In the chat of the core members of the Xianzhe Project, they made up the brains of Chen Feng from the previous life as a scholar.

Now Zheng Feng’s extraordinary performance in the face of Snowflake has become a strong proof that the sage is a "student tyrant".

But if Zheng Feng knew what these people were talking about at this time, and if he had recovered Chen Feng's memory, then he would probably spit something like this.

"You can really value me. At the beginning, these all were common sense that was so basic that it couldn't be more basic! At any time, I'm properly learning scum, okay?"

For an ordinary person, microscopic termites are very scary.

Ten microscopic ants can decompose an adult into energy particle blocks in less than 1 second.

But the Flying Tigers are not ordinary persons, they are well-trained warriors.

Although the performance of the training armor worn by everyone is average, it is well prepared to deal with some space Insects that miners in the 27th century had to face, and Zheng Feng’s perfect combat plan in advance. The problem is not too big, and he has advanced nearly a hundred meters deep all the way without any risk.

You can see the nest of microscopic termites.

This is a round transparent tank with a diameter of nearly 20 meters.

A nearly half-green colloidal radiation liquid floats at the bottom of the tank.

On the upper part of the tank wall that is not covered by the liquid, a large number of metal protrusions with a height of nearly two meters have been expanded.

The metal structure of the shipwreck outside the tank is also covered with these protrusions, up to several meters in height.

Each bulge is a nest, which is home to as few as millions and as many as hundreds of billions of microscopic termites.

The intelligence system shows that there are 170 million microscopic termites here, more than three times the total number of ants on Earth.

Looking at naked eye, the densely packed shallow blue network is intertwined on the inner and outer walls of the tank and the metal structure outside, such as moss growing on the karst bluestone.

This layer of blue network lines meander and pupa from time to time, like a diverted river.

The body length of microscopic termites is only more than ten microns. With the physiological structure of human naked eye, it is almost impossible to see.

But if a large number of individuals gather together and travel in the same direction, they will form river-like blue lines that are thick or thin.

Each line represents the migration of microscopic termites ranging from tens of millions to tens of billions.

Zheng Feng pointed to a bulge nearly two meters high and 0.5 meters in diameter at the bottom, and said: "This is the capital of microscopic termites, and the queen is inside."

"The capital? Can there be a capital even with this broken insect?" Edgar Julian twitched his lips, very disdainful.

it is easier to change mountains and rivers than to alter one's character.

In Edgar's mature and naive youth temperament, perhaps it is a kind of joy in life to stand up against Zheng Feng, who is too dazzling and secretly favored by countless people.

Edgar Julian used to be just an ordinary warrior.

At the level of IQ, he is very precocious, but he still lacks in EQ.

Relying on IQ, Edgar knew that he, who lost in the final elimination system, should actually be sent to the Second Pioneer Academy.

But this did not happen.

Edgar also knows that other people are in the same situation.

After he returned home, he asked his parents about this matter, and he concluded that the Flying Tigers existed for Zheng Feng.

Their role is to accompany Crown Prince to read books.

Parents told Edgar that the leader must have deep plans and distant thoughts behind this arrangement.

The participation of the members of the Flying Tigers must be a secret mission of great significance.

My parents told Edgar to perform well in the class.

That said, but when it comes to class activities, Edgar can hardly control himself.

Li Qingqing glanced at Edgar impatiently, "Just you talk a lot. What do you know? If it is a single microscopic termite, it may really be an ordinary insect. But the queen is equivalent to ours. Super SmartBrain, she can integrate the quantum entanglement produced by countless billions of tiny individuals together to form a huge computing power, which controls everything about microscopic termites from top to bottom. From the perspective of cosmological biology, microscopic termites To a certain extent, it is no different from human group wisdom, just a person who never fluctuates in emotion."

"You said so much, anyway, are we still in a virtual playing field? The queen and micro-termites are not things calculated by the simulation of the stars? No matter how good they are, can they be better than humans?"

At this moment, Jane Roland next to Edgar was surprised to respond. come over.

She knows about Captain's plan.

First of all, the queen is a tool used by humans in the 27th century.

No matter how many hundreds of years have passed, the queen has gone through several iterations. In the underlying genes that determine its life form, there must be some "backdoor code" left by the engineers of the year.

And, as Edgar said, no matter how complex the structure of the queen is, no matter how profound the "backdoor code" is, it will always be the product of the main brain and the stars using modern algorithms, which means that it does not have No matter how complex the changes are, they will never leave their origins.

For everything in this competition venue, the source code of the stars is like the real energy that constitutes everything in the universe.

As long as the "source code" used by the main brain star programming is captured first, then the "backdoor code" of the queen can be deduced.

"Check our equipment again, and then I will start the countdown. After ten seconds, we will move on. I, Edgar, Mata, Jane, the four of us rush into the culture tank and enter the queen. Within two meters of the distance. Others are responsible for breaking the tank and constructing a firepower net near us, so that no termite can fly on us."

"Ten, nine...three, two, One! Action!"

Following Zheng Feng's order, the Flying Tigers began to move forward as a whole.

When approaching the 30-meter range of the cultivation tank, a seemingly non-existent buzzing sounded in the training masks of the crowd, which indicated that the queen had detected the intruder and issued it through the quantum information broadcast. The defense instructions.

In the next moment, the originally calm termite river suddenly moved.

Microscopic termites, originally like two-dimensional creatures, which always move linearly along the surface of various objects, lifted off one after another.

The blue lines are like thousands of azure snakes tumbling and interweaving, turning from a two-dimensional picture into a three-dimensional storm sculpture, hovering from all directions.


Mata, who is responsible for monitoring the overall situation, raised his hands, and stretched out two chalk-sized, three-centimeter-long metal rods on the left and right forearms of the training armor.

At the top of the metal rod, two laser beams with strong cohesiveness spray out.

This is Mata's shooting guidance and positioning for other people, and it also has a tough role.

Under the guidance of Matta Nicklaus's line of fire, two reserve teams located on the flanks opened fire at the same time, and ten cone-shaped spreading particle streams were intertwined into an hourglass shape.

The oncoming torrent of termites is hitting the interweaving net of ray streams, and the ice disappears and the snow melts instantly, like broken snow evaporated in the hot summer sun.

As the muzzles of the ten reserve players slowly turned, the center point of the hourglass was pushed forward section by section, and gradually approached the three-meter-diameter bottle mouth of the culture tank.

There used to be a lid made of a heavy nuclear alloy here, but it has long been pierced by the gnawing ants that have awakened from freezing sleep.

The first sequence uses Zheng Feng as the arrow. Behind the Temple of Mata, the rest of the people are scattered and centered, following the rhythm of the hourglass center point moving forward a little bit.

The logistics team headed by Punkert followed directly behind the first sequence, opened the Energy Shield, and controlled the chain as a whole under the unified deployment program temporarily prepared by Punkert, guarding against the rear Microscopic termites pounced.

Finally, Zheng Feng and the others approached the mouth of the bottle and suspended it.

Then Zheng Feng fully turned on the power of the training armor on his body, opened the active energy protection layer to the maximum, rushed forward, fiercely plunged into the ocean waves like the microscopic termites pouring out along the bottle mouth. Group.

I hit it.

Zheng Feng's armor surface lit up with scorching flames, which was a violent energy release response.

He smashed the shock stream formed by microscopic termites in one fell swoop.

At the same time, the four squad members of the rear logistics team moved forward and shot eight fingernail-sized spheres on the forearms of each of their left and right hands simultaneously, and landed on the tank body of the culture tank.

The eight spheres just surround the mouth of the tank to form a circle, each releases linear energy to both sides, and then connects two by one to form a complete circle composed of matter and energy. .

Punkert gave the detonation command through brainwave instructions.

In a series of serial explosions, a big hole was opened at the upper end of the culture tank.

Mata, Edgar and Jane moved in, and the fire support of the others further increased the output power.

The counterattack of micro-termites has suddenly increased.

Everyone began to feel the pressure.

Zheng Feng continued to narrow the distance between himself and the queen, and at the same time ordered Mata: "Run the scanner with overload, analyze the queen's genetic information clearly, and then forward it to me."

Mata: "I need enough energy support!"


Punkert has already completed the energy distribution.

The training team of the other eleven members of the logistics team and the intelligence team extended their energy transmission lines behind them and connected them to the conversion module behind Punkert.

Punkert protruded a thicker energy transmission line from his chest, moved forward like a python, and then received it on Mata's back.

As soon as the energy index at the top of the visor changed from red, which indicates insufficient, to ample green, Mata immediately pulled up the power of the high-precision scanner.

Five seconds later, Zheng Feng received the detailed data.

Afterwards, Punkert took back the energy transmission line to Mata according to Zheng Feng's arrangement in advance, and then transferred it to Zheng Feng's armor.

Zheng Feng raised the performance of the SmartBrain that comes with the armor to the highest level, and began to conduct a quick search-style analysis of the queen's genetic information.

Column after column of descriptive data surfaced on his visor. At the same time, Zheng Feng began to correspond to his existing knowledge of biology, cosmology and engineering. And in the heart quickly complete the programming requirements setting.

Ten seconds later, Zheng Feng forwarded the primordial programming information packet to Jane Rowland.

"Leave it to you!"

As soon as Jane received the information packet, Punkert's power transmission line was already connected to her armor.

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