Not only that, but Freders' consciousness, which was not captured by smart watches, has gradually recovered.

The intensity of his brainwaves continues to increase, indicating a linear jump in mental activity, as if the equipment is overloaded.

Fredders, who was sleeping quietly, suddenly showed a distorted and painful expression again. The blood vessels swelled, but the shaking of his fingers accelerated again, and it still showed obvious regularity.

This situation makes Chen Feng feel at a loss.

Judging from Fred's expression, it is probably that his neuron cells have completely come to the end of life, and he has entered the previous state of daze.

But he can still complete the blueprint, which shows that his thinking is still sober.

Chen Feng just can't concentrate like a normal person, and actively send information to the neural link device, otherwise he really wants to know what Freders is thinking.

The monitoring data transmitted by the watch is very comprehensive, including blood oxygen concentration, blood pressure, heartbeat, simulation of the state of various organs, cell proliferation and division gene stability and so on.

At this time, Chen Feng can see a human body simulation model, which is the situation of Xiaofu.

The modeling of a normal person is green all over, which organ has a problem, and which position becomes red.

But at this time, Xiaofu is full of red light, and his brain is red and purple.

Chen Feng not only witnessed the state of the blank when he died, but also saw the description of the cloned human gene collapse in Sergey's secret base.

According to common sense, all the cells in Freders’ body, especially the neuron cells, have come to the end of life, then his body should be curled up quickly, and the whole person should be like It collapsed like a leaking balloon.

This is what every clone of Sergey should look like when it dies naturally.

Although he is struggling in pain, his thinking is still quick, and he can withstand the constraints of the glial body of the Grasse, and control his fingers with great strength to draw the line. What is it? ?

Chen Feng can’t figure it out.

And the Grasse people seemed to start to feel uncomfortable, their jelly-like bodies twisted and trembled, and the frequency and intensity of the arc burst between the two spheres representing the quantum network communication capabilities suddenly increased.

Chen Feng decided to take the risk to turn on the Galaxy Battle Armor smart mode and reconnect to the small network of Weixing architecture.

"Vixing! All the computing power will be allocated to analyzing the physical condition of Freders!"

Three seconds later, Weixing gave a new in-depth analysis result, Chen Feng It suddenly dawned on me.

It was because he tried to share the resuscitation factor with Xiaofu by injecting serum many times before and it took effect.

When the cloned human gene enters a state of continuous disintegration, the DNA chain should be scattered like a collapsed Lego domino, but the recovery factor replaces the strength of the weakly interacting molecular bond , Forcibly and stably bound the DNA strands that should have been unraveled, temporarily blocking the chain reaction of the disintegration of genetic information in Freders.

From a medical point of view, the resuscitation factor has become the ECMOsystem of the dying patient.

If there is a process response, it needs to consume energy.

Life force is consumed by the recovery factor ECMO.

Originally, Xiaofu’s cells have aged to the point where they can hardly return. Impossible can withstand the toss and can't provide this life force.

However, at this time, the numerous colloidal hoses of the Grasse were in his body, while maintaining his internal circulation and energy supply, while trying to assimilate them.

To assimilate the other party, we must first change our nature.

It has been at least 3 minutes for this unlucky Glassman to swallow the little blessing. The camouflage modification of the colloidal hose has already been completed, and it is basically a part of Freders' body.

This is a purely natural and non-rejective energy source. The recovery factor decisively focuses on it, and firmly adheres to it, and begins to suck the nutrients and life force of the Grasses.

This is the biological reason that Xiaofu will not die, but there are deeper changes in his thinking.

In the previous devouring process, the Grasses first used their own innate talent to form a quantum storm that could invade the human brain, and completely shrouded Freds’ thinking.

But every time Xiaofu enters a sluggish state, his brain thinking storm will become extremely manic. This is the First Layer acceleration of quantum vortex.

Everyone who has had near-death experience knows that before death, the mental activity of a person will also reach an unprecedented intensity, and some forgotten subconscious minds will tilt out of uncontrollable craziness. , Some pictures of important stages in life that have been actively forgotten by memory will be played back like a revolving lantern, also known as "returning light".

This is the Second Layer acceleration of Xiaofu thinking quantum vortex.

The double acceleration allowed his consciousness to completely break through the blockade of the Grasses.

At the same time, his strong obsession with completing the work allowed him to subconsciously actively control his thoughts, quickly concentrate on calculating the design plan, and continue to draw lines with his fingers to perfect the blueprint.

The semi-biological and semi-mechanical quantum thinking of the Glass people, who originally wanted to devour his thinking, was in turn suppressed, penetrated and invoked by him, and became a part of his own thinking.

Since then, the process of changing the condition in Freders' body has formed a perfect logical closed loop.

If it hadn’t been for him to be dying, his gene breakdown chain reaction would not be ignited by the first fire star.

If the gene collapse had not activated the strongest feedback of the resuscitation factor, the resuscitation factor would not in turn strongly rob the Grasses’ life force.

If Chen Feng had never injected Flanders with a resuscitation factor before, then the premise of the previous step would not exist.

If it weren't for every time he enters a sluggish state, the intracranial storm will increase, and the First Layer of thinking intensity will not accelerate.

If humans are not for the innate talent that is dying, there will be no Second Layer acceleration.

If he is not obsessed with completing the ship design in his heart, then even if his thinking is extremely active, he will only briefly put on some meaningless revolving lanterns, and it will end quickly.

If Freders is not a person who is so simple that there is almost no memorable place in his life, then he will really let go of the lantern, and then stop abruptly at a certain stage, allowing him to regain his thoughts. Fall below.

But there is no such thing.

Even if his language center is a little more reliable, he will have all sorts of distracting thoughts.

His language central ability is 0.

It was precisely because of his innocence to the extreme, his personal will was so pure that he was almost blank, that led him to choose a huge task that could not be completed in a short period of time, which in turn continued to swallow and kill. The thinking of the people of Grasse.

In addition, if the people of Grasse change time and don't come to trouble Freders today, then everything will not happen.

Countless miraculous coincidences that shouldn't have happened have formed this unimaginable situation today.

Every coincidence is an important puzzle, one is indispensable, and there is no error at all.

This is what Chen Feng has seen so far, second only to his second miracle of crossing.

A little bit of time passed, and the people of Grasse never stopped struggling, but to no avail.

One minute has passed, and the jelly's size is insignificantly small.

Ten minutes...

Three hours have passed.

Fredders, who should have completely disappeared in the assimilation and devouring of the Grasses, is still lying on the ground, but his fingers are still dangling.

The Grasses, who were originally huge, have disappeared out of thin air.

From the visual effect, Xiaofu’s body has become a super absorbent sponge, absorbing water that is larger than his body.

At the moment when the Glasian’s jelly gum completely disappeared, his heartbeat, which had been stagnant for a long time, suddenly recovered.

Chen Feng opened his eyes wide and looked at the whole process, rubbing his eyes all the time.

Finally, the white-faced young man who fell on the ground suddenly opened his eyes, and then stood up straight.

He doesn’t shake his hand anymore, but cautiously sticks out the right hand and pinches the diamond-shaped SmartBrain core that rotates in front of him. With his left hand, he opens the virtual operation panel next to him and enters SmartBrain at a very fast speed. The core rest order prevents the plane from exploding on the spot when things are taken away.

Obviously, after he was no longer bound, he seamlessly switched back to the state before the attack, ready to continue his unfinished business.

After one minute, Xiaofu successfully took down the diamond and quickly loaded it into the storage box next to his Galaxy armor.

Seeing this skillful operation of Freders, Chen Feng silently praised it.

Strong, invincible!

In the broadcast panel in front of Chen Feng's eyes, the original red projection has become all green.

Not only is his physiological function in perfect condition, but his gene structure is also stabilized again.

Sunny, vigorous and vibrant.

This is clearly a young man at the age of eighteen!

Chen Feng suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, cautiously tentatively asked: "Freds?"

Xiao Fu turned around, "What's the matter with... and... first? ...Master Xian Zhe."

Chen Feng suddenly squeezed his fist.

Now it's stable.

In the internal competition where the two lives merged, Flanders achieved an overwhelming victory.

He not only survived his death, but even Innate's crippled language center was restored!

As for why he was able to speak immediately, Chen Feng is not surprised. Since the two have been together for a long time, he has listened to Chen Feng talking to himself, and Chen Feng has not stopped talking. He was nagging.

In addition, when he was young, he had received language training that was ineffective, but the artificial intelligence preset program was still strictly implemented.

Now he just quickly integrated the abilities he should have.

In short, he really survived, got a second life, and was really alive.

Chen Feng, who has always been hard-hearted, suddenly felt a little moist in his eyes.

I have been unlucky for so long, and my luck finally got better.

For the first time, he especially wanted to thank fate.

Xiao Fu was at a loss for a moment, as if he was recalling something. Gradually, there was a little divine light in his hollow eyes.

"First...sage, thank you."

Chen Feng waved his hand, "Don't call me a sage, call me brother."

Freders He waved his hand nervously, "No...I can't."

He still looks very dull and introverted, but he is already as different as heaven and earth compared to before.

"hahahahaha! Nothing can't, I said, you have to do it. Anyway, good! Very good! It's okay, you will gradually get used to calling brother. This time the brothers of us are united and we must be able to do it Into a major event!"

Chen Feng was very proud of Xiaofu's politeness and patted him on the shoulder.


Freds answered this sentence very simply, without stammering at all.

Almost at the same time, Weixing had already reported to Chen Feng.

It has just received a complete design drawing of the new analysis laboratory of Morrowind II.

Yes, while Deity is chatting with Chen Feng, he can still transfer information in two threads in his mind!

This is another ability that humans do not possess.

If humans want to link their thinking with artificial intelligence, they must concentrate attention completely.

Xiaofu is capable of multi-threading and dual-opening. I think it is the ability he acquired after absorbing the innate talent of the Grasse people.

"Oh, by the way, Flanders is the name I gave you. You have an idea now, or think of a name for yourself? Or just call it Sergey?"

Chen Feng asked again.

Xiao Fu shook the head, "No, I like the number five. I am Freders, not Sergey. Sergey can live in your world for a long time, but I... There is only this time."

"If in your next timeline, the solar system civilization is not ended, then Sergey will not create a clone, and there will be no me. So I will Cherish the opportunity. This time, I will work for you until the end of life. I hope that when you create a new future for mankind, you can also write the name Freders into history to prove that I once existed."

Chen Feng: "..."

Sometimes, if the thinking ability is too strong, it is not necessarily a good thing that the brain turns too fast.

What a mature world view this is!

What an amazing thinking!

But he may have had the idea before, but he can only express it in words now.

It's just that the topic suddenly changed from happy to sad, a little heavy.

Smart people don’t need to be comforted, nor can they be comforted.

Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, nodded, "Thank you."


Xiao Fu responded again and immediately returned to his In Galaxy A, walked to the ship operation panel and began to analyze the data. At the same time, he explained to Chen Feng very fast: "This battleship is more advanced than ours, but it has participated in actual combat exercises too many times. It has been swept by high-energy radiation, the circuit is seriously aging, it is difficult to repair, and many functional units have been destroyed. In addition, its overall design does not meet the needs of our latent operations. So all the things that can be used on it are removed back to ours. Let’s get on board."

Chen Feng was about to recognize, Xiaofu immediately changed the conversation, "The first lesson of the first volume of cosmic materials, the principle of string oscillation of special high atomic weight isotopes..."

Chen Feng: "No, what are you doing?"

"Teach your big brother. If we fail this time, you have to learn more and bring it back. It can be used again. When you studied this course before, I think you learned a lot, and I can explain it to you in a relatively simple way."

Chen Feng rolled his eyes wildly.

This person is still sending the design drawings to Weixing quickly!

This time is a brand new powertrain design unit!

His new design includes all the detachable equipment in the galaxy-class battleship at the feet of the two.

What the hell is the ability to transform thinking!

What the hell of multithreading!

Master Chen once thought that he was a mental disorder person with a wide range of ideas.

Now he said he lost thoroughly.

I'm scared in the next.

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