"Good fellow! This is fine too! It's overturned!"

Ding Hu slapped his hand on the table.

Brother Hu's heart finally swept away.

Fuck up!

According to the real-time evaluation given by the main brain Fanxing, Zheng Feng and the Flying Tigers completed the hidden mission and successfully recovered the hidden BOSS micro termite queen.

Regardless of how many points can be added on the spot to regain the queen and control the ant colony, regardless of how Zheng Feng acquired these ancient knowledge, in short, we only need to rely on the queen and With the amazing productivity provided by hundreds of millions of ant colonies, the Flying Tigers with a slower start will inevitably be able to make a late start, develop at a faster pace, and surpass by far, and eventually sling other teams.

The development of the story is no different from Ding Hu's expectations.

It is rare for him to get right about Zheng Feng.

No one knows how Zheng Feng communicated with the queen, but saw a large number of termites violently move, no longer the free development of the natural ecological style before, and turned like a huge factory Started like a rumble.

The time set for the competition venues simulated by Fanxing is about two hundred and ten years after the formation of the battle tomb.

The termites that were frozen in the bridge awakened about 180 years ago.

After such a long period of free reproduction, the number of microscopic termites has already exceeded the normal reserve by nearly a hundred times.

The so-called reference value of the normal reserve is based on the assumption that the damage to the bridge exceeds 90%, the termite attendance rate is increased to more than 95%, and the entire bridge can be repaired within a day as the standard.

This means that if Zheng Feng wants to completely decompose this large piece of debris and turn it into basic raw materials, it will only take less than 15 minutes.

The current microscopic termite "Legion", if no one controls it, is just a bunch of unintelligent creatures in the universe. It is a natural phenomenon. It is no different from meteorites wandering in space. As time goes by, if the ethnic migration cannot be completed before the metal in the bridge is exhausted, it will gradually die out.

The meaning of the existence of these termites is just to re-decompose the original grotesquely shaped ship wreck into one after another termite carcass, and then under the action of time and gravitation, make it A relatively spherical spherical meteorite that looks more in line with the aesthetics of the universe, nothing more.

But once someone takes over the control of the termite Legion, it can immediately be transformed into a huge military factory.

With Zheng Feng’s instructions one after another, under the centralized control of the queen, 170 million termites completed the division of labor in an instant.

A very small number of termites stayed by everyone in the Flying Tigers, mainly responsible for repairing damaged training armor and charging everyone's equipment.

If everyone’s equipment is the old model three hundred years ago, then there is no need to command, and the queen can control the worker ants to repair it according to the preset procedure.

Although the performance of the training armor is average, it has adopted a large number of new technologies from the 30th century and the beginning of the 31st century, and the queen's genes have not been engraved into the preset program.

Fortunately, Punkert is great. Due to personal interests and innate talent tendencies, until now, he has never relaxed his core knowledge of mechanical structure, energy distribution, material science, and biological equipment organic combination principles. Subject learning, combined with the repair program that comes with SmartBrain in Training A, he will not be blinded when facing the current problems in training A, and he can always come up with a solution, even if it is necessary to use it, there will be no errors. Too far.

The vast majority of other termites spread out abruptly and rushed towards all directions according to Zheng Feng's instructions.

Recoverable, relatively complete structural parts, instruments and equipment, and basic Origin Item parts are all recovered.

If it can’t be recycled completely, it will decompose it decisively, restore it to basic materials, and pull it back.

In the past 180 years, in order to prolong the existence of the microscopic termite colony as much as possible, the queen instinctively suppressed the action ability of termites. Once Zheng Feng opened the shackles, firepower After being fully opened, the scene was spectacular.

During the scanning projection modeling, I saw the wreckage of the V-shaped ship trembling continuously.

Big chunks of wrecked metal burst apart like sand sculptures in a tornado.

Looking around, billions of termites merged into a turbulent sandstorm in space, rushing around the wreckage of several hundred meters long, flamboyant.

One after another black or silver parts of different sizes were stripped off and floated along the winding Milky Way towards the place where the Flying Tigers stood.

In a very short time, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, which took many years to complete the wreckage.

Everyone in the Flying Tigers surrounded by this felt that the process was a little spectacular, but they didn't realize the deeper meaning.

The first pioneer of watching the game outside, the Academy faculty and staff office is already discussing spiritedly.

Ding Hu didn't say anything, he only had a small smile on his face full of complacency with You Rong Yan, and the thief pretended to be forced. But the other people around him kept chatting.

"This excavation efficiency is too much."

"Yes, it's less than 3 minutes. Such a large piece of debris has been dismantled to 3%. Ten. Look at the dismantling degree again, the parts are basically retained, and the loss rate during the dismantling process is basically 0. The parts and structures that are not used can also be restored to materials. The utilization rate is almost 100%. ! Co-authored others are still drinking blood in the primordial era, he is now the aircraft, artillery and heavy industry!"

"How can this compare? Isn't it okay? Oh, I feel so sorry for my classmates. Little fellows."

A woman with a nice face and a graceful figure, holding her chest, said melancholy.

She is a class instructor who is on the same playing field as the Flying Tigers.

People next to her cast sympathetic glances at her.

At this time, a brawny man approached and said with relief: "It may not be necessary. The equipment and materials in the 1721 battle grave are hundreds of years ago. Even if the Flying Tigers are rich in resources, it may not be effective. They have to be effective."

If this is heard by the big guys in the core members of the Xianzhe Project, I’m afraid they will laugh out loud, but at this moment, the beautiful tutor is These words were comforting, nodded, "en!"

Ding Hu next to him heard that he didn't feel right, but he couldn't say anything. On the contrary, he secretly worried.

At this moment, Zheng Feng had already pulled Punkert, and his backhand was throwing out a large stack of reform plans.

Punker looked down and was shocked.


He thought that Zheng Feng would only make demands for him. The specific details require him to cross the river by feeling the stones himself, little by little perfection.

But this is not the case at all. On the basis of everyone's existing personal training armor, Zheng Feng redesigned a total of six external armors with different functions.

External armor can be worn with training armor at the same time, equivalent to an extended function module of training armor.

The design draft provided by Zheng Feng is very detailed, whether it is a large part such as a power conversion chamber, a battery pack, an ancient antimatter generator, a frame structure, or a variety of tiny sensors. It is clearly marked.

There are also the principles of "ancient science" that are still missing, such as special material incorporation, equipment recycling, rapid smelting of materials, and regeneration of failed batteries, which are also clearly written.

Zheng Feng’s meticulousness has greatly reduced Punkert’s workload. He only needs to use his professional knowledge to appropriately adjust Zheng Feng’s draft and integrate it into an organic whole. Just adjust the parameters of the SmartBrain in the training armor and link it with the various functional modules of the external armor.

Although the overall performance of the training armor is very general, it is a product of the 31st century after all. The airborne SmartBrain is also at the level of the 31st century. There is no problem with the need for strength.

"Captain, how do you recognize these parts? You know too much!"

Punker looked at Zheng Feng with an admiring look.

Zheng Feng didn’t know how to explain to him, he just smiled unfathomable, “Basic operation, don’t panic. Nothing, can I be the Captain of the Flying Tigers?”

" That's true."

Although Zheng Feng didn't reveal anything, Punkert still thought it was pretty powerful.

Zheng Feng called Li Qingqing over again, and ordered one or two with her.

"I have instructed the queen to find a way to continue to increase the number of ant colonies as soon as possible. If only the existing resources in the shipwreck are provided, the growth rate of the ant colony is not fast enough, and a special kind of The life energy stimulation of all of us. Only you have a biological training module in all of our equipment. Come and try it."


Five minutes later, Li Qingqing While aligning the arm armor to the front, a stream of slow flowing green energy poured forward from her arm armor.

Five meters away in front of her, there is a small green artificial sun with a diameter of 15 meters suspended.

In the very center of the little sun are the queen ants moved here by Zheng Feng and the spawning room with a diameter of only 2 meters.

Below, there is a "galaxy" connected by diligent worker ant transporters, carrying out nearly half of the colloidal radiation liquid remaining in the culture tank.

There are two other "galaxies" on the left and right sides, which are carrying the useless slag obtained from the rapid dismantling of the ship’s wreckage with extremely high efficiency.

Above, there is another new galaxy made up of white termites that have just been born and quickly finished their juvenile period.

In every second, as many as trillions of microscopic termites are born and mature.

"Captain, each hour can synthesize 36 trillion new termites. In less than five hours, we can double the number of microscopic termites."

Li Qingqing said proudly.

Zheng Feng shook his head, "It won’t take so long. After a while, Punkert will be the first to install an external armor module for you. Your energy delivery efficiency can be improved."

After finishing talking, Zheng Feng pointed to the first resource point in the distance, "Within 24 hours, we will sweep the first resource point and end the game!"

Four hours have passed, originally floating here. The snowflake battleship fragments disappeared, replaced by 30 medium-sized "ancient" main battle armors with an average height of about 38 meters-foldable armor, and various directional improvements of foldable armor.

This is Zheng Feng's choice.

Using the Origin Item pieces and refined materials previously in the wreckage, it is impossible to make a relatively mainstream Xuanyuan armor, so Zheng Feng simply found out this set of foldable armor from his memory. Design ideas.

Although this is the equipment in the last timeline, it is matched with the ever-changing scientific concepts, as well as parts with stronger performance than the original foldable armor, and better airborne SmartBrain, the final The performance of the finished product is much better than that of the former main battle equipment Forge armor.

Zheng Feng: "Are you ready?"


Zheng Feng went to the logistics team to check and confirm Both the queen and the huge colony stay obediently and honestly in the five huge containers dragged behind the armor of the logistics team.

He was satisfied and nodded, "It's OK."

"Go forward!"

Zheng Feng pulled out a long piece from the back of the Zhanying armor The sword on the back, the sword pointed to the first resource point more than 30 million kilometers away.

The nightmare of the remaining 39 participating teams in this game has begun.

The Flying Tigers rushed into the first resource point like Fierce Tiger Descends the Mountain, and instantly broke the delicate balance that the remaining 14 teams in the first resource point had worked so hard to maintain.

That was a rampage, brutal and brutal. Neither the rules nor the rules, all the way crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, gods block then kill gods if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas.

The other team is called a crying father and mother.

It's not that our army is not strong, but the Flying Tigers have a high! Too much!

What’s even more hateful is that the Flying Tigers not only relied on their armored artillery to chase down other squads, but when they were fighting around, Li Qingqing, Punkert and other logistics players also brought queens and as many as 380 million ants. Hundreds of millions of microscopic termites found a giant space junk planet reunited and took root on the spot.

After Zheng Feng’s long-distance communication, the queen drew on her horsepower, frantically multiplying the colony, and at the same time controlled the doubled colony to continue to collect resources and transform the garbage planet.

Ten hours later, when Zheng Feng and the others returned triumphantly, the number of the group doubled hundreds of times again, and the garbage planet was broken down by the ant colony into bits and pieces, and the ant colony planted a battleship. Technology, built a nascent long-distance aircraft carrier.

Although many living facilities in the mothership are not perfect, the core command cabin, powertrain, energy transmission assembly and shield generating device have been built. In just a few days, the details will be perfected, turning it into an ancient mothership that can truly span space.

The shape of the mothership is very beautiful, streamlined and full of artistic beauty.

Zheng Feng stared blankly at this five-kilometer-long, 1,100-meter-high, and two-kilometer-wide mothership, which was in the form of a traditional spindle-shaped mothership.

He felt that this ship gave himself a similar feeling.

But he can be sure that he has never seen it before.

"What's the matter with this ship? Puncht, did you build it? No need. There are 17 teams including us to come to the first resource point, but now there are only Let's get off. Let's just change some huge might equipment, and continue to pick up the rest of the team to be able to successfully win. What are you doing with this mothership?"

Zheng Feng asked.

Punkert shook his head, "I didn’t do it. After the resources were surplus, didn’t you give the micro termite queen the right to make decisions for a while? It used all the excess resources. Just made this thing. You may not believe it. This queen ant gave this ship a name according to our human habits."

"What's the name?"


"Morning Wind No. 2."

Zheng Feng: "Huh?"

Inexplicably, Zheng Feng seemed to be punched fiercely in his heart.

An emotion that he has almost never had so far rises in the mind inexplicably.

This emotion is called sadness.

Punkert was still muttering to himself, "I also feel puzzled. You said this queen is really weird, I know it is a program that simulates the stars of the main brain, but I always I think it’s really alive. Captain, do you think the mastermind stars have evolved again?"

Zheng Feng stroked his forehead, shook the head, "I don’t know. It’s just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that our game is about to end, I am afraid that the queen will not have time to build it."

Punkert is hearing this, not without regretfully Looking back at the creation that is both pure and natural, but also in line with the traces of artificial carvings, "Ai, it's a pity."

Seven hours later, the first round of knock-out competition First Stage Perfection of the First Pioneer Academy ended. .

The Flying Tigers won first place without any suspense.

But Zheng Feng, who walked out of the simulation cabin of the game, did not look happy.

He always frowned, looked thoughtful.

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