I really want to hit the street

Chapter 172 My evaluation has only two words: Chaos! kill!

Time flies by, half a month later.

March 23.

During this time, Pu Jie was going to school while paying attention to the company's situation, and found that everyone began to increase their efforts to spread money again.

The speed at which money is spent increases dramatically.

Spreading coins even more fiercely than before!

Yesterday was the peak, with 300,000 royalties being spent in one day!

At this speed, the company will definitely lose all its money before the major websites issue publishing fees next month.

Just now, Fu Weng called Pu Jie and said that the TV series "Country Love" has been finalized and entered post-production.

Soon you will be able to watch the TV series on Neiku.com, and many traditional TV stations are optimistic about their TV series. They first sold the rights to the TV station for the first round of broadcasting. However, Pu Jie is not too concerned about this. After all, the subsequent operations and He has nothing to do with it.

He has received a screenwriting fee of 300,000 yuan from the crew.

Pu Jie planned to take out 100,000 yuan from it and distribute it to the two screenwriters Wang Jin and Zhang Wei.

Then I thought about it and realized that the two of them had paid a lot, and I didn’t even go to the set in the later stages.

A total of 500,000 screenwriting fees.

It doesn’t seem good to give 200,000 to two people and leave 300,000 for myself.

Later, he added another 50,000 yuan and distributed it to the two of them.

Now, their rewards are the same.

In exchange, they were grateful.

This kind of boss who takes the initiative to increase prices is really rare.

Generally speaking, shooter screenwriters like them are good if they don't get shortchanged, and the blame will be thrown on their heads.

Unlike Pu Bian, who not only gave the two the right to sign, but also paid enough screenwriting fees. The most important thing is that they have gained respect from Pu Bian!

Even if Pu Bian is at such a high level, he is still willing to play with them and give them some opportunities to make money and become famous.

Pu Bian ate meat and gave them a bite of bones.

Pu Jie thought it was normal.

In the future, if his work needs to be adapted, I don’t know. It will require the help of two people.

He had a vague feeling that the two of them were not creatures in the pond who would turn into dragons when the storm hit them.

His level is really not as good as others. What he has more is the experience of watching a lot of TV series and movies in his previous life, and he knows some interesting plots and stories. But if he wants to show it, his level is not enough at all, and he has to rely on others. .

"If I can't make any money in the future, I can still make quick money by cooperating with them to copy movie scripts."

Just like this time in "The Man from Earth", he provided the overall framework, creativity, and characters, and screenwriter Wang Xiang perfected the rest.

Although the script created in this way is definitely slightly different from the one on earth, in general it still tastes good.

Maybe after being adapted by the screenwriter of this world, more interesting sparks will burst out.

Thinking about it, Pu Jie suddenly laughed.

"What am I thinking about? Why am I short of money? I will be a billionaire in half a month, hahaha~"

Multifish Company.

After Mr. Pu’s recruitment, the total number of people has reached 40.

Assistant Qi purchased another 15 sets of workstations, computers and other office supplies, spending more than 300,000 yuan.

With the addition of manpower, Meng Xingkong and Xiaoxing flexed their muscles.

In one fell swoop, 400 customized articles were delivered to 10 small websites, filling them up instantly.

This is also the reason why the company spends a large amount of royalties.

There are too many books.

The review tasks of editors are also intensifying. Fortunately, 15 new editors have joined, otherwise it would be impossible to complete the task within the time specified by Mr. Pu.

"Now that it's done, we will definitely be able to pay out 6 million in royalties by the end of the month."

"I don't feel bad about the payment for the manuscript fee at all. Even if these customized articles are not popular, we can still make money. The more we distribute, the more we earn."

"Just wait for the royalties to be settled next month!"

After no longer accepting new articles, the pressure on editors has been reduced a lot.

Needless to say, Mr. Pu will relax appropriately.

The 15 new editors were shocked when they saw their colleagues playing games at work!

"Is this Editor Wang a relative of the boss? How dare you play games at work?"

The old editor laughed.

"Brother, you don't understand. Our company, Duoyu, is all about efficiency. If you can finish your work quickly every day, you can also go to the movies, play games, or go to the lounge to smoke a cigarette. , squint for a while.”

The 15 new editors were amazed.

There is actually such a company?

Suddenly, everyone’s work efficiency was greatly improved!

Authors who write books under Duoyu Company can feel the editor's professionalism, high efficiency, quick responses, good attitude, and active guidance for everyone to write books.

I prefer writing here!

10 days later.

Wednesday, April 3rd.

It is advisable to observe and avoid making any noise.

Pu Jie has an instructor's class today and is trapped in school with Zhang Yang.

Today is the day for various websites to issue manuscript fees.

The editors of Duoyu Company sat upright and began to check the royalties for their books.

After last month's large-scale development, Duoyu Company has 785 books currently being serialized.

The total number of editors is 31.

On average, each person holds more than 20 books, and the workload is not large.

When Xiaoxing started Qidian, he had more than a hundred books currently being serialized, not to mention many authors who had completed or discontinued the series, which was countless.

The overall work pressure at Duoyu Company is not high.

It’s just that I was quite tired when I was finishing the manuscript.

Other times, I just take care of the more than 20 books in my hands and check my mailbox every day, and the day's workload is over.

Moreover, after the last screening, all the bastard authors have been eliminated.

What is left behind is basically written carefully.

Editors have more peace of mind. At least they don’t have to worry about someone suddenly causing a wave of trouble and blowing up their book.

At this time, the benefits of i7-class processor computers are revealed!

On each editor's computer, more than 20 browser windows were opened directly, and all the books under his hands were displayed!

When the time comes to check the website publishing fees, we immediately start refreshing the page collectively.

"Pah, pah, pah—"

The sound of neat mouse clicks came from the company.

The royalties are out!

The editors first checked the results of the 30 simulators serialized in Qidian.

This is their trump card!

Last month, thanks to Xiaoxing's precise deployment and the crazy efforts of the authors, the top ten in Qidian's just-released combat power list were all captured by their simulator.

The 4 weeks of site text messages were obtained from 4 simulator books.

Since this thing has just started to be implemented, readers are very curious. When they see an officially recommended "high-quality and explosive" article in their private messages, they naturally can't help but click on it and read it.

The effect is extremely significant!

It is simply comparable to the effect of a big push on the home page.

Not to mention that these books already have recommended spots arranged by Styx.

In short, last month, all the simulators achieved extremely high results through ranking list control, website recommendations, mutual promotion, and Inception!

This situation is actually a bit like what everyone says about wasting resources.

With this high exposure, 30 emulators achieved results that exceeded their own quality.

Of course, the first thing is that this book really keeps readers reading.

Otherwise, no matter how much exposure you get, you won’t be able to get up, and you may even be scolded.

"Tell me about the results and royalties of these 30 simulators in your hands!"

Meng Xingkong smiled broadly, knowing that this was the feeling of gain.

This batch of books is definitely going to be popular, now it’s up to us to see how much money we can make.

"Boss, the order for my book "Wu Dalang's Sims" has increased to 5,000, with 10,000 words updated every day, and the manuscript fee is as high as 50,000!"

"My Immortal Cultivation Simulator" has an average subscription price of just 3,000, but this author is the best. He has published an average of 14,000 words per day this month. He ranked first in the weekly rankings for combat power. He sent private messages to the whole site and received more than 40,000 royalties. ”

"My book"

This book, under perfect operation last month, has seen a significant increase in average subscriptions, and it has been constantly updated for a month, with daily updates of around 10,000. The royalties are really scary.

Only the last book remains.

This book is in Meng Xingkong's own hands.

""My Strategy Goddess Simulator" has finally exceeded 10,000 orders! It updates 300,000 words every month, and the main website manuscript fee is as high as 100,000! It has also been put on the WeChat channel, and the results are good. Last month, the manuscript fee was more than 30,000. At present, It’s still on the rise! My evaluation is just two words: Kill!”

This book is the best-selling book since Duoyu Company opened its doors nearly three months ago.

Step into Qidian readers’ XP work!

The contrasting goddess who is aloof but likes to be ordered, the lady who has a cool and elegant temperament, the childlike female schoolmaster, the soft and cute girl who is the king of games, and the pure lustful Internet celebrity goddess can be said to have brought the YY of Qidian male channel to the extreme. .

Coupled with the simulator, an artifact that brings out funny unfolding and pretentious face-slapping scenes that predict the future, it is combined with the detailed process of the goddesses being conquered.

If this book is not popular, God cannot tolerate it!

The only thing that limits the performance of this book is that many plots cannot be detailed.

And this extreme YY theme has actually become popular on WeChat. It seems that no matter where you are readers, ghs will never go out of style!

When all 30 simulator results were reported, Meng Xingkong looked excited.

He finally succeeded!

What he had not been able to accomplish before was finally accomplished in Duoyu Company under the leadership of Mr. Pu.

Suppressing his excitement, Meng Xingkong asked: "Xiaoxing, how is the new media article you submitted for Yuedu Novel?"

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