On this evening, the remaining five members of the founding team of Salvation will rarely meet again during the non-annual meeting.

Several people returned to the Plucking House again, put on the instruments of the year, and played "Never Walk Alone" once.

It's just that Zhong Lei's image and singing voice are generated by holographic projection.

In addition to Chen Feng, the other four people have clearly shown their oldness.

However, the image of Zhong Lei is perfectly reproduced by the holographic image, which is as beautiful as before.

In the hoarse performance, time seems to have returned to that evening that year, and the short-lived Salvation Band reappeared in this way many years later.

Fatty Ou, who is old enough to have gray hair, but still looks energetic, has tears and weeping bitter tears, but he is more sad than Chen Feng.

He wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said with emotion: "I worked hard this time and want to live longer. Although I still didn't lose weight, my life has become longer. Klei sister...oh!"

Fatty Ou finally listened to Chen Feng's words, starting from July 2020, he started exercising for at least one hour a day.

It's a pity that he is wide and fat. He can only occasionally lose weight due to overwork, but after a short rest for a month, he immediately rounded back.

Fortunately, his exercise is indeed effective, the fat is not less, the muscles are more, and the physical condition is much better, so he is still full of energy.

Fatty Ou knew that he had always been the first to hang out in the salvation. This time he rarely broke his fate, but he didn't expect Zhong Lei, who should have lived the longest, but died first.

Chen Feng patted his shoulder, but in turn relieved the fatty.

He said with a smile: "It's okay, her life may be over for you. But for me, it may have just begun."

fatty puzzled," Huh?"

Chen Feng didn't explain, he just looked up at the sky.

He knows what changes the "Sun in the Universe" will bring to human civilization.

Zhong Lei will continue to live.

She will live in human memory in a very stable form, in the quantum network established by the stars.

In the past, those "ordinary songs" left by Zhong Lei can constitute a complete starry personality.

This time, Chen Feng completed "Fanxing" first.

Before, "Fanxing" has been further absorbing and digesting all the works and a lot of information of Zhong Lei.

Now I have added another song "The Sun in the Universe" that conforms to the Grand Unification Theory.

Then, the traces Zhong Lei left to humans will eternally exist with human thoughts.

This period is not ten thousand years.

Even if "The Sun" disappears in the long river after ten thousand years, Zhong Lei's influence on mankind will last forever.

Zhong Lei's "death", in a sense, is just physical death.

Zhong Lei's thinking will accompany all of her works, using "The Sun" as the skeleton, and it has always existed in people's hearts.

Fanxing gave Chen Feng an answer after a lot of calculations.

If human beings can really be eternal, then sooner or later, when humans evolve to a high enough level and reach a sufficient depth of understanding of the universe, then "Zhong Lei" will come out of human hearts again.

Chen Feng believes that if his true quantum immortality is also successful when the time comes, the two will eventually meet again.

This night, the five people who have not drunk for a long time are rare to get drunk.

In the morning of second day, Chen Feng, who was sleeping on the sofa, opened his eyes and saw Lai En sitting opposite him, holding a huge blueprint in his hand.

The pattern on the blueprint looks like a vortex, and also like a tablecloth that was caught in the middle and then twisted out.

In this day and age, probably only old-fashioned people like Ryan can use paper and pen to make pictures.

He also uses a computer at ordinary times. Only when he is doing some particularly important and difficult projects, he will take out the pen and paper like heirlooms.

"What is this?"

Chen Feng stepped forward to ask.

Ryan raised his head and glanced at him, rubbing his dim eyes, "I designed the rapid transit network of the solar system."


Chen Feng went through the term in his mind, then picked up the blueprint and looked at it carefully.

The center point of vortex is marked with the sun in tiny print.

This is a large web that covers most of the solar system like a three-dimensional spider web.

The big net is divided into eight circles from the inside to the outside, and each circle is connected to each other by many arc-shaped pipes.

Ryan explained: "The 8-Layer deformable loop will revolve around the sun. These arc-connected pipe networks are connected to the loop by movable buckles. The inside of the pipe network is an ultra-vacuum environment. We can make a train-like shuttle from the arc pipe network into the loop pipe network."

"Under the continuous acceleration of electromagnetic power, the space train can reach the fastest speed of one third light. In the arc When switching between the line and the loop pipe network, you only need to slow down to one-tenth the speed of light. The transportation network will become the blood vessels of the solar system, transporting a large amount of materials from one place to another in a very short time. "

"This can greatly improve the efficiency of resource allocation within the solar system, and further exert the role of unlimited resources to infinity. When we complete the mass-energy conversion equation and Dyson membrane, we can begin to implement it."

Chen Feng observed for a long time, this kind of network like blood vessels has not been adopted in the previous timeline.

He is not sure if this is the right way.

He asked: "When the technical level is not enough, it may not be cost-effective. After all, we only have a thousand years."

Ryan laughed. "Absolutely worthwhile."

Chen Feng: "Why can you see it?"

Ryan: "You said that the solar system is very important to humans, right?"


"In the ninth timeline, you said that the main force of mankind should not easily abandon the solar system. Although people who go out create a lot of new value in the shadow galaxy, It still does not meet the expectations you want."

Chen Feng nodded, "Yes. This time we will not give up the solar system easily."

He didn't say something.

This time he has new ideas about the war layout of the thirty-first century.

Assuming that everything goes well in the plan, the remaining main human forces will be immune to ZS bacteria with the help of Zhong Lei's additional works such as "The Sun in the Universe" and "The Last Millennium". Human beings have survived this wave of biochemical annihilation in the twenty-sixth century, so by 3020, the dome must still be over the solar system.

At that time, Chen Feng will let future generations first take advantage of the disadvantages of the vague dome surveillance, so that the external performance of the solar system civilization stays at a level similar to that in the eighth timeline, and only secretly accumulates technical strength. .

Wait around the year 3000, and then use the mature planting battleship technology to explode and expand military strength in just 20 years, and ambush the opponent.

Then, the compound-eyes will inevitably be misled by the appearance observed in the dome. The first wave of main battle forces will inevitably be the prismatics, instead of the powerful reinforcements that arrived late in the last timeline.

At the same time, the first choice must be the solar system.

According to Chen Feng's preview, the following situations are likely to occur.

The prosperity in the solar system is so high that compound-eyes decisively regard the solar system as the greatest threat.

If the prismatic fleet can break through the blockade laid by the Morrowind Empire in advance and reach the solar system.

The opponent will maintain the dome blockade, and the Million Prism will be in battle. Until the solar system is completely wiped out, they will be scattered into pieces to pursue other humans in the galaxy.

But this time, Chen Feng will use the solar system to make them walk around.

when the time comes, the territory of the Morrowind Empire will be infinite.

But the main battlefield of the 1st stage of the war will only be the solar system.

War will only have two directions.

First, the compound-eyes found that the solar system is a hard stubble, and there is no way to take the solar system side by side with the Millionaire. The compound-eyes left the dome in the sky above the solar system, and the prismatic ships dispersed, first went out to find the "soft persimmons" to wipe out one by one, and at the same time called for reinforcements. Save the hardest bones of the solar system for the end.

Second, the solar system in turn used the dome to blockade, using the desperate strategy of killing one thousand and destroying 800, burying all the millions of prismatic ships in the solar system. Then the enemy's reinforcements will not arrive in about 3520 years at the earliest.

The humans of the solar system will use their own heavy losses as the price to fight for the possible existence of a stable development period for the entire Morrowind Empire.

This can maximize the benefits.

As for the second stage of the war, there are two possibilities.

Assuming a first situation, the solar system is left as a hard stubble until the end.

Chen Feng will find a way in the thirty-first century to use the Grand Unification formula to create a way to allow a small number of main human forces to lurch out of the dome, go outside to lead the war between the Morrowind Empire and the Compound Eyes, and start the second of the war. stage.

If it is the second situation, even if it seems very selfish, he must lead the leadership team in the solar system to survive, and continue to guide the next five hundred years of steady development, and quickly expand his strength in order to wait The arrival of another second stage war.

If all goes well, mankind can wipe out the compound-eyes and counterattack the enemy’s lair to completely destroy it, or directly usher in the 3rd stage of war and face the real Ultra Grade civilization behind the compound-eyes.

But in either case, Ryan’s proposal seems to make a lot of sense.

First of all, Ryan did not use too much Ultra Grade technology in his conception, which would not cause the enemy to be too alert.

Humans in the eighth timeline can be completed, but it was blocked by the dome at that time, humans could not go out, the exploitation of the sun was not strong enough, and the energy capture could only rely on the natural combustion of the sun.

With the material production capacity at the time, only ships and aircrafts were needed to complete the transportation work, so nothing was done.

But this time, Chen Feng will leave behind the rapid development technology of stars and build the ultimate Dyson membrane. When the time comes, the material production capacity will completely overwhelm the transportation capacity of ship vehicles.

Building the space rail network like blood vessels proposed by Ryan is just enough to solve the productivity demand.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng was a little surprised, "Tell me how did you come up with this?"

Ryan said: "I'm studying what you taught me Space-time topology."

"en. "

"Although the experimental conditions are not available now, you have already told me the clear answer. Mass-energy conversion is achievable, right? ?"


"Then you painted me the Dyson film, a means to stably increase the burning speed of the sun. So, I guess , When the dome arrives, we can only rely on the resources inside the solar system have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly. We may even completely burn out the life of the sun within a thousand years and wave goodbye to the hometown that gave birth to us. Then, want to take us If the resource utilization efficiency of the company is increased to the highest, we must build a network of blood vessels in space."

Ryan said loudly.

Chen Feng was silent for a long time.

I have to say that he was shocked by Ryan's amazing analytical ability suddenly burst out.

Ryan already has a long-term vision similar to his.

Moreover, his analysis of the development of civilization from a scientific point of view is more precise and more creative than Chen Feng himself.

Ryan's space-time topology has reached a higher-level.

Chen Feng thought that it would take at least another twenty years for Ryan to reach such a realm.

Ryan gave him a big surprise.

Chen Feng habitually extends the hand patted Ryan's shoulder, "Well done."

Obviously Ryan's appearance at this time is much older than Chen Feng's look , But he rarely showed a shy smile, "many thanks to praise. In fact, this is the idea I just started last night. Zhong Lei did this step for you, and even gave up several decades of life. I am also your comrade-in-arms, Your compatriot. I think I can and must do it."

"Space-time topology is great, but I am older than you, and I don’t have a lifespan as long as you. So, Sorry, I have to disobey your orders this time. You have to re-train an heir. Ou Junlang’s son, Ou Tiantian is a good choice. As far as I know, his arousal rate is about to reach 30%. Really?"

Chen Feng: "Yes."

"That's right. I can go forward boldly. Since my innate talent is scientific research and innovation . I want to have no regrets in my life, then I must exert my greatest strength in the field I am best at. You have criticized me, saying that I am about to become a low-end project manager. I have been here for several decades. I have always kept your criticisms in my heart. I will be in the field of science, just like Zhong Lei, leaving things that will be passed down for thousands of years."

After that, Ryan began to introduce Chen Feng in detail. The core of the rapid transportation network of the solar system.

Ryan completed two preliminary designs.

One is the construction plan of this first generation transportation network.

When the first generation of Dyson membranes are built around 2200 and mass-energy conversion technology becomes a reality, a large number of ordinary people will turn into engineers.

This step uses strong ropes to build a framework for the network of blood vessels, which requires a lot of manual operations to complete.

Subsequently, Fanxing with super quantum intelligence will take over most of the remaining work, manipulating large engineering robots with mass-energy conversion functions along the ropeway to repair all the way.

The large engineering robot that can produce materials and continuously complete construction requires only a small number of human operators.

According to Ryan's plan, as long as there are enough engineering robots, the first generation of blood vessels network will be completed within 2300 years at the latest.

Ryan’s second design is the long-term direction of the blood vessels network.

The first-generation network of blood vessels in the solar system relied on ultra-vacuum and electromagnetic propulsion to achieve the highest one third speed of light transportation.

The orbital backbone of the second-generation blood vessels network will be built in the curvature subspace below the gravitational line, which can reach up to twenty times the speed of light, and the coverage of the blood vessels network will be enlarged to dozens of lights. Years, even hundreds of light years, can spread to the entire Orion arm.

The third generation blood vessels network is built on the basis similar to Stargate Technology. By using the 3rd-layer space, it can achieve ultra-fast material transfer similar to the Stargate transmission, even in the entire Spread out in the Milky Way.

As for the fourth generation, that is Ryan's ultimate goal of theory. It is human beings who are based on the theory of the Great Unity, and personally establish a universe level that is completely different from the curvature and the bending space, which belongs to human beings' own fast path. The ultimate speed in the curvature space of the Third Layer, which is 25,000 times the speed of light, is just the basis.

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