Hundreds of thousands of scientists from all walks of life, and one ten thousandth of the computing power of the stars have spent 24 years, consuming countless precious resources, meticulous care, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Observed treasure embryo, dead.

Without warning, it happened suddenly.

First, the internal scholars and technicians of the Institute of Life Sciences traced the root cause and conducted in-depth investigations, but only came to a very simple conclusion.

The current synthetic embryo is approximately equivalent to normal development to the normal embryo between the third week and the all around. It is just forming the heart structure, the facial features and organs are gradually formed, and the brain cells continue to increase.

Analyzed from the level of quantum thinking, at this time the number of fetal brain cells has been stacked to almost just enough to withstand a tiny personality consciousness in a primordial state.

But just as the tiny consciousness was about to be born from nothing, some uncontrollable conditions occurred. The phosphorus atoms that make up the fetal brain cells did not successfully aggregate into a Posner cluster.

The quantum spiral array that should have been stable to construct individual consciousness suddenly collapsed. Just as the solar system was suddenly stolen from the sun, the planets, satellites, asteroids, comets, and nebulae that revolved around the sun went all over the world under the action of centrifugal force.

Then the embryo loses its life force and stops its development.

This is just the result of the incident, and scholars are at a loss as to why it happened.

Obviously, all the details of the embryonic development process are observed in the full range of real energy level monitoring methods, and everything is normal.

In terms of the logic of modern science, under the observation of real energy level monitoring methods, there should be no real accidents without warning in the universe. All accidents should show more or less before they happen. Omen of less.

In order to find the cause of the accident, as many as hundreds of millions of people in the solar system were temporarily transferred to the accident investigation team by the stars. Algorithmic game deduced jointly.

Thanks to the subdivision system of civilized missions established by Fanxing, hundreds of billions of people from tens of thousands of different galaxies in the vast empire are jointly engaged in the huge work of investigating the truth of the accident. middle.

Many people don’t know what kind of huge project they are participating in. They only know that there is a small detail in their personal taskbar, and it will take as little as a few hours. , It takes a few days to complete a small calculation and deduction.

These small workloads will become part of the core work in the unified integration of the many time-space topology masters under the Star Front Research Institute and Fanxing.

Under the new technology research mode, the fog has finally been lifted layer by layer.

Sixty-three days after the embryo "dead", an academic report was presented to Chen Feng.

The "cause of death" of the embryo has been found.

The culprit is Chen Feng himself.

"I still live in the UV black hole in Cetus, and my mind is interacting with the universe all the time. This information will instantly cross an infinite distance and reach any place in the universe. This is not my unique personality. Every Earth human has the same characteristics as me."

"The moment when the tiny personality consciousness in the embryo is formed, it will have a huge relationship with the universe. Information exchange. But because my consciousness still exists, the embryo was impacted by my thinking and ultimately failed to take shape."

"No matter how far away I am from the embryo, whether it is “walled” by the subspace This kind of information shock cannot be avoided. Simply put, at the same time and in the same universe, the universe cannot bear the same personality consciousness of two underlying information."

Chen Feng concluded by himself. one time.

Fanxing: "Yes. Actually, this phenomenon has been described in science fiction movies and novels many years ago."

"Well, I know." Chen Feng nodded, shrugged.

As early as the 20th and 21st centuries, science fiction writers have created many literary works about time travel.

These works repeatedly interpret the time paradox from different angles and in different ways, and draw a lot of conflicting conclusions.

"What will happen when the future "I" travels through time and meets the past "I"? It is the easiest picture for readers and film and television audiences to imagine and generate curiosity.

Because this hypothetical picture does not have real probability, people can only imagine and speculate from different angles.

Some people think that two "me" or even more "me" can coexist.

"You Resurrection Corpses" and its adaptation of the film "Pre-Destination" have concretized this concept to the extreme, forming a logical self-consistent with loopholes and contradictions everywhere, but very strange. Closed-loop world view.

But the more general perception is that there cannot be two "Is" in the same universe at the same time period.

If they exist, then these two "me" must never meet.

As for what will happen when they meet, the best science fiction writers can only keep their depictions in the fantasy where no theoretical basis can be found, commonly known as making up.

In the past through the nine timelines, every time Chen Feng arrived after a thousand years, his grave was almost zhang high in the past, so he did not encounter this problem.

He has also imagined many times what would happen if he could live a thousand years.

Can the future self still appear?

Now he has the answer.

The concept that two "Is" cannot meet must be infinitely enlarged, to the extent that two "Is" cannot exist at the same time in the same universe.

Suddenly, Chen Feng realized that he had actually stepped on the edge of the cliff with one foot and was on a dead end.

My own "survival" has led to the failure of embryo gestation.

Even if it is re-trained, the result will not make any difference.

Without a body, I will not find a body that can support the resurrection plan in the 31st century.

But now he has survived into the twenty-eighth century, and he can't bet on suicide, giving everything to the mysterious energy that supports his resurrection in the thirty-first century.

What if you fail to resurrect?

What if humans still lose in the end?

Finally, even if he keeps on struggling on whilst at death's door, it won’t work.

According to the speed of his emotional escape after quantization of thinking in the last timeline, combined with the difference in carrying capacity caused by the volume difference between the UV black hole in Cetus and the shadow black hole, about three hundred years later. , His emotions will also return to zero, completely lose his personality, become a pure artificial intelligence, essentially dead.

"There is no retreat. The embryo must be restored to life force."

Chen Feng sighed.

Since turning himself into Quantum Self-Wisdom, he hasn't spoken in such an external tone of emotion for a long time.

Fanxing looked at him a little anxiously, "So what are you going to do? I have to emphasize with you that even if you commit suicide now, it is impossible to make the dead embryo come back to life. I suggest you not to gamble like this. , We really can't afford to lose this time."

Chen Feng nodded, "I know."

He looked at the technical report on the investigation of embryo death accidents, and said: "In fact, many researchers have guessed the truth that I am not dead. It's just that we don't announce it, and others can only guess it out of thin air. If this is the case, let's advance the resurrection plan 300 years."

"Do you plan to infuse your personality into the embryo?"

Chen Feng nodded, "Yes. Since the embryo died due to lack of the support of Young Master's kinetic consciousness, then I put myself Go in."

"There are two problems. First, the information you have is far beyond the limit of the human brain. Second, the number of brain cells in the embryo is already very small. The success rate injected into the embryo is too low."

Chen Feng shook the head, the gaze of the virtual body was condensed, and in the focus of his gaze, a mysterious symbol was slowly being formed.

Fanxing only took a look, and then whispered: "Did you combine the stacked memory code of the fish star with the symbolic language of the Mizu?"

Chen Feng blinked , "Not only, but also my mother tongue, the square characters in Chinese."

Fanxing understood Chen Feng's plan.

He will "format" his memory, give up all his life, and really live again.

When one day in the future, when he can bear all the memories of the present, he will give him this mysterious symbol again, then he will have the opportunity to awaken his memories.

Fanxing asked: "What if it fails? What if you fail to read the memory information in it completely? Then you will forget a lot of things!"

Chen Feng smiled and shook his head, "Even if I forget everything, it doesn't matter. Try it again, I will still be me."

Three hours later, Chen Feng's thinking began to break away from UV Cetus. Stars, and follow the huge bandwidth quantum network communication channels opened up by the stars, traversing long distances and heading straight to the solar system.

At the same time, "Song of the Outside World" began to be played in the embryo breeding room of the Earth Life Academy Academy. This is a physical formatting of the embryo and the purpose is to remove the regular remnants of the previous generation of tiny personality consciousness. .

The corpse of the Murloc in the Voyager galaxy, the planet, is integrated into a huge flying space station. The space station began to accelerate gradually, heading straight for the solar system.

A few years later, the space station carrying the corpse of the Murloc planet and Chen Feng’s thinking were two months apart, one after the other arrived in the solar system.

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