Monday, April 18, 6pm.

Zhang San.

Came out of the bureau again.

He would always come out at this time and go in again the next morning.

Zhang San called it: go to work.

Taking off his clothes and brand that symbolize his identity, Zhang San is just an ordinary citizen of Magic City.

He squeezed for a long time and took the first subway home.

If nothing else happens, he will transfer to the second subway in 40 minutes.

During this time, Zhang San is extremely cautious!

He has sat and stood twice.

All because of the novel by the same author!

Every time I would be fascinated by it, and then I would miss the opportunity to get off the station, causing me to go directly to the terminal.

Therefore, he must be vigilant in the first 50 minutes and will never touch any addictive novels.

Today, Zhang San fell in love with novels again.

However, he has absolute confidence that he will definitely not sit still!

He then read the new book "Infinite Time and Space" by Pu Dingliao, the one with the biggest stroke among the Twelve Heavenly Kings of Qidian.

Yes, it was the Pu Ding who made him sit and stand twice.

The title of Twelve Heavenly Kings is so famous!

Especially in the eyes of these real Qidian bookworms, it represents only three words - gold content!

Every year he reads the books of the Twelve Heavenly Kings.

However, he has already finished the two books that Pu has ordered, which is a lot of fun.

You don’t even have to think about it when watching it, just enjoy it.

Reading Pu Ding's book is a pleasure for a while and continues to be a pleasure.

After reading three of Pu Ding's books, his taste has slowly changed, and he has gradually become like Pu Ding's.

The shape, hardness, and size of other people are not as suitable as Pu Ding's.

Either the writing is a bit boring, or the plot is too concise and focused on logic and is not interesting enough. Books that have both are not as updated as Pu Ding.

He couldn't read 10,000 words a day, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

Fortunately, Pu decided to open a new book.

Zhang San can happily chase books again, and he will never miss a beat while chasing books!

Pu decided on 10,000 words, which he could read within 10 minutes.

He is now only 50,000 words away from the latest chapter, which theoretically should take less than 50 minutes. After he reads it, he has enough time to wait for himself to arrive at the station and get off the bus.

"I got off the car after reading the last 50,000 words, perfect!"

Zhang San had a sweet smile on his face and praised himself for arranging his time reasonably.

Check it out!

Zhang San followed the plot of Resident Evil.

When I opened it this time, there were many more chapter reviews than last time. Everyone was discussing some details of the world, trying to analyze the space and location of the story, as well as the development logic of the plot.

Zhang San nodded disdainfully.

"A bunch of idiots, I can understand this world view in minutes. When I finish reading it, I will teach you what high-quality readers are!"

Zhang San felt that this book was different from Pu Ding's previous books.

Although the writing style is simple, the content is very solid and contains a huge amount of information. He has to read each chapter carefully for fear of missing some details and making it difficult to understand later.

Compared to the current situation of the protagonist, he is more concerned about the background of this world.

Who created zombies, crawlers, and intelligent AI?

Is the umbrella company mentioned in the article a bad company or a good company?

Can this group of people complete their mission and return alive?

Who will die among the protagonist Zheng Tuo, the new people who traveled through time together, and the only veteran Rong Hao? Who can successfully return to the so-called main god space?

There are so many elements to this book!

Zhang San felt that it was a brain-burning feeling. As an old bookworm, he did not reject it. Instead, he was excited to witness the birth of a new world view with the author!

Next chapter.

[Return to the main god space]

Zhang San: "Hey! Only 4 people came back alive! Everyone else died. It's such a scary world. If normal people were surrounded by zombies, they would be frightened to death, right? The protagonist should really learn the Star Refining from Qin Feng. First, practice the external power to make the zombies unable to bite the skin, then use the internal power to control the sword with Qi, directly cutting the crawlers! Finally, use their skin and bones to refine elixirs and formations."

Qin Feng in "Legend of the Stars" has a set of self-created star exercises that are still very popular among people.

Thinking of this, Zhang San became very interested!

He remembered that the protagonist personally obtained 3,000 points and a C-level card by triggering an event in the world of "Resident Evil".

The basic reward for passing a world is only 1,000 points.

In other words, the protagonist Zheng Tuo has experienced this world, and is rewarded with points that are equivalent to other people's normal experience of 3 worlds. There is also a mysterious C-level card, which looks very powerful. According to veteran Rong Hao, this card is in It is only needed when exchanging high-level items from the Lord God.

Especially some bloodlines!

A kind of blood can be directly injected into the bodies of time and space shuttlers, and then the overall physical fitness can be improved, and the special abilities of the blood can be obtained at the same time.

The price is cheaper than improving a certain physical quality alone.

Mainly the comprehensive increase and special abilities.

Zhang San is very much looking forward to the protagonist Zheng Tuo being able to redeem Qin Feng's immortality constitution and star training method from the previous book from the Lord God, so as to embark on the road to immortality.

"This wave of fantasy linkage is really awesome! Hahahaha!"

Zhang San wrote his own thoughts into this chapter and laughed wildly.

I feel like I have such a genius idea. The author will definitely be impressed when he sees it, and he might just adopt it.

at this time

The passengers on the high-speed train looked at Zhang San who was wearing headphones and laughing wildly, with a fierce look on his face that was not easy to provoke, and silently stayed away from him.

I always feel that sooner or later this person will do something and be imprisoned.

Zhang San didn't notice it at all. He looked back a page and suddenly realized.

"It's broken! The author has been writing it for several days, and he must have chosen the exercises! Damn! If I had known earlier, I should have read it, and then let the author see the readers' thoughts through comments. If I was not sure, I would use it. , isn’t it popular to crowdfund books now?”

"Damn it! It's too late for the author to change it now."

Zhang San continued to look back.

Zheng Tuo consulted many things with the Lord God and gained a basic understanding of this space.

These time travellers, by being dropped into various worlds to complete tasks, can earn points and cards of different levels, and then when they return here, they can redeem them for almost anything they can think of!

Even Gundams, spaceships, mechanical exoskeletons, etc. that have appeared in movies.

There are even some god-level bloodlines, the most powerful god's bloodline. After redeeming it, you can master the power of thunder. You can fly across the entire earth alone, and you will also be given a hammer forged from a whole star, which has supreme power. Divine power, very abnormal!

"The description is impressive. With this physique, the Umbrella Company is considered a fool! Destroy the underground laboratory with one hammer, and then penetrate their headquarters with another hammer!"

Zhang San posted his own comments on various novel things.

And read the various opinions of other readers.

"This bloodline of God should have the attribute of 'giant strength'. I am afraid it can punch through the continental plate with one punch. Otherwise, how can I lift a hammer made of a star?"

"Wait a minute! If he brings this hammer to Blue Star, will it mean that the sun is hitting it? Which continent can withstand the weight of a star? It will sink directly to the earth's crust!"

"This bloodline is great! I strongly recommend that the author let the protagonist have this immediately, and then return to the world of "Resident Evil" to kill those crawlers!"

"Are you crazy upstairs? You've become a god just after 100,000 words in the game? Then it's just a Gou Ba. If you don't understand, don't be silly. I think it would be good if the protagonist can exchange for a junior werewolf."

Everyone enjoys reading this kind of rewarding chapter.

Very cool!

The feeling of surviving a disaster makes all the readers who read this, like the protagonist, feel relieved, looking forward to the protagonist becoming stronger and then going back to tyrannize the creatures that threaten him.

Zhang San happily watched the discussions among netizens, and then left a sentence: "The comments are more interesting than the book!"

At this time, he was a little glad that he had watched it relatively late, otherwise how could he appreciate so many masters' dirty talk?

A bunch of analysis freaks.

He still wanted the protagonist to redeem Qin Feng's skills.

Then, the next chapter.

Zheng Tuo finally made up his mind and exchanged among the many bloodlines for something called "Spider-Man Gene Mutation Bloodline".

Comprehensively increase six aspects of intelligence, mental strength, cell activity, nerve response speed, muscle tissue strength, and immune strength.

Among them, this bloodline has greatly increased the nerve response speed, muscle tissue strength, and immunity in three directions.

And it can shoot extremely tough spider silk, which can carry tons of weight, which is very powerful!

It cost Zheng Tuo 2,000 points and 1 C-level card.

After redeeming the Spider-Man bloodline, he had 2,000 points left, which he could exchange for some good things.

Zhang San thinks this bloodline is a bit interesting.

"Spider-Man? What? A bloodline with mutations in spider genes. According to the author, this bloodline has appeared in a certain movie?"

He opened Baidu and searched, and found that there was no character "Spider-Man" and no related movies.

Instead, I found a bunch of photos of giant spiders that made people feel numb.

Everyone was shocked.

"Damn! It's original again? Pu Ding's imagination is great, there are so many new and good things, I love it! Spider-Man's gene mutation lineage is well chosen, I can barely give you a passing grade."

Zhang San commented while reading, as if he was creating the world with the author and enjoyed it.


"The court at the terminal of Line 1 in Shanghai has arrived. Passengers, please prepare to get off the train. Welcome to take Line 1."

The announcement at the subway station rang, and Zhang San's body stiffened suddenly.

As if aware of something.

He slowly raised his head and saw the words "Terminal - Court" on the carriage screen.

"Fuck! FUCK!"

"Why is the subway so fast?"

"Fuck this book review!"

When he arrived at the terminal, he hadn't even finished the 50,000-word chapter!

Just read the comments and chat.

Pu Ding’s book carries the power of the Twelve Heavenly Kings and is highly exposed!

Four consecutive recommendations attracted a large number of readers, so there were particularly many early readers and they chatted a lot.

Moreover, there is so much to talk about in the content, and everyone can’t help but speculate, decipher, and imagine various plots.

Zhang San spent longer in the comments than reading the book!

Reluctantly, I walked to the other side of the platform and prepared to take another train back.

At this time, he glanced at the comment section of the book.

Many people said they couldn't understand the first world and were really advised to quit.

Zhang San was immediately unhappy!

"How can you stop reading such a good book if you can't understand a sentence? You can understand the face of the world by connecting the previous and later plots and doing a little reasoning. How lazy! Today's readers are really too lazy to use their brains!"

Thinking of this, Zhang San had an idea.

Others are too lazy to use their brains, but he is not lazy!

He has almost guessed the story of "Resident Evil" through the comments of various readers and his own understanding.

"Why don't I just give the newcomers some science knowledge so that they can get started and understand it? Wouldn't that be a big help to the author?"

He was so happy to do it!

It’s hard to come across such an interesting book, so help me quickly. Otherwise, the loss of readers will be too serious and Pu Ding will cut off the book. What should I do?

He also wants to see the protagonist use the Spider-Man bloodline to kill people in the second world!

Just do it if you think of it.

Zhang San posted in the comment area: "Details of the background of the Resident Evil world (a must-read for newcomers!)"

"The World: One day in the future, it may also be what is happening now in some other country."

"Background: A foreign company called Umbrella secretly researched something called the 'T virus' and established an underground base called \u003cThe Hive\u003e underground in Raccoon City. Someone took notice of this thing and wanted to steal it." The T-virus was sold, but a bottle was broken for some reason, causing the entire base to be infected and turned into zombies. The Umbrella Company discovered the anomalies in the Hive and sent a task force. Come here to see what happened. The story begins here. The world the protagonists enter at this point in time.”

"Special Monster - Zombie: A kind of living dead that is infected by the T virus. It has extremely high vitality and can keep moving without being headshot. Once people are bitten or scratched by them, they will be infected. Even Immediately become a living dead like them."


"Main Characters of the Resident Evil World:"

"Main Characters of Time Traveler:"

One post describes the story of the entire "Resident Evil" world in detail. After reading it, you will basically understand what the background is.

Zhang San looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

"Hehe~ It's like I wrote a movie script, it's so detailed!"

"If new people come to read it now, they will definitely be able to understand it."

"By the way, once Aite is settled, let him add some finesse and put it at the top, and he will be able to leave a lot of readers who can't understand the plot. When the time comes, he will definitely get better because of me, a high-quality reader who understands him. He is so happy that he might even invite me to be his operations officer!”

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Just when Zhang San was laughing wildly.


A subway drove away in front of him.

Zhang San's body seemed to have been pressed on a certain switch. He suddenly froze, his face turned red, and his body trembled slightly.


Then he stamped his feet hard and shouted angrily.

"Fuck, rush, rush, rush!"

(○д): "What the hell are you coming back! I didn't see anyone! I didn't even know how to honk the horn!"

"Fuck! Fuck you!"

Zhang San chased the subway and showed his middle finger.

The body shape gradually becomes messy in the wind.

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