Chen Feng spent nearly an hour exchanging details with everyone. It was still morning on the domestic side, but it was late at night on the Los Angeles side.

Zhong Lei's biological clock was disrupted, and he was slightly sleepy.

She yawned and got up first and said: "I understand, I will go to the guest room to sleep first. Chen Feng, you will rest soon later."

Chen Feng nodded .

The opposite Meng Xiaozhou also suggested: "Yes, it's too late on your side, go and rest. We will digest it for a while."

Chen Feng said, "That's it, that's it for the first time. Fatty, don't worry, I'll think of a solution when I look back, but you must promise me that you can't move your mind until I think of a solution."

Fatty Ou responded dullly.

Before Chen Feng closed the communication, Lu Wei quietly raised his eyes and looked at him more.

In fact, Lu Wei understood the subtext of Zhong Lei just now.

Zhong Lei is telling himself a fact quietly.

She and Chen Feng haven't had that relationship yet and haven't slept together.

Lu Wei felt a little ashamed, but he was also very moved.

But at the same time she felt that this was not good.

Since we have to do such a big thing, since we are a team, we should be more able to afford and let go of the things we love for these children, and shouldn't be entangled in small personal affair.

But Lu Wei did not dare to easily communicate this issue with Zhong Lei.

Because Zhong Lei's creation comes from emotions and is very emotional, Lu Wei is not sure if he rashly promises and changes something, will he shake Zhong Lei's creative talent.

Lu Wei has gradually learned the way Chen Feng thinks about problems.

At the same time she had her own idea.

She does not particularly approve of Chen Feng's arrangement.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Lu Wei opened the special encrypted communication software customized by Chen Feng on his mobile phone and sent a message, "Asleep?"

"Not yet. What's the matter?"

Chen Feng only woke up in the afternoon, and there was indeed no sleepiness.

Lu Wei pondered for a moment, "I know it’s good for me that you suggested that I focus on music, but I think it’s not good."

Chen Feng was taken aback, "en? You What does this mean?"

He didn't quite understand Lu Wei's intentions.

"Before I met you, I really only wanted to focus on creation. But you showed me my limits and helped me break through the limits. I am very grateful."

Chen Feng: "What do you say all of this suddenly?"

"But now my mind has changed. Maybe I continue to create like this, and I can still go little by little on the road of music creation. , But it’s not very meaningful."

"How can it be said that it’s not meaningful? Don’t underestimate the Renaissance. The connection between the European Renaissance and the first industrial revolution, I don’t need to say more about it. In the last timeline, the star rock style that you set off with "Cross and Crossing Stars" in advance, and your "War God" album, are very important for the next big explosion of literature and art. You can try more this time. "

Lu Wei laughed, "Of course I will persist in accomplishing these things within my power. I will not completely cut off the path of creation. I just think I must pick up another path. I will give you an example. For example, suppose I’m now in what you said a thousand years ago. Ranked 8th 10th a hundred miles ago. If I continue to focus on this, maybe I can advance to the 70th in this timeline. I am sure about the explosion of literature and art you are expecting I can provide a little more help, but it’s not enough."

"But if I start from another career, I can do more in my life. I can start the career of salvation on another level. To a huge effect. I know that you have been working hard to promote the integration of the East and the West. You want to eliminate opposing ideologies and build a New World pattern with Chinese civilization as the main body while maintaining the advantages of the Indo-European language family, right? "

Chen Feng wanted to quibble, but he couldn't hide it from Lu Wei after all, "Yes."

It is indeed Lu Wei who grew up in a special family and has been fascinated by administration since childhood. She continued: "You were prepared to make appropriate profits and adjust the resource allocation of the means of production on a larger scale. Your First Layer is meant to allow more people who have both the ability and adequate humanities and ethics to obtain greater resources. Distribution rights, speed up the flow of wealth and technological innovation. The purpose of your Second Layer is to allow more people to form closely related interests with the Star Peak Group and our salvation. Then we can better guide the world."

Chen Feng: "en."

"You went to Los Angeles to attend the conference on alien threats, and afterwards you invited the Oxford professor to come to our country to conduct a questionnaire survey. You are Want to prove to the Western world that the Eastern thinking model will perform better in the face of apocalyptic environment. At the same time, you did not deny the value of Indo-European languages. You started to promote the development of the "Flying Eyes Crisis" game , It perfectly exposes your intention to speed up language integration. "

"You went to Lincolnshire again. Although the other party never recognizes the value of this place, I think that apart from the legendary 51 area, they have nothing to attract you to make a special trip. You see something, and then come up with three new materials. Technology, ready to set off a science and technology competition between the East and the West. I have seen the plan of the Xingfeng Research Institute, and I firmly believe that this competition will end in our complete victory, and then we can grasp the key industrial chain of others to some extent, and change our country's backward situation in the high-tech industrial chain. "

"But from what I know about you, your main purpose of doing this is not to exploit others. This is still your bargaining chip to promote integration. The influence of you, me, Zhong Lei, Ou Junlang and Qin Lu in Europe and the United States is gradually expanding. We are working with the well-known Chinese and Chinese in the past to break the prejudices of the western world towards us. You are promoting integration through economics, technology, art, humanistic ideas, etc., little by little. "

"Have you decided on the next new member to save the world in your heart?" It should be a scholar from the West. Right? Next, in order to implement the "Plan", our salvation will become larger and larger, and there will be more and more people with different skin colors from all walks of life and various countries. Salvation revolves around your thoughts. In the process, the integration of the East and the West will continue to advance rapidly, right? "

Chen Feng was started first, then laughed, "You are so amazing, you can't hide anything from you." "

He understands now.

No wonder that in the timeline of the past, Lu Wei has abandoned the innate talent many times, and only ended up not going well.


Obviously his ability to appreciate music aesthetics is very strong, and his creative talent as a young girl is also amazing. Once his thoughts are liberated, his creative ability does not disappoint.

, Music is just her second day gift.

She is too acquainted with the world.

Her IQ and EQ are both high. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

When a person with a high double quotient stays sober, it is easy to think too much, and the result is a lot of distracting thoughts.

She has been wandering about the persistence of music and the utility of life. In the compromise.

This is due to her character and ability, which makes it easy for her to live a less pure life.

Others will pass on a lot of things they don’t understand. She can’t do it sloppyly, she can’t do it, just take a look, think about it, and she will understand everything.

In the life of the last timeline, Lu Wei was pure once and gained creative ability. A big outbreak.

But in this timeline, this month, she has obtained more information, and has been observing and figuring out Chen Feng’s each step action.

Something went wrong.

She now understands more things, she has more distracting thoughts in her heart, and the distracting thoughts are still very firm.

Lu Wei said again: "I fully approve of you Promote the idea of ​​integration. I also think your plan is almost perfect, but an important link is missing. "

"I know what you are talking about, but I don't want to, nor can I be contaminated with these. "

"So, let me come. "

Chen Feng: "..."

"I know very well that my biggest innate talent is not music creation, but in another aspect. It's just that I don't like it. "

Chen Feng: "Well, I understand. "

He is not polite, but he really understands.

The historical data of these people around him has long been turned over by him.

Lu Wei is right. The disgust of politics comes from her family.

Others admire her for being born in Ling Yun Family, but only she can understand the loneliness of living in an environment where everyone wears a mask.

What’s more painful is that she has been very insightful to the human world since she was a child. The more she understands, the more she hates it.

So she would rather give up the innate talent, or even get a degree after finishing college. Ken, when she was a teenager, she ran away from home alone to Hanzhou where her ancestral home is, and became a musician who wanted to be quiet and windy.

Perhaps she at first didn’t really like music, but just wanted to Find an ideal for which she can persevere and strive for a lifetime to forget her sorrows.

In the process of her struggle, she may have gradually become fascinated by music and forget her original motivation.

But now she has changed her mind.

"Chen Feng, I know you hate those things too, so I deliberately avoided it. You are a very pure person, and at the same time you must keep yourself noble and absolute self-confidence. You cannot learn to compromise. When you try to compromise, it will shake your will and loosen your firmness in the face of the intruder. So, let me do this kind of thing. "

"Didn't you just say you don't like it? "

"It would be too weak and selfish to evade responsibility because you don't like it. Some of us must be in politics. Since I am one of the founders of Salvation, I can no longer escape because of my own preferences. I will do well and will fill the last important piece of the puzzle for our business. If you complete the integration of East and West ahead of time, you can save a lot of people in the future, and civilization can take a lot of detours. Only your "Five Hundred Years Plan" can be implemented to the best. What do you think? "

Lu Wei uses a negotiating tone.

But Chen Feng already knows the answer.

No discussion.

She is determined.

"Then what are you going to do? "

"Back to Hanzhou University, while continuing to sing and release albums, while reading. I will reduce other commercial announcements and no more concerts. I strive to complete the remaining undergraduate courses within one year, and then go down to the grassroots level as a selected student, and then I will sing as I go to graduate school while handling official duties. "

Chen Feng frowned, "Will you be too tired?" "

Lu Wei: "There is no easy way to chase ideals, right?" At the same time, I also hope that I can take over the main responsibility of expanding the scale of salvation and selecting personnel. Believe me, I see people with accurate vision. "

Lu Wei’s confidence in knowing people is not about Wang Po selling melons.

When Chen Feng first tried selling songs, he ate so many cold shoulders. In the end, he was in the most Impossible Lu Wei, who bought a song, found a breakthrough here.

Everything has its own cause and effect, as if it is already doomed.

Chen Feng: "en. You are great in this respect. But we must pay attention to another matter. "

Lu Wei: "What? "

Chen Feng: "Our engagement. "

"Huh? "

Chen Feng sighed then said, "Family harmony and stability are very important to political leaders." You must have a nominal family in order to walk this step steadily. We have announced the marriage contract, so if you break the contract publicly after five years according to the original plan, it may affect your height. "

Lu Wei thought for a while, "In fact, it's okay, there is no need to demand perfection." I don't think the problem is big. "

Chen Feng recalled historical data.

When Lu Wei focused on the art path, he was suppressed by this negative scandal. Until many years later, his diary was unearthed and his own After the "doomsday prophecy" comes true, she can finally be reversed as a member of the salvation.

If she wants to enter politics, she needs a perfect image, so the negative impact may be greater than imagined.


She has sacrificed a lot, and there is no need to create additional difficulties for her.

Chen Feng fiercely's clenched the teeth, "In this way, I changed my mind. After five years, we will not publicly dissolve the marriage contract, and we will not draw a clear line. The truth or something, let others guess for themselves. "

Lu Wei: "Then what about your wedding with Zhong Lei?" "

Chen Feng: "When the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current. "

Lu Wei: "Then I have to discuss with Zhong Lei." "

"No, I'll go. "

Lu Wei firmly refused, "No, you don't understand women." It's better for me to go. "

The two argued for a while, Chen Feng still followed Lu Wei’s proposal and let her communicate.

At eight o'clock in the morning of the second day, Chen Feng knew it when he woke up. The result.

Things went smoother than he thought.

Zhong Lei said nonchalantly while having breakfast: "I also agree with Lu Wei. If you don't like to be in politics, your attention should break free from all restrictions and focus on bigger things. One of the six people we are saving the world must be an official, so that we can integrate resources in an all-round way and select talents. This person is not a second person besides Lu Wei. "

Chen Feng: "But..."

"Hey, don't talk about this. Of course I know that she likes you too, and she should know that I know too. It does not matter. I don't think there is any crafty plots and machinations in her proposal. Lu Wei is not that kind of person, and it is unnecessary. "

Chen Feng: "Uh..."

"Don't have any psychological burden. I also don’t like to think about it. I like you, but I can’t let anyone else in the world like you because I like you? I can't do it either. I'm too busy to prevent this and that, it's boring. "

Zhong Lei waved his hand again and came to a conclusion on this matter.

Compared with Chen Feng’s look forward and backward, it seems that these two women are really worthy of their emotions. Let it go, it’s refreshing to compete one by one.

Master Chen thought for a while.

It may be that character determines fate.

In the first timeline , Lu Wei cannot be said to be famous for the past and present, it can be regarded as famous for the history.

Zhong Lei does not need to say more.

The personalities of these two people really have their own merits and distinct characteristics.

Compared with the two, the self in the first timeline...

It’s miserable, I didn’t even have the identity of a celebrity neighbor.

So I always have some flaws in my personality, otherwise I would not be so humble.

After breakfast, Zhong Lei returned to Mason Academy, and Chen Feng wrote "Planning" and new technology for a while. Summary.

Writing that he received a call halfway through.

The caller was a bit unexpected.

James Diaz The director heard that Chen Feng was in Los Angeles and invited him to a Hollywood studio to talk about the new movie script.

Before director James had personally invited Chen Feng to participate in his new film and acted in it. A Japanese character with a lot of action scenes was rejected by Chen Feng.

At that time, Chen Feng promised to come back and show Director Zhan the script. If the script does not satisfy Director Zhan, let alone the Japanese. Koreans can play.

At that time, Director Zhan only treated Chen Feng as a polite, but recently this matter has gradually been put on the agenda.

About two or three weeks ago, Meng Xiaozhou asked Star Peak Entertainment North America to start contact with Director Zhan and handed over the script of the first science fiction film "Cross and Crossing Stars" "created" by Chen Feng.

Director Zhan's index finger was big after watching it.

I am very interested.

Of course, I came to Ten Years To Sharpen A Sword under the direction of Zhan, from interest to signing, to preparing for the shooting, and then forming a crew, holding a start-up ceremony, and finishing it on the spot. The period required for post-editing and final release is not one year or two years. There are still many steps to complete.

In the last timeline, "Horizontal Starry Sky" went from preparation to release and detonated. The box office was in 2025, and it took more than four years, but Chen Feng was not in Los Angeles in June 2020, and the communication between the two took place in the domestic capital four months later.

Now that Director Zhan’s new film is still in the filming cycle, he Long-term stationed in the outskirts of the Western District of Los Angeles, 60 kilometers away from the city center in Hollywood's Second Film and Television City.

Chen Feng was quite interested in the shooting scene of the one of the most powerful film directors in the 20th and 21st centuries. He hung up the phone and went out immediately.

Because it was a temporary schedule, he didn't bother to wait for the driver to come over, so he drove his Ford GT super and ran out the door himself.

Well, he just got his North American driver's license, so he can drive by himself.

Walking outside, representing the image of the motherland, and becoming a good Chinese citizen who abides by laws and regulations.

Los Angeles Hollywood in the past has represented the Peak of the global film and television industry for a long time, with a mature industry chain, abundant talents and detailed division of labor.

The screenwriters’ associations, investor associations, many film and television post-production companies, brokerage companies, distribution companies, and the headquarters or important branches of the film industry group are all located in this area.

Several old-fashioned film and television cities built and controlled by major media groups, consortiums, and wealthy families not only have a long history of as long as a hundred years, but also have a long history of as short as several decades. They are also new technologies in the world film industry today. Use the most mature modern film and television base.

The second film and television city is named No. 2. It is actually the largest film and television city in the entire area of ​​Hollywood with the highest real value of science and technology. In addition, a prosperous town with hundreds of thousands of people has also developed.

When Chen Feng arrived here, it was exactly ten o'clock in the morning.

He parked his car in the off-site parking lot of James.

There are many luxury cars here.

The expensive Ford GT sports car is unremarkable and looks very low-key.

As soon as he walked to the door of the studio, he saw James slowly approaching in a four-wheel electric car.

The old man looks a little absent, his eyebrows are frowning, and he is full of thoughts.

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