I really want to hit the street

Chapter 160 I, the new author, got lucky

My name is Wang Dachui.

He is a freshman majoring in film and television special effects and a cute new online article author.

My dream is to write a shocking novel, step on the shoulders of great gods, suppress platinum gold, and amaze everyone.

It would be even better if you could earn a little commission on the way.

It's winter vacation. Our school's winter vacation lasts for two months, which is enough for me to display my talents.

I wrote a 10,000-word introduction and posted it to Qidian Chinese. In 3 days, I only received 10 favorites and 3 negative comments.

What makes me even more sad is that a new author came to my book review section to advertise, and then the next day he deleted the advertisement and cursed:

"It's so damned written, I'd be damned if someone saw this!"

I broke my guard.


So the phone case and film of the Xiaomi phone I just bought last semester were replaced.

I felt very distressed, but I was also a little lucky that at least my phone was not broken, otherwise my health would not be better than what happened to my phone.

Mixed doubles, whoever tries will know.

My dad is also a Taekwondo coach. He always changes his Taekwondo uniform before beating me.

Waiting for him to change his uniform was even worse than being beaten.

I wrote another 40,000 words on Qidian. When I reached the 50,000-word mark, I took the initiative to apply for a contract.

Then I was rejected.

The website said that my novel did not meet Qidian Chinese Network’s contract signing standards.

I broke my defense again.


This time, the phone's luck wasn't so good.

Naturally, I didn't escape the disaster either.

My dad had just gotten off work and saw his broken cell phone, so he silently went to change his gi uniform.

I feel that the time it takes for him to change his gi uniform has become longer, and his fighting skills are not as crisp as before. He is getting older, and he has paid too much for this family.

I shouldn't be so ignorant and always make him angry.

I endured the pain in my body and was speechless, hoping that he would calm down.

After we finished, I looked at him panting and felt even more guilty.

He worked all day and didn't even have time to eat.

"Dad, you haven't eaten, have you?"

My dad was stunned.

Then my screams spread throughout the neighborhood.

The dogs in the community also barked together.

The waiting time for the phone to be returned to the factory is excruciating.

I stole my mom’s old cell phone and searched on Baidu: “How can I make money by signing a novel?”

Three search results came out, all of which are training courses provided by Baojiaohui.

After reading their descriptions, I felt like I was just one lesson away from taking off.

It won’t take long for me to sign a contract and be on the shelves, my book will become a hit, I will make millions a year, I will attend the annual meeting, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of my life. Thinking about it, I am still a little excited.

Then I used my mother's Alipay to pay a training fee of 3,000 yuan, in exchange for a set of electronic versions of "Qidian Cheng Mysterious Book: Internet Literature from Getting Started to Being Buried".

While I was carefully studying the skills of becoming a god, my mother saw the payment message on her new mobile phone and silently went to find the gloves.

By the way, my mom is a boxing coach.

I said: "Mom, it doesn't have to be like this. There is a great writer on the Internet who once said: I am born with talents that will be useful. I will come back after all the money I have spent. When I make money by writing a book, these 3,000 yuan will just be water. When the time comes, I will not even have the book. I’ll pay you back with interest.”

My mother said that after beating me, she would let me live with that great writer.

On this day, the dogs in the community barked again.

Fortunately, I kept my copy of "Qidian Cheng Mysterious Book: Internet Writing from Getting Started to Being Buried".

With this thing, I will make a comeback sooner or later, and then let the two of them see what the return of the Dragon King means!


After studying hard for 3 days, I accidentally found a document shared for free by an uploader on site B who talked about novel techniques, which was the same as the one I bought for 3,000 yuan.

He himself is still a flutter.

I broke my defense again.

But this is my mother's mobile phone, I don't dare to drop it.

So, I was extremely angry for the whole day.

Fortunately, although I was incompetent and furious, I did not attract the attention of my parents.

This time, I learned my lesson and knew what Baidu was.

Search: How to write a novel contract.

Sure enough, many reliable answers came out. Among them, I found a place called Longkong Forum.

There are so many like-minded writers there, many of whom have not signed a contract.

Everyone discusses together, reads each other's articles together, and evaluates each other.

There are also many great people telling some breaking news in the industry.

It's so interesting!

After practicing for a while, I feel that my level can indeed beat those so-called masters, but I just can’t recommend it enough.

Because the recommendation positions are all controlled by editors.

A newcomer like me wouldn't get any exposure at all, so naturally no one would watch.

It's normal not to sign a contract, but those who sign a contract usually have a master help push them, or they use the back door.

There are only a few who are truly capable.

I think so.

Then, a person who claimed to be a Qidian veteran added my QQ through my post. He told me that he had a way to get my book signed, but it would cost 1,000 yuan.

He said that after signing the contract and putting it on the shelves, he would earn 1,500 for perfect attendance in a month, so the deal would definitely be worthwhile.

I believed it.

But, my mother doesn't trust me.

She changed her payment password.

During dinner, I tried to talk about this. When I just mentioned the number 1,000 yuan, my parents put down their chopsticks and prepared to go into the house to change clothes.

I shouted anxiously that I was joking.

"This Is A Joke!"

I was so scared that my English started to leak out.

In the end, I dodged a bullet.

But I missed an opportunity to make a name for myself

Not even two days passed.

The account of "Qidian Lao Oilfield" was officially blocked by the Longkong Forum. It was said that he was suspected of defrauding newcomers. The amount of money involved was not small, and the police had been filed.

I lamented the greatness of father's love and mother's love, which reduced the number of my defense breaks.

Of course, I am even more grateful to those good brothers who did not lend me money yesterday.

I don’t give up. If I can’t sign a contract with Qidian, I will go somewhere else to write.

There are many studios on Longkong advertising.

I decided to go to the studio to give it a try, wrote a 10,000-word introduction, and submitted several copies.

One day later, I received a message from one of them called Sweet Potato Studio.

The manuscript is over, 5 yuan for 1,000 words.

I did a little calculation and found that I can write up to 6,000 words on my mobile phone every day, which is only 30 yuan. If I don’t take a break for a month, it is only 900 yuan, which is not as high as Qidian’s full attendance.

Isn’t this bullying an honest person?

The future platinum master is sitting here, and you actually gave me 5 yuan for a thousand words!

"Is ten yuan okay for a thousand words?"

"Write or not write if you like."

Several other studios did not respond.

I was angry and planned to find a small website to submit my article. It would be better than 5 yuan for 1,000 words!

When I published the book the next day, the review failed and the website said I had plagiarized.

The question mark above my head circled the blue star 10 times.

Then I discovered that after chatting with Sweet Potato Studio yesterday, the beginning of this article appeared on other websites, word for word.

I broke my guard again.

There are too many routines in the city!

How can a newcomer survive?

It’s okay not to write this book!

Unexpectedly, I still made money by writing books.

I, the cute new author Wang Dachui, am lucky.

An editor from a company called Duoyu Culture Company added me and said he could sign my book, which cost 30 words per thousand words and could be paid on a daily basis.

I almost cried!

However, that book has been published in advance. If I publish it again, it will be plagiarism.

The editor of Duoyu Company is very kind. He encouraged me to write a better beginning, said that my level was acceptable, and also gave me some online writing skills for free.

I actually cried.

I have been online for nearly a month, suffering from the warmth and ups and downs of the world, as well as male and female doubles.

Finally found a warm organization.

I knew I was in the right place.

I wrote a more explosive beginning than the previous one, successfully passed the manuscript again, signed a contract with Duoyu Company, and wrote books steadily every day. Regardless of whether the book made money or lost money, I could get money.

One knot per day.

With occasional training from editors and personal guidance from reviewing editors, my level has improved rapidly.

I decided to write well in the future to repay Duoyu Culture Company.

Fortunately, my book is starting to get started. Anyway, I just want to say this to Duoyu Company:

"The boss of this kind of company deserves to be rich!"

Ahem, let’s update these first, then add more. It depends on the situation, don’t wait!

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