Looking at Yang Tao kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy, Han Yang sighed in his heart.

You don't want to be forced, but you don't want to be forced!

"What are you doing?"

Xue Ruyun had a cold face, and his gloomy eyes fell on the security guards.

After a while, several security guards came forward and pulled Yang Tao out like a dead dog.

When Yang Tao left, all around immediately fell into a dead silence.

I don't know how long later, Xue Ruyun took the lead in breaking the silence, went to Han Yang again and bowed deeply

"I'm sorry, I'm the general manager of lanyuanfu property company. I'm very sorry for what just happened. On behalf of the company, I'd like to express my most sincere apology to you."

"Nothing." Han Yang swallowed his saliva, looked away from Xue Ruyun's fat body, rolled his throat in a very hidden way, and then said with a smile, "just pay attention in the future."

"Well, we must pay attention."

"Are you the general manager?" Han Yang picked his eyebrows.


"OK, since we've all come, I want to have a good talk with you about some things."

"No problem." Xue Ruyun immediately turned to his side and said, "Sir, please follow me."

Han Yang nodded, ready to start.

Just at this time, on a hot day, the security guard in a cold sweat immediately showed great hospitality and squeezed out a smile: "Sir, let me help you carry the box."

It's the one who stopped Han Yang at the door just now.

Han Yang a Zheng, almost no hesitation, handed the box to the security.

Ma Dan, as early as I said, 88 real estate certificates are good or not. My arms are going to be useless. I'll go home later. How can I play king happily.

The security guard was careful, holding the express box, which was more serious than holding his father's urn.

After all, it's worth several hundred million yuan. How much can my father be worth.

No, there's a premium.

The whole family depends on their own salary, so they must not lose their jobs.

"Sir, may I venture to ask, what was your original intention of buying this building?" On the way, Xue Ruyun asked thoughtfully.

"Well, there's no original intention..."

"If I'm a hand skater, buy it."

"Do you believe it?"

"Hand slide? Ah! Hehe, handsome! Don't say, you're really joking

After listening to Han Yang's seemingly sincere explanation, Xue Ruyun, who is leading the way in front of him, is stunned for a moment. Then the corner of his mouth rises and casts a wink at Han Yang. Then he says with a smile.

This is a whole building!

The location is in the most golden area of mordu, where every inch of land and every inch of money are in. Building 8 is the best location in the whole building, and the facilities are also the most perfect. The unit price per square meter is almost 100000.

If you buy the whole building, even if big customers can get a discount, it's going to be nearly one billion! It's not something hand skaters can buy.

Xue Ruyun is not only the property manager of Lanyuan mansion, but also the sales director of the real estate. She has experienced the upper class and met many rich people in Mordor! But I've never heard of it for so many years.

This is really a little too incredible!

Before she came here, she also quietly checked the purchase records. What surprised him even more was that the other party did not have a mortgage and took the full amount of money, which shocked her even more. There were not many people who could take out so much money to buy a house at one time, even in Mordor!

What makes Xue Ruyun even more puzzled is that he is also the Deputy Sales Director of this project, but why did he not have any impression of this kind of heroic big customer when he bought it! This is really strange.

"Wait a minute!"

But when Han Yang and his party were walking towards the real estate, they heard a little anxious, even a little rude voice.

"What's the matter?"

Xue Ruyun looks back. Behind him, a fat man with a smile on his face is jumping down from a nearby BMW SUV and chasing him like a trot. Behind him, there is a beautiful woman dressed in fashion.

"You, you are Xue, Mr. Xue! I didn't expect that chief Xue was so beautiful! "

Fat man is the boyfriend Ma Huixin is looking for. His name is Chen maocai. He is also a native of mordu. He was originally a poor man, but his family had just been requisitioned some time ago and suddenly became rich.

After years of being a bachelor, he met Ma Hui through other people's introduction after having money. He was immediately confused by this woman.

In just a few days, Chen spent more than 100000 yuan on Ma Hui by buying bags, clothes and jewelry.

And he himself, also in Ma Hui's gentle village, directly submit, both sides have agreed to talk about marriage, today is to see the wedding room.

"Who are you?"

See fat Chen maocai slowly close to his body, Xue Ruyun not only a little disgusted, frowned, directly asked coldly.

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