Yang Tao quickly stood up with a bow and a bow, and his attitude was extremely attentive.

The thief's eyes, still don't forget in Xue Ruyun that mature hot body ruthlessly cut.

"And Mr. Han?"

Xue Ruyun is so tired that he is out of breath. He looks at Yang Tao eagerly.

"What, Mr. Han?"

Yang Tao was stunned and blinked in wonder.

Xue Ruyun is extremely anxious and has no time to pay attention to him. He takes out a mobile phone from his pocket and dials Han Yang's phone number.

Beautiful eyes can't help looking around.

Finally, her eyes fell on Han Yang, who was surrounded by a group of security guards.

At the same time, Han Yang's mobile phone rings.

Turning his head, he just looked at Xue Ruyun not far away.

At the same time, Xue Ruyun does two and three steps, and goes to Han Yang in a hurry.

Bow 90 degrees.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Han. I'm late."

Xue Ruyun's collar is slightly open. From Han Yang's point of view, he can just enjoy a lot of beautiful scenery.

With her actions

The whole world seems quiet.

Among the people present, one count as one, all are stupid!

Yang Tao, in particular, has a big mouth and almost all his eyes fall to the ground.

What Xue Ruyun said just now is like a thunder exploding in his mind!

This... What's the situation?

Manager Xue even called Han Yang Mr. Han?

And the attitude is so respectful?

For a moment, Yang Tao felt that he was dreaming.

The brain is blank.

A deep cool, from the sole of the foot, through the top of the head!

His body trembled uncontrollably, and Yang Tao's face turned to ashes in an instant.

It's not just him.

Together with the security guards on the scene, they all looked like big eyes staring at small eyes, big mouth, I can't believe the picture in front of them.

How could that be!

Manager Xue bowed to a poor loser in front of so many people.

He was also called Mr. Han!

"Manager, do you know this poor boy?"

Hard swallow saliva, Yang Tao trembling tone asked.

Because of the shock, his voice changed.


Yang Tao just finished, Xue Ruyun's face is instant sink down, backhand slap, directly fan in the other side's face.

Yang Tao took a few steps to stabilize himself.

"I tell you Yang Tao, Mr. Han bought Building 8 with all the money. He is the most honorable owner of Lanyuan mansion. How dare he be disrespectful? Believe it or not, I skinned you

Xue Ruyun's face is livid and stares at Yang Tao.

If eyes could kill people, he would have died more than a hundred times.


Xue Ruyun's words, like a thunder, exploded in everyone's mind.

A group of security guards look like dirt, even have the heart to hit the wall.

As for Yang Tao, he is even more unbearable.

I saw him sitting on the ground with no image, his face as white as paper, the whole person was confused.

Xue Ruyun ignored him, turned his head, bowed and apologized to Han Yang

"Mr. Han, I'm sorry to trouble you."

With that, Xue Ruyun worried that Han Yang was not calming down. Then he pointed to Yang Tao and said in a cold voice:

"Pack up and get out of here! Lanyuanfu, there are no employees like you! "

Yang Tao's body trembled, completely confused.

He came to Han Yang and grabbed his trouser legs.

"Mr. Han, I know it's wrong! I shouldn't scold you. It's my fault. I'm so mean. Please give me another chance

At this time of Yang Tao, cry that call a hoarseness, snot tears keep flowing down, which has just a little arrogant and arrogant?

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