The final accepted conclusion is basically the same as Fanxing.

The change in Chen Feng is a coincidence, the most incredible coincidence in history.

When cells in the human body divide, they are mutated all the time.

There will always be "mutant cells" in everyone's body.

The most significant mutation as everyone knows is the result of producing mutant cells similar to "cancer cells".

When cancer cells with immortal proliferation characteristics are produced, and after chance to avoid the attack of the immune system, after successfully multiplying, it becomes a cancer that ravaged the human world many years ago.

The changes in Chen Feng's body can only find this unreasonable "reasonable explanation".

He has a mutation, and dozens of trillions of cells in his body are moving in the same direction, and finally reached the level of 100% mirror image overlap with the sage Chen Feng.

Although the renewal time of different cells in different parts of the human body varies, it is not important.

It is very likely that Chen Feng's cells have begun to mutate towards becoming a sage.

Stem cells that are slower to replace are transformed slowly first, and then speed up a little bit, and finally reflected in the rapid iteration of subcutaneous tissue and red blood cells.

At some point last month, the quantitative change triggered a qualitative change, and all his body cells were quickly replaced.

Since then, his whole body has undergone a sudden change, and the underlying information that determines who he is has been perfectly "completed". He has completely "transformed" into another person, and then his arousal level has been smoothed once unimaginable. The function increases rapidly in a straight line.

His arousal rate is indeed very unusual. According to the current situation, he may even rise to more than 39% in a year.

But if he is "him", isn't it as it should be by rights?

Furthermore, this synchronous coincidence involving at least tens of trillions of cell units is indeed contrary to common sense.

But the sage Chen Feng achieved such an achievement a thousand years ago.

The era has passed a thousand years, countless genius relays from generation to generation, but except for a few people who are qualified to look up to his back, the value created by others even look up to him. None of the hills are qualified.

Is this reasonable?

Of course it is unreasonable.

Since the existence of the sage Chen Feng from the very beginning is unreasonable, it is an objective fact.

Thousands of years later, another person reappears in the world. Why should he care about rationality and unreasonability?

Perhaps it is precisely because countless people have too strong misses and memories for him, that makes his will persist in the universe and become part of Eternal Existence's cosmic wisdom.

Now that the end is approaching, perhaps the will of the sage has quietly changed some rules that human civilization does not understand now. The selection of Sergeant Chen Feng who is extremely similar to him has interfered with his cell mutation. A second "sage" was conjured.

Although this explanation is still very metaphysical, it is slightly more acceptable than reincarnation.

In short, this Chen Feng is not that Chen Feng, but it really matters a little bit.

After determining the situation, the next thing to consider is how to respond.

The merits of the sage Chen Feng in the history of civilization are too dazzling, no one can ignore.

The closer we are now to the end, the more people look forward to the birth of a heroic supreme leader.

Navi Lun, Lu Xianfeng and the others also hope that they can become the supreme leader.

They are not greedy for power, they just want to take the initiative to shoulder greater responsibilities, shoulder the lives of more than 40 billion compatriots, and lead civilization to fight hard.

But they did not venture, because these people know very well that when their self-ability is insufficient, not only can't force the leadership to help, but there are endless disasters.

The position of the supreme leader is to fight for, but the process of this fight requires not only to persuade others, but also to persuade oneself.

In this era, those who can become leaders must have a strong sense of responsibility and mission.

So what kind of responsibility does the supreme leader need to resist?

For example.

Every major decision made by the supreme leader is related to the lives and lives of more than 40 billion compatriots. It also concerns whether the Earth civilization, which has existed for millions of years, can break free from the shackles of fate and continue to be dangerous lurks on every Going down in the universe of side, from the light of the fireflies that strayed in the vast universe, to the great race standing eternally under this starry sky, writing a great chapter spanning the cosmos for billions of years.

The damage caused by his wrong decision is immeasurable and will bring devastating consequences.

So the supreme leader must not make major mistakes.

Sitting in such an important position and making such an important decision, then the supreme leader has to bear the terrible psychological pressure, and the ordinary person can't predict with exhaustion of imagination.

Currently, the leaders of the four top-level structures, Lu Xianfeng, Na Weilun, Dong Shan, and Powell, have not gone any further, because each of these four people cannot be sure that they are at that level. Whether you can still maintain perfect calmness and wisdom under pressure, not only will you never make mistakes, but you must always make the best choice, and you must also have the foresight that no one else has. Considering problems not only is one step ahead of others, but also one step ahead of the enemy.

At present, the four people complement each other and are constraining each other. One of them makes a mistake, and the other three make remedial measures. If the four of them share the responsibility, they can still bear it.

But if anyone is elected as the supreme leader, the situation will change drastically.

If today's Chen Feng can grow to the level of Chen Feng a thousand years ago, then he will certainly be able to take on the heavy responsibilities.

How good is that?

It must be the fortune of mankind, right?

Such thoughts quietly appeared in everyone's mind, waiting for one person to take the initiative to express their opinions.

At this moment, Ou Qinglan, the young leader of innovation and science, stood up and said, "I have something to say."

Ta Weilun: "Please speak."

Ou Qinglan: "You can observe Chen Feng's performance in the trials. First, he regained his passive forgotten high school knowledge in just one month, and got a full score in Fanxing's assessment."

"Although his IQ potential is not as high as that of top scientists, it also shows that his instantaneous logical thinking ability is definitely one-billionth level. Therefore, I think Chen Feng has certain leadership potential."

Lu Xianfeng nodded, added: "It goes without saying that he has a commanding level on the battlefield. It's just that he is currently only good at imagining enemies with compound eyes. His comprehensive ability remains to be seen, but I think it can be cultivated."

After talking about the previous comprehensive literacy, the intelligent conference system controlled by Fanxing directly cuts the screen of the whole channel into Lin cloth.

There is no doubt that Lin Bu is the best candidate to comment on Chen Feng’s fighting potential.

Lin's head feels a little uncomfortable, very upset, only curl one's lip, "It's okay."

Most people in the Conference Hall are nodded.

"That's really good."

"As a Galaxy warrior with an arousal rate of only 36.36%, he is indeed impeccable."

Marech: "The most rare thing is his strong will. I ask myself, I can't do his level. If we are a genius warrior, he is a bit"

I don't know who answered the call.

This is a bit big, but no one explicitly refutes it.

"Born to War God!"

At this point, the signs are basically set.

Regardless of success or failure, you have to try.

What if it is done?

Then mankind can get another sage Chen Feng!

Even if it fails, the situation will not get worse.

But on how to train him, everyone's views have appeared divergent.

Especially on whether to let him know the training plan, there are divergent opinions, and no one can convince anyone.

Finally, the scientific committee formed a huge research team composed of tens of thousands of top scientific researchers in the fields of educators, psychologists, historians, military scientists, biologists, etc. , Carry out the subject research on the spot and analyze it.

Eight hours later, the research conclusion came out.

Because people’s thinking is highly random and contingent, if he is allowed to know in advance, he is likely to become complacent because of being too important.

In order to avoid this from happening, I chose not to tell him the truth, and used the method of secret guidance to quietly allow him to make rapid progress, to whatever degree he could reach in the end.

Even if he did not grow up to expectations in ten 1 month later, it does not matter.

If the war has a chance to continue, and human civilization does not perish in the first wave, with his innate talent, he will surely grow up quickly in the war.

Taking Veron to conclude, "Okay, the plan is finalized and named as the'War God Plan'. The implementation of the details of the War God plan will continue to be handed over to the research team to expand the scale of the existing team and form The War God Research Institute, which has at least 50,000 people, applied to Fanxing for computing power. The meeting ended."

In a peaceful period when the cruel natural selection method for the survival of the fittest cannot be implemented and the true blood test cannot be obtained, I think Assault trains a great leader. Apart from regular training, he can only take the path of suggestive intervention.

But this easier said than done, all the details must be controlled to the demanding perfection.

For example, plan who he will meet today, what people he will talk to, and what content he saw in the projection screen when he happened to pass by a certain place by accident.

While he stayed in the coffee shop to rest, who was the leader talking about effective knowledge...

It was full of details and relaxed.

Neither let him waste time, nor make him tired of studying, and at the same time continue to shape his personal will and group consciousness, and quietly teach him a lot of leadership awareness in control of the overall situation. .

This was impossible in the ancient education model. At that time, the master led the door and the cultivation was in the individual.

Fortunately, mankind now has the powerful quantum intelligence of Fanxing to help.

Fanxing can do what human impossible can do.

Originally, more than 99.9% of the information in the world today is in the hands of Fanxing. If she wants to quietly interfere with someone’s life, she can really lay out and guide in all directions, and create a world more than Truman’s The unbreakable "plane of orientation".

Fanxing did not reject the application of human beings, agreed to provide computing power, and became the main executor of the "War God Project".

The huge War God Research Institute was established immediately. In addition to Fanxing, there is also a top academic team of more than 50,000 people to support and develop plans for Chen Feng to plan his life.

Ran Goose, this seemingly perfect strategy, declared bankruptcy when Chen Feng woke up in the afternoon of the second day.

Zhen Neiguifanxing helped Chen Feng in-depth testing of genetic arousal, while saying: "They plan to train you in the direction of human leaders, and they hope you become the second Chen Feng."


Zhen Chen Feng's eyes widened.


The great and secret War God plan was only successfully executed in less than 3 minutes.

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