The overall total offensive started from this moment.

There are not many galaxy warriors in the Sun War Zone at this time. The original Snowflake battleship, fortress, mothership, two- and three-person fighters also suffered heavy casualties, leaving only large and medium-sized battleships.

Take Chen Feng’s Legion as an example.

His millions of galaxy warriors were all killed, and the 39 million ordinary warriors were only a few hundred thousand.

The formation of Legion's team building no longer exists. Only Chen Feng's star front colossus represents all the battle strength of Legion that once existed.

Other War Zone and Legion are not much better.

However, no matter how critical the situation is, and no matter how humble one's own strength is, the moment after the general offensive order was issued, the remaining eight Legions in the Solar War Zone simultaneously pressed forward slightly and continued to fire.

Chen Feng has personally gathered a lot of information.

Of course, the fleet will not rush to death blindly, but first dump weapons regardless of the cost, concentrate on the prismatic battleship closest to strikes, and the linked grid lines nearby, trying to cut off a grid. Line to break the energy balance between the prismatic battleship.

This is of course difficult, even basically not hopeful, but what about apart from this?

The huge human fleet warfare fires almost at the same time. Tens of millions of fast or slow particle streams or missile tail flames are pouring out like huge meteor swarms in space.

Ten thousand starry sky cannons are launched at the same time.

Although the combat units that fired are in different positions, the direction of attack is basically in one point.

Apart from this, a large number of string energy blasting booby mines and neutron fragment barrage shells were also shot out.

These booby mines and barrage shells did not directly rush to the front of the grid, but were detonated in advance. The purpose is to use the impact and energy turbulence caused by the explosion to destroy the dark black group and physical toxins in front. Strive to put more destructive weapons in front of the prismatic battleship, even if it can't hit, consume a little white plasma energy of the linked grid.

Or what if a missile breaks through the blockade of the link grid and rushes outside?

Since missiles can charge ahead, it means that battleships and fighters can also be used.

You have to try, you can't close your eyes and wait to die.

At the other end of the battlefield, the small amount of black hole bombs and particle bombs that the escape fleet mastered finally came into play.

Although the members of the fleeing fleet are old or young, they have almost no comprehensive military literacy, and the weapon systems of the tinder and budding ships are also very weak, but the situation has reached this step, rather than completely hope Entrusted to others, it would be better to try hard.

The Sun War Zone in the link grid began to bombard indiscriminately, and the outer neighboring starship War Zone and the Barnard Star War Zone fleet also began to launch a coordinated attack.

The prismatic battleship seems to be indistinguishable, but in fact there are still differences.

The front tip of the prismatic ship releases white light energy to form a grid, and the rear end releases indeed another kind of energy, which is slightly like the filamentary beam of a spherical battleship, but the emission rate is much higher. Quickly form a shield behind it to resist attacks from behind.

Chen Feng is also patrolling around in front of the selected main attack grid, looking for fighters.

At the same time, high-level and technical personnel of the Sun War Zone, Proximity War Zone and Barnard Star War Zone have quickly built an encrypted quantum information channel and are rapidly exchanging information.

Chen Feng participated in the war in person, and he also paid attention to information.

He first determined one thing.

The dome blockade on Proxima Centauri is indeed the same as the solar system barrier.

The moment the barrier disappeared, Proxima Centauri was blocked simultaneously.

This is good news. Barnard's star is safe, which means that the compound eye only has this stellar system-class blockade.

But it is also bad news. Since the center of the barrier can span a distance of four light-years in an instant, it may also span forty, four hundred or even 40,000 light-years.

This means that every area in the galaxy may suddenly be blocked.


The amount of information exchanged by the technical personnel is even greater, and the rapid completion of information exchange and scientific and technological exchanges focuses on the respective intelligence and technological development routes of the three parties.

After exchanging information, it is absorption.

The technological development paths of the three sectors are slightly different, but they are not very different. After all, everyone still shares a set of genetic information structure, and there is no reproductive isolation between each other. The angle of thinking about problems will vary from region to region. There are subtle differences, but the overall direction of progress is the same.

The two colonial sectors have not been attacked by bacteria Z, nor have super scientists like Lai Wenming and Sergey born. Therefore, the two major sectors did not develop Dyson membranes, nor did they focus on the development of individual soldiers. battle strength.

Its combat mode is based on standard battleship, which are two-wheeled battleship and triangular battleship.

The weapon level and battleship performance are generally slightly weaker than the War Zone of the solar system before Chen Feng arrived, but each has its own merits.

The strength of the Proxima fleet lies in its curvature flight dynamics, which can reach exactly twice the speed of light through continuous acceleration. In a sense, this is already the true curvature of the primary level flight.

Can obtain this result, it is not that the scientists of Proxima Centauri are smarter than those in the solar system, but it just happens that there is a special small satellite with super-fast spinning in Proxima Centauri.

A very unique structural force field is distributed in a very small area near this satellite.

The scientists of Proxima Centauri have continuously deepened their understanding of this natural phenomenon and improved their understanding of the nature of unity through long-term investigations and studies. The final result is reflected in the primary level curvature of this double-wheel battleship. Flight ability.

They put the core metal materials of the engine into a special force field, and after decades of soaking and modification, the performance of the engine finally produced is advanced by leaps and bounds.

The flight power of the Barnard Star Fleet is slightly worse, basically the same as that of the Sun Fleet, but the formidable power of its energy weapons is stronger.

Different from the phase particles and high-energy rays of the Sun Fleet, the battleship main gun of Barnard’s star releases a special energy called Austenitic rays, which has a penetrating power far stronger than destructive power High-energy rays and phase particles, and the ballistic speed can reach 1.5 times the speed of light.

The reason why Barnard’s scientists were able to develop the Austrian gun was dependent on a large meteorite in the Barnard’s galaxy.

There is a natural mineral deposit in the meteorite, and the austenitic isotope 305 can be mined.

Using ordinary high-energy rays to irradiate austenite isotope 305, austenite rays can be excited.

The Earth people who live in a corner have exhausted their imagination, and can't imagine that there can be a substance with a relative atomic mass of 305 that can be stable at room temperature in the universe, and can't imagine that there will be a small The planet spins at a terrifying high speed similar to a black hole but does not disintegrate. People who walked out saw it and used it.

The universe is huge and full of infinite possibilities.

Stellar Rank is not only blocking the space, but also blocking the opportunity for civilization to go out and see new things, that is, vision.

In the absence of super genius, the technological progress of the two colonies can be basically the same as in the solar system, except that everyone is at the starting line of the same technological background, they are exposed to new planets and new physics The rule is also the key factor.

Chen Feng saw the progress of Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star, but he was deeply impressed.

He only thought that the solar system barrier would block the space and prevent humans from fleeing, but didn't expect technology to block the idea. Now he understands it, it is indeed a dead end.

Theoretically, the level 1 and above civilizations that have been blocked, the level of science and technology is basically impossible and then explosive progress.

In addition to the science and technology, Chen Feng also briefly browsed through the exploration information of the two colonies in the galaxy, mainly in the spiral arms of Orion.

After these two groups of wanderers went out and took root, they never relaxed their exploration of the external environment.

Moreover, the two colonies not only cut off the connection with the solar system, but also maintained their independence from each other.

At first, they kept in mind the exhortation of "Go far away and don't look back". Since they can't contact the home planet, they will naturally not try to contact other successfully established colonies.

The two parties each chose a completely different direction, and began to move forward, constantly establishing scientific research stations, and constantly sending more and more advanced scientific research spaceships.

Although it hasn’t really gone far until now, the total is only a few hundred light-years away, and the farthest scientific research spaceship has only advanced less than two hundred light-years. There is no one percent of the arm, but with more and more advanced detection equipment, their sight line is projected farther and farther.

Apart from this, they can also see things happening in the solar system relatively clearly at a distance of several light-years apart.

Although they did not personally feel the horror of the mass extinction catastrophe, they saw it very clearly.

The people in the two colonies began to feel urgency, accelerated the pace of exploration, and came to a conclusive conclusion that in the Orion’s spiral arm composed of tens of billions of stars, there was no second one to satisfy Karl Dashev's Level 1 grading civilization.

They discovered some extraterrestrial civilizations, but no one has the ability to navigate across star systems.

They also had brief and superficial contact with each other, but these civilizations were completely unaware of the existence of compound eyes.

Later, the two colonies each discovered some ruined civilization remnants, including destroyed spaceships, torn cities, and even the original large planets shattered into fragmented asteroid belts.

These ruined civilizations have one thing in common.

No matter what path of development the defeated civilization took, at the time of its demise, it was basically on the boundary of Level 1 civilization, maybe it was still a little bit, maybe it was a little bit further forward.

When they had just, or were about to master the ability to sail across the Stellar Rank, they were suddenly destroyed.

The game and movie of "Crisis of the Compound Eyes" left by the sage Chen Feng, as well as the famous book named "Feng Lei", as well as the great extinction catastrophe that occurred in the solar system, and two more and more The intelligence gathered by each of the huge colonies was linked, forming a sad conclusion.

Of course, compound-eye civilization exists.

It's just that all the civilizations that have come into contact with the compound-eye civilization have perished.

Other low-level civilizations that are completely ignorant of this, just don't even have the value of being slaughtered.

About the beginning of the 30th century, a scientific research ship in the Proxima Colony made a major discovery.

They found a small escape ship.

This escape ship does not belong to human beings, nor does it belong to any proven low-level civilization, nor does it meet the characteristics of the estimated compound-eye civilization.

The technological level of this civilization is very high, even close to the theoretical value of Level 3 civilization.

There was no one inside the escape ship, not even the wreckage of the dead, and no data.

Scientists temporarily named it Mizu.

After rigorous discussion, scientists believe that the Mizu may have been the main civilization in the galaxy, but it perished by the hand of the compound-eye civilization.

Scientists also compared the materials, performance and weapons of the compound-eye battleship portrayed by Chen Feng in the film and television works. It is speculated that the compound-eye battleship did absorb part of the technology of the fans.

The Mizu itself should be a peculiar mechanical civilization based on metal and combined with a small amount of organic matter.

As for the demise of the Mizu, it was fifty to one million years ago.

Such a powerful advanced civilization disappeared silently in Orion’s arms, leaving only a stranded escape ship, which is evident in the ferocity and power of the compound eye.

Since then, the two major colonies have made decisions almost simultaneously, breaching their oath, and attempting to contact their home planet.

But something strange happened.

They can see everything in the solar system, but no matter how they send a signal to the parent star, it is clay ox entering the sea and cannot reply.

Even if they switch to the quantum network channel of the parent star, the result is the same.

This puzzled the scientists in the two colonies, and could only attribute it to the solar system barrier and draw new conclusions.

The people and equipment in the solar system can't actually see the outside.

The starry sky still exists, but the light and signal are distorted and isolated by the barrier, and the farther the distance, the greater the distortion.

So since 2500 years later, the Earth civilization has been unable to observe the outer universe truly, only the void and deep space within two light-years can be retrieved. As for other cosmic backgrounds, they are all false cosmic environments. NS.

Although they could not communicate with the home planet, the colonies managed to get in touch with each other. They quickly communicated with each other and continued to advance science and technology in the direction they were good at.

Unfortunately, the distance between the two parties is too far. Although the scientific research ships can communicate, they cannot exchange large-scale materials. Therefore, their respective battleships are still evolving along their main development directions.

People in the two colonies have considered whether to send a research ship back to the solar system to try to communicate with the parent star through a barrier, but due to concerns that the information may be exposed in advance, the trip finally failed.

One is that the parent planet has taken another path of technological development, and it is not lagging behind itself. It may not be beneficial to absorb these things from oneself. Second, instead of exposing it in advance, it is better to build a huge military organization. The fleet returned to the battlefield in the form of surprise soldiers at the time of war, and the ball-shaped battleship of the double-eyes was completely unprepared.

Of course they knew that if their fleet appeared on the battlefield, it would definitely reveal the location of the colony instantly.

But so what?

The enemy's fleet has all come here, and it wouldn't have gone empty-handed.

Rather than waiting for death, it is better to go home and fight hard.

After all, there is only a short five hundred years, and there are too few facts that mankind can do. It can only be said that one can do a little.

In the process of charging and trapping, Chen Feng roughly scanned the information.

He has his own opinion.

Those low-level civilizations regarded by the colonies as not worth mentioning have their own uniqueness in their technological routes and life forms.

Although the overall strength of low-level civilizations is low, and the colony and each other are only initial contacts at the information level, and have not formed a business and technology communication system, Chen Feng believes that with the all-inclusive characteristics of human beings, it is still We should try to deepen our contact with these low-level civilizations and learn from each other's strengths. As long as we can accept their strengths and incorporate them into human beings' own system, even if it is just an idea, it can get huge benefits.

It's a pity that the colony is not doing well this time.

But this is a crime of non-war.

The universe is so big, even if it's just a "tiny" Milky Way, it has a radius of 50,000 light-years.

It is just a small part of the Orion’s arm in the Milky Way, which is more than 20,000 light-years long.

Even if flying at the speed of light, the journey is too far away.

Five Hundred Years is really just a flick of a finger, nothing can be done.

A thousand years are not much better.

At the same time, Chen Feng can also conclusively believe that the compound-eye civilization is indeed the current ruler of the galaxy.

Among the tripartite scientists currently discussing, some people in the Solar War Zone believe that the compound-eye civilization may be a new civilization emerging within the galaxy.

But Chen Feng doesn't think so. He firmly believes that the compound eye must be an intruder from the distant Virgo local galaxy cluster.

After completing the incubation of technology, they dispatched a fleet, and when they arrived in the galaxy, they set off a war and defeated the Mizu.

Then the compound-eyes began to rule the galaxy with an extremely iron and blood style.

The ruling method is very simple and rude. It dispatches a ball-shaped battleship to patrol, and implements annihilation once the potential civilization is discovered.

It is possible that people with compound eyes visited Earth in the 16th, 7th and 8th centuries, but the Earth people at that time were too weak and not worth mentioning.

In the 21st century, the Earth civilization of 0.Level 7 should not have entered the category of being annihilated.

In the first timeline, the Earth civilization of the twenty-sixth century is still so close, yet worlds apart.

In theory, the Earth people at the time should still be safe.

From the results, human civilization is due to travelers entering the vision of higher civilizations in advance, and then compound-eyes drop solar system barriers to block them, and then send patrols (ball-shaped battleships) to carry out annihilation.

This has continued for seven timelines. At the eighth time, Compound Eye Civilization found that the ball-shaped battleship might not be enough to deal with the situation, and dispatched the Prism Fleet.

According to the fact that the solar barrier instantly reached the neighboring galaxy, Chen Feng speculated that the barrier has the ability to fly across space.

Then the theoretical fact should be like this.

Voyager 2 flew in the tunnel constructed by dark energy black holes for five hundred years, and arrived in front of an advanced civilization.

This advanced civilization may or may not be the creator of the solar barrier.

There is another possibility. The solar barrier and the electron-level dark energy black hole are both methods obtained by the compound eye from the hands of higher civilizations.

Then, by analyzing the characteristics of the Voyager aircraft and interpreting the information in it, the characteristics of human beings, the trajectory of technological development, and the amazing potential are exposed.

In the next moment, the compound-eye civilization activated the highest-level ruler tool-the sun barrier, and completed the rapid launch. At the same time, it sent targeted military forces, that is, the previous seven ball battleships, and this time The fleet of ball ships and prismatic ships.

If the previous Chen Feng straightened out these ideas, he would still want to lie down on the spot and wait to die, but now he can't remember how much psychological construction he has done, and his nerves have long been so gross that it is breathtaking. To the point.

Anyway, if there are more lice, I am not afraid of itching. What can I do if I know the truth is terrible, and I'm done.

Of course, those who can dream must also learn to face reality.

Chen Feng briefly looked at the current battle damage situation of the three human armies.

Soon, it's horribly fast.

No matter how frantically attacking the human fleet, which should be inside and outside, the prismatic fleet is completely remaining unmoved, only opening the shield and continuously compressing the space along the predetermined half-light speed.

Even Barnard’s fleet is struggling to keep up with the advancing speed of the Prism fleet after slowing down.

The situation in the grid link is not much better, the human fleet attack for a long time without any success, can only continue to retreat.

Soon, the human fleet in the Sun War Zone stopped advancing forward, and had to start to retreat instead.

It seems that the three major War Zone fleets are desperately attacking at the same time, but it is actually worse than throwing an egg at a rock.

Only a few minutes later, the slower-speeding fortress, star cannon, and star cannon have been swept by the grid and decomposed into elementary particles.

One warrior after another had to flee these large combat units like ants whose nests were destroyed.

But these warriors are equipped with Tamron weapons at most.

The speed-up performance of Tamron's armed forces is still not enough to support a rapid half-light speed.

In addition to these dangers, the dark black masses floating in the solar system, the particle bombs detonated everywhere, and the tens of millions of blade beetles that casually pass through the grid space also pose a huge threat to mankind. .

In the periphery of the battlefield space, the casualties of the Proxima Fleet are better.

However, a handful of blade beetles that turned around still posed a huge threat to the 80 million double-wheeled battleship.

As for the Barnard Star Fleet, the prismatic battleship resorted to a more direct counter-attack method, and once again released a large number of enhanced Dragonfly fighters, which rushed to the Barnard Star Fleet like a swarm of locusts.

These enhanced dragonfly fighters are slightly larger in size and faster, and the gushing energy beams obviously have higher energy levels, not to mention the physical toxins threw away along the way.

Austenitic Cannon can cause battle damage to the new Dragonfly fighter, but to no avail.

Although the prismatic ship is small, the speed of launching the dragonfly fighter is not at all inferior to the ball battleship.

The compound-eyes don't care about the loss of these cannon fodder units, they only release their forces continuously and quickly eat away at the triangle battleship.

Chen Feng, who controls the Xingfeng Colossus, is not much better than others.

The huge star front colossus attracted the attention of more than a hundred blade beetles at the same time. Chen Feng had to maintain a high-intensity curvature motion state to avoid being torn into pieces.

Chen Feng sighed, still not able to fight.

What he got was not all bad news. Just now Gallon and Peng Zhongyun said that the compound-eyes in the galaxy only have a million prismatics, which is not just nonsense.

About 2950, ​​a scientific research ship of Barnard Star that performed a non-returning exploration mission once sent back a section of emotion report.

The so-called non-return exploration refers to the exploration plan that does not consider the return journey from the time of departure.

Thousands of frozen embryos are usually carried on the non-return scientific research ship, and there are at least 77 non-returnees who have been prepared.

If there is an opportunity, the non-returning person can find a planet to settle down and try to cultivate a new colony when there is still fifteen years from the end of life.

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