In the 21st century, Zhong Lei and his impossible have results.

But it's good to be fatty. The fetuses in Song Siyu's belly will inherit from generation to generation, and there will inevitably be a descendant of shocking and stunning like Ou Qinglan.

Fatty is really good for life. Whether it's the posture of reincarnation, the posture of holding the thighs, or even the posture of giving birth to a baby, it is a must.

Fatty has a relaxed and comfortable life, carefree and free.

Even in the two timelines where he used to play Brexit, he didn't receive much criticism. Anyway, it seemed to work hard but he was actually heartless and happy for a lifetime.

After he gets his own "care", let alone, he can do what he likes, marry the person he likes, and get excellent descendants.

This is a perfect life.

But Chen Feng looks at himself, not to mention his childhood experience, now he already has cheat, and like fatty, he has inexhaustible money, and his social status is much higher than fatty. Cut off, but it's just unhappy to live.

Chen Feng knows where the problem is.

As long as a person's money can meet the basic requirements, in fact, whether a person lives happily has nothing to do with money, power, or status.

It's just that most people's claims happen to be money, power, status, and beauty, so the world mistakenly thinks that these can be satisfied.

But in fact, this concept is wrong in its origin.

Satisfaction is only related to whether the person can achieve the inner demands.

The simpler the appeal, the easier it is to reach the end of the dream.

Chen Feng's demands are too big and too difficult to satisfy, so his heart is always empty, like duckweed, and cannot be settled.

He secretly sighed and spread his hands on his own.

He whispered to himself: "So I really don't want to be a savior. If I am the same as I was, how nice it would be. Alas."

He was right. The status quo feels helpless, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Chen Feng can reverse the future, but he cannot reverse everything he has experienced in the 21st century and his changing mentality.

Zhong Lei quietly extended the hand and grabbed his sleeve.

Her fingers are hard, and her fingernails are a little whitish.

Lu Wei, who had been pretending to blend in with the crowd, fluttered his gaze here, but he took it back with a guilty conscience.

Lu Wei shouted with greater strength, "Kiss!"

Ou Junlang and Song Siyu finally kissed gently, dragonfly touches the water lightly, suitable for all ages .

Chen Feng turned away and walked to the pond on the other side.

Early summer night is not cold.

Today is the 30th day of the lunar calendar. There are no stars and moons in the sky, and it is dark and gray. Even the clouds can't be seen clearly.

Only the rays of light of the night light can be reflected in the lake.

Chen Feng took out his hands from his pockets and leaned on the railing by the lake, staring at the shadow in the lake in a daze.

"You have always had things in your mind, and your thoughts are not as simple as a nightmare."

Zhong Lei next to him said softly.

Chen Feng nodded, "Yes, you can see through."

"Why can't you say it? You should give us a little confidence, maybe we can help you share it."

Zhong Lei summoned his courage and said this sentence.

Chen Feng pondered for a long time.

For a moment, he almost let go.

If the person who asked him this sentence was not Zhong Lei, but Ryan, perhaps he would have said it immediately.

Zhong Lei's feelings for him are getting deeper and deeper, and he even wrote a sublimated version of "Sleepwalking Virgo" for him, but the more so, the more difficult it is for Chen Feng.

He tilted his head slightly to look at the woman with long hair who was still young at this time, raising his hands and feet, with a devastatingly beautiful smell, suddenly remembering his howling and crying at his late wedding in the last timeline .

He finally understood his state of mind at that time.

I owe her too much.

I lied to her for a lifetime.

The harder she worked and the better she did, the more I couldn’t get rid of the guilt.

If you want to be a life-long deceitful person, you need to tell a life-long lie. It is simple and too difficult.

Chen Feng even thought, perhaps only by becoming a real politician can he get used to this kind of life structured with lies.

He even wanted to call himself a fool.

Since you have done something shameless, why can't you face the reality frankly, put down unnecessary moral values, and be a good liar.

Anyway, even without me, she would die alone, right?

I at least gave her a sweet dream with a lie, didn't I?

Grandfather taught me the truth, let me live up to everyone who is good to me.

If I continue to lie, I should be considered good to her, right?


But isn’t it better to tell the truth?

Chen Feng is lost.

Zhong Lei doesn't know what Chen Feng is thinking, she just keenly perceives the loosening of Chen Feng's heart.

She decided to go further.

Zhong Lei suddenly grabbed Chen Feng's hand holding the railing, "Speak up, no matter what it is, is it okay to try to pack lightly from now on?"

Feel the palm of your hand Chen Feng was shocked by the temperature and delicate touch.

A terrifying idea popped up in his mind.

Do I really believe her once?

Explain a little bit more?

Try it?

Zhong Lei is not an ordinary person, maybe I should have more confidence in her ability and potential, and believe in her dedication to dreams?

Chen Feng began to wonder, maybe she would do better without the bondage of her own false love?

She doesn't need to wait in a lie, and she can deceive almost everyone in the world more comfortably.

Once this idea came up in his mind, it was out of control.

Things are always changing, and different strategies should be adopted at different stages.

Chen Feng could have continued to deceive Zhong Lei with peace of mind.

But as Zhong Lei gets deeper and deeper, although her talent is still there, her personality has undergone tremendous changes.

She became more and more considerate and applied her keen sense of music to Chen Feng.

When Chen Feng's status changes, she can immediately find out and act subconsciously.

In Chen Feng's view, she just gradually sinks, putting too much attention on herself.

After all, her thinking has gone into a misunderstanding.

Chen Feng thought that I should have awakened long ago. As she continued to explode, she even wrote "Sleepwalking Virgo" in advance. At that time, I should face reality.

She has accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly to a certain extent, and the stage of using false love to bind her is over.

I became her shackle instead.

I should put it down.

He breathes deeply and said: "Wait, I'll think about it first."

He was conceiving language.

Actually, he could have kept this matter in his pocketbook and waited for the "go" to do it.

If you find that you are doing something wrong, you can try and make mistakes.

But intuition and emotion are telling him, don’t seize every opportunity to live like a shameless thief, be more responsible, and take the responsibility of doing it yourself.

Don't kidnap Zhong Lei again, just now, return the true freedom to her and give her the right to choose.

Just like she trusts herself unconditionally, she should trust her unconditionally once, and believe she can still do it.

As Tang Tianxin said, I believe in my comrades.

For some things, staying behind is a lack of self-confidence.

If I want to win, I have to win thoroughly!

Do everything you can do well, gamble on the big ones, and bet that Zhong Lei, who has regained liberation, can burst out stronger rays of light.

"Zhong Lei."


"Have you ever wondered why I must use golden records as inspiration to create songs."

Zhong Lei: "You know, haven't you said that, you want to leave more things for this world. This song can change the times and make the good people better, I haven't seen it before A bigger dream than this."

Chen Feng nodded: "en. Is this your dream too?"

Zhong Lei said again: "Yes. I am very grateful to you It gave me a chance, and it gave me this inspiration. You know that I have always wanted to keep some more valuable works. This is my best opportunity. If it weren’t for you to come up with this idea and find Ryan to help us, I’m impossible Do it."

"I have gradually realized that, maybe the value of writing a lifetime song is not as good as this one. I think that my name will still be due to it after a thousand years Being remembered and praised, I am now shaking a little with excitement."

Looking at her expression of flamboyant expression when she spoke, Chen Feng remembered what she had said.

"What's the use of looking good, no matter how beautiful the skin is, there will be a day when the chest is drooping and the face is full of creases. Only when a person lives a lifetime, how many things that will never be outdated can be truly meaningful."

She has changed a lot, but she has never changed.

Chen Feng takes a deep breath and asks one more sentence, "Is it your own dream to complete it, or for me to complete it?"

He hopes to be the first answer, then he There will be no more worries.

Zhong Lei pondered for a few seconds, "Each half of it."

Chen Feng: "Huh?"

"I never wanted so much, but Naively believe that I can do it, and plan to try it for the rest of my life. I didn’t live in vain, and I deserved it. But you taught me a lot of things, and you also use you like a heavenly steed, The thinking of soaring across the skies thought of this way of creation, and then I would complete it. Therefore, in my dream, you and the music would have been divided into half."

Chen Feng froze.

Why don't your answers follow the routines?

Are you trying to kill my obsessive-compulsive disorder?

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