Lin Bu said in a serious tone: "You should respect your trials and all contestants. The highest SmartBrain invests huge amounts of computing resources and consumes huge amounts of energy in order to organize trials for you. "

"Two hundred and seventy million people spent nearly three days on your affairs. You have taken up a lot of social resources. Now you are making an unconvincing decision, which I personally cannot understand. You should choose at least one person besides Chen Feng! It doesn't matter if it's not me."

Tang Tianxin expressionlessly, "What if I just don't agree?"

Conference Hall The atmosphere suddenly froze.

Major General Tang is too tough!

It feels weird to look like her and not like her.

Everyone thinks about a problem from everyone’s perspective. Although Lin Bu’s words are not pleasant, it really makes sense in the context of the current era.

At this moment, the meeting clerk raised his hand to speak, breaking the embarrassing atmosphere in time.

"There is an urgent need for communication to apply for access, from the chief executive officer Na Weilun, chief scientist Dong Shan, and chief member of the production management committee Schroeder."

Lu Xianfeng frowned. Pick, "Allow access to communication."

The images of Na Weilun, Dong Shan and Schroeder appeared in the Conference Hall at the same time.

No need to greet, take Weilun straight to the point and say: "Life Academy has sent us an important message."

In the next second, a stereoscopic projection video is in the virtual conference. Played in the Hall.

In the picture, the vice president of the Institute of Life Sciences with his fists clenched his face flushed with excitement.

Emotionally excited, he faced the camera and tremblingly said: "The highest SmartBrain Fanxing has just automatically updated the national genetic information database, but only one person, Sergeant Chen Feng. Sergeant Chen Feng's The genetic information is exactly the same as that of the sage Chen Feng!"

In an instant, there were exclamations in the virtual Conference Hall.


"Exactly the same?"


"This is impossible!"


But everyone has high authority after all, and shocks come and go quickly.

After a few seconds, everyone was quiet again, and everyone's eyes turned to Dong Shan.

The academic leader is here, and there is no point in questioning, just look at what he says.

Dong old man laughed, "I was the same as you when I first learned about this. The first reaction was to question. So I let the Institute of Life Sciences form eight review teams as quickly as possible, with different A quick manual review of the method of verification and comparison. Now that the result confirmation is out, look at it."

The old man waved his hand, and eight demonstrative result judgments signed by different scholars appeared in the crowd. before.

There is a line marked in red and bold on each judgment.

"The coincidence ratio of the underlying genetic information: 100%."

Dong old man received the judgment letter and said: "Because of his appearance, Sergeant Chen Feng had done so many times before. Underwent genetic testing, but the error value between him and the philosopher Chen Feng exceeded 0.01%. They are completely different. We don’t know what happened. Now it’s 100% overlap. We can only speculate that this may be related to his arousal. Restart to improve."

"But increasing the arousal level will not change the underlying genetic information. This is not in line with the laws of the universe. It is impossible for the sixty trillion cells that make up his body to mutate at the same time."

"We still don't know what happened to him, but we must respect the objective facts. From a purely scientific point of view, the current sergeant Chen Feng can be said to be the sage Chen Feng!"

The Conference Hall fell silent again.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do.

Although there are no war heroes in the peace era, everyone in this room who can climb to their respective positions is not a simple character.

There is also a major event in the peaceful era. Everyone here has seen a lot of winds and waves, but at this time, they are still confused by the shocking news, their scalp is numb, and the whole body is getting goose bumps.

Long time later, Weilun opened the mouth and said, "I think we should organize a top-level meeting to discuss this matter immediately."

Lu Xianfeng: "I agree. "

Schroeder: "Second."

Naturally, Dong Shan has no reason to object.

The current top leaders of the four top-level structures made decisions at the same time, and how to deal with them next will be finalized at the meeting.

After a thousand years and the war is imminent, the sage Chen Feng reproduces the world in such an unimaginable way.

The mood of everyone is too complicated, and only an enlarged meeting can be practical.

Emotionally, the world, including everyone here, worshipped him for a whole thousand years.

Many people grew up inspired by the spirit of the sage Chen Feng.

Chen Feng is not only an ancient person, but also a great leader who has been preparing for war since a thousand years ago, leading civilization and striving for survival.

The statue he placed in the center of the major cities is the indelible spirit Totem in the hearts of most people in the world.

He struggled for a lifetime, unswervingly until death.

As his followers and descendants, the world will also struggle for life without regrets.

Countless people have even thought that if the sage Chen Feng could live for a thousand years and still lead everyone forward, that would be great.

Or maybe he didn't die in space back then, he chose to cryonics in his twilight years, and now he is lifted out, and then he just sits there and watches quietly.

It is a great honor to die on the battlefield even in his eyes.

Unfortunately, these are all impossible dreams.

Because reason is telling everyone that birth, aging, sickness and death are one of the most irreversible basic laws in the universe.

Even the sun is destined to go out someday, the Milky Way is destined to collapse someday, and the universe is destined to fall into complete coldness or heat death in the distant and endless future.

How did he escape?

Now Chen Feng's tombstone is still standing high on the outskirts of Hanzhou.

I am admired by several millions of people every day.

His spirit survives the world, but his life has long since ended.

This is a real fact.

How can a person come back from the dead?

Chen Feng, who was still in a coma, did not expect that when he was just an insignificant sergeant, the top-level structure of the entire civilization had held a supreme plenary meeting around him.

The direction of things is out of control.

In fact, when Fanxing decided that the genetic information of the "two Chen Fengs" must be coincident, Chen Feng basically gave up the idea of ​​taking the initiative to stand out.

This time I have raised my position too high in the history of civilization. I rashly implemented the "imposter" plan. If it fails, it is easy to suffer.

If you want to prove that you are yourself, you need the right time and place, but now you don’t have the objective conditions at all.

Seeing Fanxing's body again with Zhong Lei's hair on the top of his head and persuading Fanxing to read his own memory is the only feasible solution.

But this time the stars are different from the last time. They don’t use the Earth’s core superbrain as a body, but everywhere in the entire huge quantum network throughout the solar system.

Unless she condenses the data by herself and transforms the virtual data state into the physical state, she has no ontology at all.

But this is actually a very dangerous operation for quantum life.

Chen Feng really does not know how to persuade a quantum intelligence to take this unnecessary risk for her.

He once asked straightforwardly, but was simply rejected.

If he still regards his identity as his main direction of advancement, he is likely to waste a year in vain.

He might as well feel relieved to steadily increase his influence, goodbye to tricks, and take a look.

But if other agencies are exhausted, there will always be times when the calculation is missed.

Now the situation has changed drastically, and Master Chen in his sleep didn't expect this little detail.

What if it is not him who directly announces the genetic information, but Fanxing?

And only publish genetic information, don't mention who is who at all, and leave everything to others to spread the imagination on their own?

Fanxing has served mankind for two hundred years.

Everyone knows that Fanxing’s judgment must be fair and the conclusion must be conclusive.

Her reliable image is deeply rooted in people's hearts and cannot be shaken.

It is precisely because Fanxing personally announced the news that Dong Shan formed eight review research groups without the slightest hesitation.

Another eight rigorous review task groups produced comparative argumentation results as evidence, and the truth skipped the questioned stage as quickly as possible.

In an instant, this heavy news spread to the world's top government officials.

Even the lively trials have been overwhelmed.

Tang Tianxin's mind was buzzing even more.

No one is more complicated than her, there is no way to describe it.

I fell in love with Chen Feng at first sight?

Well, it’s really Chen Feng, but this Chen Feng is another Chen Feng?

A civilization leader a thousand years ago, a great sage?

So, does his attraction to me come from his character, that is, he, or is it just because his genes have a fatal temptation similar to the impulse to mate in the animal kingdom?

Child's mother was lost on the spot.

"General Tang, hurry up and switch the line, and the meeting will begin immediately."

Tang Tianxin was stunned for a long time, and Lieutenant General Ye Feng urged her to bring her back to reality, "Oh oh Oh, okay, I'll come right away."

Master Chen is still in a coma, but his breathing has become much more stable, and his brain has completely calmed down from the chaotic fighting state, and he no longer releases manic brain waves. Truly fell asleep.

When he was dreaming, an ultra-large-scale and ultra-high-end conference involving nearly two thousand people was being held in full swing.

Leaders from all walks of life each airs his own views.

First, we must figure out the situation and get a general judgment.

Is Chen Feng Chen Feng?

General knowledge is still unified, certainly not, this is not logical.

But occasionally the study of quantum theory has become magical, and people who have begun to believe in theology frantically scramble to say that the influence of quantum entanglement is not limited to space, but can even span time.

So this Chen Feng and that Chen Feng must have an inseparable and strong relationship. The bodies of the two are exactly the same, and their thinking must be highly related.

These people talk a lot.

To put it bluntly, the conclusion is that "people have past and present lives, Sergeant Chen Feng is the reincarnation of a sage".

Then this small group of Xiu Er was quickly kicked out of the Conference Hall, and was temporarily relieved of his post by the way and sent to receive psychological intervention.

If it is not cured, send it to the Lost City for brainwashing.

It's been thirty-first century, science and technology are so advanced, can you tell me about the past and present?

Why don't you go and fix a fairy crossing the tribulation, and then use your Nine Heavens Divine Lightning to break the solar system barrier?

How many golden cores have you knotted? So drunk?

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