I really want to hit the street

Chapter 171 The last step of turning losses into profits: customized writing

In this world, China has a certain scale of novel websites operating normally, with more than 30 in total.

However, most readers can only see the first few with bigger names.

Then other websites don’t make money?

not really.

Each website has its own set of readers.

For example, two new websites have been recently opened that specialize in new media channels like Yuedu Novel. Their readers are the majority of readers who have never read online articles. They push articles to them through major new media channels and make money from them. .

There are also some websites that have been around for a long time, but have been suppressed by newcomers.

For example, Migu Reading, a website that is independent of the mobile reading base, was the top novelist more than ten years ago. Even Qidian has to look up to others.

Because non-smart phones at that time could not download anything, this software came with it. If you wanted to read a book on your phone, you had to browse the web, or you could only read in the bookstore, and most people would choose Reading City.

At that time, it was all the rage.

However, due to various reasons, it was suppressed by later websites, but it is still alive and has a large number of loyal readers. The benefits for writers on the website are also good.

There are also some websites that are diverted by parent companies, such as Wangyiyun Novel. They only serve their own group of people who listen to music. They have never listened to it, but they have a lot of user groups.

Relying on its own online music platform, advertisements are posted every day, and there are always a few users clicking in. Who can refuse to read a sad article while listening to Eason Chan's "Don't Want to Talk" and emo alone at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night? Where are you crying so hard?

The sales volume of many female abuse articles on Wang Yiyun is astonishingly high!

It's just that they are not famous, they are secretly carrying money in sacks.

I won’t go into details about other old and new websites. Generally speaking, those that survive are like novel websites such as Yuedu, Migu, and Wangyiyun. They have their own reading groups, but the authors who go to these websites to write books .not much.

The authors of so many websites combined are not enough to compete with Qidian authors.

Newcomers, however, often only look for Qidian, causing themselves to be beaten by Qidian's high-quality authors.

Although these websites are not as famous as Qidian, they also want books and must develop. Otherwise, if the leading author has nothing to do, he will go to Qidian to become a god and preach. Who will serve the readers of their websites?

Therefore, the demand for receiving articles from these websites is much greater than that of Qidian!

Qidian just lay back and waited for the manuscript to come by itself, and even picked and picked to make it more difficult to sign the contract.

These websites don't work.

A true incident happened some time ago. A mid-level and high-level author of a small website, with a monthly income of 50,000+, felt that his level had been improved enough. After careful preparation, he came to preach with a new book.

As a result, the contract was rejected.

The defense was broken instantly.

The author put together his royalties from other sites and the reply from Qidian that he refused to sign a contract, and sent them to Longkong.

It made many authors and readers laugh out loud.

This author carried the train back to his small website overnight to start a book.

Qidian’s signing standards are too scary, sincerely RBQ.

So there is a strange look in the Internet literary circle.

A lot of unsigned writers just started.

Other websites lack authors. After editors finish their manuscripts at work every day, they go to Qidian to hunt for authors when they have nothing to do.

More than 30 websites attract authors from Qidian.

Even if there are less than 500 average subscriptions in Qidian, there are still people poaching players who say they are playing level 1!

After all, authors who can sign contracts from Qidian are already better than 90% of authors.

One in ten.

Have the ability to eat this bowl of rice.

Other websites will also hire some online editors to attract authors to open books on the website and give them commissions based on the number of people.

They also want some good books to retain their readers.

In addition, due to the poor ability of websites to create gods, the themes and new content of these websites are far less rich than Qidian.

And some new types of books are very popular and are read by a lot of people. What should I do?

Customized article!

According to the current market trend, we will issue customized writing tasks and collect a batch of books with popular themes.

For example, "The Rogue Doctor" became popular on WeChat channels, and then on new media channels. It even attracted many viewers on Qidian.com.

Authors from Qidian have begun to imitate such books, and go to the channels to put money in sacks.

The small websites that mainly focus on channels can’t rest. They are also collecting rural articles, miracle cure articles, and ambiguous articles.

For this type of customized writing, the price offered by the website will be much higher than the ordinary one. After all, it is easy to achieve results after being verified by the market.

For the author, it is a relatively profitable article.

If you have the ability, go write a custom text.

And just now.

Some small websites are actively contacting Meng Xingkong, hoping that their Duoyu company can provide them with some high-quality customized articles.

Only then did Meng Xingkong and Xiaoxing realize how terrifying Mr. Pu's methods were!

The control of timing is simply the best!

Mr. Pu knows that as long as they do a good job in quality control, they will be able to make a name for themselves and attract other websites to come to them for customized articles.

At this time, as soon as Mr. Pu finished speaking, a website came looking for him.

Is it a coincidence?

Certainly not!

Mr. Pu must have had the news a long time ago, so he immediately arranged for them to re-collect the article.

During this period, although Duoyu Company also received articles, they received very few unless they saw very high-quality ones.

But many of them echo their standards.

If the author has not published the book on other websites, you can use it!

Meng Xingkong marveled: "Mr. Pu really calculated every step and made the best move. It's hard for this company to lose money."

"Indeed, I thought I could analyze Mr. Pu's layout, but I didn't expect that there is also a hidden layout, hidden so deeply, and through word-of-mouth fermentation, other websites took the initiative to approach us for high-priced manuscripts. It was really unexpected. However, this is indeed Mr. Pu’s classic operation method, one step after another.”

Xiaoxing originally felt that she was somewhat proficient because she had recently operated a wave of Qidian books, but now she hurriedly put away her slightly arrogant heart.

Meng Xingkong said happily: "This wave of customized articles is great. We can get a guarantee of 40 per thousand words. Originally, I was worried about whether we could turn a loss into a profit next month, but now it seems that there is no need to worry at all!"

"Mr. Pu obviously saw this, so he asked us to spend 6 million in manuscript fees to strongly support customized articles. This wave will definitely win in one fell swoop!"

"As we get started, I can't help but want to see the company turn around from losses to profits next month. Mr. Pu will definitely be very happy that we can perfectly implement his three strategies."


The two went to work on customized articles, sorted out the manuscripts from Duoyu Company's reserve manuscripts that matched the themes of customized articles for each website, and communicated with the author on the next creative direction.

As he continued to work, Meng Xingkong received another call for a manuscript.

"Ah! Your website plans to customize some simulator-themed novels? Then you have found the right place. No, no, no! No need to send me those mature simulator works, because they are all written by my authors."

Meng Xingkong smiled.

He is familiar with the simulator!

I immediately found some authors who had not written books, formed a small group, and posted all their previous teachings.

The website gives 45 per thousand words, and he will give the author 35 per thousand words to write.

Suddenly, these authors, who were planning their own new books, immediately rebelled.

Go to TM’s new book, labor and management want to make money!

What a fucking simulator!

And with 30 successful or less successful experiences in various simulators, Meng Xingkong has a better grasp of this subject.

I pulled out the rhythm table. As long as I write according to this rhythm and add my own content, it will definitely be good.

For a time, the entire editorial department was extremely busy.

Mr. Pu looked at the people who started throwing coins again with satisfaction and felt relieved.

"Fortunately, I paid attention to the company's funds, otherwise something would have gone wrong if I had discovered it too late."

Within two days, Pu Jie interviewed a group of editors who looked most like intermittent gangsters.

Honest, few words, not many ideas, and no experience of holding important positions in other websites.

After arriving, I would definitely go with the flow, do some work and start dawdling.

After recruiting 15 editors, Pu Jie felt that the situation had returned to stability.

"When the manuscript fee comes out next month, just find a way to spend most of it unexpectedly. Even if there is only one million left, it's not a big problem. If you lose 10 million, it's still 100 million."

Because of some unexpected royalties, Pu Jie could not force the money-making book to be cut, so he could only settle for the next best thing and avoid losing less.

Meng Xingkong was overjoyed when he saw that Mr. Pu had hired 15 more editors with strong execution capabilities.

We are more confident about turning losses into profits next month.

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