I really want to hit the street

Chapter 173 Extreme comeback, perfect recovery of costs! (Additional update, 20/135)

Chapter 173 Extreme comeback, perfect recovery of costs! (Additional update, 20135)

Xiaoxing smiled.

"Brother Meng, I just did a mental calculation on my mobile phone. The royalties for 30 simulator books last month were 980,000. After deducting the completed books and dividing them with the authors, our company will make about 400,000 yuan, right?"

Meng Xingkong did a little calculation and felt that he might not be able to calculate it accurately with a computer.

"Yes, the profit is about twice that of last month."

Little There are a lot of them. I just took a quick look. Sure enough, let’s talk about the performance of Yuedu Novel’s media channels.”

Each editor began to report.

"The manuscript fee for "The Best Urban Medical God" is 35,000."

"The manuscript fee for "My Perspective Life" is 10,000."

"The manuscript fee for "Rural Doctor Fairy" is 28,000."

"The manuscript fee for "The School Beauty's Personal Dog Licking" is 15,000 yuan!"

Meng Xingkong: "Hiss——"

Editors: "Hiss——"

Everyone took a breath of fresh green air from Duoyu Company.

The green plants in the entire company started to photosynthesize like crazy.

Xiaoxing smiled confidently.

"This is a new media channel!"

"Yuedu Novel still has resources. Our books were heavily promoted and started to take off immediately."

"The total manuscript fees from the new media channel are 1.12 million yuan. Because these are buyouts, and the authors don't know how their books are doing, they don't need to be divided. If we factor out our cost of 30 yuan per thousand words, we will make a net profit of 70 Ten thousand!"

"Brother Meng just summed it up in two words for the simulator, and I also summed up the new media channel Yuedu in two words: money in sacks!"

"Winning Ma!"

However, these books are currently the most profitable.

But the bulk is still on the other 700 books.

After all, the quantity is large, and if you earn less per copy, you are better than them.

The most important thing is to earn back the money you spent first and bring blood back to the company!

The first batch of more than 405 books were screened and all the money-losing books were thrown away. Last month, it was able to break even. This month, only 385 books are still being serialized.

However, the overall word count is increasing significantly, and the results are gradually improving. The new media articles of small websites have also begun to be settled. These books not only earned back the 3 million royalties issued last month, but also made a profit of 2.18 million yuan.

The second batch of 400 books are all customized. Last month, nearly 3 million yuan in royalties were paid out. However, these books were originally earned in vain. On average, each book earned the author 10 yuan per thousand words, and 3 million yuan was distributed, guaranteed. 4 million was recovered.

Since this batch of customized articles has only been launched for one month, it has not yet been fully developed. After the minimum guarantee of 4 million is recovered, some books can still make a little profit, with a slight profit of 500,000.

Meng Xingkong took all the editors and added up the royalties for last month and calculated them.

30 simulators 980,000 + Yuedu new media channels 1.12 million + 385 high-quality novels placed on various websites 5.18 million + customized articles 4.5 million =?

"11.78 million yuan!"

"Look, this is not a coincidence. I asked Assistant Qi that when our company first opened, Mr. Pu invested 11.5 million yuan. Mr. Pu asked us to spend all the money last month, and it turned out to be the best. Effect!"

"Help Mr. Pu perfectly recover the cost!"

"I can't help but tell Mr. Pu this good news. I really want to see the smile on Mr. Pu's face."

At this time, Xiaoxing stretched out her hand to interrupt Meng Xingkong: "Hey! Brother Meng, Mr. Pu always kept smiling and confident when he was throwing money to infect us. Last month, he sent out all the company's money without blinking an eye. , I even saw Mr. Pu himself laughing in the office!”

"Mr. Pu must have anticipated today's situation. Let me make a bold guess. Mr. Pu will be very calm after knowing the news, and will even take the opportunity to give us some advice so as not to get anxious."

Meng Xingkong chuckled.

"No matter what Mr. Pu says, it's fine as long as it can make money. Mr. Pu's three countermeasures are really high. It will make a huge comeback in three months!"

"One step counts as a hundred steps, Mr. Pu, what do you think!"

"By the way. Why isn't Mr. Pu here today? Do you want to make a call?"

"Mr. Pu has something going on at school these past two days. He said he won't be back until the day after tomorrow and will lead us to do something big."

"Hi~~ Big move, did you expect that the company will turn a profit today?"

"It must be true. Last month, Mr. Pu said that the 5th happened to be the day for publishing payment. Obviously, he wanted to reward everyone."

"How about we prepare some champagne, flowers, etc., to brighten the atmosphere when Mr. Pu comes the day after tomorrow."

"I think it's okay!"

The two of them, together with their assistant, prepared for the welcome ceremony.

Qi Fei was also shocked today.

She is Mr. Pu's assistant, so she naturally knows every strategy of the boss, as well as the things that the boss pays attention to and explains.

From the expenses of the past three months, she saw another bankrupt company on the rise.

In the three years since she started working in the industry and brought down five companies, she has never seen such a capable boss.

He echoes the bankrupt traits of nearly every boss before him.

Spend money without planning and spend excessively;

I fish for three days and dry the nets for two days, like a bastard;

He is greedy for pleasure and even brings company employees to have fun with him.

If nothing else happens, she will add another bankrupt company to her resume.

But this is not bad. At least the boss will not be arrested for debt disputes.

But what is commendable is that Mr. Pu has never had any airs, and in terms of the company's rules and regulations, it can be said to be a paradise for workers.

Overtime work is not encouraged. If you must work overtime, you must receive sufficient overtime pay. If someone does not receive it, he will be angry;

It provides employees with a sufficiently superior office environment. In the North Third Ring Road of Kyoto, where land is at a premium, they have a total of 40 employees and rented a large floor of 1,600 square meters. They have set up a large number of living and entertainment areas, and they are not just decorations. Use it casually, and employees will be unhappy if they don’t use it;

The office environment is extremely superior, with bartenders on hand to lead employees to taste various drinks every day, which is much better than the tea and tea outside;

There is also a gardener who makes the company green. When you enter the company every day, the air is fresher than the outside. This makes everyone safer and more environmentally friendly when they take a breath of cold air.

Finally, the salary paid by Mr. Pu is really high!

Whether it is a junior employee, operations manager, editor-in-chief, or her assistant to the president, the salary is about 1/3 higher than the salary in the industry.

And he is a very good person and would not want to do anything strange to himself.

Qi Fei was really reluctant to let the company go bankrupt, but there was no other way. According to Mr. Pu's operation, it would be a matter of time.

All she could do was to carry out Mr. Pu's mission well and see him off on his final journey.

Then everyone can get together and relax, and we can keep in touch in the future.

Then, Qi Fei was slapped in the face.

Mr. Pu spent all the money from Duoyu Company in 3 months, and then, like they had grown legs, they came back again!

I went out for a walk and came back to Duoyu Company again.

"It's simply amazing!"

"No wonder Mr. Pu always has a charming smile on his face every time he spends money. It turns out that it is a confident smile!"

"Am I going to lose my title as the Black Widow of Kyoto?"

"This is so worthy of celebration! I have long said that feudal superstition cannot be trusted!"

"I have to hurry up and arrange the celebrations."

Duoyu Company is very happy today and is waiting for a big surprise for Mr. Pu on the 5th the day after tomorrow!

Today’s 3rd update is 7,000 words.

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