I really want to hit the street

Chapter 192 A collective backstab from the Internet and Literature Department (additional update, 28

Chapter 192 A collective backstab from the Internet and Literature Department (Additional update, 28135)

What is the concept of selling the copyright of an online novel with 150,000 words?

It’s so explosive!

This scared the copyright department of Qidian.

It’s not like they have never sold works with a small number of words, but they are usually realistic short stories, which can be completed in more than 100,000 words.

For a book like Pu Dingluo, which is obviously a long one, the plot has just begun and someone is asking about the copyright. This is too exaggerated!

Every discerning film and television company wants to spend a small amount of money to pick up the leaks.

When buying movie and TV series rights, I would only pay 1 or 2 million.

Qidian Copyright Department is not stupid. If a company asked them if they were sure, they would be interested. Now that so many companies are asking, they are not in a hurry.

If the book is good, don’t worry about selling it!

It's a seller's market.

This is the most comfortable time for the Qidian Copyright Department. It is so cool to go around selling the copyright of Qidian books without having to ask grandpa or grandma.

You can make money just by lying down.

The news soon reached Styx's ears.

As the editor-in-chief of Puding, he also has a certain say.

Pu has decided how long the book will be, whether the rest of the world will be original, how many words he plans to write in this book, and whether he is prepared to sell it.

Although Styx is not clear.

But he made a decision for Pu and rejected these companies who wanted to pick up the leaks!

"Pu Ding's new book has a big plot, and it definitely goes beyond "Resident Evil". I can find out without even calling him! If I can't even figure it out, it's for nothing that I've been working with Xiaoxing for so long. Colleagues.”

"The previous book "Legend of the Stars" sold for 6 million. This one has the potential to be a big hit in the future. How can it be sold for 2 million?"

"Reject them all!"

Minghe rejected these copyrights on behalf of Pu Ding, and just wanted to ask him to express his gratitude.

But then I thought about it. It was inappropriate.

He began to recall the way Xiaoxing and Pu Ding got along with each other.

"Looking for a close friend in the mountains and rivers, he can guess it even if I don't tell you!"

"Yes, this is the best way to get along with Pu Ding. If you are too utilitarian, you will be disliked."

"Pu will definitely not be afraid of the editor's pretentiousness after he has made a decision. Last time I told him to arrange the best recommendation possible, but he ignored me. In the future, I will have to arrange the big recommendation directly to satisfy him!"

I looked at the time and saw that today was Tuesday.

At present, "Infinite Time and Space" is being recommended by Qidian, and coupled with Qidian's Twelve Heavenly Kings building momentum, the data has been rising.

In just 3 days, it has already reached 30,000 collections!

It's terrifying!

This is definitely the kind of appeal that only front-line greats can have.

"Sure enough, Pu Ding deliberately published the book at this time just to use his status as the Double Heavenly King to attract traffic to the new book!"

"He succeeded."

"Next week, when the heat subsides, I will give him a big promotion for his new book and take off straight away!"

"By the way, according to Pu Ding's habit, it must be on the shelves next week. Everything is arranged just right. Xiaoxing is gone, and you still have me."

At this time, a notification came from qq.

"Di~ Pu Ding has agreed to add friends and is classified in the group of 'big guys who want to be licked'."

Styx was delighted.

"Sure enough! He is very satisfied with my arrangement and finally approves of me~"

Pu Jie has been in a bad mood these past two days.

The time when Qidian's Twelve Heavenly Kings were released completely disrupted his rhythm.

This thing is too exaggerated!

Hang it in the most conspicuous place on the starting point for a whole week.

Sales of his two older books have recently taken off again.

New books are also flying around

"Why did you arrive at this time to publish the book? It's bad luck!"

If Pu Jie had opened the book two weeks later, he would have been able to avoid this wave of traffic.

"Hey, there's no one inside Qidian. They didn't give me a break in advance. It's true."

Then, Pu Jie opened his QQ and found that "Styx" applied to add his QQ friend once a week.

After being stunned for a moment, it seemed that Styx had called several times before, and he hung up after saying a few perfunctory words.

"Ah! Is it my own fault?"

So, he easily agreed to Styx’s friend application.

At the same time, I feel a little more relaxed. I am better than Xiaoxing anyway. At least I will tell myself before recommending it.

I was warned before the book started.

Unlike Xiaoxing, she always surprises him after waiting.

"After all, I am the editor-in-chief, so I will definitely be aloof. If I don't take the initiative to recommend it, I probably won't get much attention after it is put on the shelves. I can just be a transparent person silently."

"By the way, it will be on the shelves this Friday."

He said something to Styx, who responded instantly.

Editor-in-Chief Styx: “Don’t worry, I’ve arranged everything!”

Pu decided: "That's good!"

Look at the editor-in-chief!

A ruthless person who doesn't talk much, and will arrange things as soon as they are put on the shelves. Unlike Xiaoxing, who wants to be put on the shelves but will not be allowed to be put on the shelves. He insists on going through several rounds of recommendations, and finally relies on his own threats to obey.

Compare the two and make a judgment!

"The new book finally has some good news."

Pu Jie looked at his 30,000 yuan collection with a toothache on his face.

Now he could only hope that these people were pushed here to watch the fun by Qidian's splash screen advertisement and had no intention of subscribing.

But it's obviously unlikely.

"But I have already changed the map. When it is put on the shelves, I will end this map to give readers an opportunity to change the map again and directly persuade them to quit."

Pujie kept in mind the teachings of the God of Peace.

Cover the entire book with poisonous spots.

However, although the initial collection of this book was large, with the experience of "Legend of the Stars", Pu Jie knew that it would not matter if there were more subscriptions for this kind of book. He went through a lot of crazy operations on this one, and it could not exceed the previous one 2 Wan Jun ordered the results, right?

You can get a subsidy for every order worth RMB 20,000.

The subsidy amount for this book has been increased by 600,000, which is obviously easy to get.

As long as the copyright cannot be sold, it will be fine.

Pu Jie is obviously not worried about copyright issues. The world view in his book is too messy and complex, and there is only a small plot in each world, so it is impossible to film it!

Thinking of this, Pu Jie felt better.

"Go to the company, relax, see how their compensation is going, and make me feel happy."

Pu Jie walked towards the company with great interest.

Multifish Company.

Niu Zi has replaced Meng Xingkong and become the head of operations of the online literature department, partnering with editor-in-chief Xiaoxing.

The two are jointly responsible for the literary department of Duoyu.com.

Niu Zi was a little nervous at first, thinking that his ability was not enough to hold this position.

But Xiaoxing said directly: "Are you doubting Mr. Pu's vision of people?"

"You can not believe in yourself, but you can't not believe in Mr. Pu!"

Niu Zi thinks Xiaoxing is right!

In addition to being able to eat, I must have some other advantages that Mr. Pu took notice of.

Otherwise, Mr. Pu chose him so decisively at that time.

It couldn't be because others were working at that time and you were secretly eating the cake, right?

It can't be said to be stealing, after all, everyone can enjoy the company benefits.

He just happened to eat more and was seen.

So, these days, while Niu Zi is maintaining work in the Internet Literature Department, he is trying to think about his own shining points.

I want to find out why I was chosen by Mr. Pu.

Xiaoxing said it was the right thing to do!

"Perhaps, this is the first test Mr. Pu gives you! Can you understand yourself?"

Niu Zi thought about it for a week.

Today, seeing Mr. Pu ascending to the throne of the Twelve Heavenly Kings and his collection of new books rising steadily, he finally has a clue!

"Mr. Pu recently started a new book, so he definitely doesn't have much time to manage the company's affairs. Brother Meng has experience and ability, and he will definitely be able to lead the audio reading department. Mr. Pu is very relieved."

"As for the game adaptation department, Mr. Pu's good brother and talented designer Manager Liu is in charge, so there will naturally be no problems."

"Then the only problem is. In the Internet and Literature Department, what does Mr. Pu need? Someone like Brother Meng and Manager Liu who can take the initiative to do things without him asking me to do it. So although Mr. Pu didn't tell me what to do, , but I hope I can find things to do on my own and don’t let him talk to me all the time!”

"And my greatest advantage is that I have guessed Mr. Pu's true thoughts many times. I am the only one who can keep up with Editor Xiaoxing in analyzing Mr. Pu's ideas."

"Even occasionally I can analyze some new things that even little editors can't see."

My thoughts became clear instantly.

What Mr. Pu needs is someone in charge who understands his true intentions. Even if he doesn't say anything, he will do it himself.

"Let me think about what Mr. Pu said when he came here last time."

“If we say we won’t allow the online writing business to expand any further, these authors will be enough for now.”

"Hiss - I understand! Mr. Pu's thoughts are hidden in these two sentences!"

"This sentence list doesn't seem to be any different, but it has to be linked to the historical background of Duoyu Company. What have we done before that would make Mr. Pu say such a thing?"

"Our company has turned a profit and officially entered the profit stage!"

"Mr. Pu said this now, doesn't he want to make more money? Haha~ As long as you are not a fool, you will not ask such a question, so what Mr. Pu actually means is..."

"The business focus of the online literature department has changed! Now we no longer blindly pursue quantity, but should serve these current authors well and cultivate authors who can write hits, just like those 30 simulators!"

"Moreover, Mr. Pu also has another meaning, that is, we need to establish a system to manage these current authors, give them a better creative environment and higher goals, and write down the books currently in hand, and do not finish them easily. Make money for the company all the time.”

"So Duoyu Company's author grading system, welfare distribution, increase in buyout price, and offline training are all on the agenda!"

He told editor Xiaoxing his thoughts.

Xiaoxing was silent for a long time, adjusted her black-rimmed glasses, and left a sentence.

"I probably understand why Mr. Pu chose you. You really understand Mr. Pu's thoughts better than Brother Meng! That's what Mr. Pu thinks!"

The two reached a consensus!

Speaking of simulators, Niu Zi suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Mr. Pu's new book has just been released and it definitely needs help. Although he didn't say it, I have to think about it in advance. This is why Mr. Pu chose me."

"All the books published by Duoyu Company in Qidian will be recommended to Mr. Pu immediately for a single chapter of "Infinite Time and Space"!"

As a result, 30 simulators and a dozen other books opened individual chapters one after another and promoted Mr. Pu's new book in their own words.

After doing all this, Niu Zi felt that he was worthy of Mr. Pu's promotion.

"This wave, at least give Mr. Pu a few thousand more collections, right?"

at this time.

The company's door opened, and Liu Jiannan's iconic voice appeared.

"Hello, Mr. Pu!"

Today is another day of updating 10,000 words! Asking for a monthly ticket!

Recommend a friend's book: "Legend of Hot Blood: The Invisibility Ring at the Beginning"

The protagonist carries the legendary game through the world of martial arts and immortality, enters the game to fight monsters and practice, and becomes invincible.

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