After very careful thinking, Chen Feng decided to make bold changes.

He intends to improve the members' right to know, try to allocate more work, and implement a more detailed division of labor and layout.

He will even consider gradually absorbing more people to participate.

Of course, the people he will absorb later will not give such in-depth information.

If the core members do not expand, just keep the current six-member organization.

After Chen Feng’s assessment, Irwin can be the first to be developed into the seventh person, while fatty’s father Ou Guohua and wife Song Siyu can be the eighth and ninth.

Others have to choose slowly.

The team always grows step by step.

Through looking back on the eighth timeline, Chen Feng clearly perceives the strength of the team.

Now that he has the ability and holds a huge plan like the "Five Hundred Years Plan" in his hand, if he doesn't want to exhaust himself, he needs to gradually expand the team size and put more details on More and more trustworthy professionals are responsible.

If all goes well, Chen Feng will turn the salvation into a long-standing organization with influence radiating to all aspects of society.

At 11:30 in Los Angeles time, in the encryption software developed by Chen Feng himself, the images of six people appeared in the camera at the same time.

Chen Feng and Zhong Lei share a camera, while the other four share a camera.

Fatty's eyes still look a little blurred. She is still in her pajamas. She must have worked hard last night and didn't sleep well.

Lu Wei, Lai En, and Meng Xiaozhou are full of energy.

These people are highly self-disciplined players, and they usually get up at around 7 in the morning.

Chen Feng re-examined the communication encryption situation again and announced his decision after he was sure that there was nothing wrong.

He first took out to one-fifth, and he has sorted out about three hundred A4 paper brochures, "Look at what is written on this cover."

Fatty Ou He squinted his eyes, "Master, this picture of you is a mirror image, I can't see..."

Ryan has already read out, "The five-hundred-year development plan of human civilization?"

" Yes."

Chen Feng quickly switched the mirroring mode while responding.

Lu Wei, Lai En, and Meng Xiaozhou were stunned by the name, and their heads buzzed.

Lu Wei tentatively asked: "What is this thing?"

Chen Feng smiled and turned a page casually, and then read, "According to the original historical process, big Wei Anderson will be accidentally inspired by the collider experiment in 2064 and discover the third law of the underlying quark structure. He will work hard in the next two decades to prove the law. It is calculated that Anderson completed his Academician studies at Stockholm University in 2061. After that, he has actually completed the accumulation of basic knowledge. He can be inspired by other means to carry out this research three years in advance."

"The proposed method of operation is to contact his Academician student tutor Lin De Love Sven Sen, inculcate this idea to Lin De Love in the conversation. Analyzing Lin De Love’s character, he will have a probability of over 92.77% to say this conjecture in the classroom in the form of divergent thinking, and put it in front of the theory. The research is planned as David Anderson's graduation thesis topic. It is estimated that Anderson will be inspired by Lin De Love's remarks many times during the project, and the research can be completed by 2076 at the latest, and this law will come out 8 years ahead of schedule. "

After Chen Feng finished reading, he said: "The rest of the content is similar to this, including politics, economy, military, technology, and every important node of the era you can imagine. Follow this The implementation of this plan will speed up every important node in such a way as to make what should happen ahead of time, and let what should not happen be strangled in the cradle. Strictly implement this five-hundred-year comprehensive plan to achieve The most perfect extreme, under the most ideal conditions, will be able to double the progress of human civilization in these five hundred years."

After he finished speaking, he paused for a while.

Ryan raised his hand and asked, "It means that humans can reach the level of development of your last timeline 3000 years in 2500?"

Chen Feng nodded, "Theoretically. Of course. , Can’t be too harsh for perfection. I think it’s good to reach 2900."

Lu Wei shook his head again and again, "This, this is incredible. How could it be possible that this is not driving, but you can still step on the accelerator." Speed ​​up. According to your statement, by 2200 years, there may be technology that could only appear in 2400 years. Then in 2400, scholars who should have made achievements in a certain technology, wouldn't they be fine?"

On this point, Ryan holds a different view, "It’s not necessarily. Science never exists in isolation, but a chain. If a certain result appears early, then future generations will also get the accumulation of knowledge. . Really talented scientists also have the opportunity to find new fruits on the road that their predecessors finished ahead of time."

Chen Feng nodded, "Yes, the same is true in other fields."

About this matter, Chen Feng has conclusive proof, such as the two nailers Sergey and Lai Wenming, who are getting stronger and stronger.

But Ryan immediately said again: "But if we change the future according to this plan, there may be errors in time and place during our execution, so every time we change the future, it will cause New variables. This variable will continue to be enlarged year after year, not to mention a hundred years later, I am afraid that after 20 or 30 years, this continuously enlarged variable will evolve the possibility of astronomical numbers in probability. What about us Can you accurately control the future?"

Chen Feng recognized: "Ryan, your concerns are quite reasonable. But this plan made in the thirty-first century is not my credit alone. At least hundreds of thousands of cutting-edge scientists work around it, and at least several millions of ordinary scholars participated in the revision and compilation. In order to exhaust countless possibilities, scholars after a thousand years have also mobilized the super quantum intelligence of the 31st century Fanxing is close to the computing power of one third, and it took three months of intensive calculations to finally come up with this booklet."

"The perfect execution I just mentioned does not actually refer to every point. This is actually a kind of fuzzy algorithm. If there is a variable in any major direction, you can temporarily give up control and leave it to civilization to develop on its own. But civilization will always correct some obvious mistakes by itself, and when things get back on track, some previous Strategies that cannot be executed are all right."

Ryan pondered for about thirty seconds, indicating that he understood what Chen Feng meant.

Meng Xiaozhou grasped another important point, "So we will become an invisible organization that secretly controls the world everywhere?"

Chen Feng: "Yes, just like the human body Conditional reflexes control nerves like that. We will create knee-jerk reactions one after another."

Now, everyone, including Zhong Lei sitting next to him, understands his grand scheme.

Although as he said, this "Five Hundred Years Plan" was not made by him alone, but he was the executor, and even more so by himself.

Can we use our own hands, little by little, to speed up the history of human civilization?

Will we become the creators of the times?

Can we build the future of mankind by little by little like playing a simulation construction game?

Our ultimate goal is to allow mankind to complete a thousand-year journey in five hundred years?

If civilization is a war chariot, are we the foot that stepped on the accelerator?

There have been countless great people born in history.

Every great man has left his footsteps in the years.

Every great person has acted as a thrust to accelerate the progress of civilization.

Those great names, just imagination and memories, will make people worship and admire from the heart.

However, we are completely different from the greats of the past.

We will be able to surround him and keep pushing civilization forward!

So, can we also be great?

So how great can we be?

How magnificent is Chen Feng's construction?

Ou Junlang finally asked a slightly constructive question, "but we will all die sooner or later, what should we do after we die?"

fatty's words are not very pleasant, but But I got the idea.

Chen Feng smiled and said his second idea, "So, from now on, salvation will not be limited to the scale of six of us, nor will it be a short-term organization. We will There will be more second-tier members. Of course, every new member has to go through careful selection and layered evaluation. We will let others know how much, and we must precisely control it in the appropriate range. After the death of our founders, successor We will continue to walk along our steps until we achieve our goal or the day when everything becomes no longer controllable. Salvation will complete the historical mission and disappear quietly."

Listen After that, everyone was silent again for a long time.

Everyone couldn't speak, they just felt choked and dry.

Unconsciously, everyone's heartbeat gradually speeded up.

Especially Fatty Ou, he was so excited that he could almost hear the peng peng in his heart.

"Okay, let me announce the first major event, about our division of labor."

Chen Feng officially started to announce the decision.

Because the song "Morning Breeze" is too important, it is related to the success or failure of everything, and there is no room for loss, so the main task of Zhong Lei for a long period of time is still pure music.

In his preliminary plans, Lu Wei should also focus on music.

This is Lu Wei's personal pursuit.

She has been running on the road to catch up with Zhong Lei, and now she has also successfully entered the list of hundreds of thousands of years ago by many recognized selections.

Chen Feng believes that if Lu Wei can be more focused, he will do better, and can promote a more spectacular literary explosion with Zhong Lei.

Meng Xiaozhou’s mission remains unchanged, and he is still in overall control of Chen Feng’s business landscape.

But in the previous history, Chen Feng saw the ability of Meng Xiaozhou.

Even though his business sector has surpassed a trillion market value, Meng Xiaozhou, who is responsible for the specific execution and trader, is still doing a good job.

Although there must be credit for Helmsman, who is behind the scenes of his prophecy, but Meng Xiaozhou's talent cannot be denied.

Maybe Xiaozhou should be given a greater responsibility this time.

Chen Feng decided to re-include Xingfeng Research Institute and Xingfeng Technology into his own territory in the future.

Although aerospace is still important, he will no longer sell his assets in order to fully transfer.

When the Xingfeng Research Institute has developed to a similar stage, Chen Feng will kick Ou Guohua and Ouhe Group out of their own industries, and return Ouhe Group and Ouhe Group to real freedom.

But this time he will keep part of the R&D and technology industry in his own hands and establish a new group company. Therefore, Meng Xiaozhou’s burden is heavier.

Meng Xiaozhou's dream was to join Huateng, and now Chen Feng will give him a bigger "Huateng".

Ryan's main work is also unchanged, and it is still the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

This is actually a bit unfair to innovative scientists like Ryan.

Because he will have to spend the rest of his life in transforming Chen Feng's things. In Ryan's own view of the world, these all are the achievements of others.

Originally, Ryan could have some of his own innovations, but the combination of quantity and quality certainly cannot compare with the results that Chen Feng brought back.

This is equivalent to Ryan sacrificing the realization of self-life value, spare no effort to serve Chen Feng's great cause.

Perhaps future generations will admire and adore Ryan, but his deep in one's heart will definitely leave irreparable shortcomings.

I finished the first five.

"Okay, that's it for your arrangement for the time being. In short, thank you all."

Chen Feng can't promise others anything else.

Everyone here is not short of money, and they can choose a more relaxed and happy life.

When they decided to accept Chen Feng’s secrets and board the battleship together, they had already given up their lives.

Chen Feng does not need, nor can he promise any benefit to everyone, he can only say that everything is silent.

Everyone has ideals.

The general lofty ideal is to strive for what you get while you are alive.

The higher ideal is to strive for the recognition of the world after death.

The highest ideal is just to sacrifice everything while alive in order to satisfy the growing sense of responsibility in my heart.

No name, no profit, only an absolute peace of mind, a clear conscience.

As for the world after death, all future generations will comment on it.

Everyone had different expressions, and they lowered their heads slightly to chew the meaning of Chen Feng.

"Well, Master, what about me, me?"

At this moment, the fatty in the lens raised his hand, his face looked confused, expectant and nervous.

Chen Feng looked at Fatty a little awkwardly, and for a moment he didn't know where to start.

Master Chen said that he can arrange civilization and control the future, but he is completely uncertain about this fatty's life and dare not easily agitate.

Fatty is also on the battleship now, knowing it, and pursuing life.

He is definitely not reconciled to just continuing to be a folk singer and stallion who is waiting to die.

But Master Chen is really afraid of him, and even dare not even encourage him to start a business.

Fatty's destructive power to Ouhe Group is still vivid.

Chen Feng thinks, even if there is secret support to save the world, and then choose a stable industry for Fatty to execute, he can set the industry back for about 20 years.

This is scary.

Chen Feng meditated for a long time, "That, fatty."

"Hey, hey, I'll listen."

"Be nice to your dad , Make him feel happy."


"Be nice to your daughter-in-law. When the time is right, you can also bring your daughter-in-law in. But when the time Comes, we have to discuss a set of words together."


"Be nice to your baby, you also know. Your child is the best Great."

"Wow! No way, No way, I!"

fatty cried again.

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