Earth is the spring of 2909 AD.

Earth is all Living Things to Recover, when winter passes and spring comes.

In the Unnamed Fleet, Tong Ling slowly stood up from the freezer compartment, and countless pieces of combat obedience flew out of the eight cargo boxes next to the freezer compartment, swirling in the sky, extremely Quickly splicing on her body piece by piece.

Her freezer warehouse is unique, with a separate huge warehouse.

Beside her freezer compartment, there is a T100 Forge armor that has been modified countless times and is completely different from the prototype of many years ago.

This is to facilitate when there is an urgent task requirement, Tong Ling can enter the armor immediately after awakening and intervene in the battle.

For many years, she has always been the Sea Calming Divine Needle of the Unknown Fleet.

The same is true today, even more important than ever.

no matter what time, in the hearts of any generation, her existence has an extremely lofty meaning.

The successors of the fleet have never seen the rise of mankind on a lone star, and the faltering and difficult obstacles of the entire Morrowind Empire step by step. They lack awe of the colonial pioneers from generation to generation, and they always think With human technology, it is very simple to take root and sprout from one planet to another.

They subconsciously ignored the hardships of the pioneers out of Earth recorded in historical materials, and even ignored the fact that when the level of technology was not enough, the pioneers left their homes to go to the distant starry sky, and the greatness of aliens. The pain when nature is desperate.

They think that what they have now is as it should be by rights. The alien storms and alien invasions that the ancestors encountered when they opened up the planet, and the Disaster Level that instantly destroyed the entire army. The ship failure is an ancient story, not the blood and tears of one's ancestors.

However, in the process of their growth, almost everyone has seen the living Legendary with their own eyes, and seen Tong Ling wearing her body for thousands of times and repairing it again and again. The armor rushed into the enemy line.

Everyone knows that it is precisely because Tong Ling has given up her soul and turned herself into the sharpest sword, the most powerful warrior, and the most conscientious instructor. During this two-hundred-year voyage, he avoided the risk of exposure time and time again, arrived where he is today, and reproduced the current population.

Tong Ling is the living Legendary in the fleet, there is no doubt.

The Free Will Alliance denies the significance of the advancement of the fleet, denies the most lofty ideals pursued by the first generation, denies the oaths of the first generation expedition members represented by Qin Guang when they advance, but it has never denied it. Guo Tongling's bravery in defying sacrifices and the prestigious fame he has won over and over again in armored battles.

Free will launched a coup, and also deliberately selected Tong Ling's sleeping period during regular flight.

Some people even want to take Tong Ling away from freezing, hoping that when Totem wakes up, he can see the new human civilization of Lineage in another star system.

But what should happen will happen after all.

The sharpest sword of mankind is only out of its sheath when it is most critical.

Tong Ling, who has straightened all her feelings, has the most compassionate kindness, but also the most ruthless determination.

She no longer considers the meaning of life, nor does she consider whether the enemy is a person or a compound eye or something else.

In her world, there are only two dots and one line.

The two points are self and the enemy, and the first line is the line of blood shot when the enemy is smashed.

Tong Ling completed the exchange of information with the Doomsday Suppression Program in only 0.1 second.

In her combat retina projection, the marking was completed in an instant.

Tens of thousands of ships and as many as hundreds of millions of combat units are marked in two colors.

The lesser part is red, which is human.

This is the first time that humans have marked their ships as red since they entered Interstellar Era.

In the course of history, in fact, some things will happen sooner or later, unstoppable.

Due to the existence of Chen Feng and the belief passed down by Chen Feng, the birth of his own red has been postponed by hundreds of years, but some things will be late, but not less.

Civilization is like a person. In a person's life, some cancer cells are destined to produce in the body.

If the immune system is suppressed in time, these cancer cells will disappear silently.

If it is left alone or the immune system fails to achieve success, cancer cells will continue to spread until the whole person is swallowed.

The T100 equipment self-test is on.

The self-check speed is very fast.

1%, 5%, 11%...80%...

While Tong Ling’s armor self-check is about to be completed, a team is wearing portable armor of almost the same height The warrior of his free will appeared in front of Tang Yingyu's room.


The door was blasted open.

Tang Yingku is floating in front of the window, quietly looking out the window.

She can no longer see the beautiful virtual starry sky.

The aftermath of the war set off by the Free Will Alliance destroyed the artificial starry sky projection that existed for aesthetic purposes.

The movement behind did not make Tang Yingku turn her head. She still looked into the distance, pressing her left hand on the window frame, and stroking her right hand on her lower abdomen.

Tang Yingku's peculiar composure made the armored warrior at the door bewildered.

When Bill Creston raised his right hand and aimed the energy beam on Tang Yingyu's door with his forearm, his expression was distorted and angry.

His eyes are full of anger that wants to consume the starry sky.

The tensed muscles of his clenched teeth looked like a tight nuclear bomb just before the explosion.

Before becoming a warrior, Bill Creston was a member of the chromosome 11 organization group of the Nuwa Project's Chromosome Information Institute.

His work content is very boring, without creativity, that is, with the intelligence and constant manual checking whether the permutation and combination of chromosome 11 are feasible.

The work content is to obtain a new set of data from the previous paragraph, enter it into the intelligent core, start the calculation, wait for the data to collapse during the calculation, and then find the point of the collapse, and judge and filter through the subjective thinking that belongs only to humans. The possible causes of the crash are sorted into a table and reported to the Nuwa Planning Command Center.

In the entire artificial gene grouping work, this is already a relatively late process, and there is no clear evaluation of success or failure. Its work content is all based on the previous process according to the different depth of information. Adjust the chromosome carrier formed by permutation and combination.

Since he became an adult in 2877 and passed the entrance examination, Bill has been dealing with chromosome 11 for thirty years.

Thirty years have been like a day. At the moment when he opens his eyes every day, the data packets from the previous process are the data packets that repeatedly tumble in his mind and appear in the retina.

As a third generation of human beings, Bill is naturally active, tall and strong.

He has been engaged in such a boring work for years and years, looking at the two points and one line of his life, he seems to be able to see the end at a glance. His heart gradually feels impatient and desperate. Tang Yingyu had an inexplicable feeling of hatred.

As soon as the tentacles of the Free Will Alliance touched him, he joined without the slightest hesitation, and began to receive military training after 2907.

In just two years, Bill Crest has become an A-Rank fighter.

His hatred and anger towards Tang Yingyu was ignited the moment he passed the A-Rank evaluation.

In his mind, it was Tang Yingyu, a non-productive woman who destroyed his life and made him fall into the eternal torment of that unlucky job.

Now that he got the opportunity to attack this residential ship, he led his team to kill here without the slightest hesitation.

Before blasting open the door, he didn’t plan what to do next, maybe he just wanted to smash the door to see if the woman inside has Three Heads Six Arms, otherwise, why would he destroy so many people? Life.

Now he saw Tang Yingyu's back, the ray gun on his arm was aimed at the back of this man's head, but he was lost in confusion.


Don’t kill?

Killing her, can Nuwa's plan become as if dreams and visions in a bubble, so that all people who have suffered the same way as yourself can get soul relief?


Bill's emotions told him, pull the trigger.

With one shot, all souls who died of fatigue in the Nuwa project will be comforted.

But reason is telling him that this plan is very important, and it is related to the great future of mankind that is far away and has nothing to do with itself.

This pull of the trigger is destined to make myself a historical sinner even more notorious than Judas. At the same time, I completely deny myself the previous 30 years of life, and more people have dedicated themselves to it. significance.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Captain, there are eight Doomsday Guardians coming to our side, and there are still 30 seconds to arrive, what should we do? Really...really want to kill Lost her?"

After two seconds of painful thinking for Bill, his team members reminded him in a hurry.

The Doomsday Guardian is not the standing force of the fleet. On the past voyage, this kind of individual intelligent weapon similar in size to the ordinary person only exists in the SmartBrain database.

But with the outbreak of armed conflict, the doomsday suppression program began to create this new type of combat unit in each ship at a very fast speed. Its function is to eliminate the rebels within the spaceship, and its strength is tyrannical. The performance exploded and the firepower was fierce.

Bill Crestton hearing this shocked, his eyes quickly condensed, and his finger muscles slowly tightened.


This shot did not hit Tang Yingyu.

A short silhouette stood between the ray gun and Tang Ying, with a big hole in his chest.

Compared with the regular fleet warrior, the Free Will Alliance soldiers’ combat uniforms are not equipped with a medical security system that requires the support of a super artificial intelligence server. This type of fatal injury to the torso cannot be cured, only through Inject hormones and physically seal the wound to continue lifespan briefly.

"What are you doing!"

Bill looked at this man dumbfounded.

The person who was hit slowly took off the helmet, mouth after mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

This is a young face with a painful and distorted expression on his face.

This person is another player of Bill, a third generation teenager.

"Captain, she is Nuwa! She is the brethren of the sage’s wife! We just want to continue mankind in our own way, not destroy our civilization! Captain, don’t... she didn’t do it What's wrong, she doesn't even have her own will."

Under the stimulation of hormones, the free will warrior with a hole in his chest finished saying this, and then fell down suddenly.

The energy response of the ray gun finally made Tang Yingyu turn around.

Bill's gaze slowly moved up from the corpse of his teammate, and then he met Tang Yingyu.

His breathing stopped, and his heart seemed to be pinched.

His mind was blank, only a few lingering questions emerged.

What kind of eyes are these?

Why is it so hollow, yet as deep as a galaxy, yet there seems to be a sea of ​​blood boiling inside?

What are the thoughts in this woman's mind every day?

Does she know that she is reproductively isolated from humans?

Did she know that she and humans are not the same creature?

What does she think of the human being who created her?

Does she know what exactly is the meaning of her existence?

When Bill was in a daze, the teammates in the rear reminded him again that the Guardians of Doom was about to arrive.

"Knock her out, grab her, and send her to freezing!"

Bill finally made a decision and slowly raised his leg and walked forward.

But in the next moment, Tang Yingyu's empty eyes suddenly focused, no longer lost, only the killing intent soaring to the sky.

Tang Yingyu's slender left hand patted lightly on the window frame, and her figure disappeared.

Bill threw himself away.

In the next moment, Tang Yingyu appeared next to the fallen warrior's corpse, and the right hand drew the neutron membrane tactical dagger from the warrior's waist.

As soon as she drew her knife, her dagger seemed to be gently picked on the floor, splashing against the Heavenly Fire flower.

Her body began to change direction in high-speed rotation, like a blooming blood red rose.

The blade slashed across in front of a player.

Blood bursts from the neck of this free will alliance warrior.

Tang Yingku's knife cut into the slit of the snake scale structure of the armor neck guard with extreme accuracy.

The weightless cabin began to sway liquid, both red blood and crystal tears.

"Shoot! Kill her!"

Bill Creston watched another teammate fall, fell into great panic and anger, and roared again. Trying to target Tang Yingyu.

However, Tang Yingyu's movements were too fast, and she couldn't aim at it with the ray gun alone.

His team members fell one after another.

Bill didn't hesitate anymore, he took a step back and opened the cover on the back of his right hand. There was a red button.

After pressing down, his portable armor will release all the energy instantly, creating a serious explosion.

At this time, the Nuwa project team responsible for taking care of Tang Yingyu's diet, daily life and health in the resident ship had already fallen into great chaos and panic.

The distress signal is sent out like a volcanic eruption.

More and more doomsday guardians are rushing here.

At the same time, a woman's voice sounded in the mind-capture group of the working group incredible.

This is Tang Yingyu's psychological activity.

In the past several decades, this thinking capture team could only collect empty white noise. This is the first time in history that Tang Yingyu has found human consciousness in Tang Yingyu's brain.

"I don’t know why I live and why I fight.

Perhaps I am really, as you said, a stumbling block in the lives of countless people of you.

But I don’t have to repent, because I didn’t do anything wrong.

I never wanted to live, I just couldn’t let him die.

I didn’t want to kill you either.

I want to make friends with you.

I am really, very painful."

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