Yesterday, Zhou Mumu was a little more sober than Xue Ruyun. He recalled it carefully before he said.

"No, it's her, a little girl who claims to be your colleague!"

It's said that Lin Xiaoxi sent him back. Xue Ruyun is even more surprised.

This girl. In the past, a young lady could help herself to do this?

"Of course. You guy, how can the wine be so bad now? You finally threw up yesterday. Is there anything else? If not, I'll go on sleeping. "

After Xue Ruyun left Zhou Mumu. I went out to have a snack with my friends. I didn't fall asleep until the morning. Now I obviously didn't sleep well.

"Well, you can continue to rest, elder sister. I'll find you later."

After Xue Ruyun hung up, he walked out of the bedroom with a look of surprise.

She lives in a flat floor, although the location is not very good, but the full area of more than 300 square meters, is not low value in Mordor, the market price is tens of millions.

But now the house is so clean that Xue Ruyun doesn't know what to say.

Especially when he came to the kitchen. There is a pot of porridge in the rice cooker.

"This girl!"

At this time, Xue Ruyun was really a little embarrassed.

"Oh, by the way, Han Yang is going to make a phone call!"

At this time, she recalled that yesterday, it seemed that Han Yang was upset by Zhou Mu Mu, and finally left first.

That's my big client. I still need to make a phone call to calm down.

Otherwise, if you really offend the other party and make mistakes in the project, you will be in trouble.

"Manager Xue, eh? Can I help you? "

I didn't expect that Han Yang didn't get up and asked in a confused voice.

After he went back last night. I played the game in the middle of the night and didn't sleep until early in the morning.

"Mr. Han, I'm so sorry about that one yesterday! I apologize for sister Mu! "

Xue Ruyun is washing and making up quickly at this time. After all, she usually goes to the company very early. Today is an exception.

"Oh, it's OK. I drank too much yesterday. It doesn't matter!"

After a night, Han Yang was a little relieved, of course. This is because he feels that he and Zhou Mu Mu will not have any intersection in the future, and he can't make it. He has always been worried about it.

"Well. Thank you very much. By the way, have you read the contract? Do you want me to help you find someone to explain? "

There's nothing wrong with Han Yang. Xue Ruyun was relieved and asked about the business.

At present, the renovation of the apartment has been on schedule, so this supplementary agreement can not be delayed.

Although his best friend dug some holes in the contract, the kind Xue Ruyun still wanted to remind the other party.

Through her contact with Han Yang, Xue Ruyun still thinks that Han Yang is not familiar with this kind of highly professional contract.

So now Xue Ruyun is worried that if Han Yang finds a loophole in the contract, he will be a little unhappy and even angry to himself.

After all, after these two contacts, she has a good impression of Han Yang.

Fortunately, I still have some contacts here in Mordor. It's easy to introduce him to a good lawyer or professional.

"Oh, you said that contract, I have handed it over to the professionals. There will be results in the afternoon. I'll contact you directly at that time! "

Han Yang really doesn't know much about these things. When he sees that the supplementary agreement is full of English, he nods a lot.

Even if there are some Chinese characters on it, you can recognize them individually. When combined, you don't understand them.

In particular, there are many professional architectural drawings, almost like a book.

But Han Yang is not stupid, although he does not understand, but also can find someone to help ah!

Anyway, I'm a big shareholder of that kind of multinational group now. I believe rispur should be able to deal with it.

So yesterday, after receiving the contract, he contacted rispur through wechat and said that he needed to find a professional lawyer who was familiar with the contract.

This is arranged by the major shareholders. Although it is not the business of the company, they dare not neglect it, so they directly contacted the most professional law firm in Europe.

Because of the time difference, when Han Yang was sleeping, he had already started to work there, so in the afternoon, he should be able to get the result.

"What, afternoon? Mr. Han, this is not a joke. There are some clauses in this supplementary agreement. Because it is more professional, I hope you can have a closer look! "

Hearing that Han Yang said that he could come out in the afternoon, Xue Ruyun was a little surprised. It seems that the other party didn't pay much attention.

Xue Ruyun knows that it took him a whole week to prepare this contract. How could this guy finish reading it in one night.

After all, the guy didn't care when he signed the rental contract last time. He was even a little anxious.

But the additional terms of this reconstruction are different from the rental contract!

So she kindly reminded me again.

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