In 2760, this group of non-returned persons set off from the outermost planets of the Barnard galaxy, and by 2950 they had advanced to the distant deep space nearly 160 light-years from the solar system.

They discovered a lonely asteroid floating in the universe without revolving around any star.

After landing, the probe began to continuously receive electromagnetic wave signals with obvious regularity.

Through years of research, those who did not return discovered that the asteroid was actually a long-lived rocky life.

This rock has a lifespan of at least 2 billion years.

The consciousness of rock life was born lonely in the rock structure fused with part of the metal, and it exists in a way that does not conform to the cognitive logic of the Earth people and does not conform to the Earth's definition of life.

The main consciousness is not a complete logic constructed in the brain of carbon-based life, and there are no neurons and nerves in its body.

But the amazing thing is that the huge structure of protons, neutrons, and even atoms and molecules that make up this asteroid forms a wonderful whole.

Electrons and ions dissociate between them, transmitting information at a slow speed, and forming a closed loop, forming a huge slow intelligence similar to carbon-based life, but completely different.

Carbon-based life, especially human beings, rely on the flow of charged ions to transmit information, and rely on the quantum changes of phosphorous atoms in the microtubule structure of neurons to produce consciousness and store memory.

Rock life relies on larger-scale but slower low-speed chemical reactions to transmit information, and also relies on the quantum collapse changes in various compounds within it to produce consciousness and memory.

The prerequisite for everything is that in the accident of infinite denominator, the quantum transformation in this asteroid is transformed into the law and combined into a whole.

The process of its birth was too accidental.

It is not of the same kind.

Even if there are other rock beings in the universe, they are not of the same race.

Under normal circumstances, its thinking speed is very slow, and the life of a human being may be just a short memory for him.

It's not smart, it doesn't have any inventions, and it doesn't even have a civilization level.

But it is still truly "alive".

It can continuously memorize and repeat some simple information.

After the information is memorized by it, it will be forgotten at a slow rate as it "aging".

When all the memory is forgotten, it means it has "Death".

At that time, the more than twenty non-returnees who had only more than ten years left in lifespan had no chance to read its message.

But fortunately in the misfortune, when humans come into contact with it, it will soon come to the end of life.

The gravitational effect in its body began to take effect, and the quantum collapse, which had never been stagnant, was gradually stagnating due to the sedimentation of particles.

When everything falls into silence, it will become a real cosmic rock, which may be captured by a star or planet in countless years.

As a lonely life that has witnessed 2 billion years, it may be a bit unwilling after all.

At the same time, it is precisely because the quantum state gradually tends to sink, it has accelerated the frequency of small-scale collapse in its body by countless times.

Its thinking has become faster, and it can start to release an image signal with a section length of about half an hour in a year.

The electromagnetic wave signal is the last image it wants to convey to humans.

Before the non-returning people continue to age and die, they finally deciphered this message, which is an extremely magnificent three-dimensional projection of the universe.

It tells a story to mankind.

The content of the story is a war that took place millions of years ago.

The war lasted for thousands of years, and the two warring parties disappeared and reappeared from time to time.

Of course, the life of the rock life has not only seen the scene in this video, but it has long forgotten more distant things.

And, in its consciousness, everything he has experienced during the "first half of his life" for more than 1.9 billion years, there is only endless loneliness and absolute boredom, until the last million years of life , Everything in front of it has experienced such a change of surging forward with great momentum.

This experience, which has lasted for thousands of years, is its most precious treasure in its heart.

Even if it is about to die, it hopes that its wealth can be passed on.

The Rock Life compresses thousands of years into a video of only half an hour, making it extremely difficult to decipher.

But those who did not return eventually succeeded.

The two warring parties are the Mizus and the Compound Eyes.

The battleship of compound-eyes at that time was not the prismatic structure of today, but one after another small spheres, the number of which was exactly one million.

Compound-eye civilization at first has the upper hand.

With the deepening of the war, the battleship form of compound-eye civilization gradually changed, and its performance continued to improve.

This represents the technology of the Mizu is being digested and absorbed.

In the end, the war stopped.

There has never been another confrontation of the same intensity in the memory of Rock Life.

At this time, the millions of battleships of compound-eye civilization have all been transformed into prismatic structures.

The number of one million is very subtle.

As Chen Feng saw from the battlefield intelligence, the exact number of prismatic battleships in front of him at this time was 999,996.

The four missing should be the controllers of the ball-shaped battleship, each responsible for patrolling a 90-degree sector of the Milky Way.

This is both weird and scary.

It means that the true number of compound-eye invaders has never decreased or increased in millions of years.

This is very terrifying, which means that the compound eye has found a way to possibly live forever.

Chen Feng can roughly guess what the method is.

Clone and copy and paste consciousness, and then continue to raise Gu to screen new personality subjects.

At present, human beings cannot achieve consciousness transfer because the quantum thinking storm in the human brain is too complicated, but it does not mean that people with compound eyes cannot do it.

Maybe people with compound eyes have relatively simple thinking?

In addition, Chen Feng said that it is "possible to live forever", not for conclusive immortality.

That's because of the consciousness of cloning and copying and pasting, and there may also be a limit on the number of times.

After a certain number of times, even if the body is still alive, the mind may collapse and gradually distorted into another character.

Or directly collapse of consciousness, and move towards a kind of physical life and complete psychological death.

For example, are the million people with compound eyes now and those million people with compound eyes a million years ago, are they still the same person corresponding to one after another?

Chen Feng doesn't know, and those with compound eyes don't necessarily know.

That is the ethics of the universe, unless humans can also master the perfect mind transfer, otherwise they can't experience it.

In addition, Chen Feng received another important information, the positioning of the ball battleship in the compound-eye civilization patrol ship, which also comes from the difference between this million and 999,996.

This is a definite answer.

After the compound-eyes occupy the galaxy, they should be concentrated in a galaxy near the center of the galaxy. Then the galaxy is divided into four fan-shaped areas, and the galaxy is divided into four patrol ships, one way per thousand years, every two thousand years A round-trip frequency inspection.

About every time the patrol ship returns, it will change a group of people.

Human luck is both good and bad. When the sun barrier arrives, the spherical battleship patrolling this area takes five hundred years to fly from the solar system, leaving at least five hundred years of development time for mankind. .

Of course, these five hundred years may have been deliberately left to mankind by the compound eye.

Since the compound-eyes can absorb the technology of the fans, of course they can also absorb the technology of the humans.

In a sense, the solar barrier is also the compound-eye that can safely let the low-level civilization in the cage. It is an important means to eliminate the traces and completely wipe it out at the right time.

As for why the two colonies failed to find the remains of the high level civilization in the Orion’s arms, and all they encountered were low-level civilizations?

It may be due to bad luck and not found, or it may be that the hands and feet of the compound eye are too clean.

Assuming there is still a good order in the universe, then the compound-eyes need to clean up the battlefield very carefully to destroy the high level civilization. It does not matter when the low level civilization is eliminated.

As if the gangsters need to destroy the corpse and evidence to kill, walking on the road and trampling a grasshopper to death will naturally leave it to its corpse.

In this timeline, in addition to the ball-shaped battleship, the new enemy battleship fleet starts from the galaxy near the Galactic Center and rushes towards Earth.

The speed of the prismatic battleship is slightly faster than that of the ball ship, perhaps farther away, but it arrived in the solar system less than twenty hours late.

Why is the ball-shaped battleship for patrols larger than the war machine prismatic battleship?

To understand from a human perspective, you can think of it this way.

How would it feel for a person with eternal life to perform a task that would take two thousand years back and forth?

Even if there is a superluminal quantum network that can keep in touch with one's own population, it still cannot avoid emptiness and loneliness.

When the technology is sufficiently developed and the energy is almost inexhaustible, should the "brave" performing the patrol mission be given the highest material treatment?

Of course it should.

Building a huge patrol ship, increasing its activity space, creating the best entertainment and living conditions for it, and improving the fun when performing tasks, has become one of the basic guarantees.

In addition, it has to be given a means to ensure the continuation of life, that is, cloning and copying.

The "patrolman" who died in the hands of Chen Feng must have loved the number 55.

The above conjectures and conclusive arguments are the standard answers obtained by Chen Feng and other solar system scholars after fusing the knowledge of the two colonies.

Chen Feng believes that his conjecture is basically close to the truth, and it is also in line with every guess and every detail of his intelligence in the past.

In fact, the situation has not changed. This defeat is doomed, but Chen Feng is not sad, but rather proud.

Compared to the other civilizations that were wiped out in the arms of Orion, and even compared to the once powerful civilization fans, he has done well enough.

Since the compound-eye civilization invaded the galaxy, heaven knows how many wars they fought in large and small wars, but they never died.

According to the analysis by Proxima scientists on the Mizu escape ship, the technological level of the exterminated Mizu at that time should be similar to that of the current solar system, and even slightly superior in materials science.

But as a result, the Mizu was not only completely defeated, but was even completely absorbed by the opponent during the war.

Today, human beings are faced with those who have taken root in the galaxy and developed for millions of years, and have absorbed and transformed all the technology of the Mizu, and have more or less sucked a lot of blood from more low-level civilizations. A stronger enemy.

But the human beings who rose to the end of the dynasty have perished only seven times, and after seven thousand years of technological acceleration, they have gone from the once humble and not worth mentioning 0.Level 7 civilization to today. , And successfully killed a compound eye.

Chen Feng didn't feel so proud before, but now it is a little bit gratifying.

In addition, he has a new understanding of the civilized class.

When the technical level is not high, the Kardashev civilization classification has relatively good adaptability.

But when the level of technology exceeds a certain limit, the class gap between civilization and civilization cannot be simply measured by the amount of energy used.

For example, human beings, assuming that human beings fell into the eternal technological bottleneck after the invention of Dyson membrane, and no achievements have been made, but as long as the Earth people are given time, the Earth people can still spread their footprints in the Milky Way and spread the Milky Way. Every star in it is used, and it is not even impossible to covet the Silver Heart, and slowly climb the ladder of Level 3 civilization.

But at this time, the Earth people were still unable to leave the galaxy to go to the extragalactic galaxy. When facing the invading compound-eyes, the defeat still had to be defeated.

Even if the opponent sends only one million battleships, the total energy they possess is less than one ten billionth of the entire galaxy, but they can win.

The energy utilization gap that can be wiped out by time is of no value.

The value of technology will be more reflected in quality rather than quantity.

For another example, suppose that humans now suddenly master a high-speed movement technology that is independent of the bending and the curvature of the gravitational line, which can support a group of people to run away from the Milky Way to the Rania Kea super galaxy cluster. At the other end, the fate of human destruction was reversed in an instant.

Chen Feng thought of his next direction.

Continue to seek a more in-depth technological explosion, and obtain a new power that can overwhelm the compound eye in a certain way. At that time, humans will either gain super mobile ability to escape, or gain super war ability to defeat the compound eye frontally. Of the Million Prism Fleet.

No matter which one it is, it can completely change the future.

Now he understands the truth, but as the war deepens, his mood hasn't changed much.

Firstly, he found that no matter how hard he tried to imagine and speculate, he could not find a stable way to stimulate the explosion of in-depth technology.

He also informed Ou Qinglan and the others of his ideas, hoping that more scientists would work together with him. The result is still very unsatisfactory.

Secondly, it is painful to see one's own kind dying one after another in the confrontation with the other race at any time.

The death rate of the three human fleets is still very fast.

After the compound-eyes quickly figured out the route of the Proxima fleet and the Barnard fleet, the battle damage rate was even faster.

Unconsciously, after another half an hour passed, Chen Feng gradually felt exhausted physically and mentally.

I can't think of an idea. Together with so many smart people and such a huge artificial intelligence, they can't think of an idea. The direction of the war is so clear and clear, which makes him very confused and painful.

He doesn't know how long this road will go, which bothers him immensely.

He vaguely forgot one thing.

Until now, the players in the solar system are still playing Morrowind at the highest power for a moment.

Overwhelming majority people no longer enjoy the emotional blessings of "Morning Wind", but under the influence of "Song of the Outside World", their thinking has changed logically, even when they go to death generously, they are no longer emotionally excited.

Although people with arousal levels of more than 35% can resist, their mood is somewhat affected, but only Chen Feng is completely immune to "Song of the Outside World".

But he will be affected by Morrowind, and his emotions are quietly active.

Obviously, it is just a little ups and downs of mind, and after being enlarged to exceed a certain limit, it will cause drastic changes in his mood.

Another half an hour later, when Tang Tianxin's command ship was raided and torn apart by eight blade beetles, Chen Feng's perfect judgment was flawed.

This time, the child's mother didn't have the chance to leave him a last word, and it turned into cosmic dust in a violent explosion in an instant.

At the same time, the continuous strikes of the human fleet finally opened a gap in the grid hole.

The stacks of energy weapons and missile shell strikes seem to have finally exhausted the dark black masses and physical toxins in front of the space in front, and also consumed a lot of the white plasma in the grid.

The first missile crossed the grid perfectly.

The blade beetles patrolling nearby also showed a weak spot, leaving a large passage.

In the next instant, Chen Feng made a decision, and followed the route of the missile and rushed at the speed of light.

He is fed up with the feeling of being locked up in the deaf, and can only fight other people's blade, spear, sword, halberd, but can't touch other people's vellus hair.

But when he had just crossed the grid and entered the area between the grid and the bastion array, he saw the energy changes behind him and also the battlefield intelligence.

The energy of the link grid has not weakened, and the missiles and energy cannons behind it still cannot be fired.

On the prismatic battleship he was up ahead, countless long beards were spreading out.

He has seen this long beard.

It is the method used by the ball battleship to freeze the space.

Only this moment, as if cold water poured over his head, Chen Feng woke up in horror.

It is counted.

People with compound eyes want to capture themselves alive.

It's no wonder that just now, under the siege of hundreds of blade-edge beetles, I always seemed to be thrilling, but in fact it was easy to do.

It's not that I'm so strong, it's that the blade beetle is deliberately releasing the water!

Chen Feng is not sure if his ability to travel through time has been seen through, but the compound eye must have discovered his own special!

It's over.

Suddenly he has only one choice left, to die sooner.

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