I really want to hit the street

Chapter 109 These are just some superficial things that Pu Ding and I learned.

Qidian editorial department, conference room.

Editor-in-chief Xingchen is here, as clean and tidy as ever.

"let's start."

The meeting went directly to the topic, which was how to increase the number of new users of the Qidian main website.

All 9 editorial teams of Qidian’s male channel and 5 editorial teams of female channel have arrived.

Editors from 14 groups filled the conference room.

A group of editors, Bao Nai, is an old editor. He has been with Qidian since its establishment. He is the oldest and usually takes on the important responsibility of opening the show.

Someone has to warm up the situation first before others can talk.


Roasted Milk cleared his throat and began to speak.

"In the past six months, the performance of our Qidian main website has been very stable. New books by great writers are hot, newcomers are also producing good results frequently, there are rich works, many big IPs have been sold, and the overall income is higher than the same period last year. However, !”

Okay, once the word ‘but’ is included, it proves that the previous part is all nonsense.

Everyone here is a veteran of meetings, so they naturally understand that the important point is coming.

"However, our number of new users is too small. Currently, it is almost the same as the outflow of users. The number of daily active users is still maintained at 10 million. Compared with this time of the year, there is no change. Therefore, the number of subscriptions to our main website works is troubled. The problem with success is not only the quality of the works, but also the problem of insufficient users! If we have 10 million more active users, the average number of orders for our works will exceed 200,000 soon!”

"I think we can try to buy ads on various portals, link to our Qidian main website, and then buy advertising space on some popular apps, and make some entrances that allow users to directly download Qidian apps and spend money to buy them. users, and then rely on our high-quality works to retain them.”

After roasting milk, everyone else nodded inconspicuously. Although it was not very new, it was still an effective method. At least it could be done.

Editor-in-chief Xing Chen did not express his position.

"Let everyone else talk about it too."

Gouzi, chief editor of the third group: "I think Big Brother Baked Milk is right, but whether we can retain new readers in the future depends on not only the quality of our library but also corresponding preferential activities, such as seven-day sign-in and so on. With the design, you can read books for free for seven days by signing in, and you can also get rewards such as recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, Qidian coins, etc., which will be distributed to their accounts by completing tasks, so that they can get used to participating in our Qidian reading culture. Interact more with works and authors to create stickiness.”

Editor-in-Chief Xingchen: "Gouzi is right, what about the others?"

Two senior editors-in-chief spoke, and the editors-in-chief and editor-in-chief of other groups also spoke one after another.

Zhuojiu, the editor-in-chief of the female channel's second team, is a beautiful woman who is the target of many single male editors.

She wears black-rimmed glasses, big eyes, oval face, fair skin, and slender figure. She is the most eye-catching person sitting there.

"We can also use some new technologies, such as AI intelligence, to build some robots to like, reply, and follow new people's various behaviors, so that new people can feel that they are valued in our Qidian and have someone to interact with them. In addition to studying, there is also a sense of community warmth, which makes it easier for them to stay.”

Xingchen nodded, and it seemed that the idea moved him a little.

All the editors began to speak one after another

Styx from the second group was embarrassed nearby.

What he wanted to say has been said by one group of chief editors and three groups of chief editors.

If he said it again, it would be like repeating other people's thoughts.

Without any new ideas, he could only hide in the editor, hoping that the editor-in-chief would not notice him, trying to get through.

However, Murphy's Law tells us: if you are worried about something happening, then it is more likely to happen.

For example, when you were in school, the less likely you were to solve the questions, the easier it would be for the teacher to ask you to do them, but for the questions you knew well, the teacher would not ask you to do them.

Editor-in-chief Xingchen glanced at Styx: "Styx, your second team achieved very good results in the channel last year and had unique insights into the market. What do you think of this matter?"


Styx mentally wailed.

Still getting noticed!

Everything he wants to say has been said, what can he think?

Stand up and open your mouth: "Uh, this."

All the editors are looking forward to seeing Styx, the team that received the most channel bonuses last year, to see what they can do.

Some really want to see it, some are just looking at the joke.

The editor has already said what needs to be said, what else can be said now?

The second group was able to take off only because of one author appointed by Pu. The other authors who were stupid and followed the trend thought that the second group had good training and recommendations, so they all submitted articles to the second group, resulting in a sudden increase in the number of manuscripts in the channel. .

The greater the number, the higher the chance of achieving results.

Then it was passed around from author to author, and it became a second group with unique secrets on channel operation, which was good at creating popular books. More authors began to be superstitious about new media channels and the second group of book investment groups on WeChat reading channels.

The second group won!

The other groups were sore!

If you give your Puding to our group, we can take off too!

Also share experiences!

Their experience is to lie down in the office, and then... Oops, why did God put food into their mouths?

Some editors laughed secretly when they saw Styx speechless there.

Xiaoxing saw it at this time and realized that he had an opportunity!

He stood up directly: "Editor-in-Chief, our team does have some new ideas. Boss Styx originally arranged for me to speak about it, why don't you let me speak directly?"

Styx breathed a sigh of relief.

I have seen Xiaoxing as a sensible child since I was a child!

It's better for him to be embarrassed than to be embarrassed himself.

Other groups won't look at him as the chief editor if they see jokes.

‘I’ll give you two good recommendations later.’

Xingchen nodded: "Xiaoxing, right? I remember you. You were the one who discovered the author of Pu Ding, right?"

"It's just luck."

"Haha, being able to seize luck is also a kind of strength. Please tell me what good insights you have."

Xingchen basically found some ideas from what the editors said, and combined with his own operational experience, he had the prototype of some ideas.

At this time, he didn’t have much expectations for Little Star Report. If he had a good idea, Styx would have already made suggestions.

Just listen to it.

Xiaoxing glanced around. The eyes of the new and old editors were all focused on him. He took a deep breath.

“We can attract traffic to short video platforms with many active users.”

Xingchen interrupted directly: "I've already mentioned traffic, and we have been advertising on the short video platform for a while, and the conversion rate is very low."

"That's because our method is wrong. Using the traditional scrolling text method to attract traffic is too inefficient and cannot attract the attention of short video platform users. In most cases, people will jump over it when they see this form. Since we To drive traffic on short video platforms, you should use short videos!”

Everyone's expressions gradually became serious.

Xingchen also showed an interested look: "Continue."

"Please watch this video!"

Next, Xiaoxing put the 1-minute Dragon King Crooked Advertising play that he had prepared on the projector, and then began to explain this new type of short video advertisement to everyone according to the method Pu Dingluo taught him.

After some operations, everyone was shocked!

Can the advertisements of online novels be so neat?

If you didn’t distinguish it carefully, you would have thought it was an ordinary short video!

I even want to give this video a like!

Moreover, the story is told just right, and the climax thrown by the identity of the protagonist makes people eager to see what will happen to those who mock the Dragon King.

Generally at this time, the habit of short video users is to swipe right to the author's work to watch the next episode.

Then there is a link to the Qidian Reading app, which prompts you to go to the book to continue reading!

If short video users are stuck in climax, the download rate will definitely increase significantly!

Xingchen stood up excitedly.

He is a veteran operator, and his vision is sharper than anyone else's. Just after listening to Xiaoxing explain this method, he already knew that this is definitely feasible!

It was more practical and cost-effective than all the solutions he had imagined before!

The opportunity to significantly increase Qidian’s new users is coming!

He stared at Xiaoxing with burning eyes.

"Did you come up with all of this yourself?"

Xiaoxing shook his head: "No, these are just some superficial lessons that Pu Ding and I learned."

"Oh? Interesting."

The editors were shocked again!

Does Pu Ding still have such strong market operation capabilities?

These two groups not only picked up a master of writing books and attracted so many manuscripts, but they were also able to come up with such a good plan from the editor-in-chief.

All the good things are taken by them!

Damn it!

There were three editors at the scene, and their faces were as uncomfortable as eating Laobao burgers.

They were the three editors who rejected "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" during the cross-review process.

At this time, they only had two sentences in their hearts:

"Obviously. Obviously it was me first."

"No! No!! No!!!"

There will be more in a while.

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