Zhou Donglai spent three full months thinking about "how to".

But this matter is completely different from the military level, and even from regular government administration work.

Zhou Donglai failed to think about a clear direction on this matter.

Fortunately, in the past few months, the fleet of art workers scattered around the sky have not been idle.

Nearly 100,000 people scattered in different teams have different specialties and specialties in the fields of political philosophy, historical analysis, psychology, sociology, economics, scientific and technological economics, civilization, and space-time topology. Non-professional social sciences genius scholars, after intensive discussions and almost "life and death" debates, came up with a very ground-breaking but very Return to the Natural State plan-to formulate a convention , Replacing the function of a great leader with the agreement between the individual and the overall civilization.

This ideal convention can not only constrain the organization in large areas, but also be specific to individuals in small areas.

The convention has a binding effect similar to the law, and it is also a set of voluntary guidelines applicable to everyone.

The origin of the convention is not only based on the life philosophy of the sage Chen Feng, but also goes back and extends backwards, which has played an important role in the history of human civilization since ancient times. "Convention", "covenant", "agreement", "famous quotes", "philosophical speculative discourses", and "grandfathers of famous works" are comprehensively analyzed, and then the new situation facing mankind at the beginning of the 30th century is the basic setting and era. Background, find a universal truth for the complicated changes in the current era.

The convention will inherit the function of the leader to a certain extent. It is not only a guideline for human behavior, but also reminds everyone why human beings exist and what role individuals should play in civilization.

This principle will form a solid dialectical thinking mode in people's hearts to guide everyone to make decisions that are beneficial to the collective when facing major life choices.

If such a miraculous convention can be completed, the crisis that Qin Guang and other people of insight worry about will be solved.

But the convention itself is not a reasonable thing.

Assuming that humans are not threatened by aliens, nor have they received scientific and technological assistance from alien civilizations, and no one can repeatedly bring scientific knowledge back to modern times from the future. Promote the development of science, technology and productivity in a way that is in accordance with the basic logic, relying only on one's own ability, and then step out of Earth and set foot on aliens.

In this process, the construction and development time of each colony and human galaxy, the time required for the incubation and formation of various key technologies will inevitably be extended by as little as ten times, as many as dozens of times.

So, for human beings to become a star system-class civilization, starting from 2000, it will theoretically take at least 10,000 years.

To develop to the size of the Morrowind Empire today, it may take a period of 20,000 years.

It takes longer, so the population base from birth to death will also be scaled up.

You need to use more people to pile up, in order to pile up a little bit of the size of the empire that appears.

In the process of development, the Earth people may still need to experience large-scale galaxy-level civil wars again and again, constantly splitting and reunifying. Some galaxies may be able to become strong for a short time, then make some contributions, and then be eliminated. .

Humankind will experience more internal wars and alternate evolutions of peace, there will be struggles between systems, struggles between ideas, and more confrontations at all levels.

The impossible road to civilization’s normal upgrade is an illogical stepped-up jump in current history, but it takes a longer time and a more tortuous spiral composed of more participants. rise.

The relationship between the small collectives under the big collective not only competes with each other but also cooperates with each other at a certain level. The alternate evolution of war and peace, development and retrogression will allow human beings to gradually deepen their thinking about the universe and themselves. , Will bring a more complex and comprehensive thought evolution process to human civilization as a whole.

In this process, the divine symbol of mankind and the development of material civilization will appear on the stage, forming a relationship that not only competes with each other, but also complements each other, and forms the two legs of civilization. The error correction capability of Pangda Civilization itself provides reconciliation between these two legs.

To give a simple example, in several Renaissance, Renaissance, and literary explosion activities, the wealth of human beings at the fine divine symbol level has first come to the front of material civilization slightly, and in the longer term Eyes and precious positive literary resources have brought more widely disseminated knowledge, and spawned more scientific talents with advanced vision and ability, which in turn led to the rapid advancement of animal civilization, and then formed the first, second, and The third...Nth industrial revolution and technological revolution.

However, when the industrial revolution and the technological revolution broke out, the rapidly expanding demand for material civilization put forward an obvious demand for employment for the human group, and the overall social atmosphere that focused more on pragmatism. Under the guidance of this social environment, more people will tend to engage in work related to material civilization when making decisions about life choices.

So in this stage, the development speed of the divine symbol is in turn suppressed by the rapid development of material civilization.

Until one day, civilized group consciousness will naturally realize that the divine symbol is too backward, which in turn drags down material civilization, triggers some turmoil, and causes some large or small scales. War, and stagnating material civilization or regressing briefly.

It is very likely that some areas will fall behind, small-scale wars within the galaxy, or even large-scale wars between different Star Domains, will surely kill many people.

But that’s not a big problem, because as long as there are no foreign enemies, once humans get out of the solar system, they will always be impossible to perish completely. The civilization as a whole must naturally eliminate the backward parts like a tumor and leave behind. It can definitely become the essence and bring a new round of rapid progress.

In turbulent times, the divine symbol will definitely catch up quickly until it fills the gap or causes a fundamental change in the social system.

Then civilization will enter the next period of rapid growth of material civilization, and the divine symbol will become clear again.

This cycle repeats itself again and again.

Theoretically, the perfect balance between the material and the spirit is always impossible.

Then, in the normal history of human civilization development, human beings will not only use 10,000 to 20,000 years to complete the process of expansion to the present productivity explosion, and go through this and other ideological changes again and again, and repeated Ideological conflict baptism, with the help of continuously absorbing experience and lessons, human society can naturally get a reasonable and precise divine symbol that is suitable for contemporary needs.

But the current situation is that it took only 900 years for the Earth people to complete the process of material civilization that would normally take 10,000 to 20,000 years, or even more than 10,000 years.

Earth people rushed all the way on the broad and open road of the technological explosion created by Chen Feng. There was simply no time to stop and look back and think about themselves and the universe from a philosophical point of view.

Earth civilization is like an over-developed child, with a lame leg, his physical strength is up, but the three views fall behind.

At this time, the lame child had to hold a sword in his hand and fight with the grinning wolf bayonet in front of him. Behind the wolf, there is an indistinct body, and I don’t know its strength. The horror shadow flickering.

The child is six thousand years old this year. In his six thousand years of lifespan, he has never faced such a peculiar and harsh living environment. His past survival experience and philosophy of survival are no longer Be applicable.

Under the threat of such a terrible internal and external environment, the most active, deep-thinking, and most comprehensive brain area in the children’s brain (the sage Chen Feng who opened the hanger) has disappeared. Time to think about questions such as "who am I", "what am I doing", "what kind of person do I want to be in the future" and so on that are both metaphysical and humanistic.

Because of the incompleteness of knowledge and divine symbol, in the process of dealing with the enemy, it is difficult for him to understand the question of "what should I do to defeat the enemy in front of me", let alone To consider dealing with the shadow behind the enemy, you can only give everything to instinct, and these problems that Zhou Donglai saw will inevitably arise.

The small-scale civil strife that occurred in the Unnamed Fleet can still be suppressed by the invincible Tong Ling.

But if the scale of this civil strife is enlarged to the entire empire, one hundred more Tonglings will be impossible to control the scene.

Things will become completely out of control.

But human beings are now a great enemy. Behind the compound-eyes of the great enemy, there is a behind-the-scenes master who has been proved to exist, but is still unable to predict its ability. Human civilization is absolutely unable to withstand the toss. The pace of progress cannot be stopped.

Earth civilization seems to be winning, but in fact it is still at stake, at the crucial moment.

So at this time, the significance of the convention is highlighted.

The convention can be regarded as the 24th pair of chromosomes outside the basic 23 pairs of chromosomes in the body cells of a child.

The extra chromosomes will give each cell (every person) some new characteristics.

The essence of this new feature is thought.

Assuming that the depth of information carrying these characteristics is consistent with the original 23 pairs of chromosomes, then it can provide some instinct-like behavioral norms for all cells of a child who is in confusion, in order to as much as possible Correct the direction of cell division and growth, so that each cell becomes as useful as possible, stronger, and more in line with the overall needs of the child's body, rather than becoming cancerous.

Qin Guang approved the proposal of his colleagues in the fleet, organized it into shape, and sent it to the headquarters of the empire under his own title, which quickly gained wide recognition.

The preparation of the "Convention on a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind" has since been put on the agenda.

After the direction is determined, what is left is to achieve it through practice.

In the next two months, tens of billions of scholars came up with hundreds of millions of proposals from different scientific and technological fields and perspectives.

After a series of research and simulation experiments for six months, the final plan is as follows.

By absorbing the core projects of Chen Feng's frozen embryo synthesis, primordial gene synthesis, human freezing technology, Nuwa project and other core projects on the human body and genetic information, a complete set of deep genes with a real level of precision has been designed Improved technology.

Through this genetic improvement technology, it is possible to engrave a paragraph of basic laws involving every pair of chromosomes and every pair of base pairs on the DNA double-stranded structure in human cells with real precision.

This new basic law will give the human brain a new activity. The quantum thinking storm of the human brain will resonate strongly with the external environment, and it will be the first to break through 50% like gene arousal. Like Chen Feng, he heard "the wisdom of the universe".

Subsequently, those who have accepted the reforms can engrave a life rule that cannot be violated, irresistible, and cannot be forgotten at the bottom of their thinking, which is the convention of a community of shared future for mankind.

The content of the convention is a combination of "Song of the Outside World", "Never Walk Alone", "Morning Breeze", "Song of Righteous Qi", countless classic symphonies, and all human kingdoms from ancient times to the present. The national anthem, the Internationale, countless classic literary works and philosophical discourses, countless games, movies, TV dramas, etc., are a blend of all the essences of a long history. It is composed of many artists, philosophers, thinkers, writers, scientists and the others in the current era. A "symbol" created together.

The creative concept of this "symbol" comes from the super-complex stacked memory symbols created by the sage Chen Feng when he stores his memories. The amount of information it carries is not lost to the one created by Chen Feng himself. The mark of his nine lives' memories.

It is not only a song, but also a poem, it is also a speech with reverberations around the beam, or a long and long picture full of vicissitudes of life.

It will use all the cultural essence left in the six thousand years of human civilization history.

In the concept of the past, there have always been two completely different and conflicting concepts.

Some people think that civilization has inertia and self-correction ability. When society is huge to a certain extent and scientific and technological productivity expands to a certain extent, the value of any individual to the collective will become dispensable. No one is indispensable.

Others believe that civilization needs the guidance of leaders and heroes.

At this stage, most people such as Zhou Donglai and Tang Xiaao hold the concept of second.

But ingeniously, these two concepts have formed mutual support on the "symbols" of the convention.

The Convention completely merges these two contradictory concepts.

As for right and wrong, there is only one judgement basis, "A million years later, whether human civilization will still exist."


In March, the genetic information improvement technology named "ultimate genetic modification" was successfully developed.

At the end of December, in the detachment of the Unnamed Fleet and the human settlements of countless galaxies, astronomical-scale transformation equipment has been fully popularized, everything is ready, only the east wind.

In August 2930, after ten years of hard work, Earth Civilization finally completed the "Convention on the Community of Human Destiny", referred to as the "Convention of Destiny", after paying the lives of more than 20 billion related scholars. , A pyramid-shaped three-dimensional symbol printed out that is both infinite and infinitely small.

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