I really want to hit the street

Chapter 159 You are so fast

Pu Jie had a dream. He was wrapped in warmth in the scent of a special perfume.

Early in the morning.

Pu Jie felt light all over, just like he ran 10 laps last night, took a hot bath, and went to bed early.

He felt comfortable all over.

His body felt so clear, as if he had released something that he had never released in more than 20 years.


Pu Jie opened his eyes, and the world became clear.

Consciousness recovered.

The fragments of last night's memory were combined in his mind.

Pu Jie subconsciously felt that something special had happened, but he couldn't remember it.

He shook his head and didn't think about it.

He just drank too much. It's normal for his memory to be confused. Maybe it's just a dream.

He was about to reach for his phone from under the pillow,

but his arm was so heavy.


Pu Jie's eyes slowly moved down.



A beautiful young woman nestled in his arms, curled up like a kitten, and was hugged by him.

Her face was rosy.

There were some red marks on her skin and strawberry marks on her neck.

It can be seen that last night must have been very intense.

Pu Jie's body gradually stiffened, and his mind seemed to recall something.

His hand quietly pulled out from under her neck.

Just halfway through, the woman snorted.

"Hmm~ You pressed my hair."

Pu Jie: (*゜ー゜*)

Pu Jie's other hand also regained consciousness and was hugging the woman.

His hand moved slightly, as if touching silk.

It felt great.

Pu Jie had only one feeling at this time: today's matter was good or bad.

Good and bad.

Some things that happened in the dream seemed to be true. He did something last night that he had never done before.

He was still pretending.

He said he had 100 million and could spend it at will.

How much money did he say he gave to this woman?

I can't remember clearly.

And who is she? How did she come to his house?

When Pu Jie was thinking, Han Ruyan opened her eyes.

She was a little confused, and then saw Pu Jie.

She stared at him. (;′⌒`)(°ー°〃)


She cried out briefly, sat up quickly, and then found that she had nothing to eat, so she quickly pulled Pu Jie's quilt from the side and wrapped it up.


During the action, she didn't know where she touched again, and groaned in pain.

Pu Jie: "."

"I think there may be something wrong with this matter. This beautiful lady, can you help me sort out my thoughts?"

Han Ruyan, wrapped in a quilt, also realized where she was and what she had done last night.

She calmed down, then looked at Pu Jie's body, her face slightly red.

"Cover it up first, I'm scared."

Pu Jie awkwardly pulled a small quilt from the side that he usually used for naps and covered himself with it.

The two avoided the embarrassment of being frank.

Although the distance at present is already countless times greater than the distance last night

Pu Jie then carefully observed this woman, her face was very tender and moist.

She must be young, and the skin that is maintained is different from this natural skin.

A pair of phoenix eyes are very beautiful, the kind of beauty that matches her face shape perfectly, with a sense of beauty.

In the previous life, the beauty of this kind of eyes was represented by Liu Xiannv, who was stunningly beautiful.

But she herself had a serious look with her teeth clenched.

There was a special contrasting beauty.

As for her figure, Pu Jie just scanned it in a limited time, it was not bad!

Not as good as Jiang Yuhan, but definitely C+.

Jiang Yuhan and Zhu Yinyin are both 90-point beauties, and this woman is at least 86 points.

Pu Jie felt that this was at least the first time. It was not a loss.

He didn't have to lie in bed and cry.

And he also recognized who this woman was, the female driver who picked him up yesterday.

No wonder she had the opportunity to commit the crime.

But what was her motive?

Was she greedy for her own unremarkable beauty?

Or was it because of something else?

Pu Jie was trying to restore the logic of the matter.

Han Ruyan organized her words and mustered up her courage before saying, "You asked me to accompany you yesterday." Pu Jie scratched his head. Did he say that? Maybe. After all, the fire that Jiang Yuhan had ignited two days ago has not yet been extinguished. I have been dreaming about it these two days. "Well, I drank a little too much and said something I didn't want to say. In my state yesterday, you should be able to refuse, right?" "I think you are a good person, not ugly, and rich, so I agreed." "Ah, this!" Han Ruyan's frankness surprised Pu Jie. For a moment, he didn't know how to continue. Should I say, "Is it convenient for you to have another shot now? I didn't feel it well yesterday." Obviously not! This is too embarrassing. Han Ruyan also let go completely. She had something more important than embarrassment in her heart. "Boss Pu, were you satisfied yesterday?"

"Ah, it should be pretty good. I don't quite remember. Just call me Pu Jie."

"Okay, Pu Jie, since you've already asked for it, why don't you try it again now? This will make it easier for us to talk about it later."

Pu Jie: (*゜ー゜*)

Is this really possible?

"Ahem! Just tell me what you want to talk about. I can still take responsibility for some things."

After becoming wealthy, he spoke with a firm voice.

Mainly, Pu Jie felt a little guilty when he looked at the red spots on the bed sheet.

Han Ruyan nodded.

"Well Pu. Jie, forget it, I'll call you Boss Pu. It's more natural."

"Boss Pu, I have something going on at home and I need your help, so I want to borrow 400,000 from you. I will pay it back to you. I will print the IOU and press my fingerprint."

Borrow money?

Pu Jie frowned.

"Why would you want to borrow money from me?"

Han Ruyan sighed.

"My family is poor, my relatives are poor, and my friends have just graduated and can't afford much money. I really have no other option. I don't want to borrow money at usury, which may ruin my life. So I asked you yesterday, and you said 40 Ten thousand is a small amount to you, but you still call me a billionaire?”

Pu Jie blushed.

Are you so good at blowing when you're drunk?

Waving his hand: "Ahem. Potential billionaire, potential, not yet."

"You can help me, right? I will pay you back, 150,000 yuan a year, and it will all be paid back to you in less than 3 years. And if you miss me during this period, that's fine."

Pu Jie thought, deal?

Then this deal is really beneficial to me.

To support a beauty of this level, 400,000 yuan in three years is really not much.

Although he didn't know the market price, he saw on TV that he had to pay 10,000 to 20,000 yuan a month no matter what.

Not to mention, she will pay back the money, which is equivalent to wasting money.

"Tell me about your situation first."

Han Ruyan didn't hide anything, she told all about her family's situation, and even took out her mobile phone to show Pu Jie her father's diagnosis certificate, laboratory tests, hospital bills, and chats with her mother, etc.

After a while.

Pujie sighed.

"Hey, it's okay, at least we can be saved."

Pu Jie took out his mobile phone and transferred 400,000 to Han Ruyan.

What could he do? Do you want to die without saving anything?

That's impossible!

400,000 is just a number to Mr. Pu, he will soon have 100 million.

90 million of them were all given to him by the system for free.

He has absorbed a lot of luck, and his time travel and system have caught up.

From being a deadbeat to where we are now.

There is no need to be greedy to get all the good things and watch other people's families being torn apart.

It's okay if he doesn't see it, but he won't ignore it if he sees it.

Han Ruyan endured the pain down below, went outside to find a pen and paper, and wrote down the IOU.

Bite your thumb with your mouth and press the mudra.

It was handed over to Pu Jie very solemnly.

"Thank you, Boss Pu."

But she found that Boss Pu had fallen on the bed, covering his nose.

"Hey? Boss Pu? What's wrong with you, Boss Pu?"

Pu Jie covered his nosebleed and said, "Can you please put on your clothes before walking back and forth?"

Han Ruyan glanced at herself and blushed!

The floor heating in this community is so hot that I don’t even feel cold without clothes.

She had just received a 400,000 yuan operation fee. She was so excited that she got out of the quilt and started writing an IOU, which was a bit unsightly.

But she quickly rolled her eyes at Pu Jie.

"Look, you kissed me yesterday anyway, and you hurt me."

"Ah! I'm not sure. I just feel warm."

"Then why don't you try again?"

Pu Jie looked at her with hesitation: "Isn't this bad?"

Han Ruyan closed her eyes.

"Be gentle."


The perfume smell in the room became stronger again, and it was mixed with other intoxicating smells, which smelled very good.

Pu Jie is on top.

It was a real experience.

After taking a shower, Han Ruyan put on her clothes unnaturally.

Pujie was full of satisfaction.

It turns out that this is how it feels.

Sure enough, it is completely different from **.

Han Ruyan was shaking a little while walking, but she was still stubborn and wanted to leave.

"Pu Jie, I went back to perform surgery on my dad, and I just happened to go home for the Chinese New Year. If everything goes well, I won't come back until next month. When I come back to work, I will pay you back every month. "

Pu Jie shook his head: "Don't worry, let's wait until your father's health is almost recovered. There is still a lot of money to spend, and I am not short of it."

Han Ruyan thought for a while and nodded.

"Okay, thank you for making my bet right."

Han Ruyan left.

Pu Jie sighed: "You are so fast."

After Han Ruyan left for a while, Pu Jie felt bursts of heartache.

He said with blurry eyes: "My money, my little treasury, is gone, 400,000 yuan!!!"

"Ah! No! No!! No!!!"

Pu Jie suddenly sat up from the bed.

"No! I'm going to urge them to make good compensation. Whoever stays at home during the holidays will have to earn 5 times the holiday overtime pay for me!"

"Go to the company and work! Contribute to the great cause of losing money!"

After two extremely expensive shots, Pu Jie was full of desire to make money.

He can no longer be a salty fish boss!

He has to work hard and fight hard!

We should spend all the company's money on the knife handle.

"I'm going to be a hard worker today!"

Pu Jie got dressed and rushed directly to Duoyu Company.

Turn on your computer.

Full of energy!

Half an hour later.

Mr. Pu was lying in the video room.

"Just let them come if you want to make money or something. I've given you a good strategy, so it will be no problem. Besides, this is the New Year's Eve. I'm just a child and I'm here to watch a movie. Isn't it too much?"

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