moon-sized fish bones planet star who was freed from the space station floating in outer Nether King Star track.

Subsequently, nine huge chain wound onto the planet.

ends of each chain are respectively a seventy kilometers long, behenyl km diameter of the cylindrical vessels dragging.

Today, human ship has shown a very clear subdivision development, including the formation of rapid transport ships sailed across the galaxy, and only along a fixed orbit, the curvature of the ship formed a continuous rotary transport network, short-range medium with different functional design concept completely different kind of spaceship propulsion array of products and so on.

This cylindrical case ship worms III model name, main function is to a large weight of the material in the interior of galaxies-distance transport, network and transport duct formed complementary functions.

No worm III curvature engine load, only a strong thrust reverser mounted engine at high power energy conversion device is a mass media supply, and to provide a stable thrust over long life, low-power spatial compression engine.

Worm three types of mode of transportation and train the powerhead ancient times similar to the carrying capacity amazing, strong endurance, carrying a large number of galaxies inside Morrowind empire substantial portion of the work to carry supplies.

In theory, a three types of worms can charge only once, will be able to continue to sail with the help of tens of thousands of anti-thrust engine. Portion

in the worm-type array commanding officer three traction chains bound to the expansion of the vines start planet-like lock, spread as quickly as the roots, until the entire planet wrapped into a sepak takraw.

takraw ball but between vines, leaving just a good sixteen kilometers diameter circular space.

After ten minutes, a diameter of 15 kilometers slowly approaching the disk-shaped space station, and right on this space, the center point error is only 0.00000 ...... 1 nm.

then thrusts the bottom disc numerous drill.

Start bit high-speed rotation, the internal piercing directly corpses planet.

during the drill in advance, accurately cut into the gap between each fish bones in the human star, did not cause damage to the bones.

each drill head rear telescopic dragging chain. After

two hours, the discs into the growth of the surface of the planet bones "moss", to bar deep roots planet cores.

disc is the Earth Institute of Life Sciences Academy primordial gene.

Solar System took seven years, will transform the entire primordial genetic research has become a space station flight capability of its own.

Of course, the transformation of content not only can fly so simple, there are many details of the design.

This is currently the aircraft is an aircraft in all humans, the only curvature of the bubble may not rely on the compression space structure can withstand an unlimited ability to near light speed sailing carrier.

technological level of its scientific characteristics of the material, even beyond the latest frontline battleship, once more beyond the edge of the ship's compound eye.

It has lesser quality, so as not to create too big a star who gravitational effects of fish bones planet, destroy the corpses planet's own stability.

but it also includes a high strength and excellent ductility, stability and adaptive incredible.

frozen embryos lying quiet central portion Institute cultivation room.

2740 years, the embryo had stopped life activities for seven years, but the change never stops.

In the "world outside Song" sustained dip seven years, there have been some changes in the embryo inside.

embryonic brain cells phosphorus atoms arranged to form a cluster with a range in Posner structured infinite stack configuration between the new cubic structure, exactly like in the twenty-second century prevailed temporary biological SmartBrain .

main monitoring room

Institute, one wearing a protective suit of blue sky young man was watching the concentrated attention completely in front of the projection data.

His hands are resting on the two are palm ball, high arc numerous road volt low amperage from the positive lasing ball surface, on the palm and fingers of his hands link .

The bulbs are now human "keyboard and mouse."

micro direct current along the nerve hands human brain, human brain and artificial neural forming low latency links, information can be transmitted and give instructions.

physique researchers far less combatants, nervous system have not been intensive training, that can not withstand the repeated lower latency creatures like combatants directly connected.

Scientists learn from the time when the operation ball fans thinking the race spaceship, to be evolved, to create a micro-electro-link technology delayed slightly lower than the warrior creatures are directly connected.

continuous operation time is too long, the young man some swollen eyes, arms were somewhat numb.

his hand back, close your eyes, stretched in the chair.

wearing a dark blue gown a young woman opened the door, came behind him, "a national, tired, rest. You have continuous work more than twelve hours of."

man turned around and shook his head, "from the sage of thinking butt only eight hours, my Chief-in-Charge of the solar system as a technical support team, of course, should stick to their posts. point from work this thing, is to enjoy the advantages of civilization talent of some privileged social welfare system. as we catch up with the rebels who did not qualify punctuality from work .even more how, I Yang set. I have to be worthy of his name, once worthy of me right ? "

woman a moment of silence," we can not take advantage of it now? "

Yang a national laughing," if, as you say, we are well positioned, not sage this adventure will choose the way to save his personality. So far, our understanding of the real enemy still can be counted on one's fingers. your eyes have seen all the so-called advantage is illusion. we are still standing on the edge, subject to fall into the abyss "

Women:.".. However, I worry about your body could not carry "

" in the history of nothingness, I had to change the times I have is the first gene arousal people to break the barrier. now, in this new history, I have yet to prove himself before I worthy of his name, I could have been carrying. "

"What you find is it? According to the sages of the plan, thinking butt is not already sure it will fail?"

Yang set sighed then said, "failure are two, one is a failure in the program, one is out of control failure. I can not say why, but I worry about this child. "

said, Yang turn the spotlight on a national projection in the simulation of a large number cells, such as mulberry-shaped embryos.

"Linla you do not control me, you go to rest, I have no problem."

Yang set in turn put his hands on the ball, my mind is not thinking intuition the unnamed fleet drifted far to go.

He remembered that he had never met the father Yang Zhonghua.

I do not know what a father now.

Fleet has received delivery of the latest scientific research in the past here do?

They really arrived in a silver heart, to destroy the enemy bridgehead base it?

brief trance for a few seconds, Yang a national recovery focus, continue to "foolishly" Look projection.

his right hand operating the projector continues to reduce, enlarge, to observe the internal details of the embryos, the left input data continuously, using just one billionth mastermind apply force to complete the simulation calculation deduction.

But no matter how he counted, the final conclusions are foolproof.

"failed" in the program seems to have a virtual certainty.

Yang set theory still can not find evidence of his own foreboding.

tell, he will only be considered unfounded.

Yang Linla been standing silently behind the set looking at the man's back.

She have much to say, but dare not speak.

personal communicator Linla's notice.

She should also back up their posts.

She is a nutritionist, her main task in the project group, is to develop good embryo "Resurrection" instant infusion of nutrients in advance.

Linla as early as three days had already completed their work.

but now have a new mission to find her.

Perhaps just what new expert group to discuss the results, the proportion of nutrients needed to fine-tune something.

Linla turned and walked out the door.

Her feet slightly staggered, took two steps forward before more than a little catch herself.

In just that moment, her lack of blood supply to the heart of some,

A decade ago, just graduated from college, she received the first task is to take care of her same age, with a the cultured people of a healthy diet.

This man is a national Yang. A large number of embryonic

Yang was given just left from Yang Zhonghua couples break through, with the highest IQ and the strongest of scientific thinking to get "Yang-national" name.

But perhaps he will be too much innate talent is assigned to the intelligence that led to his physical condition is very general, poor nutrient absorption.

Although the ultra-subtle integrated nutrition therapy device and machine can guarantee his life and nutrients forcibly infused into his body, but the effect is not as good as eventually self-absorbed self-eating better.

And this is not only a national Yang will cause great pain, in turn, will limit the Yang-national thinking creativity.

Linla took over the task, with a five-year period, tracking the status of a national Yang, little by little to adjust the accuracy of the molecular level Yang a national diet and nutrition ratio, finally let him recover normal.

The two men join together five years ago to the Institute of primordial genes, become colleagues.

Yang is no longer a given Linla object of study, but the natural habit of Linla do not want to cut off this relationship, there is always special care Yang given situation.

Prior to this, she does not admit that this is love, only to blame for their own sense of responsibility too.

But now she can not avoid to your heart.

She was very aware that he loved this man.

Six hours later, Linla and nutrition group in the tens of thousands of colleagues, as well as other groups, including energy, materials group, power control group, and so on hundreds of thousands of research and work in many branches of personnel will evacuate the Institute of Space Station.

Yang set up the Institute as Chief-In-Charge, will continue to stick with the thousands of others on the space station, and follow the corpses planet continue to accelerate in space, into the eternal high-speed flight state.

So, this is not goodbye.

But he did not Linla delay time, after quickly stepped out of the monitoring room space shuttle, go three kilometers apart nutrition group Conference Hall.

lonely sitting in the train car seems like a shuttle in, feeling a slight vibration, Linla coughed loudly.

Her lungs and aching.

She was a "patient", unlike Yang given Innate genetic defect, which is acquired Linla suffering from "chronic."

In this day and age, in addition to the brain, the people can rebuild, "patient" also rarer than the giant panda twenty-first century.

In a laboratory accident eight years ago, the operation is subtle adjustment of the ratio of nutrients Linla be released in the next bunch of lab explosion in material flow breakdown of the lungs.

After a quick treatment, she recover completely, but her lungs left a residue of these substances contained in the stream, a section of DNA belonging to someone else.

This DNA is highly reproductive, and have an unlimited ability to divide.

She could have all-footer to rebuild completely cured, but she did not, only selected breeding scale use of portable gamma knife regularly control this DNA.

She did not want to replace your body.

Linla is a very traditional person.

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