Chen Feng decided to adopt Ryan’s proposal and approved him to retreat from the position of the Institute Head of the Star Peak Branch to concentrate on the primordial concept design of the space transportation network.

Based on the general level of theoretical knowledge in 2100, Ryan is basically impossible to design a space transportation network.

He shouldn’t even come up with this idea. At most, he can only write such a huge project in fantasy from the perspective of a science fiction writer like Liu Card. There are "non-partial thoughts" that try to build a theoretical framework.

However, Ryan is one of the founders of Salvation and Chen Feng's closest comrade-in-arms.

Chen Feng gave Ryan too much scientific knowledge for the future.

From the content in the "Millennium Project", to Chen Feng's insights into the different civilizations in the Orion Arm as a cosmological Academician, to Freders, Shadow Academy, and the Alliance of Human Resistance Army Various monographs on biology, 3rd-layer space, unity force written by scientists, and a two-page paper recording the grand unity formula.

More than 90% of them belong to the completely impossible realization in 2200.

The wonderful thing about pure theoretical research is that thoughts can go ahead of their feet, and they can go far.

Although Ryan cannot practice and verify, he has the "future truth" informed by Chen Feng. He does not need to lock his thinking in the logical dilemma of whether this is right or wrong.

Through 80 years of long learning, Ryan has almost absorbed 80% of the knowledge that Chen Feng gave him with the efficiency of terrifying.

Even if he only knows a lot of things but doesn't know why, he can still use Full Mastery in his mind and use it for himself.

The space transportation network he proposed was born out of the idea of ​​the space ladder described by Freders back then.

It's just that Freders has never experienced the humbleness of mankind in the 21st century, and it is difficult to consider it from the perspective of mankind in the 21st century.

Ryan can.

The fourth-generation space transportation network he proposed and the artificial wormhole ladder proposed by Xiaofu refer to the same thing, and Xiaofu’s theory represents the ultimate form of the transportation network.

But Xiaofu’s space ladder looks beautiful, but it is too far away from the needs of the 21st century.

Ryan pulled him from the sky back to the world.

Starting to practice now, you can also accumulate a lot of experience for new humans on how to use unlimited energy more effectively, and avoid waste of productivity.

Ryan believes that although the progress of the humans in the last timeline can be seen with naked eye, they are still in the upstart status as the emerging forces that have touched the edge of the fourth rank civilization. The potential of Dyson film has been developed to the extreme, and it has not been able to perfectly play the potential of the rapid development and application of stars.

"Last time, our descendants shouldn’t only do this. We can do better. We should start the super large experiment earlier, as long as we can achieve the goal, burn it for an experiment We should have done things like a few stars a long time ago. Maybe we can touch the mystery of the Grand Unification formula sooner."

Before leaving, Ryan said.

The others have not yet woken up, but Ryan is already impatient.

After Chen Feng sent Ryan away, he read Ryan's report.

Gene arousal rate is 31.25%.

Chen Master said.

Fortunately, he didn't swell from the very beginning, so he was very self-aware.

Those shop around, people want to die.

Ryan's arousal of picking his feet at this point has shown a more terrifying explosive power than his perfect galactic human with superior memory in science.

This is too...

Chen Feng spreads both hands.

Forget it, everyone has their own field of specialisation, and people are different after all.

It's a pity that Ryan was born in this era.

If Ryan can see Xiaofu in the last timeline, what kind of sparks can be collided between these two people?

However, he can just think about it.

After Ryan is less than a thousand years old, Freders has disappeared forever.

In a sense, Ryan now gets part of Freders’ knowledge and integrates it into his own understanding, which is already a collision of thoughts across time and space.

Long ago, Ryan was sentimental about his untimely birth.

Now he has no such thoughts, he is satisfied.

In the afternoon of the same day, Chen Feng let the community of destiny, which has gradually taken over power and is about to be upgraded to the world government, began to promote "The Sun" to Quan Ming.

He didn't introduce a particularly stupid policy of forcing others to listen to songs.

He just put "The Sun" on the public platform, so that people can listen to it for free. At the same time, he embedded "The Sun" as the background music of some scenes in the game "Crisis of Compound Eyes", and then listed it as art. The soundtrack is recommended for the guidance of such works.

The fragrance of wine is not afraid of the deep alleys. It is a good thing that others will understand.

Sometimes, the role of guidance is greater than forcing.

Once more than 50% of people can accept something, the other 50% cannot avoid it.

Chen Feng did not expect, the first settlement to popularize "The Sun in the Universe" was the Australian continent.

People always have two sides.

This group of people who were abandoned by Chen Feng, in the evolution of several decades, finally gradually understood their situation.

They began to understand that the time outside has been moving forward, and only they have been left in place.

Worrying about eating and drinking, life looks very pleasant, but it is also very lonely.

People are most afraid of comparison. Watching other people’s lives lead rising winds, scudding clouds, and they are respected wherever they go. Even if they play online games, they are sorry to outsiders that they are Australians. .

If you accidentally leak your mouth, others will immediately appear to be obvious, or secretly show that they are ashamed to be with them.

This invisibly caused great psychological pressure on as many as eight billion fallen people.

In these several decades, the fallen Australians, who had a population of only 1.5 billion, have unconsciously expanded to 8 billion people.

Although the community of destiny has reduced the configuration of automated equipment for these people, making it slightly more difficult for them to raise offspring than ordinary persons, but most of these people have not escaped the drive of reproductive instinct after all .

A large-scale protest broke out in Australia in 2086.

These people are trying to fight for a higher social status.

In just two months, the protest went from a peaceful complaint to even beating, smashing and looting, which lasted for three years.

The final result is that the voice of protest has naturally disappeared.

The coalition governments and the community of destiny have not even sent a single soldier.

If they want to smash their place of residence, let them smash it.

They resist the materials given by others like charity, burn the ship and the plane, then let them burn.

Anyway, they don’t produce, they can only be parasites.

All their living material sources are based on the delivery of charity from others.

Whoever smashes it is responsible, who burns whoever puts out the fire.

The more trouble you are, the less you will not give it.

Three years later, a rare famine began to appear. They finally realized the tragic life that can only be seen in history books. Healed without medicine.

From 2089, after 11 years of recuperation, Australia has only slightly recovered.

They truly realize that the full text clearly reveals the cruelty of the new system in the high-speed advancing stage.

Everyone is rushing forward, no one will be a babysitter for others.

When the power of science is fully utilized, no one can shake a fist and subvert a regime.

People who master technology and culture have the absolute right to live and kill the full text.

They have no choice.

Or, just be a trash bug and take the initiative to get used to the humble.

Or, learn to play to your own value, even if you can only become an ordinary screw, do some boring work that is not convenient for artificial intelligence, you have to live your own personality.

Chen Feng's judgment is completely correct.

When material conditions are abundant enough, people’s material needs lose meaning, and they are born as the most important spiritual sustenance of people, and they are destined to become the realization of self-life value.

Unless innate essence is disabled, no one is really worthless.

In recent years, more and more Australian residents have begun to try to reintegrate into the era, but they are too far behind. Adults are used to reap without sowing, while youngsters simply have no basic scientific literacy since childhood. .

Even if the world government provides free knowledge acquisition channels to these people, they usually can only insist on watching for a few minutes before becoming sleepy and unconscious.

Some scholars once proposed to create a direct nerve connection system that directly instills knowledge for these people, or simply put information chips in the minds of these people.

This proposal was rejected by Chen Feng.

At the time, Chen Feng asked, "What is the difference between this kind of people and artificial intelligence robots? Let them continue to be humans, maybe a Phoenix can fly out of the chicken coop. I just pointed to some of them. Some people’s salted fish resurrected to give me a little surprise. Now that you are implanting chips for them, don’t you still encourage them to reap without sowing? What’s the point?"

"For them, it’s better to put this chip It’s better to use it in a mechanical body, and it’s harder to complain. In addition, let me tell you the unfortunate news that human memory cannot be tampered with by mechanized means, and it is even more impossible to directly infuse the flow of information. There is no such good thing in the world. "

"Similarly, the'person' who can burn knowledge like a CD is no longer a person. Not now, not in five hundred years, and not in a thousand years. Unless... count Now, you have not yet known these things."

Chen Feng stopped this meaningless project.

Australian residents lose step by step and lose step by step.

Except for a small number of geniuses, 99.99% of people are destined to be eliminated by the times.

But the appearance of "The Sun" changed the situation and gave eight billion Australians new hope.

They can use "The Sun"'s mental focusing effect to survive the most difficult and obscure entry stage, and at least learn to become a somewhat useful person.

The situation has begun to change. More and more people are leaving Australia one after another, boarding ships flying to space, appearing in one post after another.

They may live a little more tired than before, but at least they are finally qualified to be on the official stage of civilization, not in a dark corner.

In the ten years from 2100 to 2110, Australia’s population declined by 500 million.

In the two decades from 2110 to 2130, Australia’s population dropped sharply to only 1 billion.

Counting births, a total of a hundred 2 billion people have walked out of here.

More than 80% of the population has gone to the most difficult and dangerous job-Ryan's solar system transportation network first stage construction project.

No way, this group of people started too late, they have to learn everything from scratch, and they can't do other high-tech jobs.

Unconsciously, time has finally reached 2154.

The newly born genius in the fallen has successfully stepped onto the stage and became the Chief-In-Charge of the primordial version of the space transportation network.

The primordial version of the space transportation network is worse than the first version designed by Ryan. The ultra-vacuum pipe network could not be built. Instead, the electromagnetic powered ropeway was built first, which can make the train hanging on the ropeway look like a train. The chain cable car reaches a steady advancing speed of 10,000 kilometers per second, which is one-thirtieth the speed of light.

The never-ending chain cable car is intertwined into a huge spider web in the solar system, which greatly enhances the ability of mankind to allocate materials, and the efficiency of social operations has risen sharply.

At this time, relying on the huge electricity provided by the Mercury Dyson cloud and the help of the cableway transportation network, humans have established prosperous colonies and settlements on most solid planets in the solar system, and nearby gaseous planets such as Saturn and Jupiter. There are also hundreds of thousands of space cities with a population of tens of millions.

The satellite development of the major planets has reached more than 80%.

At this time, the mass-energy conversion technology was finally opened by the Xingfeng Research Institute.

Humans have begun to produce some simple elements, such as gas, silicon, carbon and other substances.

The pressure on food and habitat is completely relieved. The total population of the entire solar system has already broken through 50 billion people, and is moving rapidly towards the scale of 100 billion.

In the ninth timeline, until 2300, the scale of the solar system civilization has not reached this level.

In addition, the per capita gene arousal rate is about to exceed 28%.

The change is obvious.

The larger population has brought more talents to Chen Feng. Under Chen Feng's tireless guidance, the progress of mankind in biology is amazing. In 2156, the genetically awakened modification surgery he was very familiar with passed clinical trials.

In the middle of the 22nd century, scholars built a ladder leading to the galactic human threshold of 35% arousal.

In the next several decades, the arousal of newborns began to increase by leaps and bounds.

But Chen Feng of several decades is very difficult.

He sent away more and more people step by step.

Fatty Ou failed to realize his highest dream after all, becoming the one who lived the longest time apart from Chen Feng in the salvation.

In 2156, Ou Junlang passed away.

Then Meng Xiaozhou, Lai En and Lu Wei.

After 2177, Chen Feng was the only one left in the founding team of the salvation.

At this time, Chen Feng is 181 years old in the eyes of the world.

He became the longest-lived person in the world.

Among all the people around him, the oldest is only 140 years old.

He peers anymore.

He knew from the very beginning that long life is destined to be alone.

Fortunately, he is not lonely. He can forget the feeling of being alone, as if everyone is still by his side.

In 2187, the explosive growth of biotechnology brought him one of the most important revolutionary achievements in the history of civilization-microbial Dyson membrane.

In 2203, the first-generation Dyson film completed its growth and began to supply energy.

This represents that the utilization of stellar energy by mankind has reached the limit of stars, officially crossing the threshold of Level 2 civilization, and rushing towards Level 3 civilization, 13 years ahead of Chen Feng's estimate.

Several years later, with his order, dozens of fleets loaded with curvature-like engines with primary level space compression capabilities began to fly to dozens of special planets near the solar system in his memory. Tie.

Chen Feng even personally helped these fleets develop a complete voyage plan.

He has "predicted" the potential risks that the fleet will face during its long voyage.

At the same time, Chen Feng officially began to popularize the knowledge of cosmology in his memory.

He personally led a scientific research team composed of 50,000 people and began to study the new Dyson film and the rapid development technology of stars.

In the past two centuries, human beings have never encountered bottleneck, and the pace of progress is getting faster and faster, accelerating, and still getting faster.

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