as everyone knows, more than 80% of the educational resources in the entire Lieyang-3 galaxy are accumulated on the 7th star.

At the same time, the Lieyang 3 galaxy is the one with the highest level of scientific research and education and the strongest comprehensive strength among the countless hidden human bases surrounding the Star Domain in Genting.

Therefore, the qualifying trials within the First Pioneer Academy are in a certain sense the selection of the No. 7 star seeded team, and may also be regarded as the half-seeded trial of the Genting Star Domain.

The direct competitors of the Flying Tigers have more than 800 Junior Classes, with a total of more than 25,000 students.

Most of these classes are focused on participation, pursuing various professional classes of "friendship first, competition second". The significance of participating in this competition is to experience war.

Under normal circumstances, humans do not need outstanding talents in other professional fields to be part-time military personnel.

In the first place, this is a waste of talent. Secondly, professional soldiers, especially combat positions, have extremely high requirements on the quality of their personnel. The ordinary person is difficult to do.

For the former "crooked melons and cracked dates" in Zheng Feng's Flying Tigers class, they are actually a crane in a flock of chickens in the pile of ordinary person.

The little flying tigers will be eliminated in the original class and fall into the dust, only because the competitors around them are too strong.

In short, there are two hundred battle sequence classes that pose a direct threat to the Flying Tigers.

Ding Hu walked around in the office of the teaching and research group a little anxiously, sparks were almost rubbed between the feet and the ground.

He turned his head from time to time to look at the projection on the office wall, and scratched his scalp from time to time.

I really can't blame him for being uncomfortable, he is really careless and messy.

Ding Hu knows how much effort and plentiful harvest the Flying Tigers have put into these three days, but they just can’t control their anxiety, just like the old father who wanted to send his daughter to marry in ancient times.

"Section Chief, don’t dangle like this. Your anxiety doesn’t change the outcome."

A female teacher in the same office Persuaded with a smile.

Ding Hu sat down and said, "I know, I can’t manage myself. Sorry."

"Ding Section Chief, you are now in charge of the entire armored combatant teaching course. , You are too favoritism."

"Yes, Ding Section Chief, you see that our class in charge has also participated in the competition, but none of them are as excited as you. This military tournament is not the first. By the end of the year, the content of the assessment is very comprehensive. Basically, before the start of the game, the result is already doomed."

"So calm down, let’s take a look at the simulation results given by the main brain. Well, basically pretty close."

Everyone in the office said something to me. Although there is not much to run Ding Hu, Brother Hu is still a little ashamed.

As a spiritual guy from the distant primordial galaxy—the solar system, I accidentally acted like a hillbilly.

But he quickly adjusted back to his state, and only attributed his uncontrollable anger to being brought into the ditch by Zheng Feng, and the fate of the pact was shaken.

Clearing up his mood, Ding Hu also concentrated attention completely looking at the projection on the office wall.

At this time, there are countless codes representing different teams that are alternately changing in the synchronous simulation operation.

Before each empire competition, the sub-body of the main brain Fanxing will conduct a preview for all participating teams based on the huge data collected in advance.

This can provide a reference for the onlookers at all levels to watch the competition process and prepare to select recruits from them. They can set their needs in advance according to their own army establishment, level and key manpower gaps, and then follow the stars. The simulation results are provided for targeted and focused observations to figure out whether the new ones brimming over with talent can form a good chemical reaction with their existing soldiers.

It can be roughly understood that the elite troops in the military can target those elite classes or talented youngster girls who have been rated higher by the stars early. Ordinary special operations troops know that they cannot compete with elite troops. Those who go up are those who are Level 1, but there are also outstanding little fellows that are worth cultivating.

Even in the Intermediate Class of the elementary school, there are already military forces who will contact the school in advance, intervene in the teaching project remotely, and cultivate the little fellow's specific abilities in certain aspects in advance.

About thirty seconds later, the list on the projection screen no longer changes, indicating that Fanxing’s simulation calculation is over.

The teachers began to comment on the list with great interest.

If you find that your excellent class in charge of the work of the head teacher is among the best, it is naturally bright on your face.

Ding Hu watched for a moment, and his heart fell to the ground.

Although the Flying Tigers failed to rank in the top ten, they barely hang on to the tail of the 20 qualifying places in the primary stage of the First Pioneer Academy.

Well, it ranks 19th.

Brother Hu has a fatherly smile on his face.


"Yi! Flying Tigers!"

The crowd suddenly rang out in exclamation.

"Flying Tigers is the class of Zheng Feng, the nail user? This is too exaggerated. How can this be in the top 19?"

"It must be something wrong. Right? There is a problem with the parameter entry?"

"Let me see."

"No problem, it's weird."

In the office again There were sounds of surprise one after another.

Ding Hu sounds like a thief.

But he can't say anything, after all, Zheng Feng's training status seems to be quite high in confidentiality, and no one else is qualified to check it.

These people also think that Ding Hu's new edition of the textbooks is Ding Hu's own credit, and Zheng Feng has made great efforts in it.

Brother Hu is upset at this time, but he can only hum secretly in his heart.

Bah! A group of dogs look down on the short-sighted people.

At this time, the oldest old man stood in the corner of the crowd.

The old man leaned against Ding Hu like a thief, and gently stabbed Ding Hu with his elbow, "Don't worry about them talking nonsense. They don't know anything."

Ding Hu Looking at the old man with a stunned face, "Uh, that's right. The senior is right. Many thanks Senior."

This Old Senior was transferred to the armor teaching subject last year, and he didn’t get any details. Which class usually hangs around in the office, plays on the Internet, and helps other young and middle-aged instructors to deal with incurable diseases from time to time.

It is said that the old man is the second generation member of the Unnamed Fleet. He was also a very vigorous warrior when he was young.

Before the old man was in a very mysterious department, he retired to the regular teaching subject last year.

Brother Hu, I don’t know. Old man is one of the members of the Academy’s sage plan working group whose mentality was destroyed by Zheng Feng.

But the old man also made a mistake. He thought that Ding Hu had also entered the sage plan. At this moment, seeing others look down on the reincarnation of the sage, and thinking that he and Ding Hu could have a common language, he came up and said something more .

Fortunately, the old man received very professional confidentiality training and did not expose the important secrets of the sage plan in front of Ding Hu.

"Section Chief, Zheng Feng's Flying Tigers ranks so high, what do you think?"

The female teacher who spoke before craned her neck and stood in front of the crowd Ding Hu happily at the back laughed loudly.

Ding Hu rolled his eyes and said, "What Zheng Feng’s Flying Tigers is my Flying Tigers! Let’s give some face and don’t care about success or failure. Since the mastermind has commented this way, I believe it tentatively. , Cough cough."

Everyone was covering their mouths and laughing, unconsciously.

I was talking, and finally the picture on the projection screen turned again.

40 squads, including the Flying Tigers, as the first round of participating teams, have been put into the first round by physical simulation equipment.

This grouping mode is very scientific, not purely random, but a preliminary screening based on different strength ratings.

In this battlefield, 40 squads will be eliminated and 36 will be eliminated, and the remaining 4 will enter the next round.

"Yi! This is fun, this is the chicken-eating mode that tests the overall strength of the special team!"

Someone at the front of the crowd said so.

Ding Hu frowned sharply.

It's over! Zheng Feng did not lead the Flying Tigers to practice the chicken-eating mode of picking up broken and assembling equipment.

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