I really want to hit the street

Chapter 105 With this little phoenix helping me, why worry about not succeeding?

On September 4th, the crew of "Country Love" finished everything and started filming in a small village called Ivory Mountain somewhere in the Northeast.

Pu Jie also received the 200,000 yuan advance screenwriting fee given to him in the contract.

I took out 100,000 yuan and sent it to Wang Jin and Zhang Wei, 50,000 yuan each, and the remaining 100,000 yuan will be given after the filming is completed.

Pu Jie used to hate having middlemen make the difference.

Now, he lives a life he hates.

Sigh that things are impermanent;

Sigh again, it smells so good.

Next, if nothing else happens, he will not join this crew, and Wang Jin and Zhang Wei will follow him to the end.

the other side.

The post-production of "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" is almost complete, and now we are planning to promote it.

However, due to the constant pursuit of perfection during the filming, there is currently insufficient publicity funds. Wei Fan is a little uncomfortable. There is not much money left, so he can only go to the Penguin Video platform to see if he can get some better recommended locations.

Pu Jie did not agree with Wei Fan's approach.

"Director Wei, who said you can't do publicity without money? Do you have to go out to do demonstrations, buy Weibo hot searches, and find celebrities to promote? Isn't there any less expensive and effective way?"

"Use your brain and don't be limited in your thinking. What can really arouse the audience's interest is fun content. As long as we find a way to release the fun content in our drama, we will naturally attract the audience. Do you play TikTok?"

Wei Fan was a little confused on the other side of the computer: "Let's play. But I personally don't have many fans, and it will cost a lot of money to buy advertisements from other big Vs."

Pu Jie: "It's too small, the layout is too small, why should we buy it? What we buy is advertising, and the audience will subconsciously resist it. The effect will definitely not be good. Why don't we make a popular advertisement ourselves and let Douyin's algorithm push it for us?" ”


"I envy you for not being brainwashed by the Dragon King's crooked mouth. Just listen to me."

After a while, Wei Fan was dumbfounded: "Is this okay?"

"That will definitely work!"

Over at Bigan, the crew for "The Man from Earth" has been assembled and a location has been found, ready for filming at any time.

Because of the script, there are very few actors.

Probably the male protagonist and his seven admirers.

Every time the male protagonist says something, someone always jumps out to refute him, and then is slapped in the face by the protagonist's profound knowledge and knowledge.

Everyone's emotions were the same as those in Dragon King's novel.

First there was ridicule, then doubt, shock, struggle, awakening, and admiration!

The initial states of these seven people were different. Some started with ridicule, some started with suspicion, and some were directly shocked.

By the way, the female teacher who has a crush on the protagonist has never come down since the beginning of her worship.

From the perspective of writing online articles, multiple characters, multiple levels, and strong emotional expressions make the story full of conflict and easily arouse readers' emotions.

Pu Jie’s first Dragon King suffers from this problem!

The emotional expression is too strong.

There are no skills, it’s all about emotion!

It aroused the resonance of new media readers, especially social animals, who almost made them cry.

I really want to lift the table and show the boss some colors!

I really want to take out a warehouse of luxury cars and give the money digger a slap in the face! A slap in the face! Great drink!

I even want to have the skill and grace to kill one person in ten steps and leave no trace behind!

It’s so cool!

Pu Jie designed a Chinese version of "The Man from the Earth" by referring to his experience of watching movies in his previous life and methods of mobilizing emotions. After Wang Xiang retouched the pen, the biggest problem - writing style, has been completely solved.

Therefore, Bi Gan was very confident in shooting, even more than Pu Jie.

In order to make a low-budget film (poor), he found many second-tier male stars to audition. He did not seek to bring in his own traffic, but his dialogue skills must be excellent!

This is a movie that relies entirely on dialogue, and the actor's line skills directly determine the quality of the movie.

Whether it's a nonsensical moaning and affectation, or whether it's ups and downs, it all depends on the actor.

Unfortunately, he never found the right one within his budget.

And when I heard that the once talented director Bi Gan was going to make a movie, and the script was signed by the gold medal screenwriter Wang Xiang, some young traffic stars in the industry also wanted to try this opportunity. They made a lot of money from traffic, but they had always been There is a label: no works.

In urgent need of a good work to prove that he is more than just a vase.

It doesn't matter whether you make money or not. If it becomes popular, there will naturally be silly little sisters who take the initiative to hand over their meal expenses, pocket money, and the private money that their father has well hidden in various ways.

Never doubt the monetization ability of traffic stars!

Bi Gan couldn't save his face, so he auditioned for a few roles, but couldn't watch them at all.

There was even an actor named Cai who asked him if he could say "1, 2, 3, 4" instead of his lines.

Bigan: "???"

If Bi Gan didn't have a good temper, he would have been beaten out directly.

After searching around, Bi Gan couldn't find anyone who was very suitable. Then he suddenly received a call from an A-list male star.

Chen Mingdao.

The movie king, a powerful actor, is in his prime.

"The script is good, I can try it."

"Then your salary"

"Just watch and give it."

In three sentences, the male lead actor of this script was decided.

Pu Jie was shocked when he heard such a legendary thing.

"This is really a stroke of luck!"

Bi Gan said excitedly: "The script compiled by Pu is better. It actually attracted Mr. Chen Mingdao and made him willing to reduce his salary to star. It's so powerful! With Mr. Chen Mingdao joining, this movie will definitely be no problem!"

Bi Gan is full of energy.

Pu Jie was even happier. He and Bigan signed a share-sharing contract. He wrote the script and got 10% of the box office share. Naturally, the better the film, the more sales, the better!

"Hahaha! Doggy system! Without you, I will still make a lot of money. When my movie is finished, I will take out all the money you saved and fuck you!"

Pu Jie's self-confidence was unprecedentedly high. He felt that if he wrote books well, he would definitely make a lot of money!

Blind Jiba can become famous when he writes, but if he writes seriously, he won’t be able to take off?

By the way, I can write a few scripts and make a profit by selling them.

"Everything is ready, all I need is this book to hit the streets!"

Pu Jie glanced at the two recommendation messages that had just been sent by the writer's assistant backstage, and his teeth itched with hatred.

"This bitch editor star is fighting with me. Just wait. When I make money and start a company, I will be the first to poach you and make you perform a knife-cutting performance for me every day!"

How hateful!

A stumbling block on Pujie’s road to success!

Pu Jie looked at the two recommended names this time.

Web version: Highly recommended by the homepage editor.

App: Highly recommended by the editor-in-chief of the home page.

"Okay, the editor is really strong. He has no place to vent, so he always pushes behind me, right?"

"I really should take you to Changdong City and find a shop to give you a good massage!"

Pu Jie complained, but the result had already happened, and he could not return the recommendation.

He couldn't even tell the editor: "I don't want to recommend it anymore, get out!"

That will result in a warning from the system.

No way, website rules.

Pu Jie can only try his best to find ways to reduce the negative impact of recommendations.

Although they don’t make much money from subscriptions, they are still big rats stealing Pu Jie’s family subsidies!

Big data shows!

The data at the beginning of the big seal push was really poor.

The last increase in subscriptions to collections was purely accidental. His meaning was misinterpreted by Teacher Liu. Not only did he not dissuade readers, but he also aroused readers' rebellious psychology, so the increase increased dramatically.

Fortunately, they are all gone now.

This time, no one can misinterpret his meaning!

Things will definitely get back on track again!

Since the believer served as the operating officer, killing has gone crazy

Anyone who dares to say something good about this book will have their posts deleted and banned for 50 years.

Compared with the average reading age of Qidian, which is 22 years old, there may not be much time to speak next time you can speak.

Spray with others, your blood pressure will go up, and the whole village will have a feast the next day.

The operations officer mocked him crazily and led people to set the pace in the comment area, which made Pu Jie extremely happy.

"The next week is very critical, believers must work hard!"

Pu Jie thought for a while.

I recharged the followers of Shadow Night Cat with 200 yuan of starting points and left a message: “Keep up the good work!”

"Hahaha! With this Fengxiao helping me, the recommendation is nothing, but it's good if it doesn't drop the collection!"

Pu Jie felt that he was really stable this time.

It's a bit late today, but there will be more in a while.

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