Jane only dazzled her eyes, and then showed her face, and said in anguish: "It's much harder than I thought! Spatio-temporal topology algorithm, Sergey algorithm, Yang -Wells algorithm and Panda programming language, I have to at least double the performance of my armored SmartBrain, and then have to exceed the limit and overload calculation."

Zheng Feng thought for a while, "Everyone Connect all energy transmission devices to Punkert, and then link our SmartBrain computing power to Jane’s SmartBrain through the energy transmission line to form a secondary computing power module."

Mata Nicklaus Si was shocked by hearing this.

There are too many microscopic termites.

The queen has noticed that the major event is not good, and is making a raging counterattack.

The ant colony in all directions has formed a 3rd-layer structure.

The innermost one is a colony of soldiers with a larger body than ordinary termites and a more stable physical structure. At this time, the soldier ant colony was spitting out corrosive energy clusters while arching forward with their flesh.

Second Layer is another layer of special worker ant colonies that are slightly smaller in size, but have strong spit out ability of corrosive energy groups. These special worker ants are flying around faster, looking for weaknesses in the Flying Tigers' defense layer.

Third Layer is a large number of ordinary worker ants. Ordinary worker ants are converging into a huge colony, and according to the same rhythm, they spit out the corrosive energy that can converge into groups from a distance, bit by bit.

"Captain, it’s already very difficult now. In this case, our counterattack strength and shield performance will be drastically reduced. Our armored SmartBrain will also stagnate. Then we can only hold on for about another twenty seconds. "

Zheng Feng nodded, "I know."

Although Mata questioned, he did not refuse to execute Zheng Feng’s order. He had already armored himself with others. The energy is sent to Punkert regardless of the cost, and then from Punkert to Jane Rowland.

Get new energy supply, and as many as 29 secondary computing power modules, the calculation equation that Jane has just entered here runs faster by dozens of times.

With the help of superintelligence, the exhaustive algorithm rushes forward, spitting out hieroglyph after another, which is part of the "backdoor code" of the queen.

At the same time, other people have lost energy and SmartBrain's assistance one after another, and suddenly feel the pressure doubled.

Zheng Feng patted Edgar next to him, and then instructed Morrison a little further away: "Now there is no SmartBrain assisted aiming. You two looked at the position where I was aiming, and I hit there. What kind of firepower you use, you will learn something."

After saying that, Zheng Feng shot a round of 50% output power to the right with his backhand.

Before he pulled the trigger, there was still a weak point of ant colony impact, but as soon as his ray stream passed, the ant colony near the prescription location happened to be vomiting from the side. The accumulation of blocks and corrosive energy clusters.

Zheng Feng accurately predicted the behavior of the ant colony, but his 50% power firepower alone was not enough to disperse the corrosive energy.

Fortunately, Edgar finally stopped bumping with Zheng Feng, but pulled his brain reaction speed to the top, and fired a second shot following Zheng Feng.

At this time, Edgar's perfect tag-a-long Morrison showed his true innate talent.

In short, Edgar said he would fight, how can he be sure and ruthless.

The three beams of rays shot from the front and back of the trio just precisely hedged this corrosive energy, and at the same time caused a series of blasts, blasting the nearby ant colony to pieces.

Unfortunately, other people can't do the perfect cooperation of Zheng Feng and three people, so they can only follow their own feelings.

Qin Wu, Li Qingqing, Lev and other first-sequence players performed better.

The reserve players can only let their fate open fire indiscriminately.

More than ten seconds later, Jane Roland finally returned a series of codes to Zheng Feng, "Captain, this is it!"

"Okay! The last step!"

Punker looked at his already red energy conversion module, and said bitterly: "Captain, my armor can't support this overload, and it will fall apart in a few seconds!"

At this time, the reserve team and the intelligence team also sounded a loud alarm at the same time.

The ant colony’s breakthrough firepower net has pounced on them, consuming the fragile colloidal Energy Shield on the surface of their armor at an extremely fast speed.

Zheng Feng turned slightly, and caught the energy transmission line thrown by Punkert with his back, "If you can't hold it, you have to hold it! Punkert, you can send the energy to me and raise it!"


Two seconds later, a very high-power local broadcast was sent from the brain-link signal transmitter on the back of Zheng Feng’s visor, passing through first in the form of clustered microwaves. Zheng Feng's brain hit the small head of the queen ant hidden at the bottom of the metal raised castle a few meters away.

"No way! My shoulder armor is broken!"

A member of the reserve team on the flank screamed.

"Mine is broken too! My leg! Ah!"

Another member of the intelligence team responsible for cover work behind the side also chanted badly.

The worst thing is a member of the logistics team who has continuously sent energy to the outside world and has already consumed his armored energy below the minimum red line.

His Energy Shield has long since disappeared, and cracks have begun to appear on his visor.

A large swarm of microscopic termites gathered together, shaped like sharp swords, and slammed into the cracks on his visor.

The crack keeps expanding.

Tzzzzzzzz's voice rang in his ears, which means that the air in the training armor is leaking outward along the cracks.

The blue and black "liquid" is spreading and penetrating along the center of the crack.

As long as there is another second, countless microscopic termites will pounce on his visor and fall on his face.

Although I know this is a simulation training, this situation still makes this guy have one's hair stand on end and get goose bumps all over his body.

At this moment, the crowd's exclamation stopped suddenly.

The logistics member with a ruptured visor stared at the front blankly, the black "liquid" that had been spreading along the crack no longer moved.

The slight blast of pēng pēng pēng pēng sounded in his ears.

He was surprised to find that the black liquid that plunged into the cracks in his visor quickly faded.

He used the little energy left in the energy battery to turn on the armored self-inspection system and scanned it. To his surprise, he found that the micro termites stopped attacking and started self-destruct instead. In destruct, transform itself into a material similar to the transparent visor to restore the function of the visor.


He is lost.

He turned his head and looked towards the side.

More surprises.

Someone is looking at his shoulder in surprise.

Others are clutching their calves.

This poor guy, there are only bones left on his calf, and all the flesh is gone.

A large number of microscopic termites are surrounding the man's lower leg.

But these termites no longer swallowed his body, instead they blocked his training armor's leg breach and gently pupa moved.

The logistics guy looked towards his panel again, and the exhausted battery pack is quickly recovering energy.

The armored self-checking device indicated that there are a large number of microscopic termites approaching at the charging port and spraying energy clusters of pure energy nature into the charging port.

After a wave of termites spit out the energy, they quickly leave, and the second wave termites keep up, like hard-working porters.

Soon, after the energy recovery has passed the minimum red line, the logistics guy can finally connect to the armor of the whole team, and then click on the self-check system of the guy with the broken leg next to him, only to find that the guy with the broken leg is near the calf. The microscopic termites also have a clear division of labor.

Some termites continue to self-destruct and restore their bodies to various materials. Some termites are busy holding materials from their companions and sticking them to the broken fractures of the protective layer of the training armor's legs.

Continuing to return to the team interface, the logistics guy found that in just a few seconds, the armor energy of almost everyone in the team was basically exhausted.

At least more than 50% of people’s armor was damaged in one way or another, and more than 30% were slightly injured.

There are also 10% of people seriously injured, worse than the broken leg guy.

But now, the air leakage from the armor of everyone has been stopped, and the wounds on people's bodies have been treated with a temporary quick hemostatic treatment by the healing colloid generated by the termite self-destruct.

And everyone's armor energy index is rapidly recovering.

Most people are lying in midair awkwardly, tired out.

Only Captain floats cross-legged in front of the metal bump where the queen is, holding one hand on the bump, and the other hand supporting his own chin, looked thoughtful.

"Captain, are we...successful?"

The Edgar Julian next to him cautiously asked.

Zheng Feng looked back at him, slightly smiled, and gave him a thumbs up, "Of course, you did a good job just now."

"Thank you Captain for the compliment."

In the next moment, Zheng Feng straightened his body. "The severely wounded have a five-minute rest time. Although the function of the training armor is average, it can also slowly repair your injuries. As for the others, we will talk to me after one minute. Start acting. Everyone, it's time for other squads to see what is the king of trash guys."

After that, Zheng Feng grinned.

But he also had doubts in his mind

At the moment when he successfully took over the thinking of the queen, he found a problem.

This queen ant is not quite right. It seems to be an artificial transformation of human beings.

In addition to the quantum group thinking that comes with the space Insect, the queen ant seems to have traces of the Grasses in the thinking mode, as well as the chaotic thinking characteristics of some humans.

It is a fusion, as if it has its own will, but it is hidden so deeply that it is difficult to capture.

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