I really want to hit the street

Chapter 170 Mr. Pu, actually...has noticed it for a long time (additional update, 19/135)

Chapter 170 Mr. Pu has actually noticed it a long time ago (Additional update, 19135)

Yuedu Novel Network.

Boss Huang He finally has a smile on his face recently.

He finally had some decent new media books under his belt, and he put these books into all new media channels.

I used my connections to get a lot of resources.

Exposure and delivery volume are guaranteed.

Moreover, there are not many books that can be recommended on their website, so a lot of resources are allocated to these books, and the recommendation is even stronger than Qidian’s books!

Others don’t understand the advantages of their website.

After all, new media channels have only been popular for a year, and they are different from the way traditional online articles are operated.

It is extremely wrong to use some previous opinions to infer the operation methods of new media.

Huang He almost ruined the company with the resources in hand.

Then he could only run away with his beloved sister-in-law.

Fortunately, a batch of life-saving books came. Although the quality is not particularly high, the new media channels are sufficient.

These books are all carefully selected by Xiaoxing.

When he was at Qidian, he was the editor who received the most new media manuscripts in the entire Qidian editorial department and had the most insights into the market and analysis of new media channels.

If it comes to traditional online articles, he may not be as accurate as a senior editor.

But when it comes to new media articles...hehe, no one can control him.

He published two books with Pu Ding, the first new media king!

Therefore, even though the writing style of this batch of books is relatively poor, Xiaoxing helped them modify the introduction and beginning to ensure that they can be exposed on new media channels and attract readers to click and read.

There are several characteristics of new media articles that even many authors who write about them are not very clear about.

But Xiaoxing understood and summed up the 9-word mantra:

It has gimmicks, a sense of substitution, and strong emotions!

These are three points that an excellent new media novel needs to focus on.

There must be a gimmick at the beginning!

Immediately catch the readers' attention through a plot.

For example, at the beginning of "Urban Dragon King's Son-in-law", Long Aotian saw his wife wearing a bath towel in a hotel with another man.

Caught in bed! Here comes the gimmick.

The second is the sense of immersion. This is mainly about grounding, because most readers of new media are people of all ages who have never read novels, and there are almost no elites. Therefore, the identity of the protagonist must be grounded. , for example, in "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" Long Aotian is an ordinary clerk, the son-in-law of the Lin family. Of course, his identity is reversed later, but his underlying logic is that he has concealed his ordinary identity for three years.

The third is strong emotions. This is the most important. You must raise your emotions at the beginning, even if you abuse the master. Let’s take "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" as an example. At the beginning, your wife cheated on you, you were ridiculed by the adulterer, and you asked your mother-in-law to seek justice. As a result, he was kicked out of the Lin family, and asking his wife to marry someone else was extremely cruel, and his blood pressure was about to rise! Readers follow suit and can't help but read down to see how to kill them, then the goal is achieved.

Xiaoxing used these 9-character mantra in all the new media articles he reviewed.

Although the level of these authors varies, don't forget that this is a new media channel, and writing skills are never an issue.

It doesn’t matter if the whole thing is spoken in plain language.

Maybe it’s still an advantage!

All those high-quality and popular authors have failed in new media channels, while some low-level and middle-level authors are thriving here.

45 new media articles, under the operation of Yuedu Novel Network, are constantly exposed in new media channels.

Because the settlement of new media is one month later than that of the website, there is no royalties for this month. However, according to Xiaoxing’s chat with the editor of Yuedu Novel, the results are pretty good. At least there are no books that fail immediately after just one trial.

If nothing else happens, I will get the first batch of royalties next month.

"Fortunately, I can catch up with Mr. Pu's three-step plan, and I can start making profits next month. Together with Mr. Meng's 30 simulators, the two will blossom!"

The profits from these books actually belong to Duoyu Company, because the author signed a buyout contract of 30 yuan per thousand words, while the website signed a guaranteed contract of 30 yuan per thousand words.

In addition to Qidian's simulator and new media articles on Yuedu Novel Network.

There are also many novels evenly distributed across various sites that suit the style of their book.

The imaginative and fast-paced Feilu novel, the two-dimensional hedgehog dog with explosive concentration, the supernatural Black Flame novel, and the beautiful Jinjiang novel.

Some books are not bad, they are just in the wrong places.

This requires capable and knowledgeable editors to correct them, revise them, package them and submit them to the right website.

Meng Xingkong often laments to Xiaoxing.

"Mr. Pu's eye for selecting people is really outstanding. He has selected so many editors who are both down-to-earth and capable, with strong abilities and low talk. Their execution ability is extremely high. Not even a sneaky person can be dissatisfied."

Little Yes, he is very familiar with the operation and selection of other websites, which saves us a lot of trouble. ”

The two were once again impressed by Mr. Pu's wisdom.

Mr. Pu himself felt that something was not quite right.

After playing happily with Yuhan for a few days.

on March 8th.

He accidentally opened the system interface.

I found that the company’s funds actually increased!


Very strange!

The last time Pu Jie checked, the company had only 3.7 million in funds left.

When I looked again today, it actually rose to 6.51 million.

An increase of 2.81 million.

Pu Jie's head was filled with questions.

"What happened to the kidney?"

“Where did this money come from???”

"Assistant Qi, come here!"

After Qi Fei arrived, Pu Jie started to ask.

"Has the company made any revenue recently?"

Qi Fei was well prepared. She took out a small notebook and recorded some financial information of Duoyu Company.

"Mr. Pu, three days ago, our company received hundreds of royalties, totaling about 2.81 million."

Pu Jie: "."

It’s all royalties! ?

"Hiss~~that's right!"

Pu Jie came to his senses at this time. He had only calculated how much money he would send out before, but he did not expect that the books written by these newcomers would still be profitable.

Because in his subconscious mind, books written by newcomers basically cannot make money.

"But. Even if you can get a little blood back, why do you suddenly come out with so much???"

"Something's wrong, something's definitely wrong!"

Mr. Pu felt a slight pain in his back, and that familiar feeling came.

As soon as the settlement is almost over, something goes wrong!

"Lao Meng, Xiaoxing, come!"

Looking at the two people, Mr. Pu asked angrily: "Tell me, what's going on with this financial situation? Why did you get 2.81 million in royalties last month?"

Come on, Mr. Pu found out!

Meng Xingkong replied directly: "Mr. Pu, the royalties for these novels we signed have begun to be settled."

"Why are there so many?"

Xiaoxing said: "Some of our books are of good quality and we can make some money. Some of our books are not of good quality, but we don't lose too much."

Meng Xingkong scratched his head: "However, we are still losing money as a whole."

Mr. Pu nodded, probably understanding.

I have received many good books.

Pu Jie suddenly felt a little regretful. Why didn't he expect that his health would return last month?

He wanted to ask Meng Xingkong to cut off all the books that made money, but he would definitely be warned by the system. Wouldn't this be a deliberate loss?

However, fortunately, the current losses are more than the profits. Theoretically speaking, he only needs to expand the scale. When the settlement is next month, he can lose all the money, and then when the royalties come out next month, he can find a way to attack If you spend it, you will almost lose money in the end.

"Okay, now the plan has changed. You continue to collect books, double the current books, and strive to issue 6 million in royalties this month! Do you still remember the three strategies I told you before? Don't change!"

"By the way, the workload will definitely increase. Assistant Qi will recruit 302,015 more people for them. Yes, they will recruit 15 more editors. I will also interview them in person."

"Okay Mr. Pu."

After the two of them went down, they were a little confused.

"Why does Mr. Pu want to receive new books again? If we continue to train them, we may not be able to turn losses into profits next month?"

Xiaoxing shook her head: "Maybe Mr. Pu takes a long-term view, right?"

Just when the two of them were a little confused.

Meng Xingkong suddenly received a call from an old friend.

"Mr. Meng, I heard they said that your Duoyu Company's manuscripts are pretty good. Can you give us some for our website? We need to get some customized books to fill our library recently. Don't worry, the price will definitely not be lower than what their website offers!"

Today, Meng Xingkong received calls from three small websites, all asking him to contribute to the websites.

Duoyu Company’s articles are all high-quality and have been circulated!

Suddenly, Meng Xingkong and Xiaoxing looked at each other.

"Mr. Pu, I have noticed it a long time ago!"

Wuhu, 10,000 words updated!

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