"teacher, I’m not a narrow nationalist. I’m not even a human being. So I can’t be like the teacher you are, because my surname and blood relationship have so much influence on ancient China. A high sense of identity. I can only conduct an independent analysis of the objective facts that have occurred in history from my own perspective."

"Facts have proved that there were indeed many fighting heroes in the development period of ancient China that were fearless. Death is home. In the peaceful era, you can also see many ancient Chinese soldiers, medical personnel, firefighters, and rescuers knowing well there are tigers in the mountain go deep into the mountains."

"Ancient China People who are doing rescue missions that require race against time will not ask leaders to make a fuss about salary and treatment before setting off. They always want to do what they can do first, and then consider other things. Those ancestors can always realize soberly, What kind of battle is an important battle, and what situation must be fought. Whenever it is necessary, someone will always stand up from the end. The first moment he may be just a mortal, but the next second, it will be A warrior who can block machine guns with his chest."

"After the end of World War II, under internal trouble and outside aggression, ancient China took 70 years to complete the 150-year road of other countries. , Completed the largest post-modern industrialization process in human history. All this is not a blessing from the sky, it is indeed a miracle of civilization completed by everyone in this country."

" There is no uncaused effect in the world. There must be a reason for the birth of a miracle. This reason is in the unbroken history of ancient China. It allows people who grow up in this history and culture to have compatriots empathy that can surpass life and death, and possess others It seems unreasonable that the spirit of sacrifice and the courage of great fearless. It is so heavy that it can become the cradle that eventually nurtures the common wisdom of the entire human civilization."

"Five thousand years of fertile soil has cultivated Human beings’ will to unite across classes in the true sense. This unity transcends nationality, skin color, and beliefs. It is naturally invincible and invincible. It is invincible and invincible. It is different from other people dominated by capital at that time. The “freedom, peace, love” painted on the lips of the people in the system. Under the guidance of this unity with a clear vision of the full text, ancient China, which has gradually become a world leader, has not indulged in hegemony, but has always maintained a high sense of responsibility. Constraints, with the interests of the full text as the highest criterion."

"Of course, in the transitional period of civilization from the 21st century to the 22nd century, some biased thoughts were born in ancient China. But. These trends of thought are harmless and cannot shake the root. Fortunately, at this stage, the philosopher has become a technology, The highest spiritual leader in the economic, political and military fields. His own high degree of self-restraint and the strategy of'hold a bowl of water level' that he persisted in anyway played an extremely critical role in the unity of civilizations. "

"He insists on telling the truth and doing the real thing, and he is not afraid of others' bad words and slander. He insists on treating those latecomers who have not been able to keep up with the realm in a gracious and kind manner. At the same time, he maintained absolute superiority at all levels, constructed an overwhelming power system, and effectively prevented unstable factors. "

"Time has proved the correctness of the sages, and also proved that the ideology of the ancient people has the highest contemporary character, the most forward-looking nature, and the strongest sense of civilized mission. "

"I don't deny the philosopher's high level of thinking. But I think that the sage himself is only one of the individuals in the Chinese civilization. His thoughts are based on his life experience and cultural attributes. His life experience and cultural attributes are based on the historical precipitation of the ancient country. "

"It was the profound historical and cultural soil of ancient China that first gave birth to the personality of the sage, and finally there will be the Great Accomplishment of the human civilization and the sage himself. Without sages, there would be no our present. But there is no past and no sage. "

Tang Xiaao, who was too precocious, explained his comprehensive outlook on life and society to Zhou Donglai from his personal point of view.

However, Zhou Donglai had something else from the middle grade. Means, "Xiao Tang, you mean, the leader of mankind is not an individual like a sage, but the history of ancient China? "

"No. teacher, this is back to the philosophical speculation of the chicken or the egg. I think that in the critical historical stage, great leaders with extraordinary and refined strategic thinking like sages are still needed to complete the mission of unifying will. After all, if the wisdom of the group is regarded as an individual, the level of consideration of the problem is actually not deep enough. "

"Civilization needs scientific leaders, opinion leaders, thought leaders, military leaders, political leaders, and business leaders who truly have a sense of responsibility, mission, and ability to help ordinary persons increase their depth of thinking and Avoid waste of resources as much as possible. This resource includes not only matter and energy in the narrow sense, but also the limited free time that each person has in a limited life. "

"In the past, we were lucky because there was a sage who possessed all the characteristics required by all types of leaders mentioned above, so he was a great leader. "

"But in our fleet, once the military leader has General Qin, now it is the teacher you, the personal ability leader has Tong teacher, the science leader has Emerson... But unfortunately, even Tong The teacher has made extraordinary achievements, and she is still unable to mention on equal terms with the philosopher. "

"teacher You and other people's influence within the fleet is all superimposed, and it is still not as good as the sage. This is the core reason leading to the outbreak of civil unrest. The civil strife has indeed improved the average military literacy of the fleet, which is our gain. But if there is a second sage in the fleet, perhaps without going through civil strife, our performance in the last battle will be even better. "

Zhou Donglai responded: "Yes. We need leaders like sages, but unfortunately... forget it. It's too late today. Xiao Tang, rest early. "

Zhou Donglai hung up the communication, opened the personal diary system, and began to quickly enter his reflections and summaries.

He started the master and disciple talk today with the intention of training Tang Xiaao, I didn’t think I was woken up again.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhou Donglai opened the internal information system again and checked the Empire Weekly that I had just received one-thousandth of a second ago. Look at the latest scientific research progress and a comprehensive report on the core content of current affairs, military, economics and so on.

After a long time, Zhou Dong came secretly sighed then said, muttering to himself: “It’s really not going to work like this. "

The birth of leaders like Chen Feng has too many chances, and there is no possibility of copying.

To borrow a sentence from the sage Chen Feng himself.

According to wild history, he once said in a small gathering of the founding team of Salvation: "I can't help it, and I don't want to raise myself so high. I have even tried very hard to weaken my sense of existence. But I must share in advance what I have acquired from the future, and use it to lead civilization forward. Now in the information society, even I am impossible to hide the truth forever under the cover of the sand of time. "

"What I do will be discovered and studied by later historians, and I will definitely be a god. I can't stop this. After my death, as long as the war between mankind and the compound-eyes is not over, mankind has not yet stepped out of the galaxy and entered the era of the real universe. In theory, it is impossible to give birth to more characters than me. "

"This is not only determined by ability and talent, but because I, as a civilized repeater, have done too much work to connect the previous and the next. Before the great universe came, the workload and achievements of others were impossible to surpass mine. I don't want this, and I believe you don't want it either, but this is an objective fact and cannot be changed. "

In short, the objective facts mean that after the sage Chen Feng entered the embryonic resurrection state and disappeared with the entire primordial genetic research institute, mankind had to enter the era of no leader and no true leader.

This is the case in the headquarters of the empire, and the same in the Unnamed Fleet.

I do not deny that many great characters have been born in the long years and infinite territory, such as ***, Lai Wenming, Sergey , Qin Guang, Yang Guoding, and the others, as well as the current Tong Ling, Emerson, Zhou Donglai, as well as the short-lived Opheus Cage and Solent Cage who have left a strong mark in the history of the fleet. .

These people have their own achievements, and they should not be underestimated.

But no matter how extreme they are, they study certain fields and the scope of research is limited to certain specific periods. The historians of, are unable to juxtapose these names with the sages.

Perhaps some people think that in every timeline in the past, human beings have also experienced a similar leadership window period, and this is also true. Come here.

But the past "success" is not worth emulating, because no matter what progress humans have made in the past nine timelines, they will eventually be defeated.

here Still quote the original words of the sage Chen Feng himself, "winner is the king, loser is the villain, no need to quibble. There is no essential difference in results between a beautiful defeat and a humble defeat. As long as it loses, it proves that there must be something that has not been done enough and needs to be improved. "

Nowadays, the times are different again.

Under different circumstances, human civilization must put forward new demands on itself.

No matter Whether it is the social pattern or the demand for talents, and then to the leadership culture, it is necessary to keep pace with the times.

In the past, until the eighth timeline, human beings have been trapped in the solar system by the dome.

At that time, although human beings knew almost nothing about the enemy’s situation, it was this ignorance that saved the trouble, so that people had no time to think in the heart, just thinking about what they could do. Doing a little more work is one point. There is no unrealistic expectation for the future at all.

In the ninth timeline just past, the situation has become a little more complicated, and there have been many times in the outer colonies. There have been turbulences.

But humans at the time were still pessimistic and still had no vision for the future.

There has never been a core team that has assumed the same level as the Unnamed Fleet. The important mission of the shadow galaxy.

The era value of the shadow galaxy is about the same as that of the nameless fleet mention on equal terms, but the internal development pattern of the shadow galaxy is highly similar to the solar system in the previous eight timelines, and there is no large-scale The chaos, the characteristics of its galaxy civilization, the fault tolerance rate is far greater than that of the unnamed fleet.

But this time, Zhou Donglai has a little overview of the overall situation, and you can discover the anxious war and the desperate war that has been defeated in the past timeline. Different.

Now human beings neither see the short-term hope of victory, nor are they impossible to defeat quickly. In the process of entanglement and fighting between the two sides, the trend of human social ideology and structure has become more complicated.

The anxious war situation in the front-line galaxy is a trap in itself.

Humans are blinding the compound-eyes and intending to further quickly absorb each other in the process of confronting each other. At the same time, at the rear, it is also using the war experience and advanced technology gained from the front to complete the technological reserve, and quickly transform it into a continuously improving military force, waiting for the other side to remember.

But obviously, judging from the Devourer and the Hive Giant Ship encountered by the Unnamed Fleet, the compound-eyes have never completely opened the true trump card in the previous confrontation, and even in the long war of nine timelines in the past. .

Mankind is not inevitable, many people should understand this, but unconsciously, mankind has also jumped into the pit he dug for the compound eye.

This pit. It is not a tactical intrigue, nor a strategic intrigue, but a higher-level ideological trap that involves ideological trends.

Looking at all mankind, no one can be alone and stay out of the matter.

Unconsciously, too many people started in the hear t has a false perception that human beings have not spare no effort, and they can see compound eyes and even the slave Legion, which is stronger than the main battleship in the past, and feel that humans have mastered the method of victory.

No one denies the experience of human defeat in the nihilistic history, but the invisible nihilistic history is indeed a bit shallower than the real history, and it cannot form enough thinking imprints.

And with the consciousness instilled by Chen Feng, these people more firmly recognize the superiority of human beings as the core race of the universe.

In the past, the string of death that had been stretched in the hearts of people in the past relaxes, and it is easy to breed overconfidence.

Confidence is not a bad thing, but overconfidence can bring relaxation.

This is wrong.

The correct situation should be like this.

Blind self-confidence can inspire people when there is no doubt that they will lose.

But when there is a real chance to win, instead, you should reclaim your self-confidence and remain in awe of other high-level civilizations born in the boundless universe.

Everyone knows the truth, but the subtlety of the human heart lies in easier said than done.

The long-term latent action, and the unnamed fleet that has been out of the main civilization for too long, has emerged called free will, which is a very obvious sign of escapeism, which is called free will and can survive blindly and confidently.

In the empire, although there are many great think tanks such as the imperial government, the salvation organization, the Institute of Space-Time Topology, and the Academy of Science and Technology with strong executive powers, they control the overall situation, and with the per capita genetic arousal rate Improvements have also brought greater innovation capabilities and productivity, but the problems have gradually been exposed, but the degree is not as obvious as the unnamed fleet civil unrest, and the differences are slightly smaller.

In the empire, most people still care about the overall interests of civilization, but there are still many people who are content to enjoy themselves.

Excessive inferiority and conceited escapeism is still sprouting.

Even various scientific and unscientific sects appeared in some sectors.

Under the complete imperial republic system, in some sectors, different vassal systems have been produced according to different natural and cultural environments, including military system, republic, parliamentary system, religious system, scientific and religious system, Different complex ideologies and cultural attributes, such as the scientific system, industrial system, agricultural system, and entertainment system, are influencing each other.

Many different systems are mixed together to form a mix-up general imperial republic.

This complex overall environment is shaking the unified will of mankind.

This is cutting meat with a blunt knife, and it is also a potential crisis of internal division and disintegration of human beings.

This is inevitable. Because human thinking has uncertainty and unlimited randomness.

Short lifespan is both a human advantage and a disadvantage. It is difficult for Earth people to rely on cloned immortality to keep their ideology unchanged for hundreds of thousands of years, even millions of years.

Nowadays, the people of War Zone and the people in the rear area gradually have differences in consciousness, and due to the differences in cognition and personality of various races, this difference is becoming more and more intense.

Many people of insight have already realized the problem, and many people even learned from Zhou Donglai, a group of fleet members who have experienced turbulence.

This problem has indeed troubled Zhou Donglai for several months, and it is also the reason for his discussion with Tang Xiaao.

Zhou Donglai once again began to reflect on the entire process of development of the last civil strife.

He believes that although the teacher Qin Guang made the plan and he himself executed the plan, there is no doubt that Tong Ling is the key to splitting heaven and earth apart.

It is the existence of Tong Ling that the fleet can stabilize the situation at the critical moment.

The success of the follow-up work is also closely related to Tong Ling's formidable strength and unshakable lofty status in the mind of all fleet members.

Successfully overcame the civil unrest. The fleet has not only completed military training, but also re-strengthened the functions of the management system, allowing fleet members to clearly understand the nature of society, the value of beliefs, and the interaction between individuals and groups. relation.

After the civil strife, the fleet members regained a dialectical outlook on life and learned to face their responsibilities squarely.

In the key battle after the successful implementation of the Fleet Republic, there is no persecution, no power, and no suspicion. All people are united in the same hatred.

Everyone knows well that regardless of whether they advance for different beliefs or not, they must advance toward eternity.

Because of this, the fleet can escape from the certain death situation created by the Devourer and the Hive Giant Ship.

Now the fleet has been broken into pieces, and everyone is divided into 12,000 troops. However, with the stronger cohesion created by the fleet republic, Qin Guang is emotionally willing to believe that others will be able to do so in 2960. The confluence was completed, but reason was telling him that he had to do something to prevent changes.

Forty years of slow-paced ancient times are enough to change dynasties, let alone today.

So Zhou Donglai believes that his thinking is not only to feed back the empire, but also to help himself.

Zhou Donglai kept thinking about it for a long time, thinking about it while taking notes, and finally wrote a paragraph by hand.

"Only a great leader can become the spiritual pillar of mortals, so that mortals who listen and believe, and have limited abilities, can embark on the right path without knowing all the truth."

"Mankind needs leaders. Leaders leave to mankind not only those tangible and tangible results, but an indelible spirit strength."

"The real great leader comes It is not easy. It requires the right time and place and too many factors to reach the standard. In the long course of time, civilization will inevitably face the situation of leader disconnection, so at least the spirit strength inheritance left by the leader must be inherited."

"The transmission of spirit strength should be the transmission between people and cannot rely on artificial intelligence. Because artificial intelligence itself lacks emotions, nature teaches not everyone’s true spirit attribute."

" But what should we do to carve the spiritual imprint in people's hearts?"

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