According to the navigation and positioning display, Freders is on the other side of the 8839 star.

The Galaxy A, which has been changed beyond recognition, has excellent performance, and Chen Feng's control technology is impeccable.

One minute and thirty-seven seconds later, Chen Feng first completed the semi-circular motion on the surface of the 8839 star, and then followed the winding corridor dug by Freds to the fifth underground. kilometer.

Appearing in front of him is an experimental predecessor Galaxy-class battleship.

The ship has a huge hull with a Trident structure. In addition to the 66-kilometer-long functional unit, there are two 51-kilometer-long cylindrical structures on both sides, with large hyper-curved engines and two Swirl to accelerate high-energy particle impact cannon.

Chen Feng has seen this model before, but he has never seen such a complete abandoned Galaxy-class battleship.

The signal indicator on the surface of the battleship flickered, showing that the equipment inside was still running and the battery still had energy.

A large hole with a diameter of five meters was opened on the shell of the battleship by a high-energy cutting machine. The edge of the hole is still glowing with dim red light, and the molten alloy metal hangs obliquely along the hole like a stalactite. , According to the evaluation of the cooling effect of the metal, it was shown that Flanders had just broken through the hole and went in for less than ten minutes.

Chen Feng rammed head-on and moved forward quickly following the route planned by the projection modeling constructed by Weixing using the shock scan.

Along the way, he saw a disassembled information terminal with a square box shaped like a hedgehog hanging on it.

Dozens of translucent quantum signal wires are connected in the square box.

This is a single SmartBrain cracking box designed by Freders in the previous few days. It was nicknamed the hedgehog box by Chen Feng, but it worked very well.

There is no need to crack the main brain Fanxing, the top secret frequency channels are in the hands of Weixing.

It is the independent SmartBrain on these obsolete old ships that caused a lot of trouble to Chen Feng's scavenging career.

Brute force cracking wastes energy and may damage resources. It is also easy to miss good things, and may even trigger self-destruct as a defense measure for battleship.

But since Freders developed the hedgehog box, these problems have been solved.

The efficiency of the two scavengers has increased by N exponential levels.

Speaking purely from an academic level, Freds, who has a blank language center, has achieved countless subjects in this era of informatics, artificial intelligence, micro-engineering, mechanical engineering, etc. purely by relying on innate talent. The achievement of the multi-material Master of the subject.

Chen Feng ashamed of being inferior, and secretly hates the other party for not being able to speak, otherwise how good a student is?

Isn’t it beautiful for everyone to learn together and make progress together?

Chen Feng has nibble on the knowledge system of this era in the past seven months.

Really dying.

The sorrow of the scumbag has never gone away from him, and the shadow of knowledge will always be shrouded in it.

It took a total of two minutes and 13 seconds, Chen Feng rushed to the SmartBrain control room of this Galaxy-class battleship.

At this time, the control room is brightly lit.

Freders' Galaxy Armor stood aside, and the exit hatch was already open.

Because the ship's central control system has resumed operation and the air quality monitoring system in the control room has resumed its work, the indoor air is no different from the Earth's atmospheric environment, except that the oxygen content is slightly higher.

In the center of the control room is a half-person-height platform, and above the platform is a floating and rotating diamond structure.

The diamond-shaped structure and the pyramid-shaped support frame below form a delicate gravitational balance, which makes the suspended diamond spin at a speed of one week per second.

Below the rhombus, there are countless regular, hair-like arcs linking between the two tips to form a zigzag.

The diamond is the core of the small SmartBrain that controls the battleship structure.

Don't look at the small size of this thing, but its performance is comparable to all the computing power of Weixing's huge core at this time.

Because of its indivisible and unrecoverable characteristics, humans usually choose to completely destroy the SmartBrain core when they abandon the ship, but the ship is not known for what reason, the core is preserved intact Down, and still functioning.

On the ground below the half-person high platform, a blue jelly-shaped thing was piled up, and Freders, with his arms and operating gloves, was lying flat with his eyes closed.

At the front end of the jelly, there are two long, pointed objects that resemble snail tentacles.

At the top of the pointed cone are two nail-sized spheres like transparent glass beads. The two spheres are also connected by an electric arc, flashing endlessly.

Chen Feng recognizes this "jelly".

According to data, this game is an intelligent mollusk whose population was established on the Star of Grass, more than 30 light-years away.

This is a race that humans love and hate. It is named the Grass clan.

Although the Grasse tribe only has the level of trifling 0.Level 1 civilization, and has not even entered the industrial age, it is still regarded by humans as a very dangerous existence.

Grass family Innate has the ability to communicate with quantum networks, and its thinking can fly freely in the space of quantum networks.

On the Star of Glass, there are tens of millions of people of the Glass tribe.

Thousands of Grasse people are independent of the quantum network of human beings, using their own innate talents to form a fully enclosed self-owned quantum network, which has been maintained for several millions of years.

Besides, thanks to its direct-chain communication ability, the people of Grasse can instantly form a unified consciousness and cause a storm of information flow.

In the 27th century, when human ships landed on Grasse, they were completely unprepared by this information flow storm, and the battleship almost crashed on the spot.

Then the humans began a long contact and negotiation with the Grass clan, hoping to incorporate it into the territory of the human empire.

If we can get the help of the Grass family and let them become network maintainers, the throughput and stability of human network data will be greatly improved.

But it’s a pity that the unlucky Grasses don’t eat humans at all, and they don’t take the threat of compound-eye civilization seriously, that is, oil and salt do not enter, and they are extremely xenophobic. You can say anything. It doesn't work.

If it weren't for the enemy of compound eyes, mankind still hopes to get some inspiration from the Grass clan, which has already been civilized to eliminate it.

Chen Feng solved the case.

Instead, didn’t expect. Over the past few hundred years, the Grasses talked about the way back from the bridge to the bridge. In fact, they have already used their own advantages in the quantum network level to quietly penetrate and absorb. Less human technology, and successfully jumped countless levels of technology, and obtained trans-stellar-level aerospace capabilities, and came to the garbage dump 001, which is the closest to the Star of Glass.

Chen Feng did not meet the Grasses on other planets before. It may be due to luck, or the Grasses looked down on other asteroids and went straight to the largest star, No. 8839. .

Now the burglar has hit the master.

Freds can spot this ship, and Heaven knows, who has been on the 8839 for many years, must also be able to spot the Grasse clan.

Fladys came to dismantle the core of SmartBrain. In the eyes of the people of Grasse, it was basically equivalent to breaking into the home of a homeless man to dismantle the lights of other people's homes, so he was attacked.

At that time, in order to improve the accuracy of the operation, Flanders took the initiative to walk out of the Battle Armor and gave the damned bastard a chance.

Crack, click.

Chen Feng steered the Galaxy Armor cautiously approaching and adjusted the tactical mask to be fully transparent.

His eyes can see through the blue jelly body of the Grasse to see the blue bowel face of Freders inside.

At this time, Xiaofu couldn't see any pain on his face, but he seemed to be asleep peacefully.

Weixing automatically projected a detailed introduction to the Grasse tribe in the database on Chen Feng's panel, and there is a detailed record of the process of human beings being swallowed by it.

Chen Feng has a quick glance, browse tightly knit.

The trouble is big.

Freders is not hypoxic, and his body functions are still maintained, but it is no longer the internal circulation in his body that provides nutrients, but has become from the pores of the skin on his body. Glass colloidal hose that penetrates into it.

His consciousness did not really dissipate, but the quantum storm in his mind was obscured by another quantum storm with a more stable structure and a larger scale.

Freders’ thinking is being eaten up by the people of Grasse.

The process of the Grasses devouring organic food is essentially assimilation, constantly assimilating their mind and body into the same structure as themselves, and then partially removing the indigestible non-organic matter.

The victims can't feel the slightest pain at all, just like a dream that will never wake up.

At this time, it seems that Flanders is still Flanders, and the people of Grasse are people of Grasse, as if Chen Feng can cut Flanders out of it.

But it's actually impossible.

Countless colloidal hoses have already penetrated into the skin of Freders at least two centimeters deep, and they are still wrapping blood vessels and lymphatic vessels to continue advancing inward.

The visual physical boundaries have long since disappeared.

In a sense, the two have fuse together, regardless of each other, and become the same life.

Now even if Chen Feng smashes the opponent to death on the spot, it will not help.

According to previous experience, after being swallowed by the Grassians, if humans cannot be rescued quickly within five seconds, they are no longer saved.

The humans and Grasses can only be shot together with one shot.

Chen Feng has been fast enough since he received the news and arrived here, but it was still too late.

Chen Feng first adjusted the Galaxy Armor to manual mode to prevent the Glassman in front of him from stealing control of the equipment, and then slowly raised the phase energy single-shot rifle, aiming at the muzzle of the black hole The people of Grasse, and the head of Freders inside.

He couldn't say how sad at this moment.

A few hours ago, Xiaofu had only two days of lifespan left.

Even if he did not encounter this, he would only live for about forty hours.

You die sooner or later, and you die.

No matter how much regret or reluctance to give up, it will eventually be parting.

Chen Feng has already forged a heart of iron and stone, and will not be easily sad.

Before pulling the trigger, he glanced at the medical data transmitted by the smart watch on Freders' wrist.

I don't know whether it was a coincidence, or the sudden injury caused the life force to further attenuate, and Freders' genetic collapse suddenly intensified.

Before he set off, he had a crash rate of 99.99%, but now it has become 99.999...%, which is infinitely close to 100%.

When the crash rate reaches 100%, the quantum storm in his brain will explode crazily with an intensity beyond the limit of the human brain, until the last drop of life force is quickly drained of all his neuronal cells.

It wasn't until this time that Chen Feng noticed that Freders, who was lying flat on the ground, still raised his hands, his forearms stood at a 90 degree right angle to his body, and his left and right hands were slightly curved. The tip of the index finger pointed to the sky.

Chen Feng certainly recognizes this pose.

After being attacked suddenly and fell to the ground, he may have tried to get up again, but failed.

Then he simply lay down like this, trying to move his fingers to complete the ship design.

He knows that the smart watch will be able to capture his finger marks, and the data will still be transmitted.

Chen Feng's fingers gradually strengthened.

At this moment, Weixing gave him a new feedback data.

Flanders’ gene collapse rate has officially reached 100%!

But his index finger in the translucent body of the Grasse moved 0.001 mm from right to left!

He is still drawing design drawings!

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