I really want to hit the street

Chapter 110 Pu Bian’s step counts as ten steps, it’s really... so terrifying!

Chapter 110 Pu Bian’s one step counts as ten steps, it’s really terrifying!

Wednesday, September 11th.

It is suitable for trading and avoid lying dead.

On Douyin, a short video of the Dragon King with his crooked mouth suddenly went viral.

The three-year period has arrived!

The son-in-law who has been suppressed for three whole years is actually the Dragon King!

My daughter-in-law cheated on me, and my mother-in-law wants to kick him out!

The outside family wants to drive him out and marry his wife!

Just when the emotions were extremely depressed, a voice came out: "The Dragon King has arrived!"

"Who dares to insult the Dragon King!"

The male protagonist Guan Yunpeng stood up, looking like he had just adopted a son-in-law, showing off his domineering attitude and his devilishly crooked mouth!

The video ended abruptly, and then left a sentence: "The TV series "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" is adapted from Pu Dingli's novel of the same name. It will be officially broadcast exclusively on Penguin Film and Television platform on October 1, so stay tuned!"

This is a small trailer directed by Pu Jie.

Excellent production, strong conflicts, brainless plot, and crooked expressions that make people want to complain.

Sure enough, just like in the previous life, it became popular on Douyin!

In 2 days, it had 20 million views and 1 million likes!

There are 20,000 comments.

"I thought the script I wrote was embarrassing enough, but your script is even more embarrassing than mine. I'm laughing so hard, hahahaha!"

"Isn't this better than Bo Ran?"

"I repeated it 10 times. It made me blush, and the crooked mouth at the end was really annoying!"


"What kind of ridiculous crew is this? It can actually produce such an embarrassing drama. I was so embarrassed that I started to pick my feet when I watched the clip. If I watch the film, I won't be able to dig through the cement floor of my house?"

"You must see it then!"


It was directly listed on Douyin's popular videos, its weight increased again, and it will continue to be pushed to other users' browsing interfaces in the next few days.

Wei Fan’s personal account gained more than 20,000 followers.

The title of the TV series "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" has also gained some popularity. Sporadic comments have begun to appear under the interface of the TV series that has not yet been broadcast on Douban.

The playback volume on Kuaishou and Bilibili is also very good. People seem to like this kind of gimmicky stuff.

Especially the mindless plot and the devilish twist in it make people want to make a few comments.

When he learned all this, Wei Fan, who was editing the film, was shocked!

Originally, he didn't have high hopes. After all, from his point of view as a director, the 1-minute video he edited was a misinterpretation of the TV series he shot. It was a malicious edit that cut out the middle content!

But I didn’t expect it to become so popular!

20 million views is not a small number. If you advertise it yourself, you have to invest a lot of money to reach such a number, and it may not make the audience remember the title of the show and the general plot.

Ordinary promotional advertisements will not arouse such heated discussions.

At this moment, Wei Fan realized how much money Pu Bian had saved him.

That phrase ‘Who says you can’t do publicity without money? ’, he thought it was young people’s unrealistic fantasy about society at first, but he didn’t expect that Pu Bian directly taught him a lesson.

Using textbook-like operations, let him understand what it means to promote a TV series standing up!

At this moment, Wei Fanlao was in tears.

"Without Pubian, who am I?"

"This mature and confident operation is definitely not a temporary move!"

"On the surface, Editor Pu gave me full control over this drama, but in fact, Editor Pu had already paved the way for this drama and put food in my mouth."

He knew that he was probably loved.

That man doesn't say anything, but he always pays silently behind his back.

"No! I must do something for Pu Bian. I heard that he seems to have opened a new book recently."

Just when Wei Fan was opening Qidian to read Pu Jie's new book, he suddenly received a call from the copyright department of Qidian.

"Director Wei Fan, we would like to discuss cooperation with you about the 9 Dragon King videos that have been posted and yet to be posted on your Douyin account."



Within 2 days, as Dragon King's video became popular on Douyin, Qidian made the decision to adopt Xiaoxing's publicity plan and use short plays in Douyin advertising.

As for how to make short videos that are both gimmicky and catchy, everyone is scratching their heads.

They are good at writing articles, they are also good at fighting Xixi swordsmanship, and they also have channels to sell blades.

But when they make short videos, they are not professional!

They are all laymen!

At this time, Xiaoxing stood up again!

He holds the pearl of wisdom.

"Actually, Pu Ding has already prepared advertising materials for us!"

Public operations: "???"

Xiaoxing: "Everyone, please watch! What is the name of this TV series directed by Wei Fan?"

""Urban Son-in-law Dragon King"? What's wrong?"

"Is this book our Qidian book? After selling the copyright, it was made into a TV series. This one-minute video of the Dragon King's crooked mouth seems to be promoting the TV series, but... isn't it promoting the book? Pu Ding In order for us to watch this advertisement, is it just for us to learn how to imitate it?”

Public operation: "."

"Obviously not! Doesn't Pu Ding know that we are an online production company? Without our own shooting team, it is difficult to shoot such a high-quality TV series, let alone achieve the quality that is so popular now."

"There's no way he doesn't know!"

"So, what does Puding really mean? He asked us to use this video directly as our starting point of advertising. At the same time, he promoted the TV series, which further aroused the curiosity of readers. With the popularity of the TV series, the novel The popularity has also increased, attracting a large number of users to our Qidian Reading for a wave of fantasy linkage! ”

Public operations: "!!!"

Xiaoxing's eyes were deep, as if traveling through space, she saw a hot man hidden in the darkness.

"He has actually prepared all this for us a long time ago. Since the filming of the TV series, he has been planning to throw out the ready-made things for us to use when we need it most."

"Because he knows that only when the main website is prosperous can the authors of Qidian live a better life. He never cares about temporary benefits, but sees whether the entire industry is prosperous or not. This time, he does not do it for himself, but for All authors!

All the managers were shocked.

They were speechless at this time. They only felt a behemoth manipulating the market pressing down on their heads, telling them with a series of operations what TM is called operation!

After Xingchen learned all this, he crossed his hands and placed them on the table, with a hint of understanding in his eyes.

"I see."

"Go and buy all the short videos from Wei Tuan's hand. Later, we will place ads for him so that he doesn't have to worry. Our ads will carry information about his TV series and then link to our Qidian Reading app download link. , an advertisement exposed the TV series and attracted a lot of traffic to our app, a win-win situation.”

After arranging all this, Xingchen fell down on his thick and wide boss chair and sighed inaudibly.

“The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.”

Wei Fan hung up the phone and felt like he was waking up from a dream.

Qidian bought the copyright of 10 short videos from him for commercial advertising, and promised to help him complete the promotion of the TV series in the future.

He knew there was no need to worry about publicity this time.

Qidian invests in advertising, which guarantees exposure. If a certain advertisement becomes popular, there will be more forwarding and editing.

The exposure of "Urban Son-in-Law Dragon King" will definitely not be low. With so many users on the short video platform, this drama will definitely become popular before it is broadcast.

Moreover, he also received a royalties for 10 short videos.

Not much, 20,000 yuan for one piece, exactly 200,000 yuan.

Only then did he react.

"Pu Bian's operation actually has a back-up plan!"

“Use this popular short video to impress the senior management of Qidian, and then use their needs to promote their own app to sell these 10 videos. Not only will it greatly increase the exposure of the TV series, but it will also allow Qidian to attract traffic together. , In the end, users who watch TV series come to Penguin to watch videos, while users who read books go to his old books.”

"In this wave, our crew gained exposure, Qidian got the advertising they wanted, and Pu's book gained traffic from new users. Triple win!"

Wei Fan was really convinced this time.

Very comfortable!

Editor Pu calculated everything with a simple operation.

"Pu Bian takes one step and counts it ten steps. It's really terrifying!"

"It's hard to imagine that he is actually my junior student. His ability to manipulate the market is more sophisticated than the teacher who taught us marketing classes."

"I'm looking forward to how he will use his new book - "Legend of the Stars"!"

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