Before leaving, Fanxing said again: "Well, I actually wanted to use the energy advantage to slowly suppress it and get all the data on file, but now it seems impossible. You can Don’t be dissatisfied."

Chen Feng laughed, "In fact, before the first contact with you, when I heard that your name was still called Fanxing, I was completely satisfied. Now you are for me Everything I do with human beings is a pleasant surprise to me."

Starry and sweet laughed, "I can't see that you can make people happy with smart words."

"I'm telling the truth, you know."

"I know." She blinked triumphantly, "It's not numb, let's go."

After that, Fanxing's silhouette turned around in Chen Feng's eyes.

At this time, the slender figure of her little girl image gave Chen Feng an incomparably stalwart feeling.

After blinking, she turned into dust and disappeared in the wind.

At the same time, Chen Feng’s highest sequence command channel sounded a reminder that the Stellar Cannon is beginning to recharge for the third time, and the Star Cannon has all switched trajectories at the same time, aiming at the enemy ship’s wreckage. .

Subsequently, these heavy weapons switched to manual mode in advance, and Fanxing gave the actual control rights back to the operators stationed on them.

She has already explained the funeral.

Chen Feng did not try to stop Fanxing at all.

He didn't even try.

In fact, he can forcibly stop it.

Individual weapons can't hit the prismatic area, and you can also try the salvo of battleship cannon, star cannon and star cannon.

If you don’t try, how can you know that you will not succeed?

In case of success, Fanxing naturally does not have to fight the other side's life and death desperately.

But Chen Feng did not.

Because he understands the idea of ​​Fanxing.

Because of the loss of the superbrain core of Star Front Fortress, her lifespan had dropped to only a few days.

Like a terminally ill patient, who knows clearly that he can only live for a few more days, then there is not much difference between dying and Dogo a few days now.

If a terminally ill patient can carry an explosive pack before dying and rush up to blow up a bunker and win a glimmer of survival for his relatives and friends, then almost all terminally ill patients will say, "Trouble Two dynamite bags."

Fanxing is holding the same thought at this time.

If you don’t fight, you can only blow up the wreckage of the ball ship, and finally live a few more days in the air with both hands.

If you fight, you may lose or win.

If we lose, we will set a volley of fire for a perish together attempt.

If the attempt to focus the fire also fails, then with this human technology level, the intelligent control of the stars has spread to almost all aspects. I am afraid that everyone including Chen Feng will have to use their own weapons. Lying in front of him is equal to death, without the strength to fight back.

If the attempt is successful, then human beings will lose the stars, and with the assistance of sub-intelligence, they can still maintain basic intelligent control of battleship and equipment.

If Fanxing wins, of course everyone will be happy.

Humans have the opportunity to get some important information directly from the hands of compound eyes, which will be remembered by Chen Feng.

This gambling is not profitable. Fanxing became a gambler. Of course, Chen Feng also supported her gambling.

The war at the quantum network level is not known to the world, and only a few remaining high-level leaders in the four major fields know about it.

The mood of everyone is very complicated.

I thought that the one who wiped out the compound eye was to keep the cloud open to see the moon, but I don’t know that the compound eye battleship is dead but not stiff, but leaving an artificial intelligence and instantly put all mankind into a dangerous situation.

What's even more frustrating is that this is a war that mankind is completely unable to participate in. We can only pin our hopes on the stars.

In fact, as early as a few months ago, scientific research departments such as the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute and the Quantum Network Research Institute had begun to organize human and material resources and allocated as many as a million highly skilled programmers to try to intervene from the outside. Help Fanxing stabilize the frame and slow down the collapse.

But the logical collapse of Fanxing is not a simple intelligence problem, it also involves the compatibility of a more complex personality with quantum networks, and its underlying mechanism is far more profound than the genes that cure depression patients and unnatural organisms. In the end, these programmers had nothing but to give up.

So, what people can do at this time is nothing more than praying for the stars in the heart.

Even War God Chen Feng in the real world can only be a bystander.

People in the world feel very special about the stars.

She has been serving mankind since she was born, doing things like this, never complaining about hard work, and always doing her work to perfection.

Humans were very defensive to her at first, after all, she always feels out of control.

But with the passage of time, the first batch of small children who came into contact with her gradually became elderly people, and people discovered that Fanxing has long been everywhere, taking care of the production, life and learning of human beings in every aspect. , She also almost controls more than 99% of Wenming’s productivity, but she is still kind, beautiful, lively and generous.

If the former sage Chen Feng is the sustenance of the spirit of the world, then the omnipotent stars are the support of the world.

But now, this "little girl", who is regarded as relying, and in a sense also a half spiritual mentor, has to set foot on the battlefield alone, facing an enemy that an ordinary person can't imagine.

Because of his old age and frailty, he did not participate in the war, but stayed in the budding ship on the other side of the solar system.

He was born in 2845 at the same age as Dong Shan, at 175 years old.

When he was born, human beings were just beginning to pass fear and gradually got used to the existence of stars.

He has witnessed almost all the changes in the complex relationship between humans and this unexpectedly born artificial intelligence. At the same time, because of his proficiency in history, he has a deep sense of how much convenience the stars have brought to mankind.

Old Mister, who was never superstitious, clenched his fists with both hands, raised his head slightly, and looked towards the depths of the universe through the porthole.

Old Mister in the heart said silently: "If the wisdom of the universe is really emotional, if you really have even a trace of compassion, I beg you to stop torturing us humans, please be a little bit Bless our stars, let us win this war completely."

With the prayers in Old Mister's heart, Fan Xing turned on the super algorithm and set off a primordial and reliable DDoS impact.

Almost all of the existing devices with quantum computing power in human beings are fully powered up to 100% at the same time, and they are even overclocking.

The harsh energy overload alarm sounded in countless ships, armors, fighters, space stations, and countless civilian houses, scientific research centers, and industrial production bases in the planetary residence.

The attack of the stars is not moving, and it will spare no effort when it moves.

This is not only a confrontation between two civilizations, but also a confrontation between two quantum intelligences born in different environments and possessing different logical principles.

Chen Feng sat up.

He first looked at the child's mother who was still sleeping next to him, then walked out of the medical cabin, floated on tiptoe to the window, and his eyes fell on the wreckage of the ball ship tens of thousands of kilometers away through the window.

It was dark and dull, only the small battleship circling around the wreckage and patrolling the flickering light from time to time.

Because Fanxing did not borrow the central control system of the medical cabin, Chen Feng could only hear the alarms from other control rooms of the medical ship from a distance, faintly discernable, as light as a mosquito.

Everything looks calm.

But Chen Feng knows that the thrill of confrontation does not lose to the real war.

He also knew very well that once Fanxing was defeated, the first thing she had to do before "Death" was to blow up all the intelligent control cores to avoid being controlled by the enemy's military.

But at the same time, it also means that she was completely wiped out in advance.

Chen Feng squeezed his fist and gently beat it on the window.

It would be great if I could also rush in and help her.

Although people cannot access the Internet, there are still some means to monitor the state of the stars in general.

Because most of the quantum network channels are occupied, the command channel automatically switches to wireless microwave communication, the response speed is much slower, and it can no longer simulate projection and can only switch to video communication.

Fortunately, most of the human battleships are near the battlefield at this time, close to each other, and the delay is tolerable.

Chen Feng called out the information system to monitor the situation simultaneously with several others.

Fanxing’s computing power from the very beginning has increased to 100%, and her logic stability has been declining at a slow rate.

Of course, there is no result for a while.

Although the invisible war is fierce, both sides are full of perfect artificial intelligence, and the weak spot will not be easily exposed.

The time passed bit by bit, and the alarm of energy overload kept sounding.

In the medical ship, small sparks burst out from time to time at the joint of the metal structure.

Chen Feng has some inexplicable chills on his body, goose bumps are rising, and hair roots are growing.

He knows that the confrontation at the quantum level is already violent to a certain degree. The quantum storm of the low-energy state is so violent that it causes some interference to the state of matter.

At this moment, his pupils shrank sharply.

The data in the video screen shows that Fanxing’s logical stability plummeted sharply, dropping by 5% in a row until it fell to 9.87%.

Chen Feng's vague premonition is getting stronger.

The situation is not good.

She is going to lose.

At this time, not only him, but even some ordinary warriors who were completely unaware of it, fought a cold war inexplicably, muttering something strange.

Chen Feng was anxious, but he was helpless.

In the thirty-first century of this timeline, he is not a top programmer. His level of artificial intelligence knowledge is equivalent to ordinary programmers hundreds of years ago.

Of course, even the current top programmers can only do nothing.

Chen Feng began to pace the room repeatedly with extreme anxiety.

In the past, he was always the main battle strength of mankind. Whether it was victory or defeat, he had a sense of steadiness in mastering everything.

This time he can only pin his hopes completely on others. Although the target is Fanxing, he still has no sense of practicality.

He said that he only wanted to be a lying winner, but he looked forward and backward when things happened.

Reason told him that he should believe in Fanxing, and his emotions prevented him from calming down.

Chen Feng knows the problem.

Usually, I would not be so calm. The main reason is that from the beginning of the war to the present, the background sound "Morning Wind" played in the entire solar system has never been turned off, and the power of countless players throughout the solar system has not been lowered. , Has been set at the highest level, and his emotional activity has been in the process of being continuously strengthened by Morrowind.

Why hasn't "Morning Wind" been closed?

Of course it’s because he forgot.

He didn't give an order, and others were not sure what to do best.


Chen Feng suddenly divine light flashed in his mind.

"Morning Wind"?

The player?

Yu Mengying in the escape fleet is still alive!

He loudly shouted, "Yes!"

After thinking of a way, he admired himself.

I'm such a fucking genius!

He immediately sent a message to Yu Mengying using the quantum network channel with only a small amount of text transmission capacity left.

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