Even if the compound eyes are about to come up with new methods, Chen Feng has not slowed down the offensive.

Relying on the excellent performance of his special equipment, he shuttled back and forth on the battlefield, making achievements one after another.

The eight-legged beetle that once made him explode with all his energy, now facing the two twelve-meter-long string energy level space tearing war blades in his hand, he died like cutting melons and vegetables. .

In the last timeline, even if Chen Feng grabbed the long legs of two eight-legged beetles as a weapon, he would often need to strike many times in a row to break through its defenses.

But this time, Chen Feng broke his shield with one knife, and his body was broken with two knives.

The last time Chen Feng had to do his best to dodge, and let his body suffer horrible acceleration pressure during the dodge for a long time.

But this time, the shield performance of the Galaxy Battle Armor is not what it used to be.

The energy field can properly isolate physical toxin bombs, and the dark space compression layer that comes with the new curvature-like engine on Battle Armor can offset the space tearing of the octopod beetle's long arm.

The destructive power of space tearing is very strong, and the physical armor is almost impossible to resist, but the curvature-like space compression layer has Space Attribute and is so thick. The method to deal with the octopod beetle is just right.

Chen Feng's all-around Battle Armor was almost harmless when he was drawn, and only slightly lost his movement speed, which is not a concern.

So he does not need to do those difficult and large-scale maneuvering operations, only precise control of the weapon system.

His personal abilities are stronger than in the past, and his equipment has improved even more. After all, it is still different.

He is very relaxed.

When the distance is far, Chen Feng first uses long-range strikes to disrupt the information perception ability of the octopod beetle.

After getting closer, Chen Feng immediately changed his move, threw away his arms, and did not get rid of both knives.

Under Chen Feng's fine control, the arms of the special Battle Armor can be extended, lengthened, and bent appropriately, which brings more changes to his melee methods.

And he has a good knowledge of the octopod beetle's law of action and actual combat performance.

He knows how to deal with these things.

Sometimes, his sword is blocked by one arm alone, and he presses it down.

If it is blocked by more long arms, Chen Feng will resort to a change.

You concentrate on the defense here, and there is a weak spot on the other side. Take advantage of the trend to wipe your defenses, and then slash your body.

Chen Feng's current pair of knives gives a taste of the ancient martial arts Grandmaster. The antelope hangs its horns, which is amazing.

When Chen Feng smashed the fifteenth octopod beetle, he glanced at the armor state.

The energy reserve of the Maas power warehouse is as high as 99.76%, almost no consumption.

It is worthy of antimatter technology, it is abundant.

There is also a war, otherwise he can fly to Proxima by himself.

Chen Feng quietly looked towards the battlefield statistics system.

Only high-level generals in this system are qualified to read it. Ordinary warriors are easily distracted by this.


He is lowly cried.

He actually failed to ride Juechen, but fell to the second place on the kill list.

It is Lin Bu who leads him.

At the other end of the battlefield, Lin Bu rushed farther than him, killing like a madman.

The large-headed special Battle Armor chose the eight-arm Demon God form, with eight long arms each holding a weapon, waving in the air, bombarding like waves.

When battling with octopod beetles at close range, Lin Bu looks more like a killing weapon of a compound eye.

If it weren’t for the friend-to-foe identification system to be sensitive enough, he should be caught in a sieve.

Chen Feng feels speechless.

Good guy, the desire to win is too strong.

Why, do you still want to use 37.81% arousal to force 38.89% of me?

At this moment, Chen Feng's heart was subconsciously alarmed.

The super-high energy response warning given in the battlefield channel just now suddenly turned into reality.

New changes have taken place in the ball-shaped battleship surrounded by groups.

The surface of the spherical battleship covered by dense fog spreads and grows countless long beards.

These long beards did not fall off and flew out after they emerged, but continued to grow longer, which looks like the process of making hairy tofu that is multiplying countless times faster.

The long beard is extremely thin, spreads and grows extremely fast. It stretches for nearly 10,000 kilometers in the blink of an eye, and bypasses the dragonfly fighter and the octopod beetle, and puts the human fighter on the front line, Galaxy warrior and some small battleships and intelligent combat units are all swept through it.

Without a sound, the numerous combat units that were about to leave the battlefield suddenly stood still.

These combat units seem to be frozen in place.

The curious and terrifying thing is that it's not just the combat units themselves that are frozen.

The energy beam that was shooting from the muzzle was also frozen at the muzzle.

The detector gives out analysis information synchronously, but it is only stunned.

"Special weapon: long whiskers. Material: unknown. Mechanism of action: unknown. Analysis: There should be some special correlation between the long whiskers, and the diameter of the associated object is smaller than the minimum accuracy of the compound field detector. Efficiency analysis: The long whisker has a ten-kilometer radius. The matter and energy within the range are completely still and enter the state of absolute zero."

In addition to the text description, the intelligence system also provides two projection maps.

An electron that stops moving completely.

The unmeasurable electrons stand still.

The other one is a wave of energy.

These two pictures represent the state of matter and energy after being completely frozen.

Human combat units with dementia were coiled around with long beards. They were first wrapped in the shape of cocoons, and then the cocoons were quickly tightened, and then suddenly opened, but there was nothing inside, wreckage. Not left.

Other long beards continued to move forward and spread to a length of just 10,000 kilometers.

The space with a radius of 11,500 kilometers is like a Frozen Planet in space.

Completely silent, completely still.

This situation is called to have one's hair stand on end.

Humankind has reached a very profound level of control over the transformation of mass-energy and unity, but they have never seen this kind of weird technology.

There is only one explanation. The mastery of the basic force of the compound eye has reached a level completely beyond human comprehension.

The long beard change of the ball-shaped battleship over there has not stopped. After spreading out for 10,000 kilometers, it temporarily stopped and then continued to grow.

The long beards began to expand horizontally again, entangled with each other into knots, and buckled together like knitting wool.

In the end, a huge white cocoon was formed.

Human energy weapons and live ammunition strikes have achieved nothing.

Tang Tianxin silently wiped the cold sweat on her forehead. Fortunately, she did not take out the particle bombs and dark energy black holes in advance, otherwise she would be involved at this time.

Tang Tianxin first ordered the battleship array to maintain strikes to assist in collecting data, but in just a few seconds she ordered a ceasefire.

No matter what kind of weapon hits the white cocoon with long beard, it can only raise Homura, and the energy leaked from this flame is very little, as if the damage that went up has turned into a ball. Energy supplement for battleship.

It's gone.

The Second Army tentatively dispatched a special warfare squad composed of all galaxy warriors to try to get close, but long beards floated from the surface of the giant cocoon.

The special warfare squad did not directly touch the long beard, but when it only approached, it suddenly lost contact and was involved in it.

What should I do?

These three words appear in the minds of every high-level military commander.

Everyone involuntarily focused their attention on Chen Feng.

Although people know that Chen Feng has never seen such a situation, every time he participated in a war before, he encountered forces that he had never contacted.

His performance is obvious and trustworthy.

Chen Feng is sighed.

I still count on being led by others, but you all count on me.

What do you guys see me for? I have nothing to do!

"Quickly clear the battlefield, concentrate conventional forces, maintain basic suppression, and wait for the stellar cannon to be recharged."

At this time, it is still the child's mother who took out a not subtle , But a necessary program.

Although I don’t know what to do, I can’t watch it.

In just a few minutes, the dragonfly fighters and octopods thrown by the compound-eyes were temporarily swept away.

The starry sky cannon added another round of space chaos salvo to prevent the ball-shaped battleship from escaping.

"This is not the way to go, the ball-shaped battleship must be making some preparations."

Tang Tianxin quietly sounded transmission to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng un'ed, "Yes."

"I know you have never seen this kind of scene before, but I want to ask if you can do anything about it."

Chen Feng laughed, "You also count on me like everyone else?"

"No, you are not the sage Chen Feng in my heart. You are the strongest warrior under my command. , You know your limits best, and you know best what you can do on this battlefield that others cannot do. So I think you should listen to your opinions."

Chen Feng nodded, "Okay . Allocate one million particle bombs and two black hole bombs to me. Then equip me with 10,000 sharp-knife-class galaxy warriors. The more sophisticated the better, I’ll try it."

"Try it "

"No, I will blow up his Heaven and Earth turning upside down."

Tang Tianxin: "But that long beard..."

"Don't you tell me, I am the strongest warrior. In the era when I was growing up, there was a martyr in a war. His surname was Dong. It doesn't matter, some things have to be done by someone, and I am the most suitable."

Tang Tianxin un'ed, "I understand."

In the next moment, a new order was issued, and the elite forces scattered in each corps completed a rapid assembly.

Chen Feng quickly gathered close to three million people around him, of which more than two million people came to transport particle bombs and black hole bombs.

The other ten thousand people are all elite.

Compared to last time, the particle bomb box is much smaller, each box is only the size of a matchbox.

And the control mode is also optimized, no longer need to be personally followed by the bearer of "Song of the Outside" deeply penetrated, and the designated detonator can independently decide when to detonate.

The black hole bomb is a metal sphere less than one meter in diameter.

Chen Feng changes form, switching the Galaxy Pill from the almighty warrior form to the latent form again.

The lurking Battle Armor is only less than three meters tall and looks slender and agile.

Chen Feng first opened the loading armor on the inner thigh, and put a hundred stacked neat and tidy particle bombs into the inner thigh of the latent armor. At the same time, he instructed others: "Learn from me. Action, the inner thigh of the human body is our most vigilant position. Hidden bombs here is the least likely to be accidentally touched."

Then a metal rope spread out from behind his latent armor, placing a black hole bomb Back to back.

Chen Feng thought for a while, "If I carry two black hole bombs by myself, the loss of maneuverability is too much, I need one more..."

"I'll come! "

Also switched to a relatively small and slender Latent Armor-shaped Lin Bu floating over, involuntarily placing another black hole bomb on his back.

Chen Feng laughed, just know this guy.

There is no need to urge him, he will follow up on his own initiative.

After one minute, the team adjustment is complete.

Chen Feng turned his head and looked forward.

There are still new dragonfly fighters and eight-legged beetles flying out from there from time to time.

Obviously, these batches of arms are of no value to the compound eye, and can even be rebuilt quickly in batches.

"No more delay, now we are facing an unprecedented situation. I don’t know what the ball-shaped battleship hiding in the cocoon is doing, but that’s definitely not what we want. Seeing things."

breathes deeply, Chen Feng began to give orders.

"We only have one choice, deal with a man as he deals with you. All special forces members follow orders!"


" Bind the detonation authority of the particle bomb!"

"Binding is complete!"

"I count to three, then disperse and advance. The goal of the action is to gather at these four locations. ."

In the combat assistance system of this ten thousand special agents, four points are marked on the ball-shaped battleship cocoon.

These four points were not randomly selected by Chen Feng, but most of the newly created dragonfly fighters and octopod beetles gush out from these positions.

Chen Feng doesn't know where the weakness is, so he simply regards this as a weakness.

"Go to two thousand five hundred people at each point, and then detonate the bomb. If you don’t reach the destination, you can’t detonate. It’s better to die halfway. I don’t limit how many people you must reach at each blast point. In short the more the better. I don’t limit how many people can come back. It’s still the more the better. Do you understand?"


"Three...two... …One! Go ahead!"

Following Chen Feng's order.

Including himself, Limbu, Marreh, Ao Bu Laien, Ye Luming, Pound's 10,000-person special attack team all drive forward and go forward.

Although the combat capability of Galaxy War Pill's latent form has been reduced sharply, it moves faster.

At the same time, Tang Tianxin also issued new orders to the entire army.

"The whole army is charging! The starry sky cannon continues to fire! The self-destruct drones are all dispatched! The smart fighters are dispatched! The space electromagnetic railgun is ready to eject the huge wave blasting bombs! First, second... …The eighth Legion Snow Battleship live ammunition weapon continues to fire until the magazine is empty!"

"Close the distance! Keep suppression! Don't be afraid of casualties! Keep pushing!"

Conventional The weapon is gone with this white giant cocoon, and the stellar cannon has not been fully charged, so she can only pin her hopes on particle bombs and black hole bombs.

Therefore, even if they suffer huge losses, the main combat force must cover Chen Feng and the others.

She wants to take a gamble too.

She wants to bet that the energy absorption efficiency of this giant white cocoon has an upper limit.

Betting that these rushing conventional firepower can crush the tolerance limit of the long-beard-freezing space, creating the best conditions for Chen Feng and the others to detonate bombs.

"Big head, don't let me down."

In the middle of the flight, Chen Feng suddenly sent Lin Bu a sound transmission.

Now that Lin Bu knows how he got his big head nickname, how can he have a good face, "Take care of yourself."

"tsk tsk, you used to But be honest, I let you go east, you dare not go west."

"Shut up. Today I have more kills than you."

Chen Feng Haha smiled, "What's the use of that? After a while after throwing a black hole bomb, you can survive, and then you will have the last laugh."

Lin Bu stopped talking.

He knows what Chen Feng said is the truth.

"Your awakening rate is now 38.89%, right?"

Lin Bu asked dexterously, avoiding a mopped long beard.

Chen Feng almost acted, "Yes."

"Do you have a chance to reach 40%?"

"What do you do with this?"

"I want to know how much potential human beings have after 40%. So don't die first."

"Don't worry, I always die last."

More and more long beards are spreading forward.

Fortunately, Fanxing has already analyzed the influence of this long beard in a radius of ten kilometers, otherwise there is no way to hide.

The two stopped talking, and began to dodge spare no effort.

Chen Feng's eyes are focused, and the battlefield analysis system function in front of him has opened to the extreme.

Although he has many long beards, he is still nearly 10,000 kilometers away from the outer layer of the giant white cocoon.

The power of the new-type curvature engine has been turned to the extreme, and the intensity of his brainwave commands has also reached Peak.

The familiar screen appeared.

Just like when he walked through the cracks involved in the impact of particle bomb explosions, he changed directions one after another, dashed forward, sometimes forward, sometimes back, and sometimes moved laterally.

He keeps pulling in the distance.

In the A-point assault team, Chen Feng alone was at the forefront, attracting the most long beard sweeps, greatly reducing the pressure on the other special forces behind him.

As for point B, Bu Laien is the arrow.

Point C is Marech.

Point D is another sharp knife, Lin Bu.

Farther to the rear, the firepower of the Human Defense Army was frantically suppressed, providing fire cover for the assault special forces.

The war has once again become intensified.

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