I really want to hit the street

Chapter 158 Accident (Additional update, 15/118)

Chapter 158 Accident (Additional update, 15118)


The door to the room opened.


The lights are on.


Han Ruyan panted and helped Boss Pu up.

Fortunately, although Boss Pu was a little dizzy, he could at least walk. Otherwise, she would have made a phone call and asked Boss Pu to spend the night with the police uncle.

Faint, but not completely.

He kept mumbling random things.

One moment it is redundant, the next moment it takes flight.

One moment the starry sky, another moment the little stars

"We don't know what Boss Pu is talking about here."

Fortunately, Pu Jie didn't resist her. I don't know if it was because of the low-quality perfume that cost 30 yuan a bottle.

The key was on Pu Jie's car key, and the building number was written on it. It looked like it was specially marked, so she came in easily.

Throw Pujie into the bedroom.

Han Ruyan was breathing heavily and dripping with sweat.

I was already wearing thick clothes, but this strenuous exercise made me extremely hot.

Leave your coat open.

The smell of the 30-yuan low-quality perfume she sprayed on her body spread through the room with her sweat, permeating the air.

There was also a special aroma coming from her body, which was indistinguishable from the perfume.


Han Ruyan sat on the sofa in the living room and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"It's not like I earned you 300 yuan in vain. It's considered as a gift to you."

"My dad told me to be a kind person. Apparently you are lucky today."

She rested for a while, poured herself a glass of water, and drank it.

Looking at the beautifully decorated house, I drooled with envy.

"It's great. Rich people are rich people."

She often sells houses, so she naturally knows that this is a luxurious one with fine decoration. Renting it out will cost tens of thousands of yuan a month.

The money she earned from working hard for a month was not enough to rent a house.

After sitting for a while, I felt that I had relaxed and the sweat on my body had stopped.

Han Ruyan was ready to leave.

It's not easy for her to stay in other people's homes for long.

Although this place is indeed much better than the basement I rented.

"But it's not mine. When I earn enough money to transplant my father's kidney, I'll buy an apartment in our county and decorate it like this."

She didn't dare think about Kyoto anymore. She couldn't work in this place for a lifetime.

"Shui Shui."

A voice came from the bedroom.

Han Ruyan originally walked out, but after thinking for a moment, she came back.

"Hey, the 300 yuan you spent is really worth it, boss!"

He poured a glass of water from the glass he had just drank from and walked into the bedroom.

Boss Pu squinted and shouted for water.

She sat on the bed and put his head on her lap.

"Drink, drink, I'll leave after you finish."

Pu Jie drank some water before the burning sensation in his throat subsided and he became more alert, but he felt like he was on fire all over.

"Hot, hot~"

Han Ruyan looked around. The floor was warm and the temperature was indeed a bit high.

Just after moving a little, she started to sweat again.

The smell of inferior perfume evaporated again and filled the bedroom.

"Hot? The hot spot is good. If you sweat, you will wake up from the wine."

She put the unfinished water glass on the bedside table and stood up to leave.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her wrist from behind.

"Don't leave. Stay with me."

Han Ruyan froze.

Her first reaction was that she was a gangster!

Then he quickly shook off Pu Jie's hand.

She ran out of the room and looked back. Pu Jie made no other movements and was still reaching out on the bed.

"Yuhan, don't leave. I have money. I will have 100 million soon. I can't spend all the money you spend with me."

At this time, Han Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Just drank too much.

However, when she heard 100 million, she was shocked again.

"Is he so rich?"

"This person named Yuhan is so lucky to have found such a rich little boss."

"Although it's not handsome, at least it's not greasy."

As she spoke, she seemed to think of someone and stuck out her tongue in disgust.


Seeing that Pu Jie was not aggressive, she became interested.

Anyway, today’s driving order has been taken, and I will ride my electric bike back to my small rental house in the basement to sleep.

Ask him, I heard that people who drink too much don't lie.

"Boss Pu? What do you do?"

Pu Jie opened his eyes a little and saw a blurry figure, it was a woman.

There is a scent that stimulates the senses on the tip of the nose.

Not high-end, but still very fragrant.

Who is this?

Where am I?

"I am Mr. Pu."

"Mr. Pu? Are you so rich? How did you earn it? Can you teach me?"

Han Ruyan felt that this person was not a threat.

"Making money? I don't want to make money! I'm not interested in money. I have too much money, and there will be more when it's all spent!"

These two words seemed to turn on a switch in Mr. Pu's body, and he started talking more.

It’s like really not wanting to make money.

"Tsk tsk~ Who doesn't want to make money? Who would ride an electric bike at night to drive all of you drunkards away if it wasn't for the sake of making money?"

"It would be great if you could teach me how to make 500,000 yuan."

"Hey, let's go."

Boss Pu behind him was still talking, but it had nothing to do with her.

She wants to go back and have a good sleep and try to sell the apartment tomorrow.

She walked to the door.

"Ding ding ding~"

The phone rang.

"Hello? Mom? What! Got a kidney!?"

".Okay, okay, I understand."

"You don't have to worry about money, I'll find a way."

hang up the phone.

Han Ruyan was stunned. What she was happiest and most afraid of happened.

I have a kidney but no money

She knew that this matter couldn't wait. If she waited, it would be taken away by others.

They don't do surgery. If they are matched with someone else, the other person will do it first.

This matter cannot be delayed.

Not even a moment can be delayed.

She clenched her fists.

"There is still a shortfall of 400,000 yuan, which is enough. The minimum is 400,000 yuan before the hospital can perform this operation."

"Who can borrow it at this time?"


She glanced at the door.

He looked towards the bedroom again.

After hesitating for a moment, he walked in.

Gently closed the bedroom door

Pu Jie felt like he had traveled through time again.

After a drink, we traveled through time again.

This time it's not soul travel, but time going backwards.

He went back to the day Jiang Yuhan came to him

She is beautiful and has a special and charming fragrance about her.

"Huh? Did you change your perfume?"

He took 'Jiang Yuhan''s hand and sat on the bed.

He wanted to get closer and take a closer look at her appearance, but found that he couldn't see clearly.

This time he didn't hesitate and kissed her directly.

There is no time to lose.

After the kiss, 'Jiang Yuhan' asked him if she could be his.

"Of course! You are mine."

"Will you give me 400,000? I need this money"

Pujie smiled.

"No problem, it's only 400,000. I'll have 100 million in two months."

Pu Jie said and kissed her again.

My hands are not idle either.

"Why are you dressed so thickly?"

The smell of perfume in the room became stronger, drowning Pu Jie, and he felt like he was falling into a gentle land.

A strange feeling of strangeness made him feel like he was not alone.

Memories are constantly being reorganized.

When he finally opened his eyes and saw the woman sitting on top of him clearly.

A pair of charming red and phoenix eyes, with springy brows.

who is it?

But he felt it wasn't important at this time.

RMB 10,000 is successful again, come and vote monthly, brothers!

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