I really want to hit the street

Chapter 104 Good news! How do you know there is still good news?

August was the victory of the scroll king.

Under the lead of Pu Dingle and Nirvana Shenhuang, the two great authors on the new book list and Ping An were forced to scroll up.

With the new book list, the whole atmosphere of Qidian has also changed slightly.

Some great authors who update 4,000 chapters every year occasionally update one more chapter.

The readers were shocked.

"What happened to the kidney?"

"Did I see it wrong? There is still one more chapter after reading two chapters today? Quick, someone come and give me a slap, am I still awake?"

"Let me do it, I'm getting angry!"

"The diabetic should step back, don't let him get the advantage!"

"Oh no, I fell into the trap, he took it in his mouth!"

After the funny readers made a fuss, the rational readers began to analyze.

"The updates of several books I've been following recently have increased. It feels like they were agreed upon. Is it someone who stimulated them?"

"Who can stimulate them to update? It must be Pu Dingle! I left messages in the books I was following last month, asking them to learn from Pu Dingle and update 10,000 words every day. I got a lot of likes and comments from book friends. Although the post was locked by the dog operation, it must have been seen by the author!"

"Indeed, the king of the first volume of Qidian is not just a casual remark. If these authors can learn from Pu Dingle, it would be a great celebration for everyone!"

"Wait? Who is Pu Dingle? I haven't heard of him. Is he a new great god?"

"Fuck!? You haven't heard of him? Have you ever heard of Pu Dingle? You are a bit out of touch with the news. You are called the king of new media, the writer who understands readers best, and the ceiling of channel income by Qidian Operations, but you don’t know him? "

"By the way, I heard that Pu Dingle has published a new book? It’s called "Star Legend". Do you guys want to check it out?"

"Fuck! I am a little curious after hearing what you said. Let’s go check it out together!"

"Although I don’t like his books, it’s so cool to force the great writers to follow him! I’ll reward a leader to help everyone!"

"Brother, you are so generous! Brother, you are so domineering!"

After other authors of Qidian updated diligently, readers directly attributed it to Pu Ding, the king of volume, and they all wanted to give him some sweet things to taste.

"Star Legend" inexplicably has a group of full-subscription authors who don't read the book, and several more alliance leaders

And left messages:

"Update more, crush those great gods, let them update more!"

"The book is not good, but the person is good, I'll give you an alliance leader, keep it up, and the task of promoting the progress of Qidian is left to you!"

"I'll give you an alliance leader, help me urge the author group to update two more chapters!"

"You're good! I don't have money to reward, but it's okay to subscribe to it."

"This introduction is a bit weird, why does it sound like cursing? Forget it, it doesn't matter, anyway, I don't read your book, here's the reward, goodbye!"


Pu Jie often found such inexplicable messages in the second half of August.

And there were 6 alliance leaders and more small rewards out of thin air, and the average subscription increased by more than 200.

In response to this, Pu Jie, who was typing in the dormitory, slowly floated a question mark above his head.


"You are giving me rewards when the book is not good, is there something wrong with you!"

"You are urging me to produce more masterpieces, what do you mean by giving me rewards!"

"My introduction is just insulting me! I am insulting you and you are giving me rewards, you are a bit M!"

Pu Jie is like a dog basking in the sun on the roadside, kicked by passers-by for no reason.

Another kick.

September 3.

Pu Jie finally survived August, which was full of bad news.

Today, it is time to settle the manuscript fee again.

At 10 am, the manuscript fee in the writer's assistant was updated.

[Total manuscript fee in August: 1562029 yuan (1358965 yuan after tax)]

["Urban Son-in-law Dragon King\

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