In a very short period of time, Subo’s death spread throughout the Genting Star Domain.

The other aliens on the surface have no changes, but they will inevitably have some thoughts.

Rebellion will not happen, after all, human leadership is always better than the oppression and enslavement of compound eyes.

Under the rule of the compound-eyes, the extinction of the slave tribe is not uncommon. Now the Lizardmen civilization has only lost a Subo.

It hasn’t been long since the nightmare of the past. Many slaves are still grateful to humans, and the two sides have fought or cooperated for a long time. The slaves are very clear that humans are only due to the short development time. , So it doesn’t look strong.

But in terms of warfare and potential, Earth humans are far more than compound eyes.

Finally got rid of the tragic fate of being controlled and living like a machine. No race will provoke mankind at this time. The most important thing now is to unite with mankind and face the common enemy.

Some slaves believe that Subo’s death may be a management model that distinguishes humans from those with compound eyes.

Humans are not fully controlled and only do certain things at certain times to interfere.

However, there are some species that are evolving in the process of civilization following the changes brought about by the new level of human technology. They began to be quietly vigilant, and decisively halted their evolution, trying to return to the state they were in when they first joined the multiverse.

For example, a small number of mystery survivors who are considering whether to use human technology to multiply in order to rapidly expand the species size and restore population productivity.

They are a little hesitant.

Earth, the former "little brother" of human beings, has now become so powerful.

The fans also need time to adapt.

The changes in the outside world are not intense, but they are unnoticeable influence and exist objectively.

Sub-civilizations are secretly observing the situation in their own way, waiting for human decision-making.

No matter what human beings take over what are you doing down here, how they deal with McCann Ansel will inevitably cause long-term and wide-ranging potential impacts.

"Mikeken, talk about your thoughts. Why did you kill Subo without telling your superiors on your own terms. Is your fate pact stamp invalid?"

In the interrogation room, three examiners were sitting behind a long table, one of them said.

McKan Ansel sat across from him. No coercive measures were used on him, no chains or handcuffs.

His state does not seem to be a problem, full of energy, and his eyes are piercing.

Mikeken replied: "My mark is still strong. I think that what Subo intends to do with lizardmen is unacceptable. Any social system must maintain fair competition in order to maintain vitality. Subo’s actions will seriously damage the interests and forward momentum of other lizardmen, and indirectly damage the interests of mankind. I tried to persuade him but was rejected. So I decided to kill him."

"At the same time, I also know that my behavior cannot be supported by superiors. There may be a complicated discussion meeting, which may allow me to temporarily suppress the situation and let things develop slowly. But I don’t think it can be delayed. The lizardmen are also aware of the temptation of the emperor’s status, and the seeds of greed will be planted in the hearts of individuals of this population."

"So I acted decisively. I knew that I had violated the Basic Law of the Multiverse. I unconditionally accept the disposal and express my sincere support for the leadership’s decision. I am a soldier and obey orders as my bounden duty. I will only make mistakes this time."

McKan is very straightforward.

"Okay, today we will talk about it first. You are free to move around and wait for notification later."

"Thank you."

McCann walked out of the interrogation room, and the three examiners looked at each other, feeling helpless.

Inspector A: "It's difficult to do."

Inspector B: "Yes, there is no problem with his covenant imprint, he is still determined and loyal to mankind ."

Reviewer C: "Maybe our scholars and Commander Zhou are having a headache. Although McCann is just an example, it is extremely representative. It shows that our destiny convention has finally been exposed. The defect."

Inspector A: "You said, can you add a mandatory content to the convention so that everyone can't hurt the slaves?"

Inspector A:" C: "Are you crazy? In the age of war, attaching importance to other sub-civilizations does not mean that we are their workers. We are not even the Holy Mother. Always remember that no matter what action we take, it is to maintain The best interest of mankind is the sole purpose."

Examiner B: "McKan thinks the same way. So we don’t know what we are going to examine."

Examiner A:" Report the truth and let those clever great characters make the decision."


Zhou Donglai silently looked at the report before him, feeling distressed.

When things are involved in the fate convention, he, the "founder" who proposed the convention, must naturally assume the responsibility for solving the problem.

But as the examiner C said, the human beings who are still in the war and the crisis of extinction are far from being lifted, it is impossible to put this meaningless shackle on their heads in advance.

Otherwise, in the event of a battlefield, when a part of the slave fleet is required to perform a mission of greater sacrifice, let humans be on top?

This is unrealistic. It will also create a lot of shackles on the commanders and directly affect the outcome.

Commanders will treat slaves and humans equally, no matter what decision they make, they can only be based on achieving strategic goals.

Who should attack the tough, whose casualties will be greater, it is only determined by the needs of the battle situation and cannot be interfered by any other factors.

Zhou Donglai thought twice and decided to send the information back to the headquarters of the empire, and it was up to the headquarters to organize a larger-scale demonstration.

Unexpectedly, this matter actually created a divergence of ideas in the headquarters of the empire.

In the Earth Archon Conference Hall, the “historical figure” who has already emerged in the political arena, Navelon Gabriel, firmly believes that McCann should be acquitted and even praised.

Navilon said: "I don’t deny that under the multiverse system, the compound-eye slaves can create a lot of value and help our united front to a certain extent. But I must emphasize, In the history of in the past, we rely on our own strength to support us to this day. Now we are strong enough and able to assume greater responsibilities. At the same time, we need to start a full-scale war and we need to win more alliances. But we are When dealing with other civilizations, we must pay attention to ensuring the integrity of human self-social structure and not being shaken by other civilizations."

"They are attached to us and exist, waiting to take the ride of our resistance front. They are. We must completely obey our rules in all aspects. Colonel McCann’s judgment is completely correct. I believe that mankind should follow the trend to introduce the evaluation system of slave autonomy governors. The core parameters of the evaluation standard are the development index of various ethnic civilizations and their contribution to war. In order to achieve the ultimate goal of comprehensively scheduling the development of various races through a strict points system. Because an alien individual punishes the consultant sent out by humans, he is also a retired warrior with outstanding merit, and what shakes is the human’s role in the multiverse structure. Authority is also easy to trouble our own people."

After taking Weilun, people fell into contemplation. Many people subconsciously nodded, but quite agree.

Today, Navelon has the aura of a "historical figure" on his body, and he himself has performed very well. He has become a major member of the host solar system's archon system, and many people are subconscious. Here formed the idea of ​​only looking forward.

This can't be said to be a faction or a small circle. It is only because of his ability and aura influence that some people are naturally easy to approach him in terms of ideas.

In most of the time, the prestige of the young Veron was beneficial and harmless. Quick sword cuts through tangled hemp solved many complicated problems.

After Chen Feng is resurrected, this subconscious obedience mentality will truly reach Peak.

But soon, another middle age person stood up in the Conference Hall, "I think McCann should be punished, and I seriously oppose the implementation of any evaluation system. As Navelon said, in the past We are constantly changing our destiny on our own. There are many stars near the silver heart. The development of the compound eye slaves does not occupy much resources. We can have no expectations of these slaves. Survival and resistance are originally our own business. These compound eyes Every additional creation of the slaves is not progress for us as it should be by rights, but an unexpected joy."

"Under these preconditions, we should respect different slaves. The diversity of races. Different civilizations composed of different species must have their own specialties. They cannot mechanically transfer the three views of mankind to alien races."

Middle age person began to analyze one by one and put forward various hypotheses.

For example, some alien races have low IQ when individuals exist, and they are useless. Even machines cannot match them. However, if all the small individuals are integrated and converge on the large individuals, the intelligence of group analysis will become Extremely smart, with extremely high creativity and powerful analytical capabilities, will become super smart.

In the face of this kind of civilization, it is foolish to use human thinking to evaluate and predict the other party, and then ask the other party to copy the human social system mechanically.

Respect the differentiation of these civilizations, allow more diversified civilization models, give autonomy to real autonomy, and not give any external interference, let these civilizations survive the survival of the fittest and combine themselves, even if it is a civil war It doesn't matter, it is more in the interests of mankind.

Some people may say that the compound-eye slaves used all kinds of coercive methods when they first used these slaves. Now that human beings have given enough kindness, providing too loose an environment may backlash themselves.

But what mankind has to overcome is not only compound-eye people, but also to challenge the deep and unmeasurable high-level civilization behind it. Then mankind should adopt completely different strategies from compound-eye people in all aspects, including coping with it. The way of the slaves.

"This is a big bet. All humans are at the table. They have to bet more on these slaves to see if they can win back more things. Even if their development is not in line with ours As expected, we also have to show enough tolerance."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he quickly sat down.

But soon, he glanced around in the Conference Hall and lowered his head slightly disappointed.

His analysis has his reason, but it seems that he failed to convince most of the people in the Conference Hall.

Faced with the "halo" of Navelon, he just entered the archon system a bit the words of the lowly carry little weight.

This middle-aged man is named Lu Chengguo.

From the surname, he seems to have something to do with the rich man Lu Shi a thousand years ago.

And, in the near future, Lu Xianfeng will be born in the solar system.

In the "empty history", Lu Xianfeng's position in the military system is not lower than that of Naweilun. After all, Lu Xianfeng has always been the sage Chen Feng's own.

But now, Lu Chengguo's identity is a bit embarrassing.

From the perspective of genetic tracing, Lu Chengguo must have a relationship with Lu's family, but as his kinship is pushed up, intelligence has been cut off at the beginning of the 22nd century.

No one knows who the parents of Lu Chengguo's ancestors were.

Others cannot tell whether Lu Chengguo is a descendant of Lu Wei’s big brother, Lu Wu.

The birth of Lu Xianfeng, the bloodline line has already been planned and is being strictly implemented.

As for Lu Wei, according to all historical records, this 21st century female political leader and one of the great women of the Salvation Organization has left no descendants.

Therefore, Lu Chengguo, who sits here now, doesn't have the slightest aura on him. He only relies on his own ability.

It didn't take long for the Conference Hall to announce votes.

Navi Lun’s proposal was passed with a greater advantage, and Lu Chengguo’s views were overwhelmed.

He was anxious and opened a private communication channel to send a message to Dong Shan, who is now increasingly respected in the field of science.

He spoke of his worries concisely and concisely with a very fast speed.

Five minutes later, the resolutions that have been sorted out got stuck before the final promulgation process.

People inquired about the operation records and discovered that it was Dongshan Academician who exercised the right to set aside the dispute.

How to deal with McCann is not a war decision. The time requirement is not critical. It can be delayed for another three days. Dong old man is in charge of cross-border affairs and let this matter be discussed after three days.

Others asked Dong Shan what he wanted, but Dong Shan didn’t explain it, but said: “This matter is not a purely political issue, but a scientific issue. We do academic experiments regardless of technology. No matter how high the level is, some experiments just need time to grind, so I suggest you don’t rush."

After dealing with others, Dong Shan sent a message to Lu Chengguo, "After all, this is the highest level of imperial politics. The matter of voting, so I can only help you for these three days. I appreciate your persistence in pursuing the truth, but I don’t know if you are right or wrong. So, I can’t control how you want to turn it over, just figure it out for yourself. "

Lu Chengguo thanked him first, and then returned to his personal room.

He opened his own personal quantum network system, but logged into a game.

This game is called "interstellar civilization".

It can be regarded as the Inheritor of the "Compound-Eye Invader" game created by Chen Feng that year. However, the background of the game has been enlarged to the entire universe, and it is a world without compound-eye enemies.

Suppose human beings have been victorious millions of years later.

"Interstellar Civilization" can be regarded as the second life of the empire people outside of real life, but the timeline has been accelerated many times. It trains the strategic vision of each game player and also has a certain talent selection function. .

In "Interstellar Civilization", everyone is just like in real life. They can play any role they want to play and become whoever they want to be.

Lu Chengguo has a huge guild in the game. Together with two other people, he formed the iron triangle system and established a great influence across several star systems.

Lu Chengguo is in charge of administration, scientific research and productivity management and other internal affairs.

The other two are a military commander in charge of directing wars, and one has strong armor manipulation capabilities and is responsible for siege of cities.

This cutting-edge guild has only developed in the current world in less than ten years, and now ranks among the top three in the game, and is making an impact on the throne of the strongest guild.

The other two leaders are Tang Qin and Zheng Yifeng who are hundreds of millions of kilometers apart.

Lu Chengguo didn't want to do this, but if he wanted to challenge Naweilun's aura, he could only use other people's aura.

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