I really want to hit the street

Chapter 163 Understanding Mr. Pu’s ‘real’ intention

Meng Xingkong's control of the office chair is now very smooth.

He pressed his right foot lightly on the ground, and the ground gave him a recoil force.

Then lift your feet quickly to avoid friction with the ground.

This power will send him and his chair across the long office corridor to Editor-in-Chief Xiaoxing's side.


Put your hands on the brakes and put your feet down, all at once.

The two met at Xiaoxing's desk because it was far away from Mr. Pu's office to prevent Mr. Pu from hearing some of his immature opinions.

He, Meng Xingkong, cannot and does not understand what Mr. Pu really means.

Therefore, after every meeting, he would seek confirmation from Xiaoxing.

Make sure you understand the 'real' Mr. Po strategy.

It's not something superficial, then anyone can do it, and there's no need to recruit Xiaoxing to be his partner.

In Meng Xingkong's view, editor-in-chief Xiaoxing was the one whom Mr. Pu sent here to help him because he was afraid that he would not understand what he usually said.

As expected of Mr. Pu, he has left no stone unturned!

"Xiaoxing, tell me, why didn't Mr. Pu ask about our profitability just now?"

Xiaoxing pondered for a moment and adjusted his black-rimmed glasses with his hands.

Meng Xingkong seemed to see a flash of light passing by.

"First we have to rule out that Mr. Pu forgot to ask this stupid question."

"I speculate that Mr. Pu actually wants to remind us of one thing through such a small incident: just because he doesn't say it, doesn't mean he doesn't know."

"Through some of Mr. Pu's previous operations, we know that Mr. Pu is a person who counts every step he takes. He will plan everything before deciding, and every word he says is full of meaning, even if there are some words that we can't understand at the moment. Understand it, and you will naturally realize it when it comes into play later.”

"You think about it, Mr. Pu must have a better grasp of the company than we do, so he must know everything about the financial aspects. He doesn't know about profits. I guess Mr. Pu only needs to hear us say how many books we have. Update How many words, coupled with his own judgment of the market, can easily get the number of profits we can currently make.”

"Today is February 20th. We have paid authors a month's royalties, and everything is on track. However, those websites have only settled a small amount of last month's money for me, which is not much at all. This month’s money is the bulk, and it can’t be fully settled until the 15th of next month. Only then will we be truly profitable. I estimate that Mr. Pu will talk to us about profitability again on the 15th of next month. That That’s when everything became clear.”

Meng Xingkong was enlightened.

"I see!"

"It has to be you, Xiaoxing. Although I can now master some of Mr. Pu's speaking skills, I still can't see through it."

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "I have been working with Mr. Pu for more than a year. I have witnessed the miraculous comeback in three books and I can gradually understand some of Mr. Pu's methods. But I am still far behind. I will definitely learn more in the future."

"Indeed, we will make progress together and strive to catch up with Mr. Pu's ideas as soon as possible."

Meng Xingkong was just about to paddle away with a dragonfly.

Xiaoxing grabbed him.

"Brother Meng, Mr. Pu just told us something important."

"Oh, I understand! We won't recruit a large number of writers now. I'm going to take a break unless I encounter someone with particularly high-quality writing."

Xiaoxing nodded and shook his head.

"Brother Meng, you only understand the first level of Mr. Pu's meaning. There is a second level of meaning in this sentence."

Meng Xingkong did not rush to ask Xiaoxing what the second level meant, but thought about what Mr. Pu once said.

After pondering for a moment, he clapped his hands suddenly.


"I get it! When Mr. Pu said not to recruit new writers, he actually told us that it's time to start the second phase! At present, the first phase of the company's large-scale recruitment of writers has passed, and the number is enough. Then... the next step is to Let’s screen out the unqualified authors, find those who share our spirit, and keep them.”

Xiaoxing showed a satisfied smile.

"Brother Meng, you have made progress."

Meng Xingkong scratched his head and said sheepishly: "Indeed, after following Mr. Pu for a long time, I feel that my thinking has been improving unconsciously. There is no way, I can't understand Mr. Pu's requirements without thinking."

Xiaoxing continued: "What Mr. Pu means is indeed true. We should filter down the authors. In fact, he already hinted at us in the question just now. Why did he ask us how much royalties we pay out every day? Then he said that the number of authors should be controlled. Because Mr. Pu has already seen that there are many unprofitable books in our contracts, so we need to cut the losses immediately!"

"Mr. Pu said that we should not have any psychological pressure, the company can afford to pay, which further emphasized his previous concept. Duoyu Company does not care about temporary losses, as long as it is operated properly, some unprofitable ones are cut off in time, and more capable people are cultivated. A good author who makes money will always produce hits and turn losses into profits!”

Meng Xingkong's eyes widened: "Hiss~~"

"Understood! In the past two days, we have started to check the 575 serialized books in our hands, and cut out some books that are messy, have poor word count, have poor plots, and have poor data. The strong man will cut off his wrist, and we will stop the loss this month!"

Xiaoxing added: "We will make a profit next month and give Mr. Pu a perfect answer."

"That's right!"

“With Mr. Pu’s step-by-step guidance, I feel much more at ease.”

The two office managers have already figured out the next step, and everyone is getting busy again.

This time, everyone’s time is not spent on new manuscripts.

Instead, he started to clean up the 575 books in his hands and the 619 writers who had signed contracts.

After Meng Xingkong arranged for his editors to start working, he opened the WeChat "Duoyu Culture Company Elite Writers Group (Secret)" group.

Recently, there has been a happy atmosphere inside.

Everyone’s books have done well!

This time, Meng Xingkong chose the right theme and personally led them to start a simulator trend in Qidian.

The simulator is on fire!

This group of second-timers, even if their writing skills are poor, still get angry.

Especially the three best-written books:

"My Strategy Goddess Simulator", "My Immortal Cultivation Simulator", "Wu Dalang's Sims".

These three people are also recognized as the best writers in the group, and they are all college students.

It takes 1 to 2 years to write a book.

The old man is on the street.

Under Meng Xingkong's unremitting training, he finally broke out his own small universe on the subject of simulators!

In the past, Meng Xingkong gave them a price of 15 yuan per book and updated 6,000 words every day, and they could make a small profit of 3,000 yuan a month.

For Laopujie, it is quite good.

This book was priced at 30 yuan per thousand words, and everyone screamed with excitement.

The creative state is full and the quality has been greatly improved.

The more you write, the smoother it becomes.

These 30 books have been open for more than 30 days, with more than 6,000 daily updates. They have all exceeded Qidian’s shelf standard of 150,000 words. There are also 7 books on Sanjiang, and they will all be on shelves tomorrow.

The three simulators that were the first to be released on Sanjiang were all put on the shelves last week.

Happy first order!

"My Strategy Goddess Simulator": 5,200 for the first order.

"My Immortal Cultivation Simulator": 2800 for first order.

"Wu Dalang's Sims": 3,600 for the first order.

A proper takeoff trio!

Among the best works in Sanjiang.

The application was successful. What is surprising is that the collection of "Wu Dalang's Sims" is more than 10,000 less than that of "My Immortal Cultivation Simulator", but the first order is actually 800 higher!

I can only say that this book is well written, there are many people willing to spend money, and the historical classification is also more stable.

The future is promising!

A smile appeared on Meng Xingkong's face: "When the remaining 27 books are put on the shelves tomorrow, the data will definitely be good, and the royalties for the next month will definitely surprise Mr. Pu!"

There will be more updates soon.

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