Originally, according to Xue Ruyun's idea, Han Yang was so happy with his work. This supplementary agreement should not be done again.

After all, there are many disadvantages to Han Yang in this agreement. Due to many changes to the house type, it even involves the design of the whole building.

If we don't renew the lease in the future. It will even affect Han Yang to rent again. After all, if he wants to rebuild some of the houses, they will be restored to the original. It's another big expense.

There is no mention of compensation in these contracts.

Even this, also involves some illegal construction, Han Yang as the owner, if really nothing to see signed. If there are problems in the future, Han Yang will be held responsible.

That's not a simple loss of money.

But her best friend insisted on testing each other, and she got so many traps in it. Xue Ruyun was just a small shareholder, so she had to give up.

Now it's a little out of line to help here.

After all, they are shareholders of their own projects.

"Don't worry, I know. If you have nothing to do in the afternoon, we can find a place to sign the agreement."

For Xue Ruyun's honesty, Han Yang's heart is quite unexpected.

After all, after he sent out the contract yesterday. The other side contacted with themselves after watching it. There were several places in it, which seemed to be a little bad for them.

This makes Han Yang a little confused, even a little unhappy.

I was very happy when I rented.

Now how can you still treat yourself as a big wrongdoer!

Originally, Han Yang wanted to question Xue Ruyun in the afternoon, but now it seems that other people should have done it.

In that case. I'm going to meet the people behind the scenes.

"Well, well, I'll get back to you this afternoon!"

See Han Yang so insist, Xue Ruyun sighed, really have no words.

"Well, this morning. You can't sleep in! What a nuisance

And hang up the phone, Han Yang no sleepiness, lying in bed for half a day back and forth also can't sleep, can only sit up. He took out his cell phone again.

He didn't want to play games this time. After all, the experience of playing games on this mobile phone is really bad.

So last night I went back, and then Jiujin, Han Yang placed an order overnight and bought the latest flagship mobile phone.

Anyway, I've spent a lot of money, and I don't care about that.

And yesterday's super seckill app surprise. Let Han Yang have more interest in it.

Not only the function of the private detective is amazing, but also there are lots of goods in the mall. It attracts Han Yang.

If you can upgrade, you can buy more things.

This makes Han Yang full of expectations for the second kill function.

After all, I picked up the leak these two times. All of them are quite fruitful.

Next time you buy something, you can pick up the leak and upgrade it at the same time.

However, when I opened the app today, I found that it was still the same, and the second kill still didn't start. Although there were many products in other regions, I couldn't buy them because I didn't have enough level.

It seems that this second kill commodity. It's on the shelves from time to time!

Unfortunately, up to now, Han Yang has not figured out the rules.

"Do you really need to buy this shit to upgrade?"

Han Yang can only switch to the so-called special recommendation area, looking at the above three products, a little hesitant.

So far, it seems. This is the best way to upgrade.

How much money can you buy nearby before you can upgrade? The app doesn't mark it, so Han Yang has no idea.

If you buy this thing, the level has not been upgraded, the money will be spoken!

That one million strong body pills, in fact, even if it's useless, you can afford it.

Since he bought a bottle of wine yesterday, Han Yang's consumption concept has improved a little.

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