I really want to hit the street

Chapter 162 Mr. Pu must have other ideas

February 20, the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Thursday, sunny.

It is advisable to open business and avoid fishing.

Duoyu Company has resumed work and production.

Employees have returned to Kyoto from various places, and it’s another year of pursuing their dreams.

However, compared with their previous working experience, they particularly want to come back to work this year.

Otherwise, I won’t feel at ease with the 5 times overtime pay.

I have never been so eager to work overtime during the New Year.

Mr. Pu’s overtime pay is really good!

Sometimes I just communicate in the group about a certain author's book updates and other minor things.

Assistant Qi immediately noted it down.

Working for a while counts as one hour of overtime.

That's outrageous.

It was just a casual chat about books, but as soon as Assistant Qi was notified to record overtime work, he couldn't help but work again.

Mr. Pu is so kind, I can’t earn overtime pay for nothing, right?

Do it!

As a result, during the Chinese New Year, Duoyu Company not only did not lose its basic business, but the editors also guided some writers with good understanding.

When have new authors ever been treated like this?

Big websites are unable to sign contracts, and even if they are signed, editors don’t pay much attention to them.

Duoyu Company, the editor is still online during the New Year, teaching newbies writing skills.

It is simply the conscience of the industry!

Blown away by the author!

This resulted in a significant increase in the number of manuscripts received!

When Meng Xingkong and Xiaoxing chatted privately, they often lamented that Mr. Pu's ability to control people has reached its peak, and everyone is willing to work overtime, making the company full of vitality and enthusiasm.

The two of them do a very good job.

Today, as soon as the business opened, everyone quickly got into work mode, without any post-holiday syndrome at all.

Oh no, Jimmy and Liu Jiannan have a point.

Bartenders and company gardeners did not have the opportunity to work overtime during the Chinese New Year, so they lost 5 times their overtime pay!

Seeing others working overtime crazily in the group, the two of them could only worry.

It’s so uncomfortable!

Fortunately, everyone went to work today and can receive overtime pay together again.

Jimmy is a senior bartender, the kind with a certificate, which is different from the guys in the milk tea shop who put ingredients according to the recipe list.

He has his own concept of mixing drinks and creates his own drinks.

He has some skills in coffee, milk tea, fruit drinks, tea, yogurt, and even bartending.

The most important thing is that Mr. Pu never limits his raw materials. Unlike some small companies, which only provide a few fruits, a few punch powders, and monthly usage restrictions, he can't do it even if he has all the means. Come out with something new!

Unlike in Duoyu Company, no one stuck with his raw materials, which allowed Jimmy to have nothing to do and research some new drinks.

Although there will be more consumables, his drink menu is also updated frequently, with one or two new flavors of drinks every week.

Well received by Duoyu Company employees.

His salary is also very high, 10,000 yuan per month plus five insurances and one housing fund, which is a bit higher than ordinary editors.

Almost equal to Meng Xingkong and Xiaoxing, but their commissions are no less than their salaries.

If Jimmy wants to make more money, he has to work overtime.

Today, Jimmy arrived early and was ready to work overtime.

Nowadays, as long as there is one person in the office who refuses to leave, he will not leave and will stand on the last shift!

Pu Jie arrived at the company before school started.

The pretty girl at the front desk greeted her with a sweet smile: "Hello, Mr. Pu~"

Jimmy: "Hello, Mr. Pu~"

Liu Jiannan: "Hello, Mr. Pu!"

"Hi everyone~"

Pu Jie was about to walk in when he found that his arm was being held by Liu Jiannan.

"Mr. Pu, the 'Mr. Pu is good' I just said is different from theirs. They express greetings and respect, and the 'Mr. Pu is good' I said is my idea this year. I pruned our company's landscape trees. They look like little people bending down and bowing. They are facing the direction you are coming from, as if to say hello to Mr. Pu. "

Pu Jie took a look, and sure enough!

The company's landscape trees have all been pruned and they look stylish. After people get out of the elevator, they are surrounded by landscape trees. The little people pruning them respectfully greet them all the way, which has a strong visual impact.

There is an inexplicable sense of advanced ritual.

"What a guy! As expected of a senior gardener, he has a lot of stuff."

Pu Jie clicked his tongue in surprise. He didn't spend his money in vain.

Money is a good thing, just use it wherever you want.

Pu Jie was also very happy looking at these good employees who helped him complete the task of losing money.

During the Chinese New Year, he tried to handle some company matters by himself.


There are too many messy things to deal with.

In the end, he realized that he was an ordinary person with no talent for company management, and it was better to just write books honestly.

Anyway, Meng Xingkong, who has worked in a closed studio, Xiaoxing, who has only one year of work experience, and assistant Qi Fei, who is full of luck, are in charge of the company's affairs.

This dream lineup is matched with three strategies of losing money.

Even when Jesus came, he couldn’t save us, he said that!

As soon as Pu Jie entered the company, he suddenly thought of something else.

"Wait a minute. I just went to work today. When did you get your hair cut?"

Liu Jiannan smiled: "Mr. Pu, I arrived yesterday. I found the keys that the assistant asked for and cut them first. It just so happens that the company is open today, so I have a surprise for you."

"Don't do these formalities. Then report yesterday's 5 times overtime pay to the financial department!"


Liu Jiannan gave Jimmy a proud look.

He also earned 5 times the overtime pay!


“Damn, you’re so busy working overtime?”

Shaking his head helplessly, he could only slowly recover from his daily overtime work.

"Mr. Pu, what are you drinking today? Do you want to try the cat poop durian coffee I just developed?"

Pu Jie:(*゜ー゜*)

Why does it sound so spicy?

"You always come up with new tricks for me. Have a cup and put it in my office."

"Okay Mr. Pu~"

Pu Jie walked into the company, where Meng Xingkong and the others were working.

"Lao Meng and Xiaoxing come to my office."

Inside the boss's big office.

Mr. Pu, Meng Xingkong and Xiaoxing sat opposite each other.

"Lao Meng, how is our company's business lately? Tell us about the specific situation."

Meng Xingkong had already expected that Mr. Pu would ask.

He took out his little black notebook and reported:

"Mr. Pu, as of now, we have signed a total of 619 writers, and have published a total of 932 books. 357 books have been cut off or discontinued, and 575 books are being serialized. The number of updates varies, because we have given With more money, everyone’s desire to create is high. The average daily update volume is currently around 8,000 words, and these books are relatively stable.”

Pu Jie nodded. Although the number did not reach the 1,000 he requested, it was quite a lot.

"How much royalties do we need to pay out every day?"

Meng Xingkong: "Except for a few books, these people all signed contracts according to the standards you mentioned. All the copyrights of the books are bought out for 30 yuan per thousand words. We probably send out nearly 140,000 yuan every day."

Pu Jie: "Okay!"

"Well done!"

"Keep it up!"

This fully met Mr. Pu’s expectations. He lost 140,000 yuan every day, and in the remaining forty-five days, he could lose 6.3 million yuan!

It is completely possible to lose all the money left in the system, and even the money is not enough to lose. You can't recruit new authors, so you have to spend your money leisurely, otherwise it will be embarrassing if the wages to employees cannot be paid by then.

If I need to pay from my own pocket, I will be so heartbroken that I can't breathe.

Now that he thinks of the 400,000 yuan, Mr. Pu is still a little worried.

Fortunately, he will soon complete his task and obtain 100 million personal funds.

Pu Jie glanced at the system interface.

[Company name: Duoyu Culture Co., Ltd.]

[Total funds: 5,147,812 yuan (↓6,364,658 yuan)]

[Challenge period: 90 days]

[Challenge rules: One week before settlement, the company must not have backlogged copyrights, unreleased movies and TV series, unsold products, etc. If there are, it will affect the system settlement. Please pay attention to the time. 】

【.(Click to expand detailed rules)】

[Conversion ratio: 100:1 for profit settlement and 1:10 for loss settlement. 】

[There are still 45 days left before settlement. 】

Pu Jie is very satisfied with the current progress and everything is under his control.

Meng Xingkong was a little confused. He hadn't reported other achievements yet. How could it be fine?

He looked at Xiaoxing doubtfully, and Xiaoxing gave him a look: Just follow Mr. Pu's arrangements.


Mr. Pu must have other ideas.

Just record it yourself.

Pu Jie said excitedly: "You two have done a good job. The work is progressing very quickly. Now, the number of authors is almost there. Don't increase it any more. Just maintain the current level."

"Also, don't be timid in doing things. Even if our Duoyu Company is temporarily losing money, it doesn't matter! It takes time to cultivate flowers, and it also takes time to cultivate good authors. Even if we lose 11.5 million! It doesn't matter, because sooner or later we will make money. Come back!"

Earning a P is all in vain. Where can I get back my money in three months?

"Okay, you go ahead and work hard. The commission will be calculated for you. Don't feel any pressure."

The two walked out of Mr. Pu's office.

Meng Xingkong scratched his head: "Tell me, why doesn't Mr. Pu ask about our profitability?"

If Xiaoxing has some enlightenment.

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