second day, the joint opinions of Tang Qin and Zheng Yifeng were passed back to the solar system.

The two did not support Lu Chengguo without principle, but they proposed that this opportunity should be used to improve the slave management system, and should not be used across the board. They should carry out cosmobiology and civilization studies in more depth, and carefully study different alien races. Different characteristics. Focusing on the consequences of McCann Ansel’s actions requires re-characterization.

But no matter how it is decided, McCann has violated the laws of the time and must be strictly regulated, otherwise other slaves will inevitably give feedback that does not meet human expectations.

This feedback will not be a rebellion, but even if it is just obedience against your will and abandoning your sense of autonomy, everything is based on the judgment of human consultants, and it may cause damage in itself.

Although the words of Tang and Zheng have not been fully explained, they support Lu Chengguo's point of view from the side.

The "halo" of the two really played a role. Both the Genting Star Domain and the headquarters of the empire have realized their previous shortcomings.

The development of things always has its regularity. It has been about 20 years since human beings began to divide and gather slaves on a large scale. However, because they have been in war and mainly deal with slaves War Zone, War Zone human beings are exhausted enough just to deal with war. Although the concept of multiverse has been put forward and many rules have been formulated, it still seems to be lacking.

Although the rear base has a more complete range of human resources and has spare capacity to do these things, after all, it is not on the spot and cannot actually contact these slaves. What they get is second-hand or even three-handed data. , Long-arm jurisdiction is easy to get out of the basket.

After all, this is the first time that human beings are considering issues other than the survival of their own race. They are trying to establish a pan-cosmic peace system. It is not shameful to make mistakes. If mistakes are discovered and quickly corrected, they are human beings. Specialty.

Since then, a more complete new department was established and began to study the characteristics of many slaves in an all-round way, especially the lizardmen.

About half a month later, a report integrating space-time topology, a large number of new disciplines such as cosmic life biology, psychology, etc. appeared in front of decision makers.

Only then did the empire’s leadership know what a pity the chance of the lizardmen destroyed by McCann Ansel.

A large number of scholars went to the lizardmen planet for field trips, and then had in-depth exchanges with the local slaves, combed through the history and evolution of the lizardmen from beginning to end, and finally came to the conclusion that as a reptile, the thinking of the lizardmen The way is completely different from that of human beings, they are born with amazing intuitive reaction ability, extremely sharp thinking, and extremely fast reaction. They see the world from a different perspective than people. The dynamic response of blessed by heaven occupies a large amount of thinking ability in the brain of lizardmen. , The scientific logic that makes them need slow thinking progresses slowly, and they have almost no innate talent in the fields of politics and production and distribution.

If it were not for being enslaved by the compound-eyes, the lizardmen civilization might always remain below Level 1 civilization, at most it can only reach 0. Level 3 civilization, and the social system can only stay in the primordial tribal system forever superior.

Later, the compound-eyes brought the lizardmen into Interstellar Era at the cost of controlling them through mental shackles and turning them into pure tools. At this time, the lizardmen civilization has died out, its historical inheritance has been cut off, and the characteristics of civilization and individual thoughts no longer exist.

Humanity liberated the lizardmen, restored its civilized form, and opened up technology to it, allowing the lizardmen to truly stride proudly ahead into Interstellar Era in a civilized posture.

The rapid influx of a large number of human aid technologies has completely changed the thinking mode and survival form of lizardmen, allowing them to finally free themselves from the complicated low-level resource grabbing and simple combat tasks. .

The thoughts of a large number of individual lizardmen began to be linked together through a quantum network like the Grasses.

They don’t need to think about complex issues. They can quickly reach consensus and make decisions in the quantum network just by intuition.

The ultimate performance of such aggregated group thinking is to give birth to some individuals who are close to the human thinking mode and have stronger learning capabilities to become super individuals, that is, Subo.

According to the deduction of civilization experts, Subo should have quickly brought the lizardmen into the monarchy system with more scientific and reasonable resource allocation, faster decision-making, and stronger civilization development level and war potential.

"Miken did something wrong. Humans should not force their own thinking patterns onto each other because lizardmen are both carbon-based beings. The wonder of life and civilization lies in the specific There will be certain changes in the period. The history of human civilization has undergone many changes, and the system has never been fixed and locked."

"In the huge universe, because of the more complex diversity of living things , There will be more complex changes from high to low level of technology. There are no universal rules, only the most suitable rules. If the death of Subo temporarily extinguishes one possibility, it may be under the leadership of the super leader , The breakthrough race bottleneck, it’s possible to move to a higher level."

Take Weilun said with a lot of emotion: "We should indeed use a more scientific method to analyze the law of thinking and biological operation of each slave race. Characteristics and civilized traits, in order to get a more correct judgment. McCann should pay the price for his behavior."

A multi-person joint verdict appeared in front of McCann Ansel.

This is the thickest verdict in the past two hundred years, with hundreds of thousands of words.

It’s not that McCann’s crimes are overwhelming. The scientific report and technical analysis in the verdict take up a lot of space. The meaning is to make McCann Ansel take the initiative to realize what he did wrong, not Let him "confess guilt" with dissatisfaction.

One day later, McCann turned off the verdict projection and slowly said: "I was wrong. But I am opposed to eternal imprisonment. I should be allowed to go to the front to become a Suicide Squad member, so that I can still play a role. "

The examiner A who is responsible for the sentencing said: "Sacrifice is the glory of the warrior and does not belong to the criminal. What you can accept is to be deprived of all rights. From now on, regardless of whether we or the compound eye Regardless of the situation of the battle, no matter what the situation of your past comrades-in-arms, you can only be a spectator."

McKan stared wide-eyed, the calmness of until now disappeared, "Why! I am old though." , But I..."

"Because you have committed a crime! Your actions have made you not worthy of being trusted and relied upon. A person who cannot strictly enforce orders is of course not qualified to be a Suicide Squad member! Every one Suicide Squad members are all great people who put life and death out of the noble mission of liberating mankind, and all are great people who take the completion of the task as the highest responsibility. You ask yourself, your self-control is so poor, so self-controlling, who dares to trust you on the battlefield? You used to be a commander, don't you understand this simple truth?"

Inspector A screamed again and again.

Mikeken Anselhearing this, stayed for a long time, and then sat down.

He hugged his head in frustration, trembling all over.

A man who was not afraid of death, was completely defeated at this time.

"The mistake has been made, I hope I can at least apologize to the lizardmen. This can at least make up for the potential rift between the slaves and the humans because of me. Is this request possible?"


Three days later, McCann regained his "freedom."

He publicly apologized and repented deeply on the radio channel of Genting Star Domain.

Miken is to learn from himself and remind human comrades not to make the same mistakes as himself again. At the same time, he also expressed his sincere apologies to the lizardmen and other slaves.

The lizardmen did not forgive him, because at this time the lizardmen had not yet produced a second super-individual that could represent the will of all lizardmen.

As for the other slaves, they did not express any attitude publicly.

However, changes are quietly radiating from an unnoticeable influence. The slaves who have just frozen their own civilization evolution have once again begun a slow civilization process transformation.

The slaves have felt the sincerity of human beings, and also realized the expectations of human beings for themselves.

The fair handling of human beings dispels the doubts of many low-level civilizations, and completely stabilizes the multiverse structure with human beings at the core, which will inevitably further stimulate the subjectivity of all races.

In the following years, civil wars may inevitably erupt in low-level civilizations, but no matter what the changes are, the fundamental purpose is to accelerate the advancement of civilization and adapt faster with the characteristics of its own civilization. interstellar era of war.

This change has other effects, speeding up the speed of Lu Chengguo, Tang Qin and Zheng Yifeng on the higher stage. You must know that Zheng Yifeng was only 4 years old at this time, and he was not really on the stage at all. After the battlefield, he has become a genius.

A little bit of time has passed in the calm and occasional wars, and the number of troops in the Genting War Zone is still rising.

Four years later, in 2979, the frontline investigators sent back new intelligence.

"In just one month, hundreds of millions of stars in the core area of ​​the galactic center have been annihilated one after another. Before the annihilation, these stars had a brief burst of amazing brightness."

Humans are familiar with such a handwriting.

This indicates that the compound-eyes have changed their combat strategy, no longer trying to establish a star gate, and instead focusing on quickly squeezing star energy and quickly gathering heavy troops.

Genting Star Domain and the Empire Headquarters immediately carried out strategic analysis.

Almost everyone agreed that the compound-eyes had mobilized all the slave forces accumulated over hundreds of years, and prepared to launch a general attack on the Genting Star Domain like Mount Tai.

The intelligence is very accurate. In the past less than two weeks, front-line investigators sent back a piece of video data. The compound eye slave army is gathering in three areas in large numbers. Called the most in history.

In these three assembly areas, Grandiose’s various types of ships and large creatures hiding the sky and covering the earth occupy three spherical spaces two light-years in diameter.

Such a large fleet even distorted the stability of the Milky Way's gravitational field, forming three new mass cores near the galactic center.

The stability of the structure of the Milky Way's barred spiral galaxy has been broken, and the orbits of a large number of stars have been changed, and they collide with each other. Every day, stars and planets out of orbit will collide together.

The development of human beings is very fast, but as a veteran high level civilization, compound-eyes have conquered countless star systems and at least ruled the Virgo super galaxy group. With their terrifying war mobilization ability, at this time At this moment, finally revealed a hideous corner.

"The total mass of the opponent's fleet is equivalent to 3% of a galaxy. The number is too much. The energy that the opponent can mobilize is too huge. They don't even need to chase us around, just need to continue. The voyage of the city can use the gravitational effect of mass to destroy all the stars along the way."

"It is too difficult for us to disperse and evacuate. How can there be such a way of mobilizing for war? In the emptiness of history, Why is it never mentioned?"

"After pushing the pursuit of quantity-based biotechnology to the extreme, is there such a potential for war? What should we...what do?"

The fierce fangs suddenly exposed by the compound-eyes made the human warrior, who had been extremely determined, not be upset, and even at the high-level meeting of the Genting Star Domain, there were differences of opinion.

There are three choices in front of Zhou Donglai.

One, stand on the spot, stand on your ground, and consume the enemy's power. Speed ​​up the transformation of the sky cave giant into a super long-distance star gate, build a human force assembly center around this place, and wait for the support of the empire headquarters to nail the main battlefield near the Yunding Star Domain.

Second, give up the Genting Star Domain and break it into pieces again, regardless of the opponent's three-way army, and strive to move forward and converge in the heart of Yinxin.

Three, they are still spreading out in place, each heading to different directions in the galaxy, around the section of the road from the galactic center to the Orion’s arm, launching a protracted guerrilla warfare, changing the mindset of the nameless fleet, Transformed into countless new squads, playing while developing.

These three strategies all seem to have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is difficult to make a trade-off.

But there is not much time to hesitate. After the three-way army of compound-eyes has assembled to a similar level, they have already deployed, successively entered the curvature channel, and rushed straight to the Yunding Star Domain from three directions.

"At the latest in 2982, the opposing forces will arrive one after another. When the time comes, we have to face three fleets that stretch to several light years. The opposing offensive will be continuously, like A huge wave pounced on. Even if we gather all our forces, the probability that we can resist is less than one in a billion."

Zhou Donglai muttered to himself, after thinking twice, he finally decided, "Freeze all the inventory." The embryos are transferred to the small budding ship, and each budding ship is divided into 1,000 frozen embryos, as well as 100 young children and ten adults. Then let the 30 million budding ships spread out to the rear, preparing to form a development front "

"Tang Xiaao's special battleship team is the core to form a special attack team. The task is to advance into Yinxin at all costs and see what is going on inside Yinxin."

"Speed ​​up the reconstruction of the sky cave, and wait for the remote rescue of the troops from the headquarters. Other fleets and slave forces will all revolve around the Yunding Star Domain to strengthen security. We want to build this place into an iron bucket, and we are the only one in the enemy's hinterland. The nail that cannot be pulled out, before our demise, the other party is also impossible to continue advancing without scruples, threatening the headquarters of the empire."

The Emerson Cobert next to him asked: "Then Zheng Yifeng and Tang What about Qin’s son Tang Shimin? What about the Nuwa plan and the sage plan? Should I stay in the Genting Star Domain or leave in secret?"

Zhou Donglai clenched the teeth, "mixed in a budding ship, let them leave in secret . Until now, you can only believe in destiny!"

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