At this time, the Stellar Cannon has just started the second round to warm up, and there is at least half an hour before launch.

So before that, conventional forces need to play a role.

The two big cards involving particle bombs and black hole bombs should also wait for opportunities.

The human side does not need to do any temptation.

The information that Chen Feng stolen from the "old times" has proved its value when he saw this spherical battleship with a diameter of still three thousand kilometers.

The intelligence is still valid and the war situation is controllable.

Even the sun dome has gone and returned, but it still failed to shake the military's mind.

The four major escape fleets have been activated and are rapidly closing the distance.

The first interfering particle of the dark energy black hole bomb has begun to rotate, just waiting to detonate.

On the frontal battlefield, Tang Tianxin gave an order, "The first, third, and seventh War Zone assaults for the entire army! The main purpose is to use long-range live ammunition, and the phase state is preheated. The first and second force fields The array of fortress ships is in place quickly! The third and fourth fortress arrays act in concert and are ready to fill their seats. The starry sky cannon is charged according to the first plan!"

She no longer needs to give more accurate instructions. The commanders of the major Legion naturally know what to do.

Five seconds later...

The first batch of missile arrays belonging to mankind blasted out with a long tail flame.

Ten seconds later.

The missile array successfully resisted the repulsive force field and kept getting closer.

The missile enters the enemy's electromagnetic interference range.

However, Fanxing has already started a war that belongs to her in the quantum realm.

This time Fanxing uses the Ultrain core hidden in Xingfeng Fortress as its core, which has a powerful computing power of tens of thousands of times and a more abundant energy reserve, which makes it easy to obtain an overwhelming advantage.

Filiform beams began to appear, trying to intercept them.

But in front of these missile warheads, there is a folding space shield that borrows the principle of repulsive force field, which can reverse the invasion of the filamentary beam to a certain extent.

Use his shield to block his spear.

Fifteen seconds later, after losing about 30% of the long-range missiles, 70% of the remaining missiles hit the bullseye!

The violent explosions spread across the universe like the falling of stars.

The streamer shield on the surface of the spherical battleship ripples.

Almost only 0.5 seconds late, thousands of star cannon strikes at the same time.

The enemy ship retreated backwards at a very fast speed.

This was kicked out.

But in the process of retreat, the shape of the ball-shaped battleship began to flicker, as if it was about to move away instantly.

One step too late!

The other sixty starry sky cannons have already completed their previews, and their concussion shells exploded all around the battlefield at the same time.

Space turbulence in this space erupts one after another.

Although humans are still unable to master the teleportation technology, it does not prevent humans from absorbing Chen Feng’s experience last time and restricting the enemy by disrupting the battlefield.

It’s like a racing car. You drive a Ferrari and I ride a battery car. It looks like I’m going to lose, but I blew up the track and turned it into a rocky mountain road with craggy potholes. Everyone can only Get off the car and run with legs, and we are back to the same starting line.

Along with this series of actions of the human coalition forces, the large forces outside quickly completed the large-scale deployment of troops.

The main battle force is inside, and the reserve force is outside.

The huge human fleet surrounded one after another in the space chaos and shock circle exploded by sixty star shells.

In the more periphery of the battle group, the larger Star Front Fortress is quietly pulling closer under the cover of the transmission force field.

The counterattack from the compound-eyes at the quantum network level is very fierce. Fanxing needs to be supported by stronger stable computing power. The closer distance helps her keep the algorithm stable.

As for Chen Feng, he is wearing a customized version of the Galaxy Pill, adjusted to the fourth form that has just been successfully developed-the latent form, with hundreds of thousands of galaxy warriors in the broken cauldron Legion. , Quietly lurking in the gap between the battleship, fully guarded.

This part of the elite troops is not yet ready to attack.

The flames of war are still burning.

The ball-shaped battleship seems to be caught off guard by the ferocious offensive of mankind.

But at this time those crazy missile weapons and energy weapons are just a cover.

Human's real killer moves-particle bombs and black hole bombs are still waiting for the opportunity.

However, far from the other end of the battlefield, the escape fleet has detonated the dark energy black hole bomb.

Under the expected focus of the escape fleet members, the dark space storm spread quickly and swept forward.

A silent "collision" occurred.

People are anxiously waiting for the result.

The principle of black hole bombs is fundamentally different from other explosive bombs.

The core of blasting bombs is to release energy shocks to cause damage, while the core of black hole bombs is to sweep and absorb all matter and energy in the covered space to complete the zeroing.

So after the black hole bomb exploded, almost no embers were seen.

When the effects of the blasting disappeared, the starry sky still looked dead and empty.

The captain of the first budding ship and the commander of this fleet Yu Mengying hesitated for two seconds.

After almost all the members were in the army, Yu Mengying, who was highly genetically awakened, did not join the army, but chose to become a member of the escape fleet.

Someone once expressed incomprehension about her decision.

But she doesn't care.

In her view, everyone has a mission for everyone.

If the mission of a soldier is to win the war, then her mission is to continue the fire of civilization.

The importance of the two is equal.

Her innate talent lies in art.

If anyone can help future generations to restore technology and fighting spirit as quickly as possible after charge ahead, she must be her.

She doesn't need to explain to anyone, she just needs to explain to herself.

Yu Mengying gave her first captain order to her budding ship.

"Launch a detection missile!"

The voice fell, and the thin silver white missile jetted out a stream of particles and flew out at an extremely fast speed.

About ten seconds later, the missile disappeared out of thin air.

The monitoring instrument showed that when the missile passed through a certain position, it suddenly turned into a period of pure energy.

The conclusion has been drawn that the black hole bomb is not effective against the solar dome.


Sigh faintly, resounding in every tinder ship and budding ship.

Two choices.

Wait, or sacrifice.

In the previous timeline, the people in the fire ship chose to sacrifice in order to reduce the number of particle bombs involved.

The situation in this timeline has changed. "Morning Wind", which belongs to humans, has already gained the upper hand in the process of confronting "Song of the Outsiders".

In view of this, the escape fleet quickly made a decision and waited for the changes.

Survival is the highest purpose of the escape fleet.

When there is no choice, you don’t have to choose death. Living is the responsibility.

The situation on the frontline battlefield has changed again.

Tang Tianxin has completed the layout of particle bombs and black hole bombs, and is ordering thousands of large snowflake battleship arrays that have formed a battle formation to strengthen the offensive, explode the streamer shield as soon as possible, and eliminate the enemy ship’s energy reserves .

In the memory of Chen Feng's last timeline, the ball-shaped battleship suffered from insufficient energy supply in the latter part of the war.

According to the last attenuation, Fanxing has been able to convert.

Although this number may not be completely accurate, it is also a reference value.

Within less than one minute, the potential energy reserve of the ball-shaped battleship dropped rapidly from 100% to 78%.

Mankind has found restraining art for many of the methods used by compound eyes in the past.

At this time, the encircling circle has been formed, and the ball-shaped battleship has also become a turtle in the urn.

Chen Feng even finds it ridiculous.

Does the fly eye really have no judgment.

Can't you see such an obvious reversal of the enemy's power?

Stupidly come in and die?

Even if you send two people away to move reinforcements, don't wait a little longer?

Are you not afraid of us being caught alive and taking control of the sun dome?

As soon as this thought came out of Chen Feng's mind, he hurriedly shook his head.

Wake up, rushing to the street too many times, all have unrealistic hallucinations, and people start to learn to dream on the battlefield.

At this moment, the alarm in Chen Feng's ears rang.

The thick fog shield on the spherical battleship in the front finally began to burst out with long beams, indicating that there are small units flying out of it.

"All members are on alert!"

Chen Feng gave a reminder in the channel of Legion Galaxy Special Forces.

On the other side, the special frequency detectors that the major detection fortresses have been waiting for make a synchronous response.

"Dragonfly fighters, 30 million in number. Octopod beetles, 20,000. The enemy planes formed eight Legions and pounced on them separately..."

Chen Feng secretly sucked in the cold gas.

The number of dragonfly fighters and eight-legged beetles has increased, three times and twice as much as last time.

At the same time, new information is coming.

"The playing frequency of "Song of the Outside World" has disappeared, and the enemy has given up on particle bombs. There are still new dragonfly fighters and octopod beetles that continue to rise into the air, ready to fight!"

As soon as the intelligence fell, the battle formation composed of snowflake battleships has been quickly replaced with energy weapons, and the firepower has been continuously tilted.

Dragonfly fighters and eight-legged beetles were concentrated one after another, and the number dropped rapidly.

But there are still some small enemy combat units pushed closer.

The Galaxy warrior, various functional Battle Armor warrior, and elite fighters spread out in front of the battlefield and formally received the fire.

Chen Feng continues to charge forward.

His personal customized Galaxy War Pill finally showed a hideous side.

There are dozens of weapon systems mounted on the huge pitch-black Battle Armor about twelve meters high.

As a perfect warrior in all directions, whether it is long-range strikes or close-range combat, he is impeccable.

Chen Feng shuttled through the battlefield at a very fast speed, supported by star-controlled artillery fire behind him, not to mention how easy it is.

Easier than when he used to participate in simulation training.

The performance of other people is also very good, the Galaxy warrior's casualties are extremely low, and only a few warriors die in vain under carelessness.

However, the loss of the two-person fighter is not small. It takes several fighters to exchange for a Dragonfly fighter.

In general, the situation is still beneficial to mankind.

Tang Tianxin, who dominated the audience, did not dare to take it lightly. She was waiting for another method from the compound eye.

Suddenly, she suddenly issued an order for the entire army.

"Disperse! Perform plan C!"

The voice fell, and the snowflake battleship array suddenly unlocked, backed away, and moved apart.

The transformation of small combat units is faster. Looking at the faint black glow that slowly floats in the three-dimensional star chart, everyone can quickly make the best maneuver under the guidance of the intelligent system.

More than twenty seconds later, wisps of faint blue glow emitted from a seemingly ordinary small chasing ship lurking in the array, hitting a certain point in the void.

In the next instant, dozens of black holes swept out.

It is the dark energy black hole bomb that compound-eyes are proud of. It was detonated in advance by the blue glow that was targeted for development!

After the explosion, the human fleet had almost zero casualties.

The war has been fought so far, and it has only passed less than 3 minutes.

The human side has shown an unprecedented powerful suppressive force.

Every action of the compound eye is in anticipation.

This is a one-sided war.

Scales of Victory completely fell to humans.

A faint smile appeared on Chen Feng's face irresistibly.

But at this moment, a new alarm sounded on the high-level security channel.

"Ultra-high-energy reactions are taking place inside the spherical battleship! There is a new method suspected!"

Chen Feng's eyes narrowed.

The hole card.

This time it must be the real trump card!

Come on, open it and let the master take a look.

What else do you have?

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