In Boundless Starry Sky, a medium-sized transport plane flashes up and down.

This high-performance transport aircraft completed the two technical actions of de-curvature movement and short-range bending in a very short time, which is reflected in the almost flashing emergency stop effect.

After stopping steadily, the transport ship did not use the similar curvature to fly, but sprayed out high-energy medium from the rear, accelerating forward.

In front is a very complicated Star Fragmentation belt. Terrain conditions and radiation conditions are extremely extreme.

The Star Fragmentation belt is not a natural generation, but a deserted battlefield between the Orion arm and the Sagittarius spiral arm, named 1721 Battle Tomb.

The human fleet and the compound eye slave fleet have fought on this main battlefield for nearly a hundred years.

The two sides repeatedly entangled here, strangling each other's vital forces, constantly testing each other, sneak attacks, and violently attacking each other, continuously pulling the battlefield environment in a direction that is beneficial to them, and then frantically competing for positions with each other.

Every piece of wreckage, every broken planetary meteorite fragment, every piece of space left traces of the two sides fighting.

There used to be a planetary system composed of a dual star system and dozens of large planets.

But now there is no more complete star here.

The century-long war destroyed everything.

The star was blown to pieces, disintegrated like fireworks, and turned into countless meteors.

Heavy nuclei aggregate and gradually cool down into light meteorites, and then continue to capture small pieces of dust, continue to expand, spread like coral reefs and grow into giant rocks the size of grotesquely shaped planets after another.

Most of these huge rocks still continue to release heat.

Some of the whole body is emitting slightly slightly red light, and some of the surface is spraying with lava.

There are a lot of huge rocks, but the most in this area is the cloud filled with high-energy plasma, shaped like the tail of a comet.

Throw a piece of ordinary metal into these clouds, and this metal will quickly melt like snowflakes.

Between the huge rocks and the nebula, there are numerous large and small human and compound eye slave ships and combat unit debris.

The large fragments are comparable to the moon, more than thousands of kilometers long.

Small fragments are even as small as nanometers.

A variety of solid, liquid and gaseous substances are intertwined in a space with a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers to form a dangerous land full of terrorist radiation.

Scholars clearly pointed out that under natural conditions, it would take at least tens of thousands of years to stop the strong reaction here and restore it to a usable area suitable for humans to multiply and grow under low-cost operations.

This is the venue for the Flying Tigers and 39 other teams.

At this time, the 40 participating teams on the transport ship will be able to independently decide when to leave the transport ship and choose to go to different areas.

Everyone has only training equipment with the most basic survival maintenance functions.

Participating teams must collect materials as soon as possible to continuously improve equipment performance.

Whoever completes the greatest amount of environmental restoration work within the specified time, and ultimately owns the best equipment, will directly determine the outcome.

Don't look at this assessment indicator as if it is very simple, but in the actual competition process is full of details and competition.

The selection of landing points, the completion speed and accuracy of geological exploration intelligence work, the speed of assembly and assembly of mechanical equipment, the rationality of the design of assembled products, the exchange of resources with other teams, and the malicious resource competition between each other , The performance of dealing with the threats of heterogeneous cosmic creatures active in the dangerous area...

These various factors will directly determine the final results of the participating teams.

A major mistake in any link may lead to a waste of all previous efforts.

The competition's ability to judge Captain, the ability to mobilize the players, the overall planning ability, as well as the different professional qualities of each team member, the ability to coordinate and cooperate, the trustworthiness, the execution ability and other factors can be exhaustive To the test.

At this time, the Flying Tigers are in their cubicle.

Zheng Feng, Mata, Edgar, Jane, Li Qingqing and the others are staring at the projection in front of them with their necks upright.

There is a large amount of basic information flickering in the projection.

They have to choose the landing area in the shortest time, and at the same time be careful of other teams.

The total area of ​​the 1721 War Tomb is very large, but there are only a few areas with relatively abundant resources.

Teams who want to be stable and are afraid of being eliminated due to fierce competition in advance will choose to go to places with lower resource density, develop and engage in production with peace of mind, and strive to obtain stronger mobility and better mobility as soon as possible. Equipped to make up for the disadvantages caused by resource density.

Teams that are confident in their own strength will choose no matter what, and plunge head-on into high-density areas, while using their own strength advantages to quickly complete primordial accumulation, while hunting competitors, they can eliminate others and also Can speed up the progress of improvement by grabbing the fruits of other people's labor.

"We are landing here."

Zheng Feng reached out and pointed directly to the central area marked as the first resource point.

Intelligence shows that in previous wars, a large human transport team suffered heavy losses here, leaving behind a large number of man-made remains.

Within tens of thousands of kilometers near this resource point, there is also a giant strip meteorite with a mass close to Jupiter, and a large number of natural metal fragmentation zones.

Near the giant strip meteorite, a large cloud of high-energy radiation surrounds it like cotton candy for high-speed rotation.

Although the radiation cloud is dangerous, it is a good natural battery.

Moreover, because the radiation cloud revolves faster, the gravitational force between the particles is stronger, and a safety sector like a tornado wind tunnel is formed on the surface of the meteorite.

In the 1721 Battle Tomb, this first resource point is undoubtedly the best Feng Shui Treasure Land.

"Uh, Captain, do we want to fight like this? Will many other people choose here too? When the time comes, if we get caught in a siege, we won’t be over?"

Morrison Scott, a soft-footed shrimp, rarely interjected when Edgar didn't make a statement.

Zheng Feng glanced back at him, but said nothing.

Lev Tchaikovsky, a Slavic bloodline player who has always been silent, kicked Morrison, "If you don't hold back, then no one will be afraid."


Zheng Feng grinned, he is worthy of being a pure-blood descendant of the fighting nation, just reckless.

Although Lev's basis is not perfect, it also meets Zheng Feng's needs.

He rounded off: "According to our division of labor system, Morrison was originally responsible for collecting information on other participating teams. His worries are fine, but I have my considerations."

170 seconds later, as Zheng Feng pressed the launch button, a pyramid-shaped ejection bin was thrown out of the transport ship.

In the ejection compartment, the Flying Tigers are orderly putting on the refreshed personal basic training armor on their upper bodies.

Morrison stared sharply at the intelligence projection, and suddenly screamed, "Ma! There are sixteen ejection bins to go to a place with us! There are also two Iron Fist squads and a sharp sword. Class!"

In the teaching and research office outside, Ding Hu's face was also dark.

Although the main brain estimates that the Flying Tigers can make the top 20, they may not calculate the situation of the Flying Tigers being besieged by multiple teams.

Zheng Feng’s expansion is a bad thing.

At this moment, an accident happened.

A huge boulder about tens of meters long suddenly flew from a distance with an oblique stab and accurately hit the ejection compartment of the Flying Tigers. Although the ejection compartment was not damaged, it completely changed the cabin. The direction of travel deviated from the route to the first resource point.

Ding Hu stared, "Damn!"

As the instructor of the participating team, Ding Hu can see the whole sequence of events from the overall situation.

The huge boulder that flew suddenly was not someone cheating, but another huge rock that came from far away.

According to the setting of the competition venue, about three days ago, a violent volcanic eruption broke out on that rock, and then it collided with another rock, threw away neither too big nor too The small fragment just passed by at this time, and then accurately hit the Flying Tigers ejection compartment.

Brother Hu said that his mood is complicated.

This also works?

Too coincidence, too unlucky, right?

It seems that the Flying Tigers’ ejection bay will crash into a small-scale ship wreck after flying for more than an hour.

There is a waste area of ​​resources. Except for the wreck which is only several hundred meters long, there is basically nothing.

Unfavorable start!

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