I really want to hit the street

Chapter 143 Mr. Pu put the rice into his mouth (additional update, 8/118, please subscribe!)

Chapter 143 Mr. Pu put the rice into his mouth (more updates, 8118, please subscribe!)

Meng Xingkong asked eagerly: "What about the third item! What does the third item really mean!"

Xiaoxing took a deep breath

The light of wisdom shone in his eyes. At this moment, he only wished that he didn't know how to smoke, otherwise he would be like the editor-in-chief and say the most shocking conclusion surrounded by smoke.

Reveal Pu Ding’s operating methods!

"The third article, Mr. Pu said that we are not allowed to find old authors, we must find new ones, and formulate some contracts to restrict authors."

"This one is extremely confusing! It is more difficult to analyze than the trap question in the second one. Even I almost fell into the ordinary solution when I first heard it. Just now, I chewed on what Mr. Pu said over and over again. Every look, gesture, and accent in each sentence, I read these words several times before I finally understood the true meaning.”

Meng Xingkong sat upright: "Please enlighten me."

"First of all, is the newcomer Mr. Pu is talking about a novice who has never written a book and has extremely poor writing skills?"

"Based on the first two items, it's obviously not the case! Such people should be screened out in the second item."

"Then what Mr. Pu said about old authors and newcomers, how to distinguish this concept? Is an author who has written an unsigned book considered an old author? Is an author who has written a guaranteed book but failed to be considered an old author? Can he be considered an old author at Qidian? Are the 100-subscriber authors who have signed up for full service considered to be old authors? In Mr. Pu’s eyes, their achievements are the same, so these are all newcomers.”

"The old author Mr. Pu mentioned also gave the answer in the following words, that is, an old man who moves between multiple studios, playing and writing books everywhere! They are not worthy of trust, and neither should we. It’s a waste of money and time to train these people.”

"At the same time, in order to prevent the 'newcomers' we have discovered from becoming such old guys, we need to formulate contracts to bind them. In this regard, our company is uniquely endowed and is much better than those unqualified studios. We can use the company's name to Sign a formal contract with the author to prevent them from jumping back and forth. Mr. Pu is telling us that we must be on guard against others."

"Hey~ I see! I actually understood at first that Mr. Pu wanted to find pure newcomers to write books and train them from scratch, but I almost thought wrong! Fortunately, I have you, editor Xiaoxing!"

Meng Xingkong secretly rejoiced that he did not make random guesses, but asked Xiaoxing, the person in the company who knew Mr. Pu best.

Otherwise Pu will always be disappointed with him!

Xiaoxing waved her hand.

"Brother Meng, there's no need to talk about this. We are partners now, so naturally we have to advance and retreat together. My news is always open to you!"

"Good brother! With you, I feel much more at ease!"

The relationship between the two heated up rapidly.

Xiaoxing continued: "So, based on everything I just heard in Mr. Pu's office, I summed up a set of tactics that best suit Mr. Pu's wishes."

"We first recruit authors online by casting a wide net, spending a sum of money in the early stage to win people's hearts, let them spread the word of mouth, expand our author pool, and then select new ones with excellent character, works, and potential. 'Authors, sign a contract with them and become the first batch of writers in our Duoyu Company. Then we will start training them to learn Mr. Pu's writing style, identify the topics that may become hits, and then rush!"

"Snap, snap, snap!"

Meng Xingkong couldn't help but applaud Xiaoxing.

This precise analysis would be impossible if I had not worked with Mr. Pu for a year.

"Now that Mr. Pu's guidance is clear, we can get started. I'm very confident this time!"

"Mr. Pu has put food into our mouths. If we still can't do it, we might as well move bricks."

The two are very motivated.

There is nothing in my mind, just two words: struggle.

Currently, Duoyu Company has 25 employees.

Except Qi Fei, Zhang Yang, bartender, gardener, 2 administrative staff, 1 front desk staff, and 2 finance staff.

There are 14 editors working under Meng Xingkong and Xiaoxing, all of whom are intermittent gangsters who seem to be quite honest.

Simply because the body is currently in an exciting period, it is easy to mobilize enthusiasm.

Everyone turned on their 12th generation i7 dual-screen computers and got to work.

As expected, Meng Xingkong has opened a studio himself and is very familiar with this set of things.

In particular, he still has a lot of online editing resources accumulated in the past, which can bring him many new authors.

The so-called Internet editor refers to the pimp in the Internet literary world.

Their identities are changeable. One day they may be editors of Hengshu Chinese website, and tomorrow they will be editors of Feilu.com. If the author is really weak and cannot pass the manuscript after trying several websites, they will directly transform themselves into studio editors and replace the newcomers. Throw it to a studio with lower requirements in exchange for some compensation.

These authors are second-hand authors who have been screened by online editors, and there are also first-hand authors who have not been screened. They need the same money from the studio as the website to get them.

Meng Xingkong happened to have some such resources.

"The new authors Mr. Pu mentioned should have potential and can be cultivated. Those who can only write impulsive articles of poor quality are not considered."

After Xiaoxing explained everything to him, he was able to operate it like a duck to water, feeling that every link had been planned by Mr. Pu.

Xiaoxing is not only a review editor, but also a pricing editor. She is responsible for pricing an article and then posting it to the website.

Usually after the website sets the minimum/buyout price, they then set a lower price for newcomers.

Now, it’s different!

As long as Xiaoxing sees that the quality of the article is acceptable, he will sign up for all those who can sign on the small website.

The price is based on the highest market price for newcomers, which is 15 yuan per thousand words, and then settled at a premium of 1/3.

20 yuan for 1,000 words!

"Duoyu Studio, 20 per thousand words, real price, no discounts once the manuscript is approved, no bully, welcome to submit!"

Once this price was posted to various websites where street writers were wandering, the effect was great!

Better than an online editor or a guide!

The WeChat accounts of the seven review editors in the office were all flooded, and submissions appeared one after another in their mailboxes.

It's all kinds of weird and weird, and there's shit in the candy.

Their workload increased immediately.

But everyone works very enthusiastically. After all, with such a high salary and such good conditions, if you don’t work hard, how can you be considered a human being? How can I be worthy of Mr. Pu!

Meng Xingkong led seven other channel editors and continuously posted their recruitment information on the website, which was popular in major forums, post bars, and author exchange groups.

For a newcomer, the price of 20 per thousand words is just like Pan Jinlian who had taken sex pills. When she saw the burly brother Wu Song, she wanted to go up and lick him directly.

It smells so good!

Editors from 7 channels are frantically recruiting people and casting a net in the sea.

7 review editors reviewed the manuscript crazily and made gold out of shit.

Xiaoxing makes the final pricing and site selection.

As long as it was similar, he signed it.

Those with big ideas and fast pace will go to Feilu Chinese. Those with slow pace and good writing skills will go to Qidian. The son-in-law Longwang Wentou will go to the recently launched small website specializing in channels. The second dimension will go to Hedgehog Dog. Danmei will go to Jinjiang. literature

Xiaoxing has considerable professional knowledge and can tell which website this article is more suitable for and which is more likely to produce results.

This kind of judgment is something new authors don’t have. Many of them can’t sign contracts, and they may just invest in the wrong place.

Of course, if the writing and plot are good, I’d still go for Qidian Shengdao.

While busy.

Meng Xingkong chewed over Mr. Pu's strategy this time.

"All our initial actions are to find loyal authors with character and potential. If there are already, can we directly enter the next stage?"

He suddenly thought of some people!

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