I really want to hit the street

Chapter 189 The second chapter of the Twelve Heavenly Kings - Pu Ding (additional update, 26/135)

Chapter 189 The second chapter of the Twelve Heavenly Kings - Pu Ding (additional update, 26135)

An article titled "Twelve Heavenly Kings of Qidian in 2018" was not only sent to all authors of Qidian.

It has also been placed on the opening screen advertisement of the Qidian app and the bulletin board on the homepage of the Qidian website.

To all Qidian authors and readers, we present the 12 strongest new works by newcomers last year!

This is a grand occasion.

The ultimate honor for new Qidian authors!

(Newcomers here refer to authors who are not platinum, great, and have won the title of Twelve Heavenly Kings)

These 12 books also show the trend of Qidian last year. They are masterpieces that have passed the test of time, market and readers.

The gold content is very high!

At this moment, almost all old readers who had opened the Kaidian app saw this title and clicked in.

"The Twelve Heavenly Kings of 2018"

The number one person in the martial arts genre - Jian Nan: "The Great Knight of Nine Yins and Nine Yangs"

The King of Game Creativity—More Cowardly: "Wasteland Ring Game"

The most popular traditional fairy tale - Pu Dingliao: "Legend of the Stars"

The best-selling king in all channels - Pu Dingliao: "The Rogue Miracle Doctor"

After most people read it, they discovered something strange.

"This year's Twelve Heavenly Kings, there are actually only 11 people! Pu has written two books that were published by the Twelve Heavenly Kings at the same time!"

"Hiss—a person ascended to the throne of the Twelve Heavenly Kings with two books in the same year. Damn it! This is the first time I have seen Qidian in so many years!"

"Isn't Puding too powerful? I only saw that these two books were on the bestseller list for a long time, but I didn't expect that the two books were directly locked into the Twelve Heavenly Kings?"

"Isn't that ridiculous? A book as stupid as "The Rogue Doctor" can be published in the Twelve Heavenly Kings. It's a naked inside story!"

"Hey, the Twelve Heavenly Kings of Qidian are getting worse every year. One author actually has two books published. I've heard that Pu Ding is the editor's own account. Now it's real. Don't wash it. I won't wash it. use!"

"Are you stupid upstairs? There are no real rewards for the Twelve Heavenly Kings. If the editor puts himself up here, isn't he seeking death? Isn't it good to make a fortune in silence? Brains are a good thing, but it's a pity that you don't have one."

"The twelve heavenly kings who are more poisonous than the daily poison are here, and they are not as beautiful as the essays I wrote myself."

"Congratulations to the 11 people who have reached the top of the Twelve Heavenly Kings. I feel that one of the two books that Pu has designated can be used for one quota, and the other can be freed for other works. There are many excellent works that lack exposure, which leads to poor results. , editors, you can take a look at my book "Cang Tian Qing", I personally think it definitely exceeds the selection criteria of the Twelve Heavenly Kings (please collect it and pay attention to it!)"

"Yes, I've read half of these, and they are all very good. I'm going to read the book by Pu Dingju, who dominates the two heavenly kings."

Under this article, Qidian specially left a place for leaving messages, and all Qidian netizens were communicating crazily in it.

But in the end, this abnormal phenomenon attracted a lot of discussion among readers.

Some people think that Pu Ding's book is not worthy.

And knowledgeable authors all know how powerful Pu Ding’s two books are, especially “The Rogue Miracle Doctor”, which is a best-seller across all channels. If it weren’t for the fact that the word count was only 1.5 million, if he kept writing it, it would definitely still be on WeChat. No. 1 on the best-seller list for reading.

Not to mention "Legend of the Stars", a work with an average subscription price of 20,000 yuan, the full copyright was sold for 6 million yuan. This gold content is too high, even the black people can't move.

The most I can say is: "I personally don't like reading this kind of book."

Some people believe that Qidian’s evaluation this time is unfair and involves insider manipulation.

Of course, this group of readers will say this every year. As long as the books they like are not on the list, it is unfair. Of course, they will also say it if they are on the list. After all, they think the books they don’t like are garbage, and it is unfair if they are on the list. Insider.

Why do I have to be smart when commenting? No one will hit me along the Internet cable. I can say whatever I want.

There are also some who strongly support Pu Ding. Most of these are new readers who like to read Pu Ding’s novels.

In short, no matter how anyone evaluates it, the gold content of this Twelve Heavenly Kings is very high.

Most readers who don't like reviews will follow this list and take a look at these books.

Whether it looks good or not, you can only know if you see it yourself.

People in the comment section ask every day whether this book is good or not. Most of them don’t like to use their own brains and envy other people’s smart brains.

So, on that day, the sales of the twelve books that won the Twelve Heavenly Kings increased greatly!

Completed and unfinished books have all rushed to the top of the bestseller list.

After reading it, Pu Jie said: "."

He suddenly realized that something bad was about to happen.


In the afternoon, the collection of "Infinite Time and Space" began to increase steadily, and the comments also became popular.

"The second of the Twelve Heavenly Kings, awesome! Someone from Cang is here for a visit!"

"Congratulations to the boss, I am very happy, and I wish the new work a great sale!"

"Brother, how much does it cost to get a Twelve Heavenly King? Let's talk privately. I'm going to get one next year."

"How can you still be the Twelve Heavenly Kings at this level? You're not even worthy of carrying my shoes!"

"This book is so stupid that I can't understand it at all. Can you please write "Legend of the Stars 2"? I'll give you a reward of 100 yuan."

"The author of the novels that are pretentious, sensational, and full of devastation has become bloated. He made his fortune by writing small articles. Now he has begun to write things that others can't understand. Everyone, please leave and stop reading his books."

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't make blind judgments before you've finished reading. If you don't understand the front, read back. Follow the protagonist and the face of this world will be revealed. It's very interesting after reading it! I feel like the author should become a screenwriter. It will definitely produce good works.”

——Reply: "This "Resident Evil" is indeed suitable for making a movie. I think the plot is very interesting, but why are there foreigners in it? The author's gesture of kneeling and licking the West is so disgusting. I can still watch it if the Westerners are removed. I suggest the author Change it quickly.”

——Reply: "You are the only one who has many things to do. Whether you like to read it or not, you are not missing for such a good book!"

——Reply: "I you"

"It's so cool. It's so cool to travel between the worlds. The author will update it soon!!!"

"Fuck! The boss just figured out what "Resident Evil" is about, why the hell did you change the map??? It's so vicious! Farewell!"

——Reply: "Same feeling. The author would have done well writing Resident Evil, but now he has produced "Alien". He deserves to be thrown into the street."

——Reply: "Are you blind upstairs? He's the Twelve Heavenly Kings! You won't be able to make the same amount of money you make in a year in a lifetime. Don't you think it's so funny when you say they're jumping on the street?"

——Reply: "Fuck you, labor and management start a company on their own, and the profit is hundreds of millions a year. Although it may not be possible every year, the minimum is 100 million. Who am I to envy a stinky writer of novels?"

——Reply: "Before you comment next time, hide the 14-year-old and personalized signature that you filled in in your profile: 'If I hold the sword, I can't hug you, if I put down the sword, I can't protect you.'" I’m embarrassed for you!”

——Reply: "I use my son's account to read books, isn't that okay? How can you prove that I don't have my own company? You can't prove that I do. I just look down on those who write novels. It's so funny."

The comment section of "Infinite Time and Space" is different from the previous books.

A whole lot of mixed reviews.

Moreover, a group of people were busy arguing and making various noises.

But this time, no one from Long Kong came to the comment area. It is said that the person who posted the post about fighting Pu Ding to brush up his grades was found on WeChat ID, and then he made a female account to chat with him, and turned him into a coquettish person. After tricking him into the hotel, three big men fucked him hard.

There was a lot of blood, and the hemorrhoids were all gone.

The pictures were all posted on Longkong, and the atmosphere immediately became positive.

Many people have also realized that there may be a price to pay for oral pleasure.

Anyway, after this incident, the famous black men in Longkong no longer dared to come to Pu Ding's book review area to complain.

And Pujie did not delete the positive comments.

As a result, the book review area for "Infinite Time and Space" became a normal book review area, but the controversy over the plot was particularly large. Some people said it was good, and some people said it was bad, and there were all kinds of arguments in the comment area.

Pu Jie scratched his head, not sure whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

But the traffic of the Twelve Heavenly Kings has already arrived, so give a little bit to the new book. It was enough for him to skyrocket.

"Oh! Ignore the comments, just write more and put it on the shelves. By the way, the time it takes to change the map will drive readers away!"

Today, the editor-in-chief highly recommends it, with one more chapter and 12,000+ words. On the first day of the month, with full sincerity, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket, thank you! ! !

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