Chapter 191 "Zombie" original painting (additional update, 27135)


Male, 28 years old.

Is an independent original artist.

He is also a senior novel fan and a loyal senior VIP user of Qidian.

He usually takes orders on the Mihuashi app, and is good at Cthulhu's weird and scary dark style.

Technically superb.

However, the market demand for this type of original paintings is not high, especially in the mobile game market where a large number of original paintings are needed. They all adopt a fresh and cute style, and almost no one customizes weird and dark original paintings.

PC games and private customization are better.

There are not many orders that Waldehao can take. So when there is no work, it is just bad money to take a few cheap and easy to fool Q-version original paintings and illustrations.

Or just take a rest and read your favorite novel.

He only reads suspense novels.

In his words, many books in this category gave him endless imagination and allowed him to draw various paintings that exceeded his own abilities.

"Thanks to the online articles for giving wings to my imagination."

Enjoying the process of reading online articles and accumulating materials at the same time can be said to be twice as happy.

Today, Hua Dehao got up and took a look at the Mihuashi platform. There was no order.

Just start opening the Kaidian Reading app and start having fun!

He was very angry when he read a Cthulhu-style book called "The Old Gods of Gotham" a few days ago.

Although the writing was average, the smell of Cthulhu was very strong, which inspired him very much.

He has designed 2 original images.

Apply to join the author group of "Old Gods of Gotham" and ask the author directly why he doesn't update.

Then he was kicked out by the author.

Waldhow: "."

"Damn it!"

"The pigeon spirit has yet to be told!"

"You will be super doubled when you buy groceries!"

After cursing for a long time, Hua Dehao had no choice but to look for new books in the suspense category of Qidian.

Then I saw "Infinite Time and Space" on this week's recommendation.

Before clicking in, he browsed the comments section.

I found a post called "Details of the background of the Resident Evil world (a must-read for newcomers!)" and it was highly liked.

"Oh? A must-read for newcomers? I wouldn't be able to read the book if I didn't read your post? It's so funny!"

Then he looked at it.

After reading it.

"Huh? Original plot, original creatures, quite interesting."

He saw several of the creatures described in the post and became interested.

Especially the thing called "zombie" has a magical power that attracts him.

"Read the book first."

In order to create good works, he needs to combine the context and then incorporate emotions into his creations.

Time flies.

Because I read the brief world background in advance, Hua Dehao felt no pressure to read. Except for the occasional difficulty in recognizing so many people, it was still very comfortable to read.

The more I looked at him, the more interesting he became.

Not only is the plot interesting, the world view and monsters are also interesting!

In particular, the author has vividly described the appearance of a zombie in words.

"The face was covered with thick blood, and there was a big mouth that was almost stretched to the back of the cheek. There was a small piece of uneaten intestine hanging on the teeth that were sticking out in the mouth, and there were still a few drops of blood dripping from the intestine. When he came down, the white vest was already covered with blood, and only the original white color of the shoulder straps could be seen. He stood up slowly, growling like phlegm stuck in his throat, and stared with gray eyes like the belly of a dead fish. Zheng Tuo and the others stretched out their hands stained red with blood and staggered toward them. "

A feeling of oppression coming over my face.

"This paragraph of text reflects the author's writing skills. People who don't know it would think that he has actually seen such things as zombies."


After reading the story of the world of Resident Evil, Waldhow was still unsatisfied.

"Zheng Tuo and the others have completed their mission and left. The story of the world continues. I really don't know if the people in that world can prevent the spread of the T virus. The zombies are so scary, and there are also crawlers and lickers!"

These creatures are carefully described in the book.

Waldorf's DNA moved.

He couldn't resist drawing these monsters!

Pick up your drawing board and start working directly.

That night, a fan art called "Zombie" appeared in the comment area of ​​"Infinite Time and Space".

Readers who visited the comment section were shocked!

"Holy shit! Someone actually drew a zombie? It's so disgusting. He stared at his big gray eyes, bared his teeth and tried to reach out to catch me."

"So these are zombies. Good guy, this is where the sense of substitution comes from!"

"It's absolutely amazing. It looks exactly like the zombie I imagined. The boss is so awesome. I wonder if you can add me as a QQ friend and teach me how to draw?"

"This painting is very oppressive! When I think of thousands of these things coming out, my scalp goes numb."

"This class of book friends is so talented. There are people who organize world backgrounds and storylines and character lines. There are people here who provide illustrations. The next step is for one of the wealthy book friends to directly make a movie? Hahaha! "

"Damn it! I didn't finish reading it the first time and was about to delete the book. After seeing the world background and this picture, I feel like I can understand the "Resident Evil" world in the book. Read and read!"

For a while, readers spontaneously pushed this "Zombie" fan art and "Details of the World Background of Resident Evil (Must Read for Newcomers!)" to the top, so that new readers can see it as soon as they come.

This greatly alleviated the effect of discouraging people from reading at the beginning.

A spark can start a prairie fire.

After the two people took the lead, many people began to create in the comment area!

They showed their artistic cells.

They supplemented the story of Resident Evil and drew some famous scenes in it. The comment area was very lively!

Hua Dehao was very satisfied with his "Zombie" work. This is a new type of monster. The human form plus the terrifying state make people feel more terrifying.

"Uncanny Valley Effect!"

It means that when a thing is very similar to a natural, living person, but not completely similar, it will make people feel disgusted and disgusted, feel that this thing is very scary, and their good impression of it will fall to the bottom.

Zombies are such a thing!

He has a human body, but blood is flowing from the corners of his mouth, pus is flowing all over his body, and rotten flesh is turning up.

This makes people feel very scary.

He only discovered this after he drew it.

"Very interesting stuff. I really look forward to the movie "Resident Evil"."

"Wait until tomorrow to draw a creeper."

The name of Pu Dingle, the Twelve Heavenly Kings of Qidian, has spread to all circles.

Not only in the Qidian reader circle and author circle.

The author circle of other sites also knows this news.

Becoming a god is in Qidian!

What does it mean to become a god? The Twelve Heavenly Kings are it!

Pu Dingle has successfully proved his way, making the authors outside envious.

Even though they make a lot of money, many people have channel hits, and even authors with a monthly income of one million envy Pu Dingle's status as the Twelve Heavenly Kings of Qidian.

The gold content is too high!

This thing can be boasted for a lifetime.

In a year, Qidian selects the 12 most representative books from its huge library and awards them to the Twelve Heavenly Kings.

Prove that you are the king of the year!

And Pu Dingle is the king of kings!

One dragon and two phoenixes! Two flowers bloom!

The limelight is unparalleled.

The major studios that are paying attention to the copyright market of Qidian are naturally watching.

Pu Dingle's "Legend of the Stars" was bought by Dasheng Company, and the TV rights of the other two novels were also sold.

There is nothing valuable left.

You can't turn "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" and "Rural Rogue Divine Doctor" into animations or games, right?

That's too stupid.

Then, they found that when Pu Dingle obtained the Twelve Heavenly Kings, he started a new book!

"Infinite Time and Space"

It sounds like a work that can be adapted.

Therefore, major film and television companies have set their sights on Pu Dingle's new work. If the quality is good, they want to buy out the copyright in advance before the price increases.

This is also a gamble.

Bet that Pu Dingle's subsequent works will be of good quality, and bet that this book will be a big hit.

If you win the bet, you will make a lot of money, and buy the copyright of a popular book at a low price.

If you lose the bet, you can only admit that you are unlucky, make a low-cost online drama to make a wave of money, and then make a big movie to make a wave of money, and then throw this IP away.

Will Pu Dingle's book flop?

Qidian doesn't think so, and neither do major film and television companies.

They are very optimistic about this author.

And the content of Pu Dingle's new book is really good!

No matter what readers say, what the online literary circle says, they are doing film and television adaptations. Just praise it!

The old screenwriters supported by their own company can see at a glance that the world called "Resident Evil" in the first volume has great potential!

Dasheng Company.

The 35-year-old bald male screenwriter touched the source of his wisdom and said with a sigh of relief.

"Good script! This script is more valuable than his entire book. Even Pu Dingle, who writes simple articles, can show the sense of picture in this story. Especially the species of 'zombies' he designed is very interesting. They are born to be used for movies!"

"This world of Resident Evil, find someone to complete the script and then shoot it. It has the potential to be a big hit!"

"My suggestion is to buy it!"

After listening to the analysis of the professional screenwriter, the copyright manager of Dasheng Company had a plan in mind.

"Then let's buy it! Don't worry about what world he creates later. At least it's not a loss to buy the first world."

He called the landline of Qidian Copyright Department.

"The number you dialed is in use."

He called several times in a row, and the prompt tone was the same.

He felt a little uneasy.

He found an acquaintance on WeChat and asked about the situation.

The other person's answer was just three words: "Too many, they are all in discussion."

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