"Who is he? Her son? Heavens! She is pregnant! The most recent chromosome implantation was successful!"

In the working group, one The old voice roared loudly.

No one knows why Tang Yingyu can use a human body to determine the fact that she is pregnant before the detection equipment.

The unintentional person is very mysterious, and Tang Yingyu, the natural unintentional person, is even more mysterious.

People only know that her emotions are different from ordinary people, thinking about problems will not be obscured, when making decisions, there are only simple answers, yes or no, but in the past, scientists never knew what she was thinking. She couldn't read her thinking, and she never spoke. Scientists can't be sure whether she has mastered human language and whether her thinking mode is the same as that of human beings.

Now I finally hear her voice.

No one knows when she mastered human language and complete thinking mode.

People were just shocked that the first time they heard her thinking, it was such a smooth and rigorous mental activity.

She has a calm tone of mental activity and she speaks extremely fast.

This is just a fleeting thought, which is magnified countless times, and finally reinterpreted to become this paragraph.

People also know the reason for Tang Yingyu's attack.

She understood the free-will warrior's dialogue and knew that these people planned to freeze themselves.

As a born unintentional person, her frozen success rate is 100%.

But after freezing, the newly born fertilized embryo in her body will inevitably stagnate.

No one knows how many years from now and under what experimental conditions she will be thawed. At that time, the most likely fate of this newly budding new life in her body is in recovery Suffered an accident, turned into a dead sesame cell, and then was excreted from the body.

The method of freezing human body and embryo freezing is completely different. It requires intense energy conversion and the reorganization of human brain thinking. Ordinary embryos cannot bear it at all, and they are almost certain to die.

She did not fight back for her own life, but resisted fate as a mother.

Perhaps Tang Yingyu doesn't know why he wants to conceive offspring, but because of the racial reproduction instinct of a species.

In short, Bill Creston and the others have met her subconscious enemy's judgment, prompting her to make an attack decision instantly.

Whether it is Bill who is about to be extinct, or the scientific research personnel responsible for following up on Tang Yingyu’s situation on the ship, they don’t know why they have not received military training for more than 30 years, and they have not even touched their weapons. However, Tang Yingyu, who has never been in contact with any ancient cold weapon combat training, showed amazing battle strength with just one hand, which is comparable to the Jianghu expert in the ancient wuxia novel.

Tang Yingyu's physical fitness is far stronger than that of an ordinary person whose genetic arousal degree is between 45% and 50%. There is no doubt about this.

But the killing skills she exposed at the moment of her violent starter were very unreasonable.

She is too proficient in the use of drift in the absence of gravity.

She turned herself into a shark in space, agile and bloodthirsty.

Every time any part of her body collides with the wall, she can move quickly to the desired position in the desired posture.

She even self-taught to adjust her center of gravity and posture by swinging her limbs while floating in space to avoid the aim of the free will warrior.

This kind of subtle control combat technique in an unarmored state was eliminated hundreds of years ago.

Under normal circumstances, this is indeed a worthless way of fighting. After all, a close-fitting full-coverage lightweight armor can help humans accomplish too much work.

But at such a delicate moment, facing a free will warrior equipped with a simple and portable armor that gives up artificial intelligence, Tang Yingyu's space combat technique has become a magical skill.

Another stab resulted in the life of a free-will warrior. Tang Yingyu quickly turned around. In the process of turning around, her body was still twisting strangely, making her movements elusive.

In just over ten seconds, there were only two people left in Tang Yingyu's room.

Bill Creston, who is eight meters away in a straight line from her, has stopped aiming.

He has thrown away the ray gun, and his left index finger is pressing the button on the back of the right hand.

The power battery pack behind Bill is shaking violently, and the vibration amplitude is getting bigger and bigger, so that the air hums like an electric hair dryer.

Tang Yingku saw Bill throw the gun, and no longer rushed to attack.

She seemed to smell a dangerous breath, and wanted to pull away, letting her figure float backwards, until her back lightly hit the wall, and then slowly stopped.

Tang Yingku is bloody, prostrate, arms open, left hand close to the wall, right hand thumb and index finger to buckle the neutron membrane tactical dagger, the other three fingers stretched straight, pressing on the floor superior.

She looks exactly like a cheetah about to prey.

At this moment, the fierce firefight was inexplicably stagnated, and the two sides looked at each other, turning into a peculiar state of confrontation.

Bill's gaze was mad, helpless, angry, with a trace of confusion and anxiety.

He has carried the self-destruct of the armored boot battery pack, and the matter is irreversible.

Even if the guardian of the doomsday rushed out of the door and shot him headshot, the explosion could not be stopped.

Tang Yingyu cannot escape, she is already a corpse.

But Bill Creston didn't feel happy in his heart, nor did he feel relieved at all.

One second after pressing the detonation button, he also learned something from the primordial communication just sent by the leaders of the Free Will League.

The Nuwa project is a success.

The woman in front of her has successfully conceived. Her next generation, the great-grandfather of the philosopher’s wife, could have been born.

This has given meaning to the work of hundreds of millions of Nuwa project participants over several decades.

Regardless of whether these project participants are passive or active, no matter what these people are doing now, no one can deny that these hundreds of millions of people have spent several decades sleeping on Goddard, and they are waiting for this day.

However, now Tang Yingyu is about to die in his own hands.

Bill's heart began to involuntarily create distracting thoughts.

Will everyone really thank me?

Am I right?

If there is a chance to come back, I know in advance that she is pregnant, would I still choose this way?

Is it really possible to start again?

His anger retreated inexplicably, replaced by endless confusion and lingering regret.

He ruthlessly failed to control his heart after all, and was completely dominated by extreme emotions.

He deviated from the beliefs that the Free Will Alliance had originally established, and became a madman who did nothing to satisfy his selfish desires.

The teammate who helped Tang Yingyu block a shot just now was right.

Obviously we just want to leave peacefully in our way and live well, so that even if humans perish in the galaxy, there is more hope of continuation in other galaxies.

I don’t want to destroy everything and become a sinner.

The battery pack on the back has begun to swell, and Bill can feel the burning sensation and terrifying oppression suddenly used by his back.

After 0.5 seconds, a high temperature of more than 10,000 degrees will swallow hundreds of cubic meters of space nearby.

"It's over."

Bill Creston thought so.

I have been watching the Nuwa project researchers here nervously, thinking so in my heart.


The floor of the room suddenly broke through a big hole.

In the next moment, a black armor about 13 meters high appeared in the middle of the room.

At the same time, the flames and shock waves from the explosion behind Bill Creston completely swallowed him.

But before his consciousness sank into the darkness, there was a flash of surprise and comfort on his face.

Bill and the others recognized the real body of the armor almost instantly.

This is the T100 armor of the legendary Tong Ling instructor.

It's over.

Everything is over.

What's going on in the future has nothing to do with me.

Bill's consciousness is gone.

At the moment when the shock wave diffused in front of you, T100 opened the Energy Shield and only a little leaked out.

2 seconds later, T100 smashed through several layers of walls one after another, and appeared in an empty passage in the residential ship.

In the palm of the T100 armor, lying on the palm of the T100 armor, Tang Yingyu was seriously injured and stunned by the aftermath of the explosion.

She closed her eyes tightly and her face was covered with blood, both of her own and others.

She was full of cracks, flesh and blood turned over, blood gushing.

She looked miserable and in a critical situation.

But the researchers fell into ecstasy.

She survived!

But after an instant, the scientific researchers looked ashamed.

Because the scan results showed that her brain has been severely damaged.

Two deep gullies passed through her brain.

The terrible amount of blood loss is also destroying her life.

Her consciousness is quickly dissipating.

T100 armor lowered her head slightly, Tong Ling was staring at the woman in her palm through the armored cockpit mask.

Tong Ling saw two lines of tears in the corner of Tang Yingyu's eyes.

Unfortunately, the thinking capture team can only receive white noise, so no one knows why Tang Yingyu's tears shed.

People can only speculate.

This may be because she is unwilling to be unwilling.

She feels sad for herself.

She has never lived in the posture she wants, and she doesn't even know how to be truly alive.

As a born unintentional person, she may or may not know the difference between herself and humans.

Her life is full of question marks, and there is no answer.

She is also not clear about the mission of her existence, she may be grateful for the race that created her, or she may bury more resentment in her heart.

She may feel sad for what happened to her again, and she is excited for the continuation of future generations.

Thirty seconds later, Tang Yingyu's brain thinking finally stagnated, and the thinking capture team could no longer hear any sound, not even the white noise.

Tang Yingyu is still dead after all.

T100 put her down, extended a mechanical arm behind her, stab her Xiaofu, dig out a piece of flesh and blood from it, and then sent it to the artificial culture chamber quickly synthesized by the armored medical system.

The remaining Chief-In-Charge of the Nuwa project stared blankly at the projection that represents the embryo, the cytoplasm that is regaining peristalsis, and the DNA strands that are slowly coupling at a stable speed, both like I was appreciating a piece of art, and it seemed like I was kneeling down to worship the god in my heart.

Tang Yingyu died, but the embryo survived.

The expressions on people's faces are beyond complicity.

In just a few minutes, people's moods are so ups and downs that they almost exceed the limit of human psychological endurance.

The sound of da da da click came from the channel near the War Zone.

Dozens of Doom Guardians finally arrive slowly from all directions.

Tong Ling looked back at these smart weapons and activated the highest wartime command of the T100 armor.

She only said one word with her expressionless face, and the order she gave was concise and concise.


Three days later, this event lasted for more than two years. There were both ideological confrontations and a brief attempt at peaceful change, but in the end a martial power riot broke out. The rebellion was completely over.

Tong Ling always carried the embryos on her body, from the first resident ship to the battleship, the main force first controlled by the Free Will Alliance.

The warrior who took the lead in the rebellion was completely torn apart by Tong Ling, and his followers did not stay.

This coup ended with the loss of 300 million people in the fleet and thousands of battleships.

Among these 300 million people, the second and third generations account for approximately 230 million, while the first and older generations account for 70 million.

This ratio seems to be very low, but in fact, many of these older generations are released from the frozen state, and these people, whether they are battle-type personnel or scientific research personnel, have not considered at all After negotiating with the Free Will Alliance, one after another took up weapons without the slightest hesitation, regardless of whether they were good at it or not, whether they participated in the battle or died.

The loss was heavy, but it only takes less than twenty years to fully recover.

The so-called free will, under the threat of immediate death, became as if dreams and visions in a bubble.

But the matter did not end immediately. The rebels who surrendered their weapons obediently raised their hands and were escorted to the prison ship by the guards of the doomsday.

More than 700 million people are held in the prison ship.

If the doomsday repression process continues to be judged, these 700 million people will only be left with less than 50 million.

People squatted down in a small space with their heads down, their eyes full of confusion and fear.

They don't know what the future holds, and they have lingering regrets in their hearts.

Many people feel very puzzled.

Obviously everyone’s idea at first is good, no matter how dissatisfied you are in your heart, why did things become like this?

Also, why are the older generations so stubborn.

Many older generations have been engaged in scientific research all their lives, or are working as workers, their combat capability is almost 0, but why are they fighting so desperately one after another, and they don’t listen at all. Explain that only all people in free will are vilified as traitors.

People began to ask themselves.

Are we really doing something wrong?

But where did we go wrong?

Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore.

History cannot be obscured. Under memory reading, the truth will inevitably surface. Lying is also impossible to deceive the core of SmartBrain. SmartBrain must know what kind of person he is.

So, being executed is a certainty.

The atmosphere in the prison ship is lifeless.

People only have a single thought, close their eyes and wait to die.

"I decided to end the doomsday suppression process."

Just when people thought they were dead, the whole ship broadcast from the prison ship.

In the next second, Tong Ling's face appeared in front of everyone in a projected state.

She is still expressionless.

People are very surprised, happy and puzzled.

"I will tell you what is little freedom and what is big freedom."

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